Chapter 604 announced

Zhang Bozhen called Yang Bo, but Yang Bo was running for his life and had no time to answer the phone.

However, Zhang Bozhen could see from the video surveillance that Yang Bo ran down the stairs on the second floor, then came to the first floor and directly exited the mall entrance, and ran out of the mall in a flash.

Zhou Kexin followed Yang Bo, her mind was in a mess, she just knew to follow Yang Bo.

 There are already many police drones, police robots, and police outside the shopping mall.

There were even police mechas, blocking the entire mall with eager eyes.

Yang Bo threw away the weapon in his hand when he ran out of the mall.

 Police drones and police robots did not recognize the identities of Zhou Kexin and Yang Bo.

However, the two of them did not carry weapons, so the drones and robots were only on guard.

 There are huge shields inside the police robot hand. These shields form a wall that surrounds the entire mall.

Zhou Kexin looked at these huge shields and felt an inexplicable feeling of suffocation. It was the unbelievable feeling of escaping after death.

“Dear viewers, there was a terrorist attack on the largest shopping mall in March, and two more hostages escaped.”

The news media reported that Yang Bo and Zhou Kexin came out, but they did not take any frontal photos of them.

The reason for doing this is to allow the surrounding drones and other smart devices to recognize their identity.

"What video? What video does she have?" Zhang Bozhen was a little confused when he heard this.

After identification by the police drone, they sent the two people to a nearby hospital for examination. These police officers had no idea that the targets of the killers were the two residents in front of them who seemed to be in frail health.

More than a dozen policemen in armor rushed directly into the mall.

Yang Bo also collapsed on the ground, and then took off his mask and glasses.

“Master, there is a video over there with Ms. Zhou.” Just when Zhang Bozhen didn’t believe it, Uncle Niu walked in and whispered.

Because there are police drones, police robots and police mechas all around, and if you don't do anything right, you may be beaten by these groups.

“Viewers, two more survivors escaped from the shopping mall. On the surface, the two survivors did not have any injuries. According to observations, these two people should be residents.”

 Just after Yang Bo and Zhou Kexin were sent away, the police didn't know what news they got and directly launched a general attack.

According to the video that was later exposed, one of these policemen wearing armor was a planet guardian.

“Dear viewers, according to incomplete statistics, more than 20 hostages have been kidnapped by terrorists.”

“The two hostages who just escaped have been sent to the nearest hospital.”

 Zhang Bozhen felt that something was wrong after listening to it.

“Yang Bo, how did you do that?” Zhang Bozhen rushed to the hospital and looked at Yang Bo strangely in the special ward.

"This is really an accident..." Yang Bo told the whole story.

Zhou Kexin slumped on the ground and took off his glasses, looking completely imageless.

 “Look….” Uncle Niu took out the video directly.

This planet guardian used his air blast to directly kill two killers who took hostages. As for the other three killers, follow-up reports were that they were killed by police using laser guns.

The shield of the police robot left a gap. Yang Bo and Zhou Kexin rushed in along the gap, and then the police robot pulled up the wall behind them.

Yang Bo also craned his neck to take a look, only to realize that it was a video shot by Zhou Kexin. It started with a video shot by Zhou Kexin while hiding in the distance.

 The killer looked extremely arrogant and said something like not sleeping with other people's girlfriends.

Zhang Bozhen glanced at Yang Bo again when he saw this, because Yang Bo didn't speak so carefully just now.

"This killer is talking nonsense. Sister Kexin and I are innocent." Yang Bo didn't say anything just now because he was afraid of misunderstanding. He didn't expect Zhou Kexin to record the video.

Zhang Bozhen felt that something was wrong after watching it, but the video would not be fake, and he could not show the fake video to himself. Uncle Niu must have checked it before bringing it over.

“Ms. Zhou’s original intention of making the video was said to be to leave evidence for the police. After all, this situation would probably be...” Niu Bo explained in a low voice, and at the same time he was a little impressed by Yang Bo.

The reason why he didn't finish his words is that Zhou Kexin thought that the two of them would die in that place, so he recorded some videos as evidence to make it easier for the police to solve the case in the future.

This reason makes sense. After all, these three killers are not ordinary people, and Yang Bo and Zhou Kexin are of low strength.

"We don't need to worry about it now. This is complete evidence. Although there is no substantial evidence, it is enough for the Lu family to drink." Zhang Bozhen thought of another point after watching the video.

 “Young master is wise.” Uncle Niu nodded. Sometimes it is difficult to handle a serious drama.

"Yang Bo, these killer organizations are very vicious, so the three killers you killed, do you want to exchange them for money?"

"Of course I have no other intentions. In order to save you from trouble in the future, of course the compensation will be very generous."

“And if you, as a resident, kill three people, you will be subject to a long-term investigation by the judicial department no matter what the circumstances.” Zhang Bozhen said again.

Yang Bo's murder video is a bit unbelievable, and Zhang Bozhen doesn't want Yang Bo to be exposed. After all, his interests are connected with Yang Bo's.

“I have no problem at all, but the last person may have surveillance video, and Sister Kexin.” Yang Bo nodded, it would be best to give him money, he definitely didn’t want to be famous.

“Uncle Niu, go and communicate with Ms. Zhou.”

“I’m afraid there will still be bounties for these three killers after their identities are verified, and they will be yours when the time comes.” Zhang Bozhen added. "Thank you, fourth brother!" Yang Bo quickly thanked him.

“Who among us brothers is following whom?” Zhang Bozhen felt that Yang Bo was very lucky. The three of them were all B-level or above killers, and yet they disappeared like this.

Uncle Niu went out for a few minutes, and then Zhou Kexin ran in.

“Yang Bo, are they telling the truth?” Zhou Kexin looked at Yang Bo and asked.

"We have no law enforcement power and will be investigated by the judicial department. The other is the killer organization. If they know that we have been killed, their killers may continue to retaliate against us. We can just take the money." Yang Bo nodded and explained.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Zhou Kexin nodded when he heard this.

Yang Bo was speechless. Why do you listen to me? You still owe me so much money, and now you have an income.

 “Where’s Brother Jie?” Yang Bo quickly changed the subject and asked.

"He was injured by two killers and is still being treated. These killers are not low-level." Zhang Bozhen couldn't say bad things about his subordinates, but the way he handled this matter made Zhang Bozhen feel that he The subordinate is a bit unreliable.

Hearing that he was still being treated, Yang Bo knew that Liu Zhijie might be injured a bit badly this time.

But yes, these killers are all B-class and A-class superpowers, and someone with his small body would have been slapped away long ago.

After all, someone who can take on such a mission and openly carry out terrorist attacks is definitely not an ordinary killer.

At this moment, Uncle Niu glanced at the communicator and whispered: "The identities of the three killers killed by Yang Bo have been confirmed. Two A-level superpowers, one B-level superpower, and three The reward offered by the alliance reached 420 million credits. The other two people killed were both A-class superpowers. They were a killer team called Poison Rose."

“This team of killers likes to dress up as women when doing tasks.”

Hearing this, Zhang Bozhen looked at Yang Bo in disbelief. He actually killed two A-level and one B-level superpower killers.

"You guys discuss how to divide the money. When the time comes to collect the bounty, I will transfer it to your account." After hearing this, Zhang Bozhen stood up and prepared to leave. Since it is a famous killer organization, it must be I have to make some arrangements.

"I do not want."

 “Let’s divide it equally!” Yang Bo and Zhou Kexin said at the same time.

“You guys should discuss it carefully, I have something else to do, and I’ll treat you to dinner later.” After Zhang Bozhen finished speaking, he was about to leave.

 “Thank you, fourth brother.” Yang Bo sent Zhang Bozhen away.

“Yang Bo, who is this person?” Zhou Kexin looked at Zhang Bozhen who was leaving and asked.

 “The fourth young master of the Zhang family.” Yang Bo answered.

“Is that the Fourth Young Master Zhang?” Of course Zhou Kexin knew that there was the Fourth Young Master Zhang. After all, the conflicts of the Zhang family were within the big family and everyone knew about it.

 “Yeah!” Yang Bo nodded.

 “Are you okay? I want to be discharged from the hospital!”

“Yang Bo, thank you today, but I can’t ask for the money.”

“You don’t want money, are you planning to tell this matter later?” Yang Bo asked after hearing this.

“No, of course not.” Zhou Kexin explained quickly.

“Take it, I won’t be worried if you don’t take it, and neither will Mr. Zhang Si.” Yang Bo shook his head.

“….” Zhou Kexin could only nod her head when she heard this.

There was no such thing as Yang Bo's murder, so the two of them were just ordinary customers and did not need to be investigated at all.

Yang Bo looked at Liu Zhijie who was still in the treatment room and knew that this guy's injury might be unusual.

"Liu Zhijie, this is too...!" Zhou Kexin was a little speechless. He didn't expect that Liu Zhijie's words were clear and logical at the beginning, but he turned out to be like this in the end.

“Don’t envy him. After his treatment is completed, I’m afraid there will be a large amount of compensation,” Yang Bo chuckled.

“Yang Bo, thank you today.” When Zhou Kexin heard this, she naturally knew that Yang Bo was joking.

 “It’ll be fine once the matter is over, let’s go first.” Yang Bo and Zhou Kexin left.

Of course, the two of them will also receive a compensation in the future, but not as much as Liu Zhijie.

Yang Bo and Zhou Kexin returned to the company dormitory. Liu Jingxiang was speechless after hearing the cause and effect of the incident.

 “This Liu Zhijie!” Liu Jingxiang didn’t know what to say.

 At this time, March Star, officials officially released information about this terrorist attack.

 Everyone in the alliance is very curious about this incident, and they reacted so quickly to March Star. After all, it has only been two or three hours since the incident. I actually figured out the cause and effect.

“According to our preliminary investigation, this was an accidental incident, but the cause of this incident is complicated.”

“These terrorists themselves are on a bounty mission. Let’s take a look at a video. This is what a killer said when he was chasing the target of the mission.”

Of course, Yang Bo was coded in the video material, and the killer’s words directly shocked the little fairies in the entire league.

 The ex-boyfriend hired him to kill his girlfriend and her current boyfriend! How could something like this happen in the alliance?

 (End of this chapter)

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