Zombies, a fantasy creature that is widely used in various works.

The “Zombie Crisis” series is a well-known super IP in the whole galaxy, and various games, adapted movies, and adapted comics emerge one after another.

The zombie virus is a classic zombie origin setting, and the beginning of the story of “Zombie Crisis” is that humans created the zombie virus, which eventually caused a series of crises.

When the title appeared, all the audience was stunned.

Although people talk about apocalypse and apocalypse, they never hope for disaster to come.

“It’s coming, you can watch a movie, and finally it’s not a new containment that pops out of the Huo Huo universe.”

“Isn’t it really a joke? How can there be a zombie virus in this world? ”

“No, how does the foundation contain the virus? I won’t use the Colossus like the last time. ”

“Foundation: Big brother virus, this thing (referring to the Colossus) is strong, smoke this.”

“The zombie virus is just a virus after all, not as terrifying as the flesh and blood of abomination.”

“I decided to build an interstellar shelter from now on, in case of a real zombie crisis, I will run it directly!”

“Is there a possibility that if a zombie crisis really breaks out, it will directly block the entire planet?”


Black Tower looked at the text in the picture, and his interest in the “star core” was immediately reduced by half.

Containment has been shown to be real.

The Foundation’s fleet had just enveloped her space station.

So, how will the foundation study the zombie virus known as “containment-008”?

This is a valuable research experience!

Maybe you can give her some ideas for studying strange things!

Himeko sees that Kurota has put his interest into “containment-008”, so she tries to convince “Star” to leave with them:

“Star… You know you have another option…”

Before the words fell, “Star” rushed to answer:

“I’ll go with you.”

After that, I found a seat to watch the live broadcast.

He didn’t forget to pat the vacant seat on the side and signal Himeko to join hime.

Himeko looked at this somewhat cute and scheming girl, smiled slightly, and sat next to her to watch the foundation’s programs together.

The picture continues, as the shady curtain disappears, replaced by large chunks of documentation.

[Containment: Zombie virus].

[Item number: Containment-008].

[Hazard level: Euclid].

[Project Description: Containment-008 is a complex prion. Research on containment-008 is highly classified and aimed primarily at preventive research, which will make it possible to synthesize containment-008 in the distant future. 】

[Characteristics: 100% contagious; 100% lethal. 】

[Transmission path: It is transmitted through the exposed mucous membranes and all body fluids of the infected person, and cannot be transmitted in the air and water. 】

[Symptoms of infection no more than three hours after exposure to containment-008:


Flu-like symptoms, high fever, and severe dementia in later stages.

Coma for about 20 hours after the initial symptoms appear and 12 hours after significant dementia symptoms. Coma will be considered morbidity.

Sporadic cell necrosis over a period of time, with certain symptoms similar to gangrene. The surviving organization assumes the original function and is highly resilient.

Red blood cells greatly increase oxygen storage capacity, blood flow slows down, and muscle endurance and strength increase.

Hours after total organ failure, the nervous and muscular systems remain unaffected.

Metabolism drops to extremely low levels, allowing infected people to survive for more than a decade without nutrient intake.

The high blood viscosity allows infected people to produce only negligible bleeding in the event of gunshots, punctures and slashes.

• Conditioned behavior, motor nerve control, and instinctive behavioral mechanisms are disrupted, and cognitive abilities are severely weakened and unstable. Excessive brain cell necrosis and inactivity in animal experiments.

Infected people can adapt to their damaged nervous system, but only to basic physical activities, including standing, balancing legs, walking, biting, snatching, and crawling.

・Infected people will try to move in the direction of sights, sounds, and smells that can connect with living humans. If an infected person comes into physical contact with a live human, they will attempt to ingest the target.

Suppressing a fully infected person requires very severe cranial trauma. 】

[There is strong evidence that containment-008 does not occur naturally, as variants of similar complexity cannot exist in ecosystems.] 】

[Appendix 008-1: Containment-500 has been found to be completely cured even in the advanced stages of the disease.] 】

With the complete release of the contents of the file, the complete characteristics of “Containment-008” were made public.

And what is more striking is the existence in the appendix ——


This is the first time that two containments have appeared in one archive!

What is Containment-500?

A special drug for zombie viruses?

Or some kind of nanomachine that can enter the human body?

These doubts exist, but there is too little information revealed, and most people still focus on the zombie virus.

“Wow, trying to ingest… Zombies really eat people! ”

“The archives don’t say that this virus only infects humans, that is, other species will also be infected and then bite people?”

“Personally, I feel that the zombies described here are not much different from those in the movie.”

“It can be seen that this file has been around for a long time, and now, will the foundation still pay attention to this virus?”

There is a long list of complex virus structure diagrams attached to the file, which are twisted and turned, and there is no visual impact.

Only leading scholars related to biology and chemistry can keenly detect that this structural diagram has been deleted to a certain extent.

The Black Tower thought this was normal.

After all, with the current level of science and technology, as long as the complete sequence is released, there will be researchers, laboratories and companies trying to restore the zombie virus.

Although this does not necessarily bring them any real benefits.

But he can put a golden signboard on himself that “restored the xxx of “containment-008″”.

It’s like a company that asks her to work with.

The lines of text disappear one by one, and the picture plunges into a brief darkness.

When the picture lights up again, the scene comes to a world full of ice and snow.

A blond man with a tall nose and deep facial features was sitting in an armored car, swaying with the car.

He wore a velvet hat on his head, ear guards hanging down from his sides, and a heavy winter coat wrapped tightly around his body

Under the winter coat, various bright medals were hung on the army-green coat, colliding with each other and making pleasant sounds.

From time to time, he raised a transparent bottle, poured a few mouthfuls, and exhaled a white breath, revealing a satisfied expression.

The audience recognized it as a drink called “vodka.”

Maybe it’s a sweet water? Easy to replenish calories?

They guessed.

The interior space is very small, and it seems that it can collect the heat.

But even so, the ice and snow at the bottom of the men’s leather boots showed no signs of melting.

How cold!

Just then, the car stopped.

A soldier knocked on the hatch of the armored car and reported in a very nasal tone:

“Commander, the people of the Foundation want to be able to communicate with you.”

The man known as “The Commander” opened the hatch, wrapped in his winter coat, and stood knee-high in the snow.

At this time, the audience was able to see the whole team.

“Twist your neck right!”

Although cold, the call horn is neat and high, echoing in the white world.

A giant base car slowly moves through the ice and snow, spitting thick black smoke from the chimney;

Dozens of tanks and vehicles were guarded around the base vehicles, both single-barreled and double-barreled;

In the rear, there were also many troop carriers and jeeps advancing in formation;

And the commander was riding in a tracked vehicle with an anti-aircraft gun on the roof.

The cracking of tracks running over the ice and snow, the bite of gears, the “creaking” of steel wheels rubbing, and the roar of engines.

A division of steel is advancing on the snowy plains.

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