The call came too suddenly, and Su Jiuli was paralyzed by the power without any preparation. The mecha also fell straight down because of loss of control, slamming a big hole.

At the same time, on the other side, Anni looked at the big white tiger that was struck by thunder, surrounded by thunder. Suddenly he looked away and looked in a certain direction, "Did there be any noise just now?"

An Xiu looked down, glanced in that direction unconsciously, and quickly retracted, and replied nonchalantly: "Just now there was such a loud thunder, and there was movement from various animals running away. Sounds are not normal. Is it?"

"Really?" An Xi gave a deep glance, and then took his gaze back and fell on the big white tiger who was going through the thunder robbery again. "This thunder robbery is not painful to him. That's right, with his supernatural powers. related."

The big white tiger surrounded by electric lights also stopped, as if he had noticed something, he also turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

At this time, where everyone was concerned, a D-class mecha moved on the ground. Su Jiuli in the mecha got up with a gray head and gray head. The taste of the long-lost thunder tribulation has to be said to be a little sour and refreshing.

Su Jiuli wiped his face, smoothed his curly hair by the way, shaking the ears on his head.

He looked at his hands and touched his chin, a pair of narrow fox eyes flashed with doubt. Who is struck by lightning inexplicably, can you not wonder?

He raised his head to look at Jieyun in the sky again, and the fox's eyes were rounded.

What is this all about, what are others doing when they cross the thunder and robbery?

Who did he provoke?

This spicy chicken Jieyun, can't you be blind?

As if he was aware of his thoughts, Jieyun rolled more violently. From time to time, there was lightning surrounding Jieyun, and thunder sounded.

Seeing this corner of his mouth twitched, Su Jiuli suppressed the spit in his heart.

There was no way, because he saw that Jie Yun seemed to have a tendency to come to him.

Before the change, he was definitely not afraid, and he had eight tails, the power of thunder, in the thunder of electric light, when the electric hair was blown, it was called a beautiful one.

Now this small body, give him two blows, maybe it will be straightened.

Okay, can he do it?

Brother Lei Jie, don't come here.

Jie Yun rolled over, no point at all.

Su Jiuli looked at the Jieyun above, wondering if it was his illusion, the color became a lot darker, and the power became even more powerful. If it was the power of his sixth tail that he used to grow, after that time, it has now become the power of the seventh tail.

When the thunder robbery came out, the intensity of the thunder robbery had already been determined. Sudden escalations like this should be linked to others and have to bear it together. I don't know if it was the party involved in the robbery that was more unlucky, or the one who was implicated was more unlucky.

However, it has nothing to do with him.

Su Jiuli frowned, touched the position of his chest, and felt it carefully. It would really feel like being cut off, without feeling anything. Don't know what's wrong with Xiaobai now?

He controlled the mecha to get up from the ground, and at this moment the second thunder robbery struck it down.

Su Jiuli blinked a fox eye, this would not have hit him.

He breathed a sigh of relief and began to drive the mecha to continue walking inside.

The more you go in, and the closer the area covered by Thunder Tribulation, the more dull and tense the atmosphere. All the active animals here ran away, leaving some plants, some of which were eaten by the Zerg in half.

Su Jiuli walked around, and he was able to stop.

Can't go any further, ten meters ahead is the range of Thunder Tribulation. If you go in, he will definitely get hacked.

It's just that Xiaobai hasn't found it yet, and there is no response to the message sent to An Xiu, so he has to walk around the area of ​​Thunder Tribulation.

After walking for more than half a circle, I found a ruin in front of me, the ground was pitted, the trees swayed, there were a lot of rubble and sawdust. It was obvious that I had experienced a fierce battle.

Looking at the scene, this was obviously caused by the battle between mechas.

Su Jiuli was a little disappointed, not a trace of Xiaobai's fight. However, he felt that it would be nice not to be Xiaobai. This level of mecha combat has a large scope and destructive power. After these days of observation, the first military academy’s mecha top students are far from them.

This is obviously a duel between masters. If the little white beast is fighting against this degree of mecha, even if the beast moves flexibly, it is very dangerous, and it won't be cheap.

At this time, the cloud of robbery in the sky was surging, and another thunder struck down, making a huge rumbling sound, interrupting Su Jiuli's contemplation.

He followed the thunder and looked over, because there was a big battle here, there were no obstacles in front of him, and the field of vision was naturally wide.

His gaze fell on Jie Yun's first, then followed the thunder, and saw the thunder light intertwined, and he saw the fluffy ball in the center of Jie Yun.

The entire mech was frozen, and Su Jiuli's pair of foxes in the mecha widened, and there was an incredible flash of light.

He blinked, looked at it again, and finally confirmed that the ball that was being surrounded by electric light was not the plush he was thinking of?

His Xiaobai usually looks at the child's xinxing, and his strength has reached the level of Six-Tailed Thunder Tribulation?

No, it is now Nanao's lightning calamity intensity, which is superimposed by others!

Su Jiuli's mentality is different this time, he was wondering who it was that strengthened Xiao Bai Lei's robbery?

He wanted to find out and give a severe lesson.

But now there is no way, Xiaobai's Thunder Tribulation has been connected to the other party, both prospering and losing.

Generally, thunder tribulation corresponds to strength, and a sudden increase in intensity is not a good thing for the parties involved. Normally, the probability of crossing the tribulation is half and half. Now that the thunder tribulation increases, the chance of success will be reduced.

Su Jiuli looked at the big white tiger struck by thunder and raised his whole heart, he went out of the mecha directly, staring at the big white tiger, the fox's eyes couldn't blink.

He was thinking of a way crazy in his heart. This would cause him to fall on the big white tiger with all his body and mind, and he didn't notice that from his appearance here, the eyes of the three people present fell on him, including the big white tiger who crossed the robbery.

Anni looked at Su Jiuli not far away, and looked at An Xiu on the other side with cold eyes, "It seems that everyone is here, Xiu'er, tell me what your choice is?"

An Xiu didn't answer, he would still be in the mecha, his face was extremely ugly.

He thought for a while and sent a message directly to Su Jiuli, "It's dangerous here, leave immediately!"

However, all of Su Jiuli's attention fell on the big white tiger, not paying attention at all.

Even if he received it, he would not stay here alone.

Annie sneered, "I looked worried. He didn't realize that he should be worried at this time?"

After speaking, he walked directly over.

Seeing this, the big white tiger who was crossing the robbery locked him with a pair of beast pupils.

Anny paused and stopped abruptly.

It's not in a hurry now, Bai Hu's line is all lunatics, if he is anxious, maybe he will be dragged through the catastrophe directly.

Depending on the strength of the two of them, the overlapping Thunder Tribulation might be explained here.

Seeing him stop, An Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that Su Jiuli didn't know at all, he was suddenly angry and bored.

All reminded, but he still has to come.

Now he didn't understand himself, but it should be Su Jiuli's wood element ability that made him care.

Su Jiuli stared at the Thunder Tribulation above, and after experiencing it, he naturally knew that the current power was only in the early days. Xiao Bai doesn't look any worse than before, and he doesn't need to worry too much now.

Next, one after another, the thunder and lightning became thicker and thicker, all smashing on the big white tiger.

After a long time, the body of the big white tiger was already scorched.

Su Jiuli looked distressed, and he glanced at the natural rolling Jieyun. With years of experience, he knew that it was coming soon.

The last thunder tribulation fell and directly hit the big white tiger, exploding a large hole on the ground, flying sand and rocks for a while, and couldn't see the scene inside.

Su Jiuli half-covered his eyes with his hands, while looking anxiously at the situation there, and walked over there quickly.

As the robbery disappeared, there was a scorching heat at the tail of his spine, and he couldn't ignore it if he wanted to ignore it.

It's just that he can't take care of this now, he has to go and see Xiao Bai's situation quickly.

However, when he was only halfway there, he suddenly felt a cold malice coming from behind. He was tumbling on his side. When he looked up, he saw a cold white hand across his neck, which brought a chill at the place where he met. .

He followed that hand and quickly saw the owner of the hand, a cold-looking man with an extremely handsome appearance. This malice was not unfamiliar. He slowly said, "You were also sent by the Zerg Queen to catch me?"

Annie retracted her finger and licked it gently on her lips. "You don't look stupid, but you're only half-right. I'm here to catch you, not the Zerg queen sent me."

Seeing Su Jiuli looking at him suspiciously, Anni's voice suddenly turned into an enchanting female voice: "Because the Zerg queen in your mouth is me."

Su Jiuli was excited by the sudden appearance of a female voice, "So are you a male or a female?"

Anni raised his hand and attacked Su Jiuli, "It depends on my mood."

Hermaphrodite? What kind of physique is this? No, he is not hermaphrodite. He doesn't have any feminine aura right now, but he can switch directly.

Even Su Jiuli, it was the first time he saw this kind of advanced and intelligent species that changed between male and female at any time. After changing, he would definitely be curious and want to know more about it, but he couldn't think of so much at this time, and looked at each other's every move like an enemy.

"Good momentum." Anny hooked his finger at him, "As long as you kill the white tiger, and then go back with me, how about I won't move you?"

"You have a dream." If he wants him to kill Xiao Bai, he now wants to kill the Zerg queen.

"Heh, then don't blame me for being impolite." Anni knew that the White Tiger clan would not be easy to deal with even after the catastrophe, so he would deal with Su Jiuli first. He attacked Su Jiuli again.

Su Jiuli's body is indeed weak. He can see the opponent's moves clearly, but it is difficult for his body to react and cannot avoid his attack. Seeing that he was about to be held by his throat, his spine was burning as if he was about to burn.

At this moment, a huge black paw swung over, and Anni quickly backed away to avoid the blow.

Su Jiuli looked at the huge black shadow blocking him, his fur had been scorched black with a sound, and the skin was still cracked in some parts of his body, blood and water were constantly seeping out, dropping to the ground drop by drop.

"Xiao Bai!" After crossing the robbery, he was very weak, and it took a long time to repair his body. He could hear Xiao Bai panting hard, standing in front of him forcibly to block it.

Su Jiuli watched the blood drip down the fur, and there was already a small pool on the ground in a few moments. He twitched in his heart and walked over immediately, lifting his breath to deliver supernatural powers into his body.

Da Baihu became stiff, turned his head and yelled at him.


How could Su Jiuli leave? With Xiaobai's current situation, he was exhausted after the catastrophe, even if he could drag the Zerg queen to leave, he himself was in danger.

He couldn't imagine the consequences of leaving Xiaobai alone.

So Su Jiuli didn't say anything, and had to desperately increase the transmission of powers, but thought in his heart that if he could be stronger, he would use him to hold the Zerg queen and let the injured Xiao Bai leave.

Anni watched the movements of one person and one tiger, and gradually accumulated abilities in his hands, "Since you are not willing to leave, then I will give you two a ride."

Su Jiuli felt the terrible and destructive energy in the opponent's hand, and crushed him to the point of being unable to stand up.

He looked up and saw the blood-stained big white tiger still standing firmly in front of him. Seeing that terrible power was about to fall on Xiao Bai, he didn't know where the power came out of him, so he rushed up, and at the same time, the tail The place was extremely hot, and then there was a soft tearing sound.


There was a violent crash.

An Xiu, who had stopped his life, saw the scene in front of him, and his pupils dilated.

Su Jiuli suddenly appeared behind Su Jiuli's spine with a huge white bone tail, glowing with white light in the sun, and survivingly blocked Anni's blow.

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