Chapter 616 Suspicion

Yang Bo had no idea that someone was secretly watching his game data and even betting on himself.

However, Yang Bo is very careful in this regard and will not say anything else or do anything while playing games, because no one knows whether this gaming helmet has other functions.

Yang Bo wandered around the Second World game forum again, only to find that some game players were very miserable.

 Some were recruited by the nobles and then became cannon fodder during the war.

 Some people were attacked by wild beasts while hunting.

He also owed a lot of debt. Because he couldn't pay back the money, he was caught and sold to pay off the debt, and then became a slave.

 Of course there are also game players who have made meritorious deeds on the battlefield.

In addition, Yang Bo’s guess is good. Aqualan Empire’s gaming helmet does have nerve conduction function. Therefore, many game experiences can only be found in Aqualan Empire.

For example, if you get married in the game, if it is a game helmet with nerve conduction function, you can experience the real feeling of love.

“There may be more secrets in this gaming helmet.” Yang Bo muttered in his heart.

 I made a rough plan for the game in my mind, and then took off the gaming helmet.

The experiments conducted by Yang Bo were energy-giving experiments. They were mainly based on some test samples done last time. After long-term observation, they were compared with other samples that were not given energy. Comparing the data of experimental samples requires data on life span and various aspects of the body.

Don't be afraid of this virtual game helmet causing trouble.

  This is a relatively long experimental process, and we will also conduct comparative tests with other experimental products that use genetic evolution drugs, because some drugs will have some unknown side effects.

“Would you like to experience it in the Aqualan Empire in the future?” To be honest, Yang Bo is also very excited about this kind of game helmet, and the nerve conduction function of the game helmet does not require other game accessories. You can control the game character just by thinking in your head.

The experience of a virtual gaming helmet with nerve conduction function is hundreds of times better than that of the league’s gaming helmet.

"The Pirate Alliance has found another killer to deal with me. Judging from the situation, these killers are very powerful!" While eating, Yang Bo took a peek at some memory information of the ninth elder of the Pirate Alliance Standing Council?

Yang Bo usually does not record all the information of these people at any time, because it is too cumbersome. He just looks at the memories of these people from time to time and selects some useful things.

 “But let’s forget it!”

Yang Bo's experimental process is somewhat similar to the alliance's drug clinical trials, but his one is more professional.

Of course, Yang Bo did not let go of the interstellar creatures at all, and continued to conduct experiments.

Last time, the members of the Permanent Council of the Pirate Alliance invited killers from the Shuilan Empire. It is said that these people have super powers in the soul and can find targets and kill people invisible.

"Those who are not from my race will have different thoughts. It is definitely not that simple for the Aqualan Empire to make such a large investment." After Yang Bo put the game helmet away, he went to the basement.

Then he took the game helmet to another room. The other room was not connected to the Internet, and Yang Bo's room had anti-shielding measures.

“If the game is full of clones, then the only way to develop in the game is to hunt.” Yang Bo said this because there are monsters similar to World of Warcraft in this game.

 In addition, there is pain and various senses.

“I just don’t know if killing other people in the game will give skills.” Yang Bo still had a question in his mind. The last time he killed a clone, he didn’t give any skills.

Some league gamers posted that they can even feel the heartbeat and body temperature of game characters, including the wind and even various smells in the game.

 After finishing everything, Yang Bo was ready to eat.

It’s just that Yang Bo doesn’t know whether the mutated animals are real or not.

However, Yang Bo is a little worried about this. At least because of the game helmets made by the Aqualan Empire, the alliance will definitely not dare to make any small moves, otherwise the alliance will pick them up and hammer them in minutes.

Now that the killer has been contacted and has accepted the task, the Pirate Alliance Permanent Council has paid a deposit of 800 million credits, and 1.2 billion credits will be paid afterwards.

“It’s a pity that these killers have no direct contact with the Pirate Alliance Council, so we don’t know what the other party looks like!” Yang Bo was still looking forward to this, but it was a pity because he didn’t know what the other party looked like.

 The other party accepted the mission through an agent, and the other party will not provide mission progress to the people on the Pirate Alliance Council.

Yang Bo understands that in fact, most killers take on tasks through agents. On the one hand, it is to protect themselves and on the other hand, it is safer. Not everyone can be an agent. Agents basically have strong social connections. relation.

Please keep this matter in mind, Yang Bo, and then several people who used spiritual seeds did not gain much.

 “How is this guy going to find me?” Yang Bo was curious in his heart, what kind of soul superpower does this killer have to have such confidence that he can find him.

 “You’re not bragging, are you?”

Then Yang Bo did whatever he had to do, rested all night, and looked at his smart watch when he got up the next morning.

There are two messages. One is that Liu Jingxiang asked her to notify her after she created a game character, and she would send herself some game coins. The other two people are Anne and Siya, asking themselves when they will go there.

Yang Bo sent a message directly and asked the two of them to play the game in the evening.

  Yang Bo, a doomsday dungeon game, plans to destroy the current androids, allowing the military’s R&D department to continuously innovate.

Yang Bo feels that future wars will probably not be operated by humans, but robots such as bionic humans will be used throughout.

“It seems that the guy in charge of the game is anxious. He actually took on more than 20 difficult tasks. Some of the task rewards have never been seen before.” Yang Bo looked at some of the rewards given in the game tasks.

 “A pistol that never wears out!” Yang Bo looked at a pistol displayed in the game. Its attribute is that it never wears out and has no durability.

But Yang Bo didn’t believe it, because it’s impossible to have something that never wears out.

 Don’t let the game show that it will never wear out, but actually put dozens or twenty pistols in your backpack.

 Or give you a virtual game screen, and then kill you, and this special item will drop.

  After all, the people behind the game definitely don’t care about the players’ gaming experience.

 That’s why Yang Bo didn’t even look at this outrageous mission reward.

“That’s it!” What Yang Bo saw was a hunting mission, to hunt down a super zombie.

 According to the mission description, this super zombie is in a city.

There are probably more than 1 million zombies surrounding this super zombie, including several thousand high-level zombies.

"This super zombie should be of research value." Yang Bo looked at the super zombie and felt like a normal person, at least according to the mission information.

This super zombie lives under a building, which used to be a civil air defense project.

This super zombie lives in the civil air defense project on the fifth floor. It is impossible to determine where exactly it is.

"Not even the military can destroy this zombie. It seems that this zombie may have something special. In addition, the terrain may also have something special." Yang Bo didn't know the specific situation. Anyway, he planned to destroy the android. So this is unclear. The task of the situation is most suitable for you.

The people behind the game all smiled when they saw Yang Bo taking on the most difficult task.

“This guy still hasn’t been able to withstand the temptation of mission rewards.” Someone in the background of the doomsday dungeon game saw Yang Bo taking on this difficult mission and said with a slightly happy tone.

“This guy is still very cautious. If it were someone else, I would definitely not do such a difficult task.”

“Highly difficult tasks not only carry the risk of failure, but are also more likely to cause the character to die and lose money. It is better to do some regular tasks to increase the number of task monsters.”

“If it were me making so much money every month, I would definitely have to choose such a difficult task to find it challenging.”

“Although this guy doesn’t earn much money, who knows if he has any debts, how many women he has, and maybe how many children he has?”

“If this guy can complete several difficult tasks like this one after another, then our boss’ position as general will be secure.”

“Boss, do you think this guy can complete the task today?”

The head of the game department, Colonel, shook his head when he saw this: "This task is too difficult. In fact, what this player is best at is exploration tasks."

“But this guy’s performance is very special, and he has a high chance of completing it.”

Hearing this, the others nodded, and someone said: "Boss, several other related users in the game took on several difficult tasks, and all the characters died, and then they were compensated with 500,000 credit points!"

“These connections also know that this game is used to train and control androids.”

“Related households are related households, and no matter what the related households are, they must achieve solid results.”

The head of the game department, the Colonel, shook his head: "What you said is correct. Although people like us say that our superiors have something to do with it, we still have to make our own achievements."

“I hope this guy in front of me can do more difficult tasks. What I’m most worried about is that this guy suddenly stops playing games.”

Others also nodded, but the guy in front of him was a little too cautious. Little Yang sent a lot of **** photos, and he didn’t even know the most basic information about the other person. He didn’t know whether the other person was a boy or a girl.

Someone wants to ask, doesn’t he have a girlfriend? And it has been recognized in the game.

 Who said that a man with a girlfriend is a man? There are more than 200 genders in the league, so until there is no final confirmation, no one knows whether this game player is male or female.

“Hurry up and arrange the game and let him play freely. Now is the critical time for my promotion. Don’t restrict his various operations. Even if he sets fire or something, we will try to delay as much time as possible.” The colonel gave another instruction.

 (End of this chapter)

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