Su Jiuli returned to his room, looked at the huge bed and sighed. Did he and his fluffy family sleep in a separate room?

But it doesn't matter, Da Bai is next door. He can wait until midnight to sneak up on his bed, just like before in the palace and the legion.

When he came out of the bathroom covered with water vapor, he lay on the bed, counting the time with his fingers, while thinking about his fluffy house. Later, I thought of Su Yan, should he be asleep?

At this time, Su Yan was also lying on the bed, looking straight at the ceiling. There was nothing in his eyes, and it took a long time to gradually return to his senses.

He got up suddenly, took off his bathrobe, and looked at the tail of his spine. Before long, tails gradually grew there one after another, one two three... six seven eight...

Su Yan's eyes suddenly changed slightly, her peachy eyes became complex and dull, after taking a deep breath, she looked at her spine intently.

Eight tails had grown there, and then there was movement at the roots, and a little tail tip gradually emerged, as if deliberately to let oneself see clearly, a tail grew very slowly again.

The tail was silvery white and fluffy, glowing silver under the light.

It's the ninth tail!

Su Yan seemed to be a little moved. He raised his hand and approached a little bit as if he were treating a treasure that was extremely precious, touched it very lightly and lightly, and then retracted it like lightning.

After he retracted his hand, he stared at the tail blankly, his eyes gradually softening, as if he was looking at a lover.

He didn't move his hand, but his other eight tails followed his heart, enclosing them, and entangled them one by one.

After seeing the tail surrounded, the corners of his mouth finally rose slightly, and a smile appeared.

He just watched quietly, and finally touched the silver tail lightly, turning his head to look at a nearby wall.

Jiuli, is he asleep yet?

The room was arranged by him, and Jiuli was next door to him. Just like the two people's Dongfu back then, they are connected next door.

When I was young, I didn't understand my feelings for him, so I had to subconsciously be the closest to him even when I was looking for a cave mansion. He also secretly opened up the two men's cave and accidentally opened a big hole in Jiuli's nest. He still remembered Jiuli’s anger at that time. The small one was blown into a ball, and the two of them fought in the cave in the shape of a beast. It was neither light nor heavy. As a result, the cave collapsed and two were destroyed. Buried in it, in the end, I had to dig it out together.

After the fight, they dug a hole together, and they reconciled when they came out. Finally, they went all over the mountain to catch pheasants and had a round belly. However, for the last chicken leg, they fought again. It was so noisy, until he grew a third tail.

Su Yan stretched out her hand to cover her eyes, now thinking about it, that period of youth was the happiest time for him.

The next door Jiuli also thought about it for some reason. He thought that Su Yan was in a bad mood, so he got up and went to the kitchen of the aircraft.

After a long time, Su Yan heard someone knock on the door. He opened the door and saw that there was no one outside, but with a keen sense of smell, he could smell the fragrance, and there was a very slight smell of vegetation.

It's Jiuli, he's been here. It's just that others have left again.

Su Yan glanced around, no one was seen, his eyes were a little disappointed. Withdrawing his sight, Yu Guang saw a food box underground.

He picked it up and opened it to see that there was a whole food container of chicken drumsticks inside. A note fell off, and he picked it up and took a look.

[Give you all the chicken legs, give me a smile? 】

Looking at the font of Long Feifengwu, especially the arrogant man, he could imagine Jiu Li's small expression in these words. Yan's heart was hot, but the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

Su Jiuli was relieved when he saw the video that was quietly letting Huobao monitor him back, and saw that Su Yan smiled.

At this time, he can finally rest assured.

Su Jiuli sniffed the oily smoke on his body, and the bath just now was for nothing.

When Su Yan closed the door, Su Jiuli thought for a while, and suddenly the fox eyes became shiny. It was too far from his room, so he still borrowed a bathroom from Dabai's room.

It was obvious that their room was a few meters away, but Su Jiuli knocked on the fluffy door of his house.

The next day, Su Jiuli and his group came to the vicinity of the location where the coordinates were located, which was already late at night.

After Su Yan yesterday, the whole person seems to have returned to normal, and their way of getting along has returned to the way it was before.

When they were getting along, Lin Yu and the others were worried again. However, after a long time, they discovered that this tycoon of the Federation really didn't care about Su Jiuli's offense, and the two of them even grabbed things to eat while eating.

They are getting used to it gradually.

After arriving near the destination, they also focused on the coordinate planet.

After receiving the news from the Federation, they have quietly sent someone over to investigate.

Su Jiuli also read the information that was passed over. It was a relatively remote, small and medium-sized planet in the central part of the Federal Star Territory. According to the investigation results, everything is as usual.

Moreover, after analysis of this planet, apart from the occasional small magnetic storms due to mineral properties, there is no other special place, because mine stars with the same properties will also appear in this kind of imagination, which is considered to be among thousands of planets. An extremely ordinary mineral star.

Can't find out anything, can only continue to observe.

Su Jiuli couldn't help it, so he wanted to go there to see in person. His idea was unanimously approved by Lin Yu and the others. In addition to them, there was Su Jing, who followed Su Jiuli with a pair of peach blossom eyes.

Su Jiuli promised to take him to the waves yesterday, this will naturally and will not break his promise.

A few people passed by secretly, but there was not much gain, it was almost the same as mentioned in the information.

Now continue to observe and see the time in the information received, there is nothing unusual about the third day.

They kept waiting, but nothing happened.

Su Jiuli almost felt whether Anni knew about their collectors, and got a fake intelligence to mislead them.

Don't blame him for thinking this way, because there was news from An Xiu. The Eighth Army was unexpectedly opened by Bai Linglong while they were away.

Now it has been around for a day, but there is no gain at all here.

Just after they decided to spend tonight, in addition to continuing to send people to guard here, when they went back home, finally in the early morning, there was a movement in the coordinate position.

This planet was originally a mining star, except for the mining robots, no one lives here.

Su Jiuli knows the general situation of this planet, mainly through the system management and control of these robots. If there is a magnetic storm, the system will be affected, and the monitoring will be lost during the magnetic storm.

They can directly detect the monitoring and see that the monitoring screen suddenly freezes, and then the screen goes black.

It was originally a frequent situation and would not cause too much attention, but at this special time, Su Jiuli and the others suddenly increased their vigilance after receiving the news.

He hurriedly monitored the images from the live treasure, and saw that in the dark night, the originally calm space began to fluctuate, rippling away in circles.

That is the vision of a robot. The electric waves of ordinary robot brains will be affected. Although Huobao and Xiaoba are also affected, they are conscious mecha brains with special electric waves and can adjust themselves. So, these two guys went over there to disguise the mining management robots.

The monitoring range of the two robots can cover that area in all directions.

Moreover, affected by the magnetic storm, a small number of robots, including management robots, are not frozen, and some will have various situations, or trigger certain commands and do strange things.

At this time, Life Treasure tilted his head and stared at the place where the space fluctuations were most violent. Against the background of the dark night, he found that there were countless ant-sized small wormholes in the space, with things constantly overflowing, causing this magnetic storm.

After watching the picture from Huobao, Su Jiuli directly linked to the person on his side, and then turned to look at the picture from Xiao Ba in his fluffy brain.

I saw that Xiao Ba's picture was completely different. He was no stranger to the tumbling and fluctuation of the space. It was obvious that the rhythm of the wormhole opening. As soon as he thought about it, the wormhole opened, and a person quickly walked out of it.

Su Jiuli's fox's eyes condensed, and it turned out to be Anny!

What is he doing here suddenly through the wormhole?

After Anni got down, he let go of the five senses to observe everything around him, and he also used the optical brain to scan.

He squinted his eyes, the intensity of the magnetic storm was enough to disrupt these systems for a period of time, and there should be no problem looking around.

It's just that his gaze fell on one of the management robots that bounced and seemed to be convulsed, and quickly looked away.

Life treasure kept asking Xiao Ba on the other side triumphantly: "Mynah, do I act like it? Hey, I have studied those dysfunctional mentally handicapped robots and finally used them. Mynah, hurry up and learn from me. Same, or you will be discovered."

Little eight: "..."

Su Jiuli: "..."

Will you be exposed if you study A conspirator robot is okay, but the two are the same. Are you afraid that Anny won't find it?

Fortunately, Xiao Ba did not go crazy with Huo Bao, so Su Jiuli turned his head and looked at his fluffy family, "Da Bai, what do you think Anny wants to do?"

Bai Yuting: "It's not clear yet."

At this time, Anni walked around and found nothing unusual. Finally, he glanced at the bouncing robot again, and a flash of suspicion flashed in his eyes. After thinking about it, I walked over. Amidst the suspicion that Huobao thought he was wearing a gang and Su Jiuli, he circled around him, and then turned to face the small wormhole space. During the period, it took about 30 seconds to open up a house the size of a house. Wormhole. Inside the wormhole stood a row of translucent people of various colors with tentacles on their heads, which were very similar to the transparent people they had caught at the beginning. They were dragged to study, and so far no results have appeared.

Now a group appeared unexpectedly, and there were still many metal boxes piled behind them.

Annie opened it and checked it, and she looked quite satisfied.

After that, the translucent person who went to let go, and a transparent person who appeared to be the head came out.

Then, in the communication between them, even Xiao Ba and Huo Bao couldn't translate the voice that came.

Their system covers the whole star, and there are still some that they can't translate?

Bai Yuting frowned, thinking of the information and records that he had found before, and he actually matched it.

Sure enough, did Anny collude with Outland?

Su Jiuli paid attention to Anni's expression and suddenly knew that this must be a good thing. Next, they are definitely going to confront Anny, it's better to do something before that to give back to Anny, a frenzied lunatic. He touched his chin, suddenly laughed, took Bai Yuting's arm and shook his face eagerly, "Dabai, do we want to try to grab him?"

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