Interstellar Rebirth: Spiritual Mechatronics

Chapter 27: Actually go to class... (3)

? Twenty-seven. Actually go to class... (3)

After the turmoil of self-introduction, Qi Yang and the others have all learned well, and they all quietly didn't talk. After them, the other students started to introduce. After the introduction of the whole class, the teacher began to speak: "I am your class guide, you call me Teacher Ji. Regarding the things at the ceremony yesterday, I think you are more or less. It’s all clear that we may find it unfair to some people to sort out classes in this way. But you don’t have to have any other ideas, this is not the final result. In this school, all you get is you Given by yourself. Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of this sentence now, but you will definitely understand it in the future... Then in the future, that is, until you graduate, I will be the tutor of Class C if no surprises arise. If you have any questions, you Just come to me.” Someone noticed that he was talking about the teacher in Class C instead of their teacher, and they understood the fact that they can get promoted with good grades.

"I know that you have chosen different main majors, but there are some side courses for you to study in addition to the main majors. What I teach you is history. I won't say more than that, the light brain on your desk. There is the content we are going to talk about in this class, now..." Teacher Ji said above, Qi Yang opened the light brain in front of him according to the words, and after looking at the content inside, he immediately changed his expression: "==". These contents are nothing else, they are exactly what I learned when I prayed for rain!

"We've learned this thing a long time ago, why do we have to learn it again ==?" Le Yi also frowned, and his finger was scratched on the light screen unconsciously, and the light screen block disappeared and reorganized in front of him. , Let people watch... Suddenly there is an urge to try it too.

Qi Yang quickly accepted this thought and listened attentively. But this hearing really made him hear something: "...These... are not the same as what is said in the book?"

He didn't think much about it when he was studying things at Qi Yu. The difficulty was divided into three types. Qi Yang was forced to instill simple historical knowledge by the teacher of the history interface before he thought of what he wanted to learn. After learning both simple and medium difficulty, he didn't want to go to rare school—after all, he learned enough for history.

However, what we are talking about today is obviously those difficult things, and many unheard events are displayed on it, and there are even unglamorous secrets. Le Yi, who hadn't even paid attention to it, noticed this as well. With her clear eyes narrowed, she began to listen carefully—not that they like learning, but that at some point, this knowledge will bring unexpected results.

In today's class, besides the history class, there are also some courses related to their chosen major. In the professional class, the innocence was separated from them. When Le Yi separated from Tongxin, he said earnestly and earnestly: "Be careful, you must pay attention to your safety. No matter what your hot temper, the mechanics are a group of guys with a lack of brains. Don't fight with them. Do you know..." After a big push, Tong Xin was finally let go. Qi Yang had been standing there and looking at Le Yi quietly, waiting for Tong Xin to go away dizzy and dizzy before he said: "You just... talked about Tong Xin. A bunch of bad things, right?"

Not to mention anything else, just the sentence "Mechanists are a group of guys with a lack of brains" directly scolded the childish heart, but it was true that the child didn't react in that way. When Le Yi heard Qi Yang's words, there was no embarrassment on her face. Instead, she smiled and said, "Did I scold him? Xiaoyang, stop making trouble, and be careful of his violent temper. If I say a lot of bad things about him, he won't I’ve been anxious for a long time~ Do you seem to be angry with me when he leaves~~~"

Qi Yang: "..." The guy in front of him is definitely a super-bellied black king! Maybe when the time comes, he will sell Tongxin and count the money for him!

By mistake, the two chose mech repair builders and mental attackers, so their courses would naturally be arranged the same. After the history class, the two went to the mental assault class together. There were not a few people in the classroom, and most of them even stood outside. The two of them looked at each other strangely, but didn't ask much, and walked in directly. The moment they entered the classroom, they saw a few people showing offensive faces—what happened? Qi Yang frowned strangely. But he soon knew what was going on.

The moment they entered the door, the strong pressure directly overwhelmed them. Not that physical oppression, but spiritual. His head buzzed there, and there was even a feeling of wanting to vomit. If I want to come, the school is afraid of students’ problems, so the mental pressure is not great, but it won’t make people feel good. Qi Yang and Le Yi glanced at each other in their footsteps, and instantly understood why there were so many people outside—Nima was so uncomfortable and everyone would go outside!

I looked at the few sitting in the classroom. Although they were sitting there, their faces were calm, but if you look closely, you can see that all of them have their eyes closed and their faces are a little pale. I think their current situation is not what they look like on the outside. So good.

"...It's okay to suffer. Xiao Yang, do you want to go out?" Le Yi asked Xiang Qi Yang, who tilted his head after looking around for a week: "It's the mental pressure from that thing... We two took it apart?" Le Yi Looking along Qi Yang's line of sight, if someone else might really not see anything, but he is not a "other person", so he found what Qi Yang was talking about. It was a very ordinary book...yes, it was a book, but Qi Yang was sure that it must be the source of the oppressive feeling in the classroom now.

A nasty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Take it apart? I like it! If the big deal comes, I will pay another one to the school. I can still afford it~" Who is he? The leader of the largest mercenary group in the universe! He has always made others unhappy, but now there is something that makes him unhappy...the unhappy thing is directly ruined, so he is not afraid of other people's revenge. Unlike Le Yi's dark thoughts, Qi Yang simply felt that something made him uncomfortable...what should I do? When he was at home, he would say it directly, and his brother would help him solve it. Even if there is no elder brother around, there will be others, and they will also help him. So after he heard Le Yi's answer, the two looked at each other, and then walked directly to the thing, the feeling of oppression became heavier as he got closer. This made both of them subconsciously a little irritable.

"Directly dismantled?" Le Yi said that he planned to destroy the thing directly, but was stopped by Qi Yang: "It seems that there is a self-detonation device, so you can't force it." Le Yi took a closer look. A self-detonation device. He didn't pay attention at first sight and almost committed a crime-but he was not afraid of it. Even if the self-detonation device was activated, he had no less than ten ways to make it misfire.┑( ̄Д ̄)┍.

"Is there anything to shut down?" Le Yi asked around his chest. Qi Yang looked around and shook his head: "No, just dismantle it... I don't know about self-destruction, how about you?" He hasn't learned anything about mecha for the time being. Things—but those things are interoperable. He wants to be proficient in the days to come, but he doesn’t have much difficulty in getting started.

After listening to Qi Yang’s question, Le Yi grinned and said, “Blode? Leave this to me! My family specializes in researching this thing!” Indeed, Le Jia is most famous for photo-brain biology, but to extend the words The brain will have a self-detonation system, and his family will naturally develop things related to this. After all, these things are also an important technology that constitutes the optical brain. His family wants to monopolize the biology of the optical brain. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be borrowed. In the hands of others.

The two hit it off. Qi Yang was responsible for dismantling (hui) the instrument, and Le Yi was responsible for shutting down (hui) and closing (huai) the self-detonation procedure. Although they were working together for the first time, it must be said that the cooperation between the two was perfect and the tools Both of them have the habit of carrying them everywhere. So in less than a minute, everyone's pressure on their mental power disappeared. And the two people who made the thing disappear are whispering around in front of the thing:

"What's this? Infrasonic weapons?" Dizziness and nausea are suitable for infrasound, right?

"Mental power belongs to a kind of mind, right? It has something to do with infrasound?" They are oppressed by their mental power, not physically/physically. Even if this thing is opened to the maximum, it will only make them brain dead, and will not stop them from breathing.

"That's a new type of weapon? I haven't heard of anything related to this type of weapon on the market."

"What about the black market? I don't know much about this kind of stuff."

"I haven't heard of... it may be newly developed... and yes, it can't be an infrasonic weapon. This thing only works in the classroom, and it won't work if you go out..."

The two chatted happily, Le Yi put the things in his storage space very smoothly, and the movements were all natural to the extreme, and the posture was as if the thing was originally his.

The teacher who saw the thing being demolished through the monitor twitched his mouth sharply. Some wanted to know what the student was thinking-if you ruin the thing, they won't say anything! Anyway, this is also a disguised assessment! But why do you put things away so naturally? Do you know this is school stuff! It's a common property!

Irfan coughed heavily and came to Qi Yang and the others: "Two classmates..." The two looked at him at the same time. Although Le Yi was smiling, his eyes were cold. He was not very young but experienced. It is many times that of ordinary people, and the person he is watching subconsciously feels like he has fallen into the ice cave; Qi Yang is also a person who is always expressionless. Although he has no emotions, others don’t know and look at him. That cold look will make people subconsciously feel that this person is also angry. Under the cold eyes of the two (one of them?), Irfan suddenly couldn't say anything...

"Teacher, are you looking for something with us?" In the end, Qi Yang opened his mouth first, not because of anything else, but because he didn't like being watched-because this person stood in front of them and didn't speak, so the students who came in came one by one. Looking at them all... He found that even though he could be considered alive for two lives, some habits have not changed (nonsense, you just fell asleep, it would be strange if you changed it)!

Hearing what Qi Yang said, Irfan quickly returned to his senses. He didn't even dare to ask for things back for a while. He quickly coughed to cover up his embarrassment. At the same time, he said, "Class is about to go, you guys quickly find your place to sit. OK." After speaking, they walked straight to the podium without looking at the expressions of the two Qi Le.

Qi Yang looked at Le Yi in confusion: Is that the teacher? What is he doing here?

I have learned that Qi Yang's surface is cold but cute, Le Yi: He just came to make fun of him, just ignore him.

Qi Yang: "..." He always felt that something was wrong. Did he get tricked by the person in front of him like a childlike heart?

Qi Er Shao's face was paralyzed and his face was thinking seriously. ?

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