Seeing this scene, March 7 turned into a fried cat on the spot.

“Hey, it’s endless, I just wanted to rest on my front foot, and this back foot has a new containment!”

Danheng expressed his tiredness and leaned against the wall with his gun to rest for a while.

“Star” looked at the screen with a curious face, and his golden eyes were full of curiosity and desire to learn.

As for Alan?

He went to Aeda for revenge.

Himeko couldn’t help but frown, and gracefully pinched her temples with her fingers:

“Well, now I have a sense of peace of mind that the stone has landed.”

“Looking at the name, it should be an undead lizard? If it’s just that, you can’t beat it and dodge it. ”

“If you can’t throw it on a star, or into a black hole, there is a solution after all.”

Himeko thinks so, but other viewers don’t necessarily think so.

“Don’t come, really, I was already emo after reading the story of “containment-610″, and this is another 6-character one. Collect the powers, Teacher Six! ”

“Cut, it’s too inferior, why don’t you open a new series? I see that the foundation is exhausted, and I can replace it. ”

“I’m curious now, where will this containment-682 appear, and won’t it still be inside the Black Tower space station?”


Audiences of different civilizations reacted mixed.

And after experiencing the baptism of flesh and blood of the “containment-610” abomination, many people feel that their hearts have been sublimated.

At least, if there is another pure flesh and blood monster, it will be difficult to bring waves to their hearts.

Xianzhou “Luofu”.

Seeing Jing Yuan return to the house, Yanqing hurried to greet him.

“General, you’re back.”

Jing Yuan glanced at the picture on the sky dome and nodded

“yes, it’s back.”

“After going through the motions, nothing was discussed.”

He returned to his usual somewhat rambling appearance, seeing that Yanqing was very curious, but he did not dare to ask more because of his identity.

Jing Yuan slowly walked towards the general’s mansion, casually chatting about things in the marshal’s mansion.

“There’s really no need to worry about the foundation.”

“The purpose of these forces, hunting the universe, is still to protect civilization and make it survive.”

“Yanqing, let me test you, what is there on this immortal boat that deserves their attention?”

Hearing Jing Yuan’s question, Yanqing began to think.

Holding the Ming clan?

The value of dragon pith is very high, and it is also the main material for the “Secret Legend of the Medicine King” to manufacture the so-called elixir of life.

But this is not in line with the philosophy of the foundation.

They will not use the excuse of protective research to imprison all the Ming people.

That’s too pan-galactic commercial company….


The Foundation’s starships are much more powerful than their own starships.

That starship, arranged in a military formation, is mighty and majestic!

More importantly, this thing has no special characteristics of containment at all….

And what would that be?

Thinking about it, he looked up at the projection.

Under the projection, an ancient tree that supports the sky sleeps there.


Jing Yuan nodded:

“Yes, as a side effect of immortality, there are evil things left on every immortal boat, if the foundation wants to take them…”

“Hehe, let’s talk about it, maybe they can help us solve the problem of the “Yin Demon Body”.”

“The generals are worried, it’s nothing more than ignorance of the foundation in the past, suddenly appeared, a little flustered, but self-chaotic.”

“If it really wants to be regarded as a great enemy, before it, there is also a pan-galactic commercial company that wants to control my Xianzhou economy and garrison in my Xianzhou all day.”

“Yanqing, the things in this world, like chess games, have a primary and secondary division, and if you do not distinguish between the main and the secondary, you will be troubled and have more troubles out of thin air.”

After speaking, Jing Yuan stopped speaking, stood in the courtyard, listened to the birds, held his hands in front of his chest, looked at the sky dome, and introduced the “containment-682”.

[Containment: Immortal Lizard].

[Item number: containment-682].

[Hazard level: Keter].

[Project description: Containment-682 is a large, one-piece reptile creature of unknown origin.] 】

[It exhibits extreme intelligence, observing very complex exchanges between them during its limited contact time with containment-079.] Containment-682 expresses an abhorrence of all life, as evidenced by several exchanges with it during the containment. 】

[Containment-682 has been observed to have extremely high strength, speed, and rapid reflexes, although the exact degree will change depending on its morphology. 】

[Containment-682 physical body growth and change is very fast, through eating or molting, containment-682 can increase or decrease body size. Containment-682 can derive energy from anything it ingests, whether organic or inorganic. Digestion of containment-682 appears to be aided by filtering gills within the nostrils that absorb useful substances from any solution, allowing it to continue to regenerate when contained in acid. 】

[The regenerative and adaptive capacity of containment-682 is amazing, and containment-682 can still move and communicate when 87% of the body is destroyed or decomposed. 】

After a while, the text in the picture gradually disappeared.

Then a crawling creature about the size of a gecko appears in the picture.

It has a whitish head, a black-brown body, and hair-like tissue on its neck and part of its back.

What’s even weirder is that its eyes grow irregularly on its head, as if they grow out of random.

As it moves, a huge metal cube appears in the picture, and people immediately understand why this guy was able to escape.

I saw that the silver-white metal cube was covered with sharp cut marks, and it was a masterpiece of the antimatter legion.

Acid gushed out of the opening, corroding more metal and messing up the cabin floor.

Probably learned the lesson of the terrifying old man, wherever things can be hidden in the space station, even the food delivery robot has to be stabbed twice.

However, they probably would not have thought that an organization like a foundation would actually consider saving money.

And then stuff so many dangerous containments into a starship.

Feeling the vibration from the ground, the immortal lizard quickly hid behind a potted plant, and climbed along the wall above the door frame.

A few seconds later, a virtual pawn cut open the hatch.

It is going to inspect the room and kill all the survivors.

At the moment it stepped over the hatch, the Immortal Lizard instantly pounced on the head of the virtual pawn.

It’s just that the effect is not very good.

The impact of its flutter is far inferior to that of a fluttering orange cat, and it doesn’t even make the neck of the virtual pawn shake.

The virtual pawn grasped the immortal lizard, took it to the non-existent eyes, and saw what this thing was.

After thinking for a long time with a non-existent brain and not understanding what kind of ugly thing this was, it pierced the head of the immortal lizard with a knife.

Then he threw the immobile little lizard aside and continued its work.

The audience clapped their hands on the door of their heads.

On one side is the glorious achievements in the archives, and on the other hand, the violent death in reality.

Like some “masters” who are invincible on paper and show their stuffing when reality is touched.

“There will also be researchers in the foundation who deliberately exaggerate the strength of containment objects in order to cheat funds…”

“I’m so speechless, I’m ready to see the virtual pawn being bitten off the neck, why did he give me a big reversal???”

“Suggest that the foundation come up with a list of the top 100 crotch-pulling containments, put this at the top of the list, who supports and who opposes?”

“We in the crawling world value peace, pay attention to sneak attacks, this young man of the antimatter legion does not talk about martial virtue, practice death, I got up, a knife in seconds, what can I do.”


Just when the audience complained that the immortal lizard died like a child’s play.

In the corner where the picture was not shot.

The immortal lizard, which should have died, slowly opened its upper and lower eyelids when it was closed.

Then all 8 eyes moved in unison.

Finally found a new form of Uncle 682~

Ask for evaluation votes, ask for flowers!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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