The explanation given by the Mecha Alliance is that theoretical knowledge and practical operation are equally important, and this difficulty will be used as the standard in the future. This is the first change, and the grid line will be reduced accordingly. At the same time, if the teammates do well in the exam, the average score of the team exceeds the passing line. Of course, the opposite will be eliminated.

In the past, the passing exams that have been complained about have become the first hurdle for these contestants, officially opening its knockout career.

The Interstellar Campus Mecha Contest has individual competitions and team competitions. Team competitions are generally five-to-five, and most teams will have substitutes. Various combat methods have basically been set, and if a main force is eliminated at this time... then this team can basically be regarded as abolished.

However, on the Forum of the First Military Academy, especially the two popular posts related to Su Jiuli that have not been posted on the homepage, someone posted the test results of Su Jiuli's transfer to the department. The first one is the mecha series, with a bright red and bold zero score. The down is also neat and tidy.

Mech Command: 0 points

Mech maintenance department: 0 points

Mecha Manufacturing Department: 0 points


The row of bright red zeros is simply shocking.

Su Jiuli's previous mission achievements were too amazing. After being taunted by various ridicules, they were finally confirmed to be true by the people of the Eighth Army. Another teammate's end maintenance certification, they all know that he is going to participate in this mecha contest. Now that this result is single, people who were still scolding the Mecha League official are all watching Su Jiuli's excitement.

"This row of zero scores is really too strong. I remember that the transfer exam and the final exam difficulty are the same star? These are all zero points. Doesn't the three star mecha theory test also have zero points? ?"

"What are you afraid of? If his teammates do well in the exam, wouldn't they be able to hold him up? You must know that his teammates are basically excellent students from the Mecha Department of the First Academy."

"Envy, jealousy and hatred, I also lack such teammates."

"I am envious of relying on teammates. This time the test results are still in the final total score statistics. You must know that the total score of the next team is one point away, and they can get several places. This time Lin Yu and his team were pulled like this. It's probably difficult to get into the top ten, let alone the championship."

"Weak and weak, I think that Su Jiuli can achieve double S results in this task, and his theoretical knowledge should not be bad. High scores are impossible, at least he won't get a zero score on the test."

"Ha ha."

Among the large number of floors, there are a few fans who are not very confident secretly helping Su Jiuli speak, but they are quickly submerged in them.

On the other hand, Lin Yu, who have been reviewing training these days, naturally also know the news that the mecha test has become more difficult. A few of them are not afraid, but Samsung’s difficulty can't hinder their professional Mecha students.

The problem lies with Su Jiuli. As the people at StarNet said, the test results this time will be included in the final total score of the Mecha Contest, which they did not expect.

In fact, they don't know how Su Jiuli is reviewing now. At first they offered to help Su Jiuli, but Su Jiuli refused. Said that someone had helped him review, and said that there was no problem passing.

After spending this period of time with Su Jiuli and seeing his strength, they naturally believed what Su Jiuli said, not to mention the difficulty of being only one star, it was not difficult to pass.

At the moment they were in the mecha training room of the school. Apart from Lin Yu and Wang Qi and the others, there was another person sitting next to him, slowly wiping his mecha.

Meng Lili: "This will increase the difficulty, and I don't know if Jiuli will be under great pressure."

Lin Yu: "Just trust him, even if he scores zero in the test, our total score can be pulled up."

Wang Qi: "But this is very detrimental to us. In the future, everyone can only make as few mistakes as possible."

Zhou Blasting: "This special mech alliance is temporarily changed. This is a human officer? Hey, Lu Yang, you have been back for so long, what do you think of this matter, it's just a word."

The man who wiped the mecha by his side moved for a while, stood up and revealed a very handsome face, fresh hair, and a wave of bookish anger.

Lu Yang turned his head to look at several people, and said, "I've seen the video of Su Jiuli killing the insect clan that you sent over. Even if he scores zero in the test, his skills will add back the score later. But..."

Lu Yang squatted down again, picked up the rag, and continued to wipe the mecha.

Zhou Battering couldn't help it anymore, "But what? Lu Yang, please tell me. As the tactical commander in our team, can you let us guess every time."

Lu Yang: "I didn't let you guess this time, I just didn't finish it, because suddenly I saw something in my mecha that was not cleaned."

Several people:"……"

Zhou Battering: "Then can you finish talking now?"

Lu Yang: "Of course, but he can't get a zero score on the test. According to what he said at the beginning, ordinary people can easily say this, then it proves that the score he can get is one level higher. Even if he gets two stars, at least You can get a few minutes. And don’t forget what Wang Qi saw at the beginning."

Lu Yang's eyes glowed, "I'm very curious now, what is it that is lit up and not lit up?"

Lin Yu walked over and said, "Last time you were not there and just missed our small gathering, when will I take you to meet him? By the way, you have to stop your eyes from looking like you at that time and don't scare others."

Lu Yang continued the movements in his hands unhurriedly, "Don't be in a hurry, let him come and train together after the exam. We need to run in, time is tight."

At this time, Meng Lili suddenly said, "Someone is doing something on the star network. Someone sent Jiuli's previous transfer results to those two posts with rhythm."

Zhou burst his sleeves and said, "I'll go up and teach them how to behave."

"How about you teach them how to behave? Are they wrong? Do you regret taking Su Jiuli into the team? It's a pity, it's too late. Last time you didn't rank behind our team, and this time is the same. Wrong. , This time with Su Jiuli, you probably won’t even be able to enter the top ten, so what are you going to fight with us?"

Suddenly, the sound interrupted them. Zhou Bakupo followed the sound and saw that Zhang Kai and his party sneered: "Zhang Kai, your master didn't fasten your chain today and asked you to come out and bite people? Suddenly not, Xu Ran is not there, do you really dare to say such a thing in front of me?"

Zhang Kai took a step back. He was not afraid of the others, but he was blasted and combative this week, just like a lunatic. It's uncomfortable to be entangled with J by him, and the attack is cruel. If he really wants to attack himself now, he can't beat the opponent. The school prohibits private fights, but this lunatic has a temper and doesn't care about it. Now that they encountered Su Jiuli, they were probably so angry that they were hitting their guns. Anyway, they are nothing to worry about, and they won't be as tight as they did in the past. Only defeated.

"You won't be proud of it for long, let's go." He wanted to tell Xu Ranyuan and the others about Su Jiuli, thanking Su Jiuli for letting them lose an opponent.

Seeing Zhang Kai and a few people leaving with their tails between them, Zhou Battering didn't give them another look, and in a blink of an eye they got on the star network. Meng Lili and Wang Qi followed.

Lin Yu paused, thinking that he should comfort Su Jiuli first.

Lu Yang looked at his teammates with interest. As far as he knew, they didn’t get along much with Su Jiuli. They usually had eyes above the top, and they weren’t the kind of people who were easy to get along with. Su Jiuli just played like that. Come in?

He continued the movements in his hands and became more and more interested in Su Jiuli.

By the way, his good brother seems to be next to Su Jiuli, right?

Su Jiuli didn't know what happened here and on the Star Network, he was waiting for Xiao Bai to read the paper. It didn't take long to receive a message from Lin Yu, asking him to concentrate on reviewing, don't be stressed, it doesn't matter how many exams are taken, and don't go to the star network at this time.

Su Jiuli replied a few words, and saw Xiaobai handing over the test paper, and he immediately became energetic. He wasted a lot of effort in this exam, and he really did it in order to get the fluffy stuffed up.

The test questions are not difficult, he thinks 80 points should be ok.

He took the test paper, before seeing the results, first gave Xiaobai a wink: "Xiaobai, don't you soon turn back into a beast..."

Xiaobai's stern face twitched slightly, and a flick of helpless eyes flashed: "Where are you confident, first look at your results."

Su Jiuli looked down, his eyes widened: "It's only 60 points, I'm so desperate to do so? Xiaobai, are you deliberately in trouble and don't want me to slap you?"

Xiao Bai: "The difficulty is only three and a half years, not too difficult."

Su Jiuli didn't understand the difficulty of this star. Regarding the fluffy that he couldn't touch his beloved, he flatly looked down at the curly face: "Then how long will it take me to get 80 points in the test."

He raised his head to look at Xiao Bai next to him, and said pitifully, "Xiao Bai, you haven't turned into a beast shape for three days, so I've gotten my hair out."

The boy frowned and acted like a baby.

But it was useless to act like a baby this time, he wouldn't become a beast in less than 80 minutes.

He turned around, "Look at your wrong question first to deepen your memory, and I will explain it to you later."

Just after taking a step, the pitiful voice behind rose to a level: "Little Bai, don't go, just a moment, okay, okay?"

He shuddered undetectably, and continued to move forward. Can't indulge Su Jiuli in this way anymore.

However, another voice came from behind, this time it seemed to be crying: "Xiao Bai, 嘤嘤嘤~~~"

Su Jiuli wiped his eyes with his hands, sighing in his heart that his fluffy mind is not easy to deceive after he grows up.

Since this doesn't work, then he changes to another method. Eighty points is eighty points, and he doesn't believe it.

Su Jiuli lowered his head and gritted his teeth slightly to look at the test questions, but did not find Xiao Bai looking back at him.

From his perspective, he just saw Su Jiuli's fine and fluffy bangs slightly blocking his eyebrows. He couldn't see Su Jiuli's expression, but he could find that he was half biting his lower lip, looking more aggrieved.

Xiaobai turned and walked over, "Just this time, not as an example."

Su Jiuli looked up puzzled after hearing the words, "What, hey?!!!"

The sight is a fluffy white tiger with his chest high standing in front of him, seeing Su Jiuli stupidly watching himself motionless, shaking his tail, and making a hum, he lifted his fluffy paws and handed them to Su. In front of Jiuli, he turned his head unconsciously.

Su Jiuli's eyes were bright, he threw the test paper, hugged the fluffy paws, and immediately rubbed his face.

Rubbing and rubbing, the more he rubbed, the whole person wanted to lean on the white tiger, but also wanted to climb up.

His Xiaobai is still as arrogant and cute as ever. He hasn't used his own plush for three days, so he has to take this opportunity to make enough.

Especially for this size of Xiaobai, it was the first time he slapped him, and he felt naturally different. If he can, he really wants to rub all the whites who are growing up. But Xiaobai grew up too fast, and it was a pity that it was too late.

As for the test papers, they have long been thrown aside. After getting the plush, he just wanted to be immersed in the beauty of the plush, and didn't want to work hard anymore.

As if perceiving Su Jiuli's careful thoughts, Bai Hu saw that Su Jiuli was as good as ever, and stretched out the other paw to pull off Su who was holding his paw and trying to climb on him, but it was useless.

White Tiger hummed softly, and yelled at Su Jiuli, "Oh!"

Come down!

Su Jiuli turned a deaf ear, he rubbed, he rubbed again, and sucked after rubbing.

The white tiger frowned lightly and turned back into a human form in the next second.

Su Jiuli hugged the boy's shrinking arm, lost his footing and staggered, and was protected by Xiaobai's hand.

After standing still, Su Jiuli looked at a calm, high-cold face, let go angrily, and reached out to poke and poke at the childish face. "Xiao Bai, now that I have become a beast, let me be stunned for a while. Don't be so stingy, okay?"

The boy quietly let him poke a few times, then reached out and patted his unwilling paws, and said: "Go to review."

Su Jiuli's eyes turned, and soon he noticed something, "Xiao Bai, did you change your clothes this time in your transformation?"

Xiao Bai: "Don't make a fuss, I'm not three years old, this is the basics. Don't interrupt, go review."

Su Jiuli: "Don't be so serious?"

Xiaobai picked up the paper and handed it over, "..."

Su Jiuli: "Xiao Bai~"

Xiao Bai: ""

Su Jiuli saw that his own plush was unmoved, and knew that it was impossible to think about slicking the hair now. He just had an addiction: "Well, Xiao Bai, you wait for me to 80 Minute."

The ten-year-old Xiaobai is a bit difficult to master, and the trick of pretending to be pitiful seems not suitable for repeated use in a short time.

He is too difficult.

Review it as soon as you review it, and wait until eighty minutes before you touch it.

Sitting down, Su Jiuli didn't find Xiaobai turned and turned his back to him, and let out a sigh of relief.

Su Jiuli is the most coquettish person he has ever seen, and it is too annoying.

This has to be changed.

He wanted to teach Su Jiuli all the knowledge points involved while the guy was still recuperating, and added difficulty to expand other deeper knowledge points.

As long as he teaches this guy Su Jiuli, he can't give that guy any chance. Now it can't be delayed because of his acting like a baby.

At the same time, Da Bai in the sea of ​​spirit is also working hard to recover, sorting out the extra memory fragments, and wants to get out as soon as possible.

Su Jiuli looked at the paper, completely unaware that his family was secretly competing.

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