Chapter 600 Planning

Liu Zhijie probably understood what Zhang Bozhen meant when he heard this, and nodded quickly, but asked worriedly: "Our family gets along very well with various local officials and dignitaries. If we announce that our family is wanted, Man, I don’t know if it will be effective.”

Zhang Bozhen sneered when he heard Liu Zhijie say this: "With your intelligence, you still have the nerve to set up a separate branch company. If you follow your original path, you will be blamed sooner or later."

Liu Zhijie was scolded by Zhang Bozhen, but he said with a smile on his face: "Thank you, Master, for supporting me. If Master hadn't supported me, I would have been like that."

"I'm here to ask you to name the people in your family who have done bad things. People in the gray area like you are just like a rag in the eyes of our family."

“Everyone knows this rag is dirty, but now everyone has to use it, so it doesn’t matter.”

“But once someone says that the rag you use is so dirty, who will defend you?”

“Besides, we are not looking for him directly, we are just using him as a criminal suspect to force them to reconcile with you.”

"As long as I list him as a criminal suspect, no matter how close the government officials and dignitaries are to your family, they will definitely be thinking about how to silence them. Otherwise, if they are arrested, who will dare to say anything? No one in your family will leak any information."

“As long as people have been in the gray area, all the powerful politicians will look at them with colored glasses. They are destined to never be able to clean themselves up in their lifetime. In other words, you are lucky to be on this planet, otherwise you can become a parliamentarian?”

“Of course it’s a good thing that your previous achievements were not good enough. Otherwise, if you became the core of the family, you would always be a rag.”

Liu Zhijie couldn't say that it was our Liu family who did it, and it had nothing to do with you, Zhou Kexin, because Zhou Kexin would be acting later, so he said: "It was our Liu family and the Lu family who offered the reward together, but there is no substantive evidence from the Lu family. , and our Liu family already has evidence, and the official will issue a wanted order soon. "

 “Hurry up and do things.” Zhang Bozhen was extremely agitated now. Not only did he have to wipe his subordinates’ butts, he also had to borrow a sum of money.

"Once this news breaks out, what do the people in the alliance think of them? Will the government allow their military personnel to put a bounty on an ordinary citizen at will?" Zhang Bozhen said angrily.

 Liu Zhijie understood some of the things Master Zhang said, but he didn't understand others.

The reason why Zhang Bozhen is so angry is entirely because Yang Bo just patted his chest and promised to settle everything.

“I am stupid and I know this is true, but I don’t know exactly what to do. I am afraid that I will do something wrong and fail to achieve the effect.” Liu Zhijie explained carefully.

Zhang Bozhen carefully told Liu Zhijie what to do, and finally told him: "You can still go to Yang Bo to act, but you must not let Yang Bo get hurt. Also, don't mention my name."

 “What about the Lu family?”

“Why are you such a stupid person? You can do whatever you are told. The Lu family comes from a military family, and then you come to trouble an ordinary resident.”

 Because to avoid the emergence of a second military government.

To be honest, Liu Zhijie had no choice but to set up a branch company on his own, because he couldn't survive within the family, so he had to develop the market outside.

 “Thank you, Master, for your advice.” In any case, Liu Zhijie still played the role of a caring subordinate vividly.

 Liu Jingxiang and Zhou Kexin are waiting for news about Liu Zhijie.

Liu Zhijie said goodbye to Zhang Bozhen and hurried back to the dormitory.

 As for Liu Zhijie’s business strategy, it is not to rely on the Liu family’s platform to do some tasks.

"How's it going?" The two of them asked quickly when they saw Liu Zhijie coming back. They were really anxious, after all, such a big thing had happened.

But fortunately there is not a close relationship between the military and the government. Once anyone in the local government has a close relationship with the military, they will be killed by everyone in the government.

"I understand, thank you, Master. I will learn more from Master Zhang in the future." Although Liu Zhijie was pointed at the nose and taught a lesson by Master Zhang, he felt happy because not everyone can be taught such a lesson by the boss.

"To put it bluntly, you have offended the Lu family, and I am here to protect you. If the Lu family comes up and stares at me, maybe you people will be the first to be unlucky." Although Zhang Bozhen is not afraid of the Lu family, But I don’t want to have another enemy for no reason.

 So when Liu Zhijie was able to clear his name, he handed over the company without hesitation, and then went ashore to become a politician.

If time could go back an hour, Zhang Bozhen felt that he would definitely not pledge his vote to Yang Bo.

“Ah, what can we do?” When Liu Jingxiang and Zhou Kexin heard this, their expressions changed greatly.

"Our family can only reconcile. If my family does not reconcile, I will be a tainted witness, and the **** in the family will know that they are in trouble." Liu Zhijie said through gritted teeth, and he was very angry himself.

 Because Yang Bo is not only a retreat, but also a big leg.

"How much does it cost? The greedy people in the family will probably cost a lot of money." Liu Jingxiang was a little helpless when she said this, and then said worriedly.

"I've already asked someone to borrow money." Liu Zhijie shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“I’ll give you half of the money, and I’ll pay it back to you when I have the money.” Liu Jingxiang had no other choice, and she had to admit this matter herself. "What about the Lu family?" Zhou Kexin was a little anxious. The Liu family had a solution, but what about the Lu family?

"This matter is still a bit difficult to handle. I'll think of a solution. The Lu family is on one side, and the key is your Zhou family."

"The lawsuit belongs to the Lu and Zhou families. We need to find a way to stop these two families at once." Liu Zhijie decided not to explain the method for the time being. He would wait until Zhou Kexin became more anxious before he could persuade him to act.

 The key is to convince the other protagonist.

So the next morning, when Yang Bo just got up and went to the room where he was surfing the Internet, he found that Liu Zhijie had sent him four messages, saying that he had important news and wanted to see him.

Yang Bo sent a message to Liu Zhijie after washing himself.

 Half an hour later, Liu Zhijie's car arrived at Yang Bo's villa.

“The matter has been investigated clearly, it is our Liu family and Zhou Kexin family, as well as her former fiancé’s family.”

 “His fiancé’s family…!” Liu Zhijie slightly expanded the power of the Lu family.

"What should we do?" Yang Bo actually understood these things, but since Liu Zhijie was here, he must have a solution, so he pretended not to know what to do.

"It's easy to talk to our family. I'm already talking to them. The chance of reconciliation is very high!" Liu Zhijie said this.

 In fact, the Liu family is already in a hurry. March Star directly blamed the Liu family for yesterday's attack on the residents.

The March Star’s official report refers to a group of thugs attacking residents with laser weapons, and this group of thugs are members of the Brotherhood. There were also these members of the Brotherhood in the press conference, and they were stated in the video to be from the Liu family. Someone contacted me to kill this resident.

Of course, the official term used is suspect, and these suspects in the Liu family were originally named by Liu Zhijie. As long as those who have done bad things are caught, evidence of their crimes can be easily found.

After these people from the Liu family were listed as suspects, the Liu family became anxious and looked for connections everywhere. Unfortunately, those people now said they were powerless because this was the internal affairs of another planet.

He also asked whether the Liu family had any rewards in the brotherhood.

The Liu family has already done it, but if others ask, they will definitely not admit it.

After hitting a wall one after another, the Liu family became anxious and contacted Liu Zhijie to ask what Liu Zhijie wanted to do.

Because the Liu family believed that Liu Zhijie was responsible for this incident, because Liu Zhijie was a member of the March Star Councilor, but this guy spoke in a bureaucratic tone and could not say anything substantive at all.

Once said, the Liu family might backhand and produce the recording evidence.

 Then Liu Zhijie hung up the phone and ignored calls from his family.

 Then come to Yang Bo to solve the Lu family's affairs.

 “What about the Lu family?” Yang Bo asked.

“It’s not that there is no way, but you also know that things in the military are not easy to deal with. The only way now is to put on a show..."

"What you did was very simple. You went out shopping with Zhou Kexin and were attacked. Of course, this was all fake, because we arranged the attack ourselves."

"Although the people in the Lu family's military are not easy to deal with, we are the government. We want everyone to know that the Lu family, a warlord, wants to murder an ordinary resident because this resident is in love with the ex-girlfriend of a member of their family. Together."

“Just to amplify the conflict, think about it, ordinary people don’t know the marital status of big families like ours.”

“Now the ex-boyfriend hires a murderer to kill his ex-girlfriend and his ex-girlfriend’s current friends. This is such a hot topic in the news.”

“It won’t work if the government departments don’t come forward. There will definitely be many social groups who will stand up and accuse the Lu family.”

When Yang Bo heard this, he looked at Liu Zhijie with admiration. This guy had been in politics for two days and he had become so dark.

“Yes, yes, but I require wearing glasses and a mask.” Yang Bo nodded. The Lu family’s affairs were beyond his reach anyway, and he would have plenty of time later.

“Then I’ll go back and make plans now, and I’ll send you a message then.” When Liu Zhijie heard Yang Bo’s promise, he hurried to prepare.

“Yeah, sorry, Brother Jie.” Yang Bo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the matter could be solved for the time being. After all, being pointed at with a laser gun in the dark was also a very scary thing.

 (End of this chapter)

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