Su Jiuli looked at the box in the auctioneer's hand. The box was half open with dry and yellow hay inside.

As he looked more and more familiar, he blinked and began to search his own memory. Yu Guang saw the waiter brother in front of him, picked up the tray, and stood beside him with a smile.

At this time, Xiu Ming took the lead to recover, and walked over to pay the bill.

Su Jiuli quickly called to him, "Wait a minute, just let me come."

He coughed lightly in Xiu Ming's puzzled eyes, handed Guangbra over, and the payment was completed with a ding sound.

"Didn't you just say?"

Su Jiuli was a little embarrassed. He didn't deliberately play tricks. Just now he really didn't have enough credit, so he explained: "You may not believe it. Just fifteen minutes ago, I suddenly made a huge sum of money."

After Xiuming's movements, he took a meaningful look at the big white dumpling in his arms, "Believe it."

It's no wonder that this guy has been doing strange things just now, it turned out to be with this idea.

"Hey? Thank you." Su Jiuli didn't expect Xiu Ming to believe him. He held Dabai, closed the door and returned to the sofa.

Staring at the hay from the stalk again.

At this time, the atmosphere that was originally boiling due to the appearance of the finale item fell silent after seeing the contents of the box clearly, which was probably too different from what they thought.

Soon, everyone who came back to their senses began to talk.

"What is this, it looks no different from the dry grass on the side of the road?"

"I have this feeling too, but the reputation of the dark night auction house is there. They shouldn't make such a joke with hay."

"The night 500 million has appeared. It cannot be a simple withered grass. It is most likely a high-grade medicinal plant."

Interstellar advanced medicinal plants have always been in demand, and 500 million advanced medicinal plants are not uncommon as the finale. It’s just that every high-grade medicinal plant in the past is green and full of vitality. As long as you open the box, the overflowing energy can be felt by the people present, and some can directly make people eye-catching and refreshing. Disappear.

Like the current hay, after revealing its true appearance, after everyone took a series of deep breaths, nothing happened?

He immediately looked at each other, questioning and curious in his heart, and continued to stare at the hay, waiting for the explanation of 500 million in the next night.

Ye Wuyi don't even look at him now looking calm, in fact, when he opened the box to see the true colors of the contents, he was actually quite panic. He got closer, and he saw it more clearly and felt more intuitively than everyone else. However, when I glanced at other people, I didn't feel anything at all.

Ye 500 million is his code name. If there are things like unsuccessful auctions, it will also affect him. If it is lighter, it will drop in price. If it is more serious, it will even be fired or refrigerated from now on. He doesn't want to see any of them.

However, Ye Wuyi is a person who has experienced a big scene. In a blink of an eye, various thoughts flashed in his heart, and he didn't show up at all on his face, still smiling. He remembered that he had obtained the evaluation instructions of the medicine plant before going to the stage, and the contents appeared in his mind, and he calmly placed the box on the console next to him, and a huge withered three-dimensional projection immediately appeared in front of him, and it kept three hundred and sixty. The degree turned slowly.

Only with this magnification, all the people present can clearly see the drooping dry and yellow leaves, the flat stems, the leaves with tear marks, and the holes that have been obviously bitten by insects. Few, almost all over the plant.

The smile on Ye Wuyi’s face stiffened for a moment, and he said: "...The final item displayed in front of us is the final item of this quarterly auction. After genetic testing, this is a mysterious medicine plant from thousands of years ago. , I can’t know the species of this medicinal plant for the time being. Regardless of its fragile appearance, this medicinal plant is in fact invaded by water and fire, and it can’t be cut with heat or cold. When we collected genes, we used a lot of energy. Take off a little bit. It’s shameful to say that it’s just the little bit that is swaying at the insect’s mouth. It’s just that after it’s cut, it immediately turns to ashes. We haven’t tested any effect, we can only determine that the plant is The ancient plants that mutated thousands of years ago are worthy of both research and collection."

After that, Ye Wuyi picked up the hay-like plant, took the sharp laser knife handed over by the side, and adjusted it to the highest level. With a violent stroke, the plant was still yellow and half dead, with only a slight trace of the knife edge. nor.

This was not over yet, Ye Wuyi suddenly caught fire in his hands and began to burn the plants, only to see the originally extremely flammable dry grass-like stems and leaves, which burned for a while. After the fire was extinguished, Ye Wuyi shook the plants and showed everyone, "There is no damage, and even the temperature has not changed. It is completely different from the delicate medicinal plants before."

At this time, in the 12th room, Lin Yu remembered that his brother was in the Eighth Army, and he always liked to collect all kinds of exotic plants, and this time it must be no exception. But his brother seems to be very busy. He just hung up the call before he said a few words. This time I don't know if it will be.

With the mentality of trying, he dialed his brother's optical brain communication number, which was quickly connected this time. He was afraid of being hung up, and without waiting for the other party to speak, he directly talked about the alien plantation here.

Lin Han on the other side of Guangnao said, "It turns out that there is such an alien plant. By the way, didn't you just want to help your teammates win the Class A mecha? Is there enough credit?"

Mention this Lin Yu is angry, "I was photographed away by others."

Lin Han sighed, "That would be a shame, but it doesn't matter. If you really need it, I can help your teammates look at it. Now, you can broadcast the situation of alien planting over there."

Lin Yu: "Good."

Lin Yu was a little puzzled. His brother was like he had taken fire/pill just now. Is he in a better mood now?

Lin Yu thought for a while and couldn't help but ask.

Lin Han looked at the plants and replied casually: "You don't need to know."

Lin Yu: "Cut, I don't want to know yet."

Lin Han ignored him and looked at the plants. The reason why his mood became better was simple. Naturally, movement came from the admiral's light brain not long ago. There are transfer records on it. Although other people have no right to check who the transfer is made to, the amount can be seen.

The Admiral’s optical brain is a biological optical brain, which is different from others. It can usually appear directly on the wrist, or it can be reduced and hidden in the subcutaneous skin. After becoming a beast, he took the initiative to hide.

There has been no news for such a long time. They are about to turn over the entire planet X. Now they receive the movement of Admiral Guangbrain. Of course, he is in a good mood. Not only him, but also the high-level people who know about the Eighth Army. All were relieved.

So his stupid brother asked for money or something, he just tolerated it.

Not to mention that a serious thing has really been done now, this alien plant seems to be of great research value.

Their Eighth Army collects aliens, originally because of the general's mania. After making a deal with Papa Kyuubi a while ago, he paid less attention to aliens than before. Last time, by chance, he discovered that he was on the same planet as Papa Nine Tails. He told the admiral about it, hoping that he would find him directly. The admiral did not agree, and so many things happened later.

Now that the admiral has news, Lin Han recalled that he had missed the distance between Papa and Nine Tails when he was so close. He felt a pity in his heart, what a great opportunity.

However, he quickly focused on the admiral's sudden bubbling transfer.

Cough, what bubbling, I really can't stay with my stupid brother for too long, because I have been infected by committing the second.

As the admiral's adjutant, he was very clear. The Baihu clan has a strong sense of territory. There are many industries under the general's name, but there are two accounts, one is a public account, which is managed by the general's intellectual brain. Basically all income and expenditure are in this account, which is directly divided out independently. . The other is a private account, which can’t be touched by the brain, and the admiral basically doesn’t use it much, except for things of interest.

Now there is a movement, and every movement is one billion credit points. Could it be that the admiral bought any favorite equipment or medicine in private? Just buying these things, doesn't the admiral always like to use another account? It seems that the admiral really likes this thing, otherwise he wouldn't use a private account. No matter what, the news is good.

Lin Han retracted his mind and observed the alien plant. After some consideration, he directly submitted the video to the general's intellectual brain to apply for funding.

After submitting it, he was waiting for Zhi Nao's funding and received a reply soon.

Lin Han clicked on it, and was about to speak to his stupid brother to make him prepare an offer, but when he saw it, he found that his application had been sent back by the general's intellectual brain.

What is this?

The admiral’s intellectual brain has always been very refreshing with this kind of alien plant funding, but now he has been beaten back?

Lin Han submitted again and was beaten back. Submitted for the third time and found that it was banned.

Lin Han looked at the red prohibition with a puzzled face, and fell silent.

On the other side, Su Jiuli didn't notice the bright light flashing on Da Bai's front paws, and at the same time, there was a glimmer of light on his brain.

Wisdom brains shuttled between the two light brains, and appeared on the virtual star network in the form of a one-person-tall mini mech, "The master is chasing his partner. How can I get Lin Han to do damage."

After talking about seeing Su Jiuli through the optical brain, it is not the first time he has seen Su Jiuli, and now the master has blocked him for some reason. If it hadn’t been for the master to touch the biological optical brain just now, it really wouldn’t know where the owner was. . Now its body can't get out without commands, and the virtual body is out of control. But why doesn't the master prohibit its virtual body from appearing as it did in the past this time?

The master didn't care about him, it was the first time it was so free, and it quickly rushed to Guangbrain. Through the light brain, staring at the interaction of one person and one tiger.

It hasn't recovered from the fact that the main body has become smaller, and Su Jiuli was shocked by Su Jiuli's domineering kiss and the domineering behavior of courtship.

Surprise is astonishment. As a brain, it recorded this scene for the first time.

Su Jiuli didn’t know that there was a video of an intellectual brain surreptitiously. His hands began to fall on the fluffy dumplings with the contemplative conditioned reflex, and he slowly smoothed the hair from his head back, and when he reached the tail, he seemed to be conscious. It seemed to stop abruptly, and then went down with his backhand, tentatively touching the edge of the fluffy belly with his fingertips. He was extremely proficient in his movements, he did it in one go, and he did not consciously avoid the minefields of Dabai Tuanzi. At first glance, he was a repeat offender. And with the action, the arc of his mouth will rise, and the fox's eyes will be slightly narrowed.

Wisdom brain saw this scene and compared the pairing mode of the palace, adding a few bold characters next to the one-person-one-tiger video: old husband and old wife!

After Su Jiuli enlarged the hay, he finally remembered, isn't this plant the original body of the purification grass that he happened to save back then?

Back then, he went out to catch pheasants everywhere to relieve his greed, but when he encountered a purifying grass halfway through, he probably felt his wood energy, thinking he was of the same kind, and asked him for help. He took a look and found that the purification grass was covered with devouring insects.

This kind of phagocytic worm is the natural enemy of purifying grass. Because phagocytic worms are greedy by nature, they can swallow everything that can be swallowed. There are no taboos. They naturally accumulate a lot of toxins in the body. Over time, not only can they not be promoted, but if they accumulate too much, they will poison the body and explode. They must find something to relieve the hidden dangers in their bodies.

Purification grass, as the name suggests, can purify everything. The higher the level, the stronger the effect. It has always been the target of devouring insects. There is absolutely no reason to let it go after finding it.

That time, Su Jiuli happened to encounter both of them at quite high levels, but they were not as good as him. He remembered that he had six tails at that time. In this era of declining spiritual energy, his six tails can be walked sideways in Kunlun. Of course, many places are. Such as purifying grass and devouring insects here. As soon as he approached, both sides became alert.

At that time, he was able to feel the fear and despair of purifying the grass, and the survival of the fittest by natural selection was especially obvious in these animals and plants. He had seen too much in the past few years and didn't want to care about it, but the despair of Purifying Grass made him feel compassionate, and when he asked for help, he called his senior. Moreover, the Devouring Worms have swallowed a lot, and now the body's toxins can be purified by most. They are instinctively greedy and have to swallow them all.

So he took action and helped it expel the Devouring Worm. Seeing that its stems and leaves were pitted, it sent wood powers. I didn't expect the Purification Grass to use its wood energy to upgrade, directly shed the primitive body, and give it to him in return.

After the upgrade, the roots of the purified grass can be extracted, and it runs fast. After this hurdle, the Devouring Worm can't help it anymore.

After the Purification Grass left, he saw the Devourer who was not reconciled, so he threw the bitten tattered branch that was cut off and threw it over. After the Devourer swallowed the more powerful branch after the upgrade, he left contentedly.

It's just that this purification grass is of no use to him. He remembers that he left this grass and other collections in the cave, and then went to the world to experience.

Appearing here now, is it possible that his cave was exploded?

He didn't recognize it at first, but when he felt it carefully, he found that the purification grass was sealed and it was very well preserved. The abnormal fluctuation of the wood energy in his body at the moment just now was because the wood energy remaining in his rescue of the purification grass resonated at that instant.

Two more glances, you can see the fractured surface that was torn apart by him, plus the traces of the swallowing insects left by the stems and leaves, and suddenly recognized that this was the purification grass he had hidden in the hole.

Su Jiuli looked at the purification grass, and he couldn't help but feel happy. He looked down at the Dabai in his arms, and while Dabai was unprepared, he pointed his fingers into his belly. Close your hand in front of Dabai's cordon, and slowly move up your slender fingers, and then land on Dabai's fluffy little head again.

He stroked it lightly, a relaxed smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It was useless back then, but now it can be used.

He was extremely grateful for the little compassion he had back then, and a little kind cause left him with such a good result, which lasted tens of thousands of years later.

With the dark energy clusters in Dabai's head, he finally stopped being helpless.

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