Interstellar Rebirth: Spiritual Mechatronics

Chapter 34: Actually grab someone...

? Thirty-four, actually rob people...

"Xiao Yang, you will treat me like this now, you know what happened back then." Although the words were interrogative but the tone was affirmative, Qi Yang looked at Qi Shuang and nodded. The latter gritted his teeth when he saw it: "Know you are still doing this to him?! Wouldn't we be like this?!" He clearly sensed Qi Shuang's anger, but Qi Yang was still brave (zuo) dare (si) Said: "But without him, I can't stand in front of you now..."

"...You still speak for him?! He resurrected you, but you wouldn't have died if it weren't for him!" Qi Shuang said that he couldn't wait to beat Luobai again. God knows that he was just rebirth. , Knowing how much Luo Bai wanted to rush in front of the man and give him two laser guns after he had lived for thousands of years! Although Qi Yang's face was paralyzed, his emotional intelligence was definitely not low. He would not praise Luo Bai, and would only tell the truth: "But no matter what, I can't continue to live without him... Don't say anything else, when humans were evacuating from the earth, I Still in the ice coffin, even if Luo Bai is not a problem with the ice coffin, it would be difficult to find medicine to maintain my signs of illness on the spacecraft; more than a thousand years have passed. He doesn’t seem to have reported anything messy; oh, I have lived with him for about a year, and I’ve never seen him take people home...n’t even staying out; I’m going to study and other expenses this time. He also gave it to me; he (stop, stop, you just want to tell me about his various goodness, right? Brother Qi interrupted him a little bit dumbfounded, but he had to say what Qi Yang said was to make him My heart moved—if it wasn't for Qi Yang's thing back then, their relationship was really good.

"You don't need to care about Luo Bai's affairs and I. Just take care of yourself before talking...Look at you and Luo Bai didn't bully you." Thinking of why he was so impulsive just now, Qi Shuang looked up and down Qi Yang: Well, white skin. It was red in color, and the school uniform was neat and clean. It was not very thin from the touch you just held. With the clear eyes, the whole person looks cute~ Qi Shuang nodded, to Luo Bai’s There is less dissatisfaction.

"Bullying? No bullying. He also gave me a robot butler called Qi Feng!" When Qi Yang said this, his eyes were sparkling. He always felt that Qi Feng gave him the feeling of an older brother. I was thinking that if Qi Shuang was still alive, he would definitely be good friends with Qi Feng.

"Qi Feng? I know he... isn't he human?" Qi Shuang was a little surprised, although he had hacked the school's student registration office. Why the school is always hacked ==), but it only says that his baby brother brought a housekeeper to stay in, but it doesn’t say whether the housekeeper is a human or a robot. Qi Shuang has been observing Qi Yang at the same time these days. I took a look at Qi Feng. To be honest, he didn’t see how Qi Feng looked like a robot—does it count as a general house? )?

"He is not a human being, he is my robot butler...but he is also a friend of mine. My brother can't always say that he is a robot." Qi Yang said with a serious face, Qi Shuang laughed, but nodded. Just when he had to say something, his eyes were cold, and he looked outside: "Someone is coming." Qi Yang hadn't waited for him to react, and he was hugged again. It felt like the world was spinning. When he was returning to his senses Already standing outside the gymnasium: "Who..." Ah? Before the last word could be heard, a huge explosion had already sounded around them.

Qi Yang: "..." What happened when I wiped this? ! Is it a terrorist attack? !

Before Qi Shuang could react, he felt energy fluctuations from Qi Yang's body, and at the same time, blue, yellow, and white lights flashed randomly around them. Qi Shuang blinked and scanned the surroundings, then twitched the corners of his mouth to realize that there were at least four protective shields around him—and the defensive effects of each of them were not bad.

"Xiao Yang (that's you. Qi Shuang was about to speak when he heard such a cold word in midair. Although Qi Shuang's temper is mild, it is definitely not good-not to mention his previous life as a businessman. His identity in the first life also allowed him to experience large and small assassinations. If he was good, he would have died many times.

Qi Shuang and Qi Yang looked up together and saw Cassius standing on the aircraft looking down at them expressionlessly. The long purple hair is flying in the air because of the air current, and his handsome face is without the slightest joy or anger, just like a beautiful doll. Qi Yang looked at Cassius and didn't know why his heart was a little guilty. He earned Qishuang's arms, but the latter didn't mean to let go. Not only did he not let go, but the faint strength was a little bit stronger.

This person... The person Xiaoyang lives with (that's living together! Live!)... always gives him a bad feeling.

"Don't let it go?" Qi Yang saw Cassius' lips move, and then he saw for the first time the scene that was only seen in the light brain special effect: the bricks under his feet were floating out of gravity. In the air, it smashed; the soil under the stone brick lifted into the air like the stone brick, and merged...just less than five seconds, a tornado-like thing flared its teeth and claws behind Cassius-but the "tornado" was Made of soil.

Qi Yang: "...Abnormal, supernatural power..." His eyes did not blink, and he stared at the earth tornado composed of supernatural powers. Qi Shuang's face was also a bit ugly: although he knew that Senwenren’s personality was self-explanatory. I'm used to it, but I never thought that he would be so defiant here... Moreover, being defiant is still a trivial matter. The most important thing is that they make such a big disturbance, and the school will definitely not stand idly by.

"I don't think those people have EQ problems at all, but IQ problems!" Qi Shuang didn't worry that Qi Yang would be injured, after all, his protective shield had so many layers. He let go of Qi Yang and ran away, intending to lead the inexplicable person away. As a result, when he ran without two steps, he suddenly noticed something was wrong. Turning his head and looking, he saw that the handsome man ignored him, jumped from mid-air to the ground, and walked straight to a place not far from Qiyang. Place—because it was blocked by the energy shield: "..." He didn't say a word, just put his hand on the energy shield, and the meaning could be understood without saying that Qi Yang. The latter quickly removed those energy shields and watched Cassius approach him, standing still: "Go back."

"Huh? Huh, ah, oh!" Qi Yang didn't react for a while, he followed Cassius to leave in a hurry, but he was caught before his feet could go out: "Who are you? Want to take me to your child." …Where is Yang going?" Although he knew that the other party was Qi Yang's roommate, the inexplicable feeling made him feel very upset, so he didn't care about the others and stretched out his hand and grabbed Qi Yang's right hand. Cassius looked at Qi Shuang's hands with cold eyebrows and cold eyes, but Qi Yang quickly let go in the next second, and retreated to the side. A big tree beside him was instantly cut in half by an invisible sickle.

"...Asshole, do you really think I dare not beat you?!" Qi Shuang was also angry after being beaten so many times. From his cheeks, fine scales appeared, and even his expression became a bit hideous. Cassius looked at him quietly, suddenly let out a short "ha", Qi Yang looked at him subconsciously, and listened to Cassius saying: "It's so ugly."

Qi Yang: "..." Inexplicably, I think this sentence makes you hate!

Qi Shuang: "..." Ha ha.

Cassius looked at Qi Yang: "Stand aside." After speaking, he still stood motionless, but there was no flaw in his whole body. A lot of students have gathered around, and they looked at Cassius and Qi Shuang with surprise expressions. At this time, Qi Yang finally realized what had happened, and suddenly stood between the two of them: "Don't fight each other!" From the beginning to now, the two of them have not spoken at all. Who can do this kind of scene where the fight starts as soon as they meet. Tell him what's going on? !

Seeing that Qi Yang was blocking him, Qi Shuang didn't dare to do anything, so he glared at Cassius and closed his hand. The scales on his face began to fade away: "He did it first." This thing was not his fault in the first place.

Qi Yang was about to talk to Cassius, but suddenly a hand was placed on his waist. Qi Yang: "???" What is this? Before he could understand, he was suddenly carried on his shoulders!

Qi Yang: "...(⊙v⊙)?!"

Qi Shuang: "...o(≧口≦)o"

Students around: "...(⊙▽⊙)!"

Eh eh eh? What's happening here? ! At this moment, the hearts of the three were clamoring like this.

"Cassius Lambold! You let him down!" Qi Shuang reacted first. He had read Qi Yang's admission information several times in the past few days, including his roommate. Cassius didn't react to Qi Shuang's words, and he still got on the aircraft with a flat expression, and then put down Qi Yang, who was carrying him. The latter's face at this time didn't know whether it was because of the head-down posture or shyness, so There is an unnatural blush. As soon as he was put down, he was about to speak, and the aircraft was launched: "We are in class."

"You can't do that in class! My brother is still there!" Qi Yang said he was about to jump down, but the aircraft that had been stopped at a low level suddenly lifted into the air. The former was startled, and he subconsciously grasped the arm in front of him— The child didn't realize that Cassius was holding his arms around his chest in that half-huddled position. "Is that really your brother? Luo Bai has only you as a child." He is not even Luo Bai's biological child...Huh? Could it be possible that Qi Yang had claimed it, and that Arlandian was his brother outside...this is a possibility-a fart! Neither of them belong to the same race!

Cassius was paralyzed and thought, although he thought so much, it was only a short moment. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Qi Shuang was also angrily chasing up in the direction the aircraft was coming and going. He drove away suddenly: "He has already followed, go back." A tone of voice that can't be resolute. Qi Yang only felt a choking in his chest, and he didn't want to pay attention to the other party at all, his eyes were staring straight ahead.

That guy Cassius is a big **** who doesn't know how to respect people! If he can beat the opponent, he must go up and kick him! ?

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