Chapter 618 Excitement

“Boss, this guy’s thinking can definitely make him a qualified commander.” Someone started talking about Yang Bo’s performance in the game again.

Hearing this, the colonel sighed: "Alas, we middle- and lower-level officers can't even think of having our own ideas now."

“One of the drawbacks of the intelligent command system is this. Just like the current situation in the game, the intelligent system will give you a series of suggestions.”

“Officers who carry out specific tasks, even if they have their own ideas, do not dare to make decisions without authorization, because once they make decisions without authorization and cause a battle failure, the responsibility lies with the officers themselves.”

“But if we follow the recommendations of the intelligent command system, then we officers will not have to bear the consequences ourselves.”

“Besides, the middle and lower-level officers are almost puppets now, because they don’t need to have their own ideas, because everything depends on the advice of the intelligent system. Of course, 99.99% of the time, the intelligent system is completely fine.”

“But in this special environment and special event, our existing commander training system makes it difficult to find such outstanding talents.”

"Although some senior commanders will have their own ideas, as long as they are not responsible, they will definitely not make irresponsible remarks. Otherwise, the responsibility will fall on themselves."

“Look at the dozen exploration teams dispatched by the military in the past, they all followed the plans given by the command chain.”

"The difficulty is indeed too great. It seems that this guy wants to think of another way and actually quits."

“This super zombie is also very smart. He actually knows to station two high-level zombies at a necessary location.”

And the military doesn’t want lower-level officers to have their own ideas, because 99.99% of their own ideas are wrong.

“It seems like this super zombie also has shortcomings in controlling other high-level zombies.”

“On the contrary, the number of high-level zombies increased towards the main building.”

“There is no way around the high-level zombies at the entrance of the stairs.”

Yang Bo cleverly used garbage to detect the patrol time of these high-level zombies on the second floor.

 Others also agree with what the senior colonel said, because the current intelligent system is so advanced that in 99.99% of emergencies, the advice given by the intelligent system is very reliable.

“This level of infiltration is so easy.”

This gave Yang Bo no sense of accomplishment at all. He had already sensed the movement of high-level zombies before he reached the innermost part.

“But this super zombie is also insidious enough.”

“Because of this kind of special mission, even if the commander has his own ideas, the success rate is only half, and no one is willing to take the risk.”

“But the difference is not very big, and judging from the traces on the ground, the routes of these high-level zombies are fixed.”

But soon Yang Bo encountered a problem, that is, there were only two stairs to go up to the main building, and high-level zombies were stationed at both stairwells.

But this time Yang Bo did not put any garbage, but easily crossed the route.

“According to the mission, the super zombies should be underground, but I used passive detection with sound waves and found that the number of high-level zombies heading to the basement gradually decreased, while the number of ordinary zombies increased.”

Yang Bo successfully sneaked into the podium and reached the main building. The marks on the ground can clearly show where possible dangers exist.

 “This super zombie is so smart!”

 “Fortunately, my brother has the ability to passively detect sound waves.”

“Through the sound of these zombies trampling on the garbage, I found that there is still some difference in the time of these two patrols.”

 These people in the background of the game also became worried when they saw this situation: "Now it is very difficult for this guy to sneak in secretly,"

“Is this super zombie not in the basement, but on the main floor?”

Yang Bo's movements were very slow and light, and soon he saw the route of a high-level zombie walking.

 Twenty minutes later, after mastering the interval between zombie patrols, Yang Bo sneaked into the innermost area.

“This is the first time I have encountered such a smart super zombie. No wonder this task is so difficult.” The people behind the game watched the players in the game exit the podium again.

However, everyone soon discovered that the players were different from what they had guessed.

“But why do I feel that there is something wrong with the distribution of these high-level zombies?”

Others also sighed when they heard their boss say this.

“Fixed routes represent super zombies, not real-time control of these advanced zombies.”

 Now this system has become a rigid one, and the further we go, the harder it is to change this system.

And there are some ordinary zombies lurking in some corners.

"These ordinary zombies lurking, as soon as I show up, these guys will definitely scream."

“Of course it’s also thanks to my ability to passively detect sound waves.”

Under the current commander training system, commanders are not required to have their own ideas. Instead, commanders are required to follow the advice of the intelligent system.

“I think if it were me, I wouldn’t dare to do this because the risk is too high.”

 At this time, the players in the game have already entered the building.

“In fact, the commander of the Ninth Fleet did not follow the advice of the intelligent system during the last battle, but issued the order to disband the warship himself.”

“There are actually three high-level zombies patrolling the second floor together!” Yang Bo judged the three high-level zombies through the sounds made by the garbage.

"If there was no victory after this order was issued, then this commander might have spent time in prison, but this commander succeeded."

 Because players in the game actually get to the podium from other places.

Of course, these two stairwells are also the only way to go to the basement. In the past, there was an elevator and you could use the elevator, but now there is only a dark elevator shaft.

“If a high-level zombie were placed on the only way up and down the podium, I wouldn’t be able to sneak in so easily.”

“I just checked that there are at least hundreds of high-level zombies in the main building.”

“It looks like the super zombie is inside the main building.”

“As for which level it is, let’s explore it slowly.”

"We need to find a way to catch the super zombies, and then deal with the high-level zombies." "The main thing is that now this building is connected in all directions. There are not only two stairs for escape, but also several elevator shafts. If the super zombies are willing, they can Quickly reach the basement from the elevator shaft.”

“In other words, I have to find the location of the super zombie accurately and resolve the battle as quickly as possible, otherwise this guy is likely to flee directly.”

 “It’s not very likely, I will definitely run away!”

"I really don't want to face these smart guys!" Yang Bo thought of the last time he did an exploration mission. In the sewer, the leader of the mutant rat escaped. In the collapsed sewer, the mutant rat escaped. Yang Bo could do something. nothing.

“Now we can only rely on acoustic detection capabilities.”

“There is no way to see. Once you show up, these high-level zombies will find you.”

“But I have to give the guys in the background the illusion that I am lucky enough to meet super zombies directly.”

The background of the game is now watching Yang Bo twist and turn in the building, sneaking around, and encountering nothing. In fact, Yang Bo's sonic passive detection ability discovered that there are high-level zombies and ordinary zombies.

Now in this situation, you must not show your face in front of these high-level zombies and ordinary zombies, otherwise, the mission target will definitely run away.

 “This guy was too clever but was mistaken for being smart. He didn’t arrange enough zombies in this podium.”

“It seems that this super zombie also knows the military’s investigation methods. If too many high-level zombies are stationed in this podium and the main building, it is likely to attract the attention of the military.”

Yang Bo found that the number of high-level zombies was very different from the mission description. He thought about it for a while and guessed it immediately.

  It should be super zombies, not all high-level zombies are arranged upstairs.

Of course, it is very likely that for a super zombie, there are hundreds of high-level zombies stationed here, which is enough for it to return to the basement in a short time.

The podium building is five stories high. Yang Bo came to the fifth floor of the podium building. Through the passive detection ability of sound waves, Yang Bo has locked the location of the super zombie.

Yang Bo's easiest way to lock the opponent's position is that high-level zombies have fixed patrol routes, or they can stand in one place like a wooden stake.

Then who can have a conspicuous bag that can move around freely but not a super zombie?

Of course this is just suspicion.

Yang Bo locked the opponent's position on the sixth floor of the main building, and the super zombie was not in the middle of the building, but at the outermost position.

 “Does this guy also like sunshine?” This made Yang Bo a little confused.

“But where this guy is now, I can’t see him?”

“How about trying an electromagnetic bomb?”

“I’m not sure if the opponent is a super zombie, but I can give it a try.”

 Yang Bo soon thought of a way, so he sneaked to the 4th floor to avoid these high-level zombies and ordinary zombies on the 4th floor of the podium.

Then Yang Bo took out four electromagnetic bombs, came to a window on the podium, and threw two of the bombs directly to the sixth floor of the main building.

 Two bombs smashed directly into the window on the sixth floor.

 After throwing the bomb, Yang Bo rushed directly to the main building.

The moment Yang Bo rushed out, he found two high-level zombies. However, these two high-level zombies were stunned, and the ordinary zombies hiding in the corner reacted quickly and chased after them with a roar.

By this time, the electromagnetic bomb on the sixth floor had exploded. Yang Bo had already rushed into the main building, throwing one electromagnetic bomb towards the elevator shaft and another towards the stairwell.

Yang Bo did not have any skill information in his mind, so he was a little unsure whether he hit the super zombie.

 These two places are the fastest route for the suspected super zombie to reach the basement.

 Then there is the pistol show.

Puff puff! The silenced pistol kept making sounds, and the ordinary zombies and advanced zombies chasing behind Yang Bo were quickly shot through the head.

 Sword skill +8! This is a skill given by a high-level zombie.

 Track+2! This is a skill given by an ordinary zombie.

Yang Bo's movement is very coquettish and his shooting skills are very accurate.

 Sword skill +8!

 Sword skill +8!


 High-level zombies and ordinary zombies killed one after another are given similar skills. High-level zombies are given sword skills, and ordinary zombies are given tracking.

“Stable!” Yang Bo soon judged from the movements of the high-level zombies that the super zombies should be attacked by his own electromagnetic bomb and unable to control them.

 Because the high-level zombie movements have returned to the instinctive nature that I encountered before.

High-level zombies kept rushing over. Yang Bo retreated upstairs while fighting, giving the impression that he was going to use the terrain advantage to deal with these high-level zombies first.

This is also easy to understand. After all, rushing into the basement to face thousands of high-level zombies has a very low winning rate.

The people behind the game also nodded when they saw this. The player's combat ideas in the game are indeed in line with common sense.

Yang Bo fought and retreated, his pistol constantly harvesting high-level zombies one after another, and retreated directly to the sixth floor.

When Yang Bo came to the sixth floor, he saw a zombie lying on the floor shivering. However, the appearance of this zombie shocked Yang Bo, because this zombie felt like a real person who was malnourished, with flaky skin all over his body. His hair is also white, and the clothes he wears are not as tattered as the other times, but give people a clean feeling.

 Feels like a legendary vampire.

 “Woc!” When the people behind the game saw this scene, they all jumped up in fright, and the colonel even let out an unbelievable curse.

Then everyone heard the game player muttering: "This zombie is so strange. Is this new species that I have never seen before valuable for research? Break his legs first to prevent him from running away."

 Then I saw the game player take out a pistol and directly break the zombie's legs and knees, and then break the zombie's shoulders.

“Quick, quick, send the mission information, this is the mission goal!” The colonel finally came to his senses and shouted with a trembling tone.

“Hurry up and send out drones and robots to respond, tell those idiots in the military, hurry up, this tmd actually captured the super zombie alive.”

“In addition, if the attributes of the android are fully activated, the player must persist for 10 minutes. If the player persists for 10 minutes, the reward will be doubled, no, tripled.” The colonel was already incoherent.

 (End of this chapter)

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