Chapter 613 Weird

Zhou Kexin’s series of explanations prove that this thing is considered a luxury product.

“But it seems that this kind of thing is not allowed to be imported, right?” Yang Bo asked after hearing this, because this kind of purely natural and wild thing is well protected by the alliance.

“There are high tariffs, so this kind of thing will basically only be digested within the association and will not be traded, so it is not illegal.” Zhou Kexin explained.

Yang Bo nodded. As long as no one comes out to oppose or shout slogans, some things may exist.

If this product is sold in supermarkets, some nature conservation groups may come out to protest.

 In fact, Yang Bo feels that the alliance is right in protecting nature, because although there are many planets in the universe, there are very few planets suitable for the survival of animals and plants.

 As long as the planet can be transformed, humans will find ways to transform it and make it as adaptable as possible.

Many planets have strict regulations. Only people with super powers can immigrate. Because the gravity and air composition of these planets are not suitable for ordinary people to live.

 In other words, if ordinary people live on these planets, they can only live indoors for the rest of their lives.

Although the education of disciples in a big family is different from that of ordinary people, it is still in such a big environment.

"Why don't you become a knight?" Yang Bo asked the two women while eating.

This is a game similar to killing monsters and upgrading. The game professions include knight, warrior, archer, and bard.

“As for the bard’s musical instruments, not to mention the bard’s skills, it costs a lot of money.”

 Back to the company dormitory, Yang Bo first learned about this virtual game.

 At present, the highest level of a profession is level 100. This virtual game is adapted from the early ancient history of the Aqualan Empire.

This is not a pure upgrade game, it should be leisure, upgrade, and war. The combination of several games creates a real ancient kingdom.

 There are many sub-professions, including chefs, brewers, blacksmiths, grooms, masons, carpenters, painters, etc.

 Because the risk for residents to travel is too high, and residents need special protective equipment when traveling, this not only costs more for transportation companies, but also adds an additional risk.

However, Yang Bo felt from Zhou Kexin's tone that the most she felt was that she didn't seem to have any objection to this kind of thing.

"A knight needs a lot of money. A knight first needs a mount, a groom, and at least two followers."

 Zhou Kexin and Liu Jingxiang both chose warriors, using shields and swords.

However, most ordinary people cannot leave the planet where they were born. Just like Yang Bo, a former resident, it is difficult to leave the city where he was born throughout his life.

 “The cheapest profession in this game is the warrior.”

“In addition, knights’ equipment is also very expensive, and things related to mounts are also very expensive.”

So is Zhou Kexin’s current statement or mentality due to the game, or is it due to other reasons?

 Because people can change, just like some junk culture promoted by some big junk companies. If you stay in this big company for a long time, you will also be affected by these junk cultures.

“In addition, knights must pass the task assessment, and only after the assessment can they become trainee knights.”

Players play the game as if they are living in a real country.

People who grew up in the atmosphere of the Alliance are not at all disgusted with this kind of behavior that destroys nature. On the contrary, they look forward to it.

“An archer’s arrows are expensive, and so is his bow.”

“Yang Bo, I suggest you stop playing the game and go to the forum first, because this game is too complicated. If you just choose a warrior and want to go out and hunt some animals or something, you will go bankrupt very quickly.”

“On the one hand, it may not be able to kill monsters, and on the other hand, repairing equipment is very expensive.”

“Generally new players just do various tasks in it first and save some money to exchange for good equipment.” Liu Jingxiang gave Yang Bo a suggestion.

 “Are there many people in this game?” Yang Bo asked another question.

“Very many, because there are a lot of people playing this game in the Aqualan Empire, and most people there are playing it. Because the content in it is relatively violent, this game is only released internally by our association here in the alliance.”

“You also know that many games in our league have been made unplayable by other people’s reports and protests.”

"But recently I heard that we have a doomsday dungeon game here, which is played by a lot of people, and the game company has a relatively large background. It seems that several large teams protested, but it didn't have any effect." Liu Jingxiang was using a spoon. Stirring the contents of the plate are various vegetables, plus a yellow sauce.

Yang Bo looked at this kind of ingredients and felt that it was a bit boring. The yellow sauce was sticky, much like the color given by Ollie. When mixed with chopped vegetables, it had no color, flavor or flavor.

Zhou Kexin next to her was in a similar situation. She was eating half-cooked meat. She didn’t know what kind of meat it was. It looked like it was naturally fed. There was blood on everything on the knife and fork.

 There was still a little blood at the corner of my mouth when I ate.

 But the food atmosphere here thinks this is the best.

Yang Bo's own is relatively normal. Although the vegetables are chopped, they are not mixed with the jam. Instead, they are dipped in the jam.

“Then I’ll go back to the forum and see if you can help me?” Yang Bo asked again.

“I don’t know about this, because the place of birth is random. I hope I wasn’t born in Border Pass, because the mortality rate there is very high.” Liu Jingxiang took a sip of the wine that went with the meal, and then said.

 “Is there any punishment after death?” Yang Bo felt that this game might not be so normal.

 “The character cannot be re-created within three months after death.” Zhou Kexin answered at the side.

Yang Bo nodded, and the three of them ordered takeout in the company dormitory.

 I don’t dare to go out with Zhou Kexin now, this girl is now an internet celebrity.

Yang Bo left after eating because he was still thinking about the apocalyptic dungeon game. I didn’t talk to Liu Jingxiang and Zhou Kexin about the apocalyptic dungeon game.

You cannot let two people know about playing this game. What if two people want to play the game and let themselves take care of it.

Going directly back to the villa from the underground parking lot, Yang Bo took out the virtual helmet and inspected it carefully.

“It’s really different.” Yang Bo found that many components in this virtual helmet had a touch of energy, which meant that these components contained energy metal.

As for what role these components will play in subsequent game play, it’s hard to say.

“Let’s play the apocalyptic dungeon game first.” Yang Bo decided to do what he was most familiar with first.

 Originally I planned to destroy the androids inside today, but I didn’t have enough time today, so I took on a relatively simple mission, which was also an exploration mission.

This exploration mission is dealing with zombies. The main purpose is to check a certain power plant on this planet. It is said that it contains the power consumption file data of this city in the past.

The skills provided by these zombies are relatively common, including knife skills and shooting, as well as skills such as cooking and music.

 Because this is a hydroelectric power plant, the dam has failed. The archives of this power plant are halfway up the mountain.

This archive room has been transformed, and the inside is like a maze. Apparently some later survivors established a shelter here.

Yang Bo did this task very easily. It was like a maze to others, but through passive detection of his own sound waves, he had a 90% probability of discovering where the zombies were hiding and the correct way out.

“Something’s wrong!” After finishing the doomsday dungeon game, Yang Bo first charged the virtual helmet. The moment the power was turned on, Yang Bo felt that the helmet was emitting a strange electromagnetic wave.

This kind of electromagnetic fluctuation does not last long, only seven or eight seconds.

 Put on the virtual helmet carefully. The helmet fits your head very well. Of course, the virtual helmet is also in the room where you are surfing the Internet.

 Feel it carefully and see that there is no danger before proceeding to the next step.

  If the virtual helmet mode is set, there will be a small map of the outside situation in the upper right corner of the virtual imaging screen.

“This music is very soothing and can make people relax.” Yang Bo registered directly as a member of the Swordsmanship Association. He first visited the forum and then played the game.

 “Is this really a world?” The name of the game is called Second World.

There are various strategies in the forum, including completing various tasks, and even fishing, fishing, mining, and which nobles can give tasks and which nobles cannot be provoked.

There are also people who farm. There was a guy whose farming was appreciated by a nobleman, and he was directly rewarded with a lot of money!

There are also various game currency for sale. Game currency can be purchased in the game mall. Many things can be purchased. In-game equipment can also be purchased in real life.

"Tsk tsk!" Yang Bo saw that the top spot on the game currency purchase list was actually a manor in the Shuilan Empire. It required 5 billion gold coins and reached level 60 in the game. At the same time, the reputation reached respect, and the noble status of at least a viscount was required. .

 The noble title of the character in the game depends entirely on the accumulation of military merit.

Yang Bo estimated that in order to reach the status of viscount, at least 200,000 people would have to be killed.

“This game looks like there’s something about it. The background music makes me feel very relaxed, as if I’m a little hypnotized.”

 “Watch the game first!” After looking around the forum, Yang Bo was ready to play the game directly.

 Select a male as the game character, then select the grade, skin color, height and hair color.

 “I’m crazy!” After making the selection, Yang Bo named the game character Feitianjian. After entering the game, Yang Bo found something was wrong.

 Because through long-range photoelectric superpowers, Yang Bo discovered that his character was actually a real person.

Moreover, this person’s age and appearance are exactly the same as the one I chose.

The difference is that this person also has a virtual helmet-like thing on his head.

 “Something’s wrong!” I found that the place where this person was was almost like in the game, it was in a small town in a village.

These people in the village are also real, but they give people the impression that they are walking zombies. The expressions on these people's faces seem to be similar.

The houses and various livestock roads in this village are exactly the same as what Yang Bo saw in reality.

 It feels like I am living in this village.

“Could they be clones?” Yang Bo felt familiar looking at these people, and soon thought that he had seen clones on the seabed here.

“Is Shuilan Empire asking gamers to train these clones?” Yang Bo knew that clones were like a blank sheet of paper and had to learn everything.

Yang Bo had paid attention to human cloning before and knew that after the clones were cloned, they did not have any abilities, including speaking, and needed later training and the implantation of relevant biochips.

“It seems like these clones don’t have biochips?”

“What’s going on? If there are biochips, clones can quickly master all kinds of knowledge.”

"It can't be that the royal family of the Shuilan Empire trains dead soldiers." The reason why Yang Bo doubts this is because clones will also undergo various changes in the clones, even if Yang Bo's cells are used to clone another Yang Bo , but two people’s talents and personalities may be completely different.

“No one knows how human talent is formed or how it changes. Many people think it is caused by the soul, but the soul is relatively abstract.”

 “What about people from other countries in the game?”

“Are these missions inside really killing people?” Yang Bo thought as he used his photoelectric superpower to remotely check where the planet was.

However, this is not easy to check, as it involves foreign countries, and the game passes through the ordinary quantum communication satellites of the Alliance and the Aqualan Empire, and then through the Aqualan Empire's own quantum communication satellites.

“Let’s wait until it gets dark and see what’s in the starry sky?” Yang Bo decided to wait until night in the game. Maybe he could use the starry sky to determine where the planet is.

 (End of this chapter)

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