Michael had a dream.

He died in a world full of monsters, buried with his liver.

At the end of the dream, a bouncing Mr. Bear arrives here.

Mr. Bear dug out the dead liver and shoved another sewn liver into his body.

Later, an elegantly dressed uncle picked up Mr. Bear.

The dream woke up.

“I am…?”

The white light is somewhat harsh.

Michael opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling stunned.

“Doctor! Doctor! The patient at bed 04 is awake! ”

This is the ward? …… Oh, by the way, I remembered, the Antimatter Corps … Hiss….

Michael only felt a swelling pain in his head.

Then, an unprecedented pain swept through his body.

In addition, there were several pains and numbness on the body, which were unbearable.

He gritted his teeth, trying to hold back this strange feeling, but his body couldn’t stop trying to pull the foreign object out of his body.

– That’s where the wound is sutured.

Right at this moment.

“Don’t get excited, you’re still weak.”

The doctor walked quickly to his bedside, scanned all the vital signs, and relaxed.

He instructed

“I’ll give you a little painkiller later, but this one is addictive and can’t be used all the time.”

“Everything else is fine, you can sleep as soon as you can now, so that the wound can heal.”

“Recuperate well and recover as soon as possible.”

After speaking, turn around and prepare to leave.

At this moment, Michael stopped the doctor and asked about Mr. Bear in his dream.

Telling what he had seen in his dream, he asked again:

“Do I really have a liver sewn with cloth now?”

The doctor was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, admitting this extremely absurd-sounding statement:

“Yes, it was sewn by a doll bear himself.”

“Don’t worry, though, the new liver is in good shape.”

Who knows, Michael became extremely excited.

Although weak, he still cheered softly:


“Uncle Doctor, where has Mr. Bear gone?”

The doctor pondered for a moment and talked about the magical events that had happened not long ago.


More than an hour ago.

“The Bear with the Stitch Heart” replaces the broken internal organs of the last wounded.

It lay on its own chair in the infirmary.

I don’t know if I fell asleep or returned to the state before it started.

It didn’t take long.

A bright spot of light appeared in front of the infirmary.

This point of light slowly expands into a tunnel that can accommodate a single vehicle.

A gentleman with elegant manners and well-dressed but slightly diminutive stature walked through the tunnel and came to everyone.

He looks like a butler.

He called himself Mr. “Deeds” and came at the request of the administrator of the foundation to collect bears sewn into the “containment-2295”.

To prove that he was right, he also presented a medal with the foundation logo and a pulp on the edges.

Mr. “Deeds” picked up an empty gift box from behind, and the exterior was a shiny collage pattern, the same style as the bear doll’s appearance.

“There are still many people in the world who will need your help.”

Mr. “Deeds” gave a polite smile and picked up the bear doll and placed it in the box.

After closing the lid, Mr. “Deeds” disappeared into the tunnel with the bear doll.

After that, Michael woke up.


Xianzhou “Luofu”.

Jing Yuan put down the scroll in his hand and looked at the picture above the sky dome.

In the picture, the wounded who have been treated with the “Bear with the Heart of the Seam” wake up one after another.

The ones with the lightest injuries have already begun to test their new bodies.

They were surprised to find out.

The cloth torso that has been replaced on the body is not only tactile, but even functionally indistinguishable from the original.

As long as you can ignore their materials and clearly wrong colors.

And the wounded man whose foot was cut off.

At this time, he stood up trembling with the help of the nurse, afraid that the cloth feet would not be able to bear the weight of his body and let him fall.

But as he stood up, he took the first step.

He was surprised to find that the sole of the foot was sewn from fabric.

Although it is soft to the touch, it is really useless, and it is completely indistinguishable from normal feet!

He smiled.

It’s not just him.

All the wounded who received the “Bear with the Heart Seam” treatment had heartfelt joy on their faces.

Only at this time did Jing Yuan finally believe it.

The shelter, called the “Bear with the Heart of the Seam,” is really as good as described in the Foundation’s archives.

And there is no such terrible curse in it.

Without him.

The selflessness, altruism, and healing shown by “The Bear with the Heart of Sewing” made Jing Yuan have to think more.

Because this coincides with the idea of “abundant” destiny.

“Abundance” is the fate of the star god “Medicine Master”.

And the relationship between their immortal boat and the “abundant” star god “medicine master” cannot be said to be very good, at least it is not dead.

“If we regain our belief in abundance, we can give people the ability to regenerate from severed limbs and not die if they are seriously injured.”

“How many conflicts will be staged above the Immortal Boat, and how many more fights will there be?”

Jing Yuan muttered.



Clara watched the wounded get better one by one, and some of the young faces couldn’t help but show happy, joyful smiles.

It’s just that.

I wonder if there will be a similar containment that will be able to appear in her world one day in the future?

Most of the people in the lower city suffer from various diseases, and if it is Mr. Xiong, you can replace everyone’s diseased organs and restore everyone’s health.

In this way, everyone can stick with it longer, right?

And Mr. “Deeds” said, “There are many other people in the world who will need your help.” ”

I’m sure to see that cute doll bear in the future!


The “Black Tower” space station, the office of the Black Tower.

As soon as the consciousness of “Star” withdrew from the “simulated universe”, he heard the Black Tower ask:

“How?” Sim Universe” is still fun, right? ”

“Since it has been successful, I have to quickly tell Stephen the news-Star, don’t be stunned, and then go inside.”

Seeing that “Star” was awake, March Seven happily ran over and asked the other party how he felt in the “simulated universe”.

As for Bai Xuan, he found a place to sit and receive the system reward.

【Containment-2295 recovery successful! 】 】

【System reward distribution! 】 】

【Ding! You received the “Containment-662” butler bell. While Mr. Deeds does not hold revenge and does not really die, please maintain some basic empathy and humanity. 】

【Ding! You have added the “high-speed regeneration” trait, and you have taken a step closer to the legendary “living dead, flesh and bones” miracle medicine, at which time, the “abundance” star god will have to give you a seat. 】

Now you can prepare to drop off your next containment.] 】

Ignoring the addition of “high-speed regeneration”, Bai Xuan directly checked the file of the housekeeper bell.

[Containment: Butler Bell].

[Item Number: Containment-662].

[Hazard Level: Safe].

[Project description: When the handbell is shaken as if it were about to ring, a housekeeper who calls himself Mr. Deeds will appear from the closest position out of sight and ask the ratter for his wishes. 】

Most reasonable requests to Mr. Deeds will be granted, but his abilities are limited. 】

Mr. Deeds also performs servant-style tasks such as cleaning vehicles, preparing food, and cleaning bathrooms. 】

[If the request is deemed unreasonable or impossible by the housekeeper, he will politely inform the rattle and offer alternatives, if any.] 】


If you don’t want to clean up later, or need a chef to help you cook, you can ask Mr. Deeds to come out and help….

Bai Xuan read the entire document and threw the butler bell into his office in the foundation.

Subsequently, consciousness is concentrated in a light curtain above the sky.

With the slight movement of his thoughts.

The screen switches instantly.

[Foundation’s Top 100 Containment Files Released! ] 】

The sound was loud.

[98: Containment-093, Red Sea Objects].

[File Name: Entrance to Another World].

Sorry, the other day the author wrote dizzy, now it’s back to rhythm ….

However, there are only a few chapters to be on the shelves, so I hope the first order will look better.

Ask for evaluation votes, ask for flowers!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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