Su Jiuli, who didn't get a response, couldn't help rubbing the hair on the back of the big white tiger's neck again, raised his head slightly, and watched the scene drifting fast around him, because the speed was too fast, and these scenes were about to be blurred.

But even so, Su Jiuli still looks at the general situation. It was the same as the last time here, the ground was dark with yellow sand, and the violent atmosphere of the dark energy ball still remained in the air, as if it wanted to swallow everything.

Now that this dark energy disappeared because of the energy of the purifying grass, thinking of the troublesomeness of this energy, his narrow fox eyes still flashed worries.

Withdrawing his gaze and falling on the fluffy head in front of him, Da Bai is still in a frenzy and must be very uncomfortable.

When the beast is manic, the spirit sea will be stimulated and destroyed, which will directly arouse the primitive animal nature and fall into violent violence. The violence is full of destructive desires, and they can't wait to destroy everything they touch around. Da Bai didn't seem to wreak havoc, let alone attack him. With the damage of his current spirit sea, coupled with the small hemisphere spirit sea that split off next door, it can be seen how good his self-control is.

Su Jiuli felt that after he had changed himself, he was definitely either sabotaging or screaming on the ground with his head rolling.

You must know that the pain in the spirit sea is far greater than the pain in the air. The pain is extremely painful like an explosion from the soul, and it is very uncomfortable for a little damage. Now his family's plush has split into two whites, big and small, and it's still alive and kicking, which is also very powerful.

Su Jiuli couldn't help attaching the wood energy to his hand, pressing it on the back of the big white tiger's head. Although he didn't know what happened to Da Bai, he split Xiao Bai out. But he knew that it must be pain that inhumans can bear.

He thought of the suffering his own fluffy had suffered, with one hand increasing the energy transmission of the wood element, and with the other hand holding the fluffy neck tighter.

He had always thought that Dabai's state was left by the Tribulation, but now he realized that it was not like this. He split the Spirit Sea before the Tribulation. With the swallowability and scale of those dark energy balls, it was even earlier than he thought. If he meets Da Bai later, he can't believe what will happen.

The big white tiger that was flying all the way felt a white temporary jade falling on the back of his head, the whole body stopped for a moment, and then a warm energy poured in, full of vitality, constantly calming and repairing his spiritual sea. This energy completely aroused the possessive desire of the original beast in his heart, the beast pupil's violent violent disappeared, but there were other deeper, maybe unknown emotions.

Following Su Jiuli's movements, the roaring thunderclouds of the entire hemisphere's spirit rolled over the sea, and the sound of movement and silence slowly became smaller.

The sharp pain in his head was relieved, and Da Baihu turned his head back and glanced at Su Jiuli. The eyes of the beast were deep.

This person is him. He wants to take it back. It belongs to him alone, and no one is allowed to touch it.

Su Jiuli noticed Da Baihu's movements, and blinked at him immediately, soothing, "Dabai, isn't it a little more comfortable? Don't worry, wait a while, your head will not hurt anymore."

Because the sky was too dark and the wind was too strong, Su Jiuli didn't notice the look in Da Baihu's eyes. Naturally, he didn't know, his fluffy family wanted to take him back into the nest.

Da Baihu turned his head, and the speed increased even more.

After Su Jiuli noticed it, he asked while sending the power, "Dabai, where are you going to take me? If it's not in a hurry, let's stop first and let me repair the spirit sea for you first? This is really not the case. convenient."

But Da Baihu didn't respond. Su Jiuli was helpless, and there was no way for him to be manic. Da Bai wanted to run and let him run for a while, and slowly helped him repair it. Feeling the painful and heavy breathing that my fluffy had just now disappeared, let my heart down a little. At least Da Bai now doesn't look as painful as before.

Just as Su Jiuli closed his eyes and rested the spirit sea of ​​the big white tiger with peace of mind, the big white tiger suddenly came to a building. If Su Jiuli opened his eyes at this time, he could see that this was a huge and magnificent palace. Looking down from above, the whole palace is almost exactly the same as the palace where Xiaobai was staying in the small hemisphere next door.

Here is also the spiritual sea of ​​the greater hemisphere, the only remaining pure land that has not been corroded by the dark energy ball.

The big white tiger was carrying people, jumped onto the fence without walking, and returned to his residence very familiarly.

Da Baihu's footsteps stopped when he passed the study, and the faint instinct in his mind made him unconsciously want to take people to the place where he often stayed. But for a second, he continued to cross. Take Su Jiuli back to his room. This is his place, and this person also belongs to him. It is most appropriate to bring it back here.

Da Baihu walked to the bed and looked back at Su Jiuli for a while.

Su Jiuli noticed that he stopped, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he found that his waist was stressed, and his fluffy tail curled him up into the air again. He was soon put down and landed in a soft blanket.

Su Jiuli reacted, touched the quilt under him, sat up slowly, and soon found himself on a huge bed, which was bigger than the one he had ordered before. He looked up and saw that he seemed to be in a room. This room was very large, but the furnishings inside were very simple. The layout of the whole room was monotonous and cool.

With just a glance, Su Jiuli faintly guessed the character of the owner here, and he must be cold and strict in abstinence.

After looking around, he turned to look at the bedside and bowed his head. The beast pupils firmly locked his big white tiger, and said suspiciously, "Dabai, where is this place, why did you bring me here?"

After speaking, he moved to the location of his own plush, "Dabai, come here, this time the restoration of your spiritual sea has not been completed."

Da Baihu still didn't move, staring at him, and as Su Jiuli approached, a very faint wood fragrance came from the tip of his nose. The tip of his nose moved unconsciously, and after taking a deep breath, the beast pupils that looked at Su Jiuli suddenly became heavier.

Su Jiuli didn't notice, he saw that his fluffy house had not moved. Da Bai has always been sullen, since he doesn't move, he can do it himself.

As soon as he lowered his legs, before he touched the floor, he was quickly caught by a huge claw and put it back on the bed.

Su Jiuli looked at Da Baihu suspiciously: "Da Bai, what are you doing? I will go down and treat you now."

After speaking and thinking about it, Da Baihu put Su Jiuli's leg back without saying a word, and even pushed it inside.

Su Jiuli couldn't laugh or cry, "Dabai, you don't want me to sleep, do you? I'm not sleepy now, but your spirit is important."

"Dabai, stop making trouble." Being put back in place again, Su Jiuli stared at the fluffy giant hair ball beside the bed. Every time he glanced at it, he couldn't help but want to lick it, if it wasn't for the distressed self-coating hair The pain that Rongrong is suffering at the moment, he has already rushed to lick his hair.

The results of it? This product was actually sold out.

After the big white tiger's movements, Su Jiuli took the opportunity to rush over, and then his waist was entangled with a fluffy tail in the next second, and he returned to the center of the big bed again.

Su Jiuli lying down: "Dabai, what are you..."

A giant hair ball that blocked his light appeared in front of him, and the silver hair was like a stroke under the light, glowing with silver light.

The narrow fox's eyes suddenly glowed, and his gaze fell uncontrollably on the fluffy soft white belly, and his fingers moved uncontrollably.

Su Jiuli rolled his throat, reminding himself not to be seduced by the fluffy beauty and forget about business.

He closed his eyes and opened them again. At the same time, his side sank, his arm felt the plush touch, and he saw Da Bai already lying next to him, tilting his plush head, and the beast eye was looking at him.

Su Jiuli took a deep breath. Unexpectedly, a huge claw stretched over and pulled his whole person over. Almost immediately, there was still a certain distance of the big head in front of him, and he could feel his fluffy breathing when he was so close.

Before he could react, he felt the fluffy touch from his neck. There are two paws surrounding him, giving him the illusion of being locked and unable to escape.

And Da Bai is sniffing his neck again.

Dabai's manic opening method is a bit...magic.

He doesn't do damage, doesn't hurt people, but silently sniffs his neck?

Speaking of which, he came in twice and Da Bai did not attack him. Perhaps because of being unfamiliar last time, Da Bai appeared and pressed him underneath with his paws, sniffing fiercely towards his neck. This time, as soon as he entered, he was circled by Da Bai's tail, and he still sniffed his neck. And now...

Forget it, he likes to sniff the neck and sniff the neck. Being so close, he could just take this opportunity to repair Da Bai's spiritual sea. He stretched out his hand to hold the fluffy big head and began to send wood energy. Da Bai did not hide, letting him move closer.

There was a fluff around his neck that was sniffing, bringing a fluffy numbness. The fluffy was so close to him that he was still annoying him. In order to concentrate, he had to close his eyes again.

He didn't notice that when he closed his eyes to transmit the power, the fragrance of the log on his body suddenly became rich.

There was Su Jiuli's wood energy in the Great White Tiger's spirit sea that evoked his original beast instinct, and outside was seduced by the fragrance of this log that seemed to linger in dreams, his huge head was getting closer and closer.

He pulled up to Su Jiuli's neck and took a deep breath, his eyes fell on the delicate apple knot.

His original beast was roaring instinctively, letting him get his own breath.

The eye of the beast was suddenly stained with a large area of ​​black ink and became extremely black and heavy.

The big white tiger slowly opened his mouth, his sharp teeth glowing slightly with cold light.

The next moment, Su Jiuli shocked. The eyeballs on the eyelids kept rolling, but they didn't open.

Dabai bit people and gritted his teeth. Is it really affected by mania?

He couldn't stop his movements at this moment, so he had no choice but to say: "Da Bai, don't grind your teeth, and I will get out later, I will find you some yarn balls."

However, it was useless. The big white tiger was still moving down, paws open his clothes and stared at his chest.

A little white tiger was looming there.

The big white tiger lowered his head and took a bite uncontrollably. At this moment, the little white tiger suddenly opened his eyes and roared silently at the big white tiger.

The big white tiger's eyes sank, regardless of the little white tiger's roar, he continued to bite.

When the teeth touched the white tiger seal, an electric light appeared from the white tiger seal and fell on the big white tiger. Almost at the same time, an electric light suddenly appeared on the two hemispheres of the spirit sea and the small hemisphere struck the larger hemisphere. With the rain falling down with the essence of the purified grass, in a flash of lightning and thunder, the distance between the two hemispheres suddenly shrank by more than half, and they were about to stick together.

Su Jiuli felt the slight tingling pain in his chest. After transferring the wood power in his body, he opened his eyes and saw his own fluffy teeth grinding on his chest, and the silver hair on his body was entwined with a flash of electric light.

Dabai's mania this time hasn't healed yet, this is gnawing and lightning, is it because the wood energy he sends is not enough?

He directly held his fluffy head with both hands, and kissed him skillfully, and kissed his ears, "Dabai, how do you feel now?"

Da Baihu was shocked by the kiss, and found out what he was doing, his ear tips were stained pink quietly.

Su Jiuli wanted to sit up, but was pulled back by the possessive great white tiger who was now sober but the original beast's instinct was so high, and his head was on the pillow.

Su Jiuli's first reaction was that it was heavy, but he hugged Da Baihu's fluffy head tightly. He is willing to bear such a sweet and heavy burden.

It's just that Dabai is clearly not chewing him now, why does he still have the illusion of being chewed? Not only gnawing, but also grinding teeth, where it is hot.

How is this going?

Moreover, the pressure on his body is increasing, and he feels breathless.

It's heavy.

He stretched out his hand and scratched Da Baihu's chin, and said, "Dabai, get up a little bit."

Su Jiu saw his fluffy look up, his eyes fell unconsciously on the soft white belly. Not long ago, Dabai had allowed himself to touch his belly, and now the original belly still deeply attracted him. It was this body shape that he was worried about from the beginning.

Maybe you can try it now?

Da Baihu seemed to notice his gaze and changed his posture slightly, revealing more white belly.

Su Jiuli's eyes became extremely bright, and when he stretched out his hand, he suddenly coughed, and his body instantly felt overwhelmed by Mount Tai.

He looked at the big white tiger. The opponent's head was at a certain distance from his body, and it was impossible to press him. Then where did the pressure come from?

Just when he was puzzled, a familiar touch came from the hair on his face.

Realizing something, the corners of his mouth twitched, he decided to leave it alone, and continued to reach out to his white belly.

However, the next moment, he coughed fiercely, and his figure began to become transparent: "Dabai, wait for me to come back."

Su Jiuli opened his eyes and saw a white tiger that had become several times larger sitting on him, his paws dancing wildly on his face and it was about to appear afterimages.

Even though Su Jiuli had been mentally prepared for a long time, he did not expect that Xiaobai's animal form had grown so anxiously that he would suddenly be the size of an adult Siberian tiger.

"Little Bai, what are you doing? Are you upset when you grow up?"

Seeing Su Jiuli waking up, he gave a cold snort. The next moment he became a boy with a cold face, with a little baby fat remaining on his face. The originally round and moist eyes have slowly opened up, and the prototype of the sword eyebrow star has been formed. He frowned and said angrily: "Do you still know how to come back?"

"Because you are too cruel, don't you know that your body shape is really heavy now? It's strange if you don't wake up." Su Jiuli suddenly recognized that he was a kid who had just reached his waist height not long ago. , Looked up and down, "Wow, my Xiaobai has grown a lot taller. How old are you now?"

The boy glanced at him, not very satisfied with Su Jiuli's answer, and snorted, "Ten years old."

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