Su Jiuli buried his face in the fluffy white belly, his cheeks were all with the delicate touch of fluffy, after lightly rubbing, he took a deep breath. As soon as he was about to raise his head, he was held down by a hairy paw on the back of his head. Before he could feel the Q-flap in the middle of the paw, he was pressed back again.

Su Jiuli couldn't laugh or cry, but didn't refuse and rubbed it for a while. The belly fluff is the most delicate and silky. He simply wants to lie on the fluffy belly at home like this, not wanting to get up.

The eyes of the black and white tiger beast flashed with satisfaction, completely lying down to reveal the belly, and adjusted to a position that is most comfortable for the person in his arms. The tail is not to be outdone, and he can not refuse to go forward and circle Su Jiuli's waist for fear of running. It was tightly circled as if, and the perfect waistline was fully revealed.

Tightened, the person in his arms raised his head slightly, and the narrow fox's eyes trembled slightly, which seemed a little uncomfortable. The tail immediately put light on, paused and then gradually tightened, until the tail was completely attached to the waist of the person in his arms, there was no gap and the largest contact area was ensured, which was satisfactory.

One person and one tiger are so close to each other, the big cat even slightly squinted the beast's eyes, and watched the person in his arms snoring.

Su Jiuli felt the snoring little vibration, which was a very comfortable and decompressive sound, and he was also infected and wanted to be lethargic.

He lifted his head from his fluffy belly, hugged the big cat's head up, and leaned his face over. The big cat seemed to know what he was going to do, so he approached him and lifted his chin slightly.

Su Jiuli laughed lightly when he saw Jia Fluffy's throat and belly completely open to him as a sacrifice. Then he smiled and kissed the big cat's chin a few times, and then he proficiently reached out his hand and slapped it very skillfully.

The big cat was more comfortable. He tilted the weight of his entire head onto his shoulders. The exhaled heat and the beard around his mouth hit Su Jiuli’s neck. He couldn’t help shrinking aside, and was dominated by his paws and tail. Pulled back.

The big cat had to lick his neck gently, seeming to want to leave his own smell and mark on him, and declare Su Jiuli's sovereignty to all other creatures.

Su Jiuli sighed, and quietly hugged the big cat's head to let the other party do things on him.

His fluffy family has become more and more domineering recently.

He also likes such intimacy.

It's just that this is not Da Bai's normal state. The current Da Bai is left with the instinctive beast state, and Soul Eater has brought huge damage to Da Bai's spirit sea over the years. Even if he continues to regain his strength, now he is in the eight-tailed state with the bone tail, and he still cannot be eliminated.

So over the years, Da Bai's waking time has become shorter and shorter, and the time he has been sleeping or in his current state of instinct has become longer and longer, from the first half and half to now only one twelfth.

In other words, the current Dabai only spends about two hours awake every day. Most of the other time, just like now, I fell into a state of being dominated by instinct.

Fortunately, Da Bai did not appear in the violent state of destruction that was projected by the Celestial Insect under his conditioning, but he would stick to him most of the time. Once he is found out, he will almost become uneasy and look for him frantically. Over time, violent signs of indiscriminate attacks will appear faintly.

Thinking of what Tianji Chong left behind, it was obvious that he had hope when his strength was reached. This means that he has to reach the nine-tailed state?

Therefore, he has been refining the essence of the wood element recently, and at the same time constantly improving himself, the world aura recovery after tens of thousands of years is much better than the era of the end of the world before the end of the world.

His realm is still there, and his spiritual energy is not lacking. These years, he has been constantly tempering his body. The cultivation of beasts requires a combination of body and soul. The strength of the body has kept up, and he has improved rapidly. Now he has faintly felt that his eight tails are about to grow out.

The bone tail is his ninth tail, the most difficult but the first to grow out. So now he doesn't know what will happen when he has eight tails. Because at that time he gathered all nine tails, and...

Su Jiuli suddenly stretched out a white bone tail behind him, and the moment he came out, he rushed to the white and fluffy belly of his family and smashed wildly.

Su Jiuli looked at the crooked bone tail: "..."

At the beginning, this product was unsuccessful and turned into this semi-defective product. Is there any chance to remedy it?

This hairless look is really spicy eyes!

As if perceiving Su Jiuli's disgust, the bone tail moved for a while, and suddenly danced wildly, seeming to be protesting with teeth and claws, but he was reluctant to leave the fluffy white belly, so he could only feel wronged while rubbing.

Su Jiuli almost laughed at this guy.

What the hell.

Is this really out of his instinct?

How could he be so stupid just instinctively?

Su Jiu Liran resolutely refused to admit it. He put away the bone tail, which was obviously still unfinished, and started to think about trying to grow the last tail.

Su Jiuli knew that his last tail was about to grow out, but he didn't expect it to be so fast and so coincidental.

It was only half a month later, when he was taking his newly-built legion and fighting with the Zergs of the United Arman Star Territory led by Anni.

After more than ten years of fighting, the battle has heated up, and everyone is exhausted.

Su Jiuli is no exception, his plush legion is close to the eighth legion. Needless to say, the supreme leader of the Eighth Army only has two hours a day to be awake, and he cannot do without him at all.

Of course, Su Jiuli didn't want to be too far away from his fluffy house.

Su Jiuli suddenly felt during the battle, that she had a premonition of precision. After so many times, he is already familiar with the road.

At the latest tonight, he will have his last tail.

Su Jiu was very happy. After waiting for so many years, he finally got what he wanted. As long as the ninth tail grows, Dabai's condition will be better treated.

He remembered the period of time when Da Bai was awake every day, and when he was awake, he had to endure the pain of raging and cutting the spirit sea. Seeing that Da Bai's face was obviously pale and still scoring the seconds to analyze and arrange the battle, and finally comforted him, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

Now it is a situation of full-scale war. As the empire **** of war, he must stand up and suppress the battle. You need to fight if necessary.

Over the years, they have gained the initiative in this battle, and the Zerg led by Anni has been forced to the border.

Speaking of it, even if Anni loses Anxiu's left arm and right arm, he also gets help from the princess. However, in some areas, compared to An Xiu, who had grown up in the Zerg clan and had grown up to fight with her from time to time, the princess, who had grown up to be pampered, was still far behind. There was no need for anyone else, and the army she led was even defeated by her husband and son.

After all, the eldest princess still followed her mother to attack the wood powers. Even if she had the blood of the Zerg clan, some things could not be learned overnight. What's more, she is against the husband who can become a general and the son of a major general.

Although the father and son have low emotional intelligence, they are indeed first-class geniuses in the military. They have also read the best military academies and received the most professional guidance and training. After all, Yuan Meng is still in the storybook.

Speaking of pig's feet attack, one has to say that pig's feet are subject to Xu Ran. Over the years, he has suffered so much under the princess, but instead he fell in love with Yuan Meng more and more. I have to say that these two people deserved to be attacked by pig's feet, and they were directly locked.

On the other hand, some members of the Zerg race followed An Xiu, and An Xiu took advantage of Anni's attention on the front line and went back to instigate the soldiers he had previously led.

After Anxiu left, these people were either sent to the front as cannon fodder, or transferred to other positions where they were exhausted and had no real power. They are both Anxu's confidantes, and Anni and the people from the extraterrestrial region jointly fight the local star region, and they are dissatisfied, just because the Zerg level suppression can't happen. They didn't want to fight this battle at all. Coupled with the various welfare benefits of the Empire and the Federation, especially the medicine of Kyuwei Papa, they have been greedy for a long time.

After An Xiu came over, he didn't take much effort to instigate them and take away a group of people. These people were able to follow An Xiu at the beginning. Under such a hierarchical system of Zerg, their status was not low. They wanted to run into the family behind them, so they were out of control like setting aside a carrot to bring out mud.

These people lobbied other Zergs before and after they left, and when Anni reacted, he found that he had been attacked by the enemy, and nearly one-third of the Zergs in Lao Lao had joined the empire. He was almost mad. But there is no way.

During the war, the Empire and the Federation also took in these zergs, and their legions directly arranged to oppose the legions of pure-bred Omanians, and tried to avoid them from killing each other against the native zergs.

Over the past ten years, they have fully integrated into the empire and federation and become citizens of it. They lived well, and more and more Zerg could not stand this kind of war. With the contrast of the former, they smuggled in, hoping to become citizens of both sides.

Under the circumstances that the Empire and the Federation became anxious after Anni learned about it, the two sides had An Xiu and Su Jiuli lobbying, but they laughed unceremoniously.

Even if the Zerg population is large, the rate of loss cannot withstand it.

In fact, the cause of this phenomenon is related to Anxiu.

Originally, the Zerg had a distinct hierarchy, but An Xiu also had the qualifications to become an emperor. Generally, there is only one king of the royal family. This one does not retreat, and the next king will not fully awaken, but Anxiu is an exception.

The royal bloodline of the inner body has been opposed to the white tiger bloodline for many years. Under the powerful stimulation and actual combat, the mutation of his royal bloodline awakened in advance, and the Zerg race rarely appeared in the double emperor state. But under the control of the insect king, there will be different ethnic groups to follow.

When An Xiu's Chonghuang bloodline was drawn out, even his affiliated populations were also affected. They have a very strong resistance to the suppression of Anni's bloodline. When they didn't face Anni directly, they could completely overcome the suppression of this dominated bloodline.

This was also something that Anni couldn't understand at first. He knew that the part of the zerg was instigated when he knew that the zerg was instigated, and even Guangbra was crushed.

In fact, An Xiu and Su Jiuli were shocked at the beginning, but they didn't expect that the bleeding could have such a magical effect. Even thinking about it now, the tiger was originally a born emperor, and the white tiger is even more so. To be able to resist the white tiger bloodline, the bloodline of the ordinary insect royal family is simply not enough. If you want to be evenly matched, you must become an emperor!

This war also caused the Zerg race, which has been hostile to the Human race for thousands of years, to merge into the Human race. This became the foundation for the future union of the Empire Federation and the Zerg in the history of the interstellar, and the unification of the entire star field.

Of course, Su Jiuli didn't think so far now, he was preparing to meet his last tail.

It's just that he didn't expect that in recent years, except for the first tail with thunder catastrophe, the other tails would grow out quietly.

right now……

He watched the large black and heavy lightning flashing and thundering above his head, and the pressure overflowed from the Jieyun that seemed to warn the surrounding creatures to avoid.

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