Interstellar: Start as a cleaner

Chapter 623: Plans are worse than changes

Chapter 623 Plans are worse than changes

But now we are out exploring, so we won’t attack these pheasants, and it seems that this pheasant is probably hatching young pheasants.

"Hey, let's go hunting wild boar, are you going?" Although the mountain here doesn't look very big, there are only a few roads up the mountain. Not long after we walked, someone greeted us from behind.

Yang Bo controlled the game character. When he turned around, he found that there were 6 players behind him. These 6 players were wearing low-quality leather armor. These players had nets, spears, hoes, and ropes.

 “Thank you, no need!” Yang Bo quickly rejected the other party.

With the small body of the clone I control now, if I go to hang out with these guys, I will definitely be the last one to run into trouble.

Moreover, the leather armor and bow he currently wears are all valuable. No one can tell whether these guys will take a fancy to these things and give themselves to wild boars.

“Oh!” The few people behind looked at each other when they heard this, and the one who asked just now replied.

Yang Bo walked to the side road.

 “Brother, this guy is very cautious!”

“I don’t know how this guy managed to get such good equipment just after he started playing the game.”

“It’s a pity that this guy is more vigilant.”

“Others carry so many tools and walk such a long distance without taking a break. The interface of the clone game I control is already showing signs of fatigue.”

Although the game character does not have tracking capabilities, Yang Bo, the game player, has the ability to passively detect sounds.

“Would you like to go up and have a look? It’s just a good time to test whether the clones can bring you skills.”

“The clone I’m controlling now is much different from other people in terms of endurance and strength.”

These people had no idea that Yang Bo was so far away and could still hear these conversations.

“Am I the kind of person who plays games honestly? Of course not.”

“The wild boar will kill him without us taking action.”

In fact, there are some traces of the previous people walking on the road. As the road enters the mountains and forests, on the one hand, there are not many roads, and on the other hand, the grass on the roadside and the dew on the branches will change after people walk through it. .

 As for killing people directly, there are 6 people on the other side, and I am not sure, and the biggest threat is the Wild Boar King.

“I’m not asking you to confront the Wild Boar King directly. Let’s dig a trap.” Several people talked in low voices and walked up the mountain.

“That’s right, if we take him with us, we will have an extra layer of security.”

 “Besides, these fools actually want to plot against me.” So Yang Bo prepared to follow him secretly.

“But there are still many wild beasts in this mountain.”

 “Fortunately I wasn’t with them.”

 “Boar King?”

“This kind of virtual helmet feels better. If it’s a virtual helmet with a neural sensor, I’m afraid it doesn’t feel very good now.” Yang Bo looked at his character, and his legs were wet. This was because the dew in the morning had wet his trouser legs.

Yang Bo wanted to retreat in his heart, because even if he encountered the Wild Boar King in this state, he might not be able to outrun the few people in front of him.

“Even if we come back and report to the Public Security Bureau, we won’t be held responsible.”

“Brother, can we really deal with this Wild Boar King?”

“Although I may not be able to kill the Wild Boar King, nor may I be able to deal with the six people in front of me, I will fail more than I accomplish.”

“I don’t know if squirrels are valuable. Logically speaking, squirrel tails are used to make writing brushes. I just don’t know what the nobles in this game world use to write?”

Yang Bo simply retreated because his character's attributes were too poor and he could no longer keep up with the opponent. He didn't know exactly where the Wild Boar King was or how long he had to travel.

“The forum seems to say that you can also collect herbs, but it’s a pity that I don’t have money to buy relevant books.”

“This game is too real. If only other games had a one-click recognition function.”

 “But I can go to the forum and have a look.”

“Although I don’t know the characters in the game, I know them differently.” Yang Bo said as he walked back, he looked at the forum and found that there was indeed a complete list of herbal medicines on the forum. What other magic potions were there?

 “Is it a mutated plant?”

“Could it be that this planet was used for experiments by the Shuilan Empire?”

Yang Bo has a very good memory now. He probably remembered it after reading it twice.

But it’s a pity that there are no more roads on both sides, and the herbs have probably been collected long ago.

 Returned to the shrub area where farmland and forest meet.

This area is still quite large, because gamers make money by cutting wood.

 After the big and small trees were cut down, only the bushes remained, and the bushes were the favorite places of rabbits and pheasants.

"Fox!" Yang Bo continuously scanned everything around him through the passive detection ability of sound waves, and soon found a hole hidden in the bushes. An animal was slowly and cautiously poking its head out of the hole.

Soon Yang Bo saw the fox through a gap in the bushes. It was a gray fox.

 It’s a pity that fox skins are not valuable now. Foxes are only valuable in winter.

Yang Bo did not attack the fox, but instead attacked a rabbit in the distance.

Yang Bo kept approaching the place where the rabbit was. Seeing that he was about to reach the place, the rabbit suddenly jumped out. However, Yang Bo, who was prepared, suddenly hit the rabbit with a stone.

The reason why rabbits are stoned is because the fur of a stoned rabbit is intact and is two copper coins more expensive than a rabbit hunted with a bow and arrow. Of course, if the marksman penetrates the eye directly, the value will remain unchanged.

If the bow and arrow penetrates the fur in other places, it will cause the quality of the entire fur to decrease.

 To put it bluntly, the available area is smaller.

  If an arrow penetrates the body of a rabbit, then the rabbit is worth at most three copper coins.

 Besides, the Wolf Fang Arrow is very expensive. If it is broken, it costs 10 copper coins.

  If a complete rabbit is stoned to death, it is worth 5 or 6 copper coins.

If it is a winter rabbit, the value will increase because the rabbit skin will be thicker in winter. In addition, winter rabbits are also fatter and have accumulated energy throughout the summer. There are these strategies on the forum.

 Jump +1!

 Hang the rabbit on a rope around his waist, and then Yang Bo continues to search.

Three hours later, Yang Bo carried more than 20 rabbits on a wooden stick and returned to the village in a flash.

 “This guy has gained so much?”

 “Surely reality is also an expert hunter?”

“Rabbits are good at hiding and can run very fast.”

“Perhaps he is a noble. Only nobles like this traditional hunting method.”

“It shouldn’t be like that. I think his game character’s walking is a bit programmed. It doesn’t look like someone from our country is controlling it.”

 “Do you understand all this?”

 “You’re kidding, I’ve died six times!”

 “Why did you die six times?”

"The first time I entered the village without knowing anything, I registered my name and was recruited by the lord. I went with the army to transport supplies. During this period, let alone upgrades, there was endless work to do every day. I died three months later, and then Another three months of being banned from logging in.”

“The second time I got smarter and didn’t register my name in the village. When I went hunting, I encountered a wild beast and was bitten to death.”

"The third time he encountered a bandit attack, he was caught. He worked as a bandit for half a year, and then was killed by a knight."

“The fourth time I planted grain honestly, I got sick and died.”

“The fifth time I studied to be a doctor, but unfortunately I had no money so I went to a teacher. Who knew that this teacher was an evil doctor and used us apprentices to do experiments.”

 “This time I will plant crops honestly and grow slowly.”

Yang Boer was very smart and speechless when he heard what happened to this unlucky guy.

But it also proves how cruel this world is, because everything in it is not controlled by a computer, but is allowed to develop freely.

“The average life expectancy in ancient times was low, and it’s not unreasonable!”

“If you really want to travel to such a different world without plug-ins, you may end up like the players in this game and become a pile of mud early on.”

 “Can I still study medicine?”

Yang Bo brought his prey to the security station first. There were two guards at the security station. These two guards were wearing fine leather armor, holding a long gun in their hands, and a long sword and a short sword around their waists. Sword, and also a dagger.

The two of them have three layers of leather armor, not to mention their defensive capabilities. Moreover, the two guards are obviously much larger, giving them a feeling of strength.

“Man, you are great!” One of the guards praised Yang Bo when he saw Yang Bo carrying so many rabbits.

 “Thank you, Mr. Kyle!” Yang Bo knew this man’s name was Kyle, so he thanked him.

 Then Yang Bo gave 60% of the rabbit to Kyle.

There were 25 rabbits in total. After giving them to Kyle 6, there were 15 rabbits. Then Yang Bo took the remaining 10 rabbits to the market and sold them for 50 copper coins.

 This is because the rabbits Yang Bo shot did not have any external injuries and their fur was intact, and most of them were male rabbits.

 Female rabbits are not as valuable as male rabbits, because when breeding offspring, female rabbits will tear the hair on their chest and abdomen to make nests for their babies.

 Such hair will become thicker if it grows again.

These details are not reflected at all in other games, but they are vividly reflected in this game.

Yang Bo returned to the hotel and bought a glass of fruit wine, drinking and eating at the same time.

The main reason is that Yang Bo did not let the game characters drink raw water in the wild, because it might make the game characters sick and they would have to go to a doctor.

 After eating and drinking, Yang Bo went shopping in the small market outside the hotel. This is a trading area spontaneously formed by players.

“Brother, if you are so well equipped, there is no need to come and see our things.”

"That's right, brother, how did you do it? You can get such good equipment in one day?" This novice village is a village, but it is a small town, so the game players here are not familiar with what happens in the village. The door is clear.

 “Haha!” Yang Bo chuckled, but did not directly answer these people’s questions.

"Brother, I think you are still short of daggers. I have a dagger here." Someone looked Yang Bo up and down and found that he was missing some equipment, so he hurried up.

 (End of this chapter)

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