Interstellar Stupid Zerg

Chapter 54: Rescue Operation 1

"Team Leader Xiao, we are in a mountain col, requesting support, there are many strange animals outside looking down, we can't hold it anymore!"

Xiao Muyuan's heart is tight. It is unwise to attack in this situation. The particles in the sky and all the navigation instruments have lost their effect, and they can only rely on the instinct of the Zerg to distinguish the direction.

Xiao Muyuan sent a message to the group leader channel, and then sent a message to the four of Hao Shangyu alone. He decided to support the Bruno group. The Zerg here is not only his classmate, but also a citizen of the royal family. Every royal family is here. They will perceive their mission in adulthood, and it is their duty to protect the Zerg and make the race more prosperous and powerful.

"Everyone listened to the order, now there are alien beasts hidden in the particle storm outside. We have not had the experience of fighting head-on with alien beasts. Therefore, the most important thing everyone should do now is to save strength and hide in caves. The strange beast found us. However, if it is really discovered by the strange beast, then, in order to survive, everyone must do their best to survive."

"Now I have received a call for help from the Bruno team. They were surrounded by alien animals ten kilometers away from us. The situation is very critical. I plan to support them in the past. Will any classmates be willing to come out to support them together!" Xiao Muyuan said calmly and forcefully. The place he found for their team was considered to be secret, and the strange beasts would not be easy to find, and even if the armor was disguised outside the cave, it would be even more difficult to find.

"I am willing to follow the team leader."

"I am also willing to follow Team Leader Xiao!"

"I do.:

"I would..."

"Very well, now these six classmates follow me out. The other mechas are on standby, ready to fight at any time. The mechas outside the cave should pay attention to the biological form of concealment." The biological form can integrate the mecha with the cave very well. Cover the existence of the cave, even if a strange animal passes by, it will not find a cave here.

Xiao Muyuan immediately led the 5 mechas to support. The fighting location was very close to the small cave. After Xiao Muyuan and the 5 mechas flew for 5 minutes, they saw a group of strange beasts attacking the distant mecha group. They opened their mouths. The yellow corrosive slime covered the ground. Several mechas fell on the ground and couldn’t stand up anymore. The mechas that could fight were standing in front of them and were fighting hard, while the incompetent mechas were standing in the back. Get up a safety line.

Xiao Muyuan fired cationic cannons from a long distance in the air, clearing the alien beasts above the mecha group. The alien beasts obviously also found the six mechas supported by them. They separated out some alien beasts and surrounded Xiao Muyuan and the others.

"Group leader Xiao, come quickly, if you are besieged by them, you won't be able to get out!" Bruno is a female with a rough voice. Although his face is as rough as her voice, she is very careful. He is very early. He found something wrong, but the map failed, and he couldn't take off to investigate, so he could only lead his team members to walk along the edge of the hillside. Seeing the sudden attack of the storm, they couldn't find a better shelter. She hides in a recessed hillside, waiting to escape the storm, and then find a better shelter to settle down. But their luck was a little bit worse, the alien beast flew over from this planet and unexpectedly found them, and they fought the alien beast.

From ancient times to the present, alien beasts are evil and must be removed. Of course, they are just rations in the eyes of alien beasts, so the battle started all at once.

Bruno also made a few tactics at the beginning. They were all based on the tactics of famous generals in history. But good tactics need qualified soldiers to execute them. The recruits they just enrolled are obviously not good enough. They are losing six units. When the students in the mecha and three mechas did not know whether they were alive or dead, Bruno adjusted his tactics again and chose defense, sending out a distress signal while delaying time to wait for rescue.

If there is no support, they can support up to three hours...

And they must be sustained!

Xiao Muyuan glanced at the strange beasts that came over the sky, and immediately issued the order, the five-pointed formation, the PAC defense surface was unfolded.

The pentagonal formation is a kind of azimuthal formation. On the road, Xiao Muyuan has taught them how to stand, specific to each point and height, and the PAC defense surface is the barrier and attack angle of their respective mechas, which happens to be able to completely defend from Alien beasts in all directions.

A mecha must have dead spots and cannot defend the whole body, but as long as there are enough mechas and a good enough position, it can be completely defended. This is what Xiao Jing taught him. The defensive surface of the pentagonal formation is defensive, there is no attack, and the energy consumed is extremely terrifying. Even if nuclear energy is used, it can withstand so many alien beasts for 15 minutes. Fortunately, most of them use more advanced energy. , Xingyuan, this kind of energy can allow them to support for half a day now.

The defense of light defense but no attack can only wait for death. The mecha driven by Xiao Muyuan is quietly suspended above the five mechas. He is the sharp blade responsible for strangling all the flying alien beasts.

In the eyes of Bruno and the other Zergs, the five mechas have launched an unknown net-like defense. The alien beasts want to break through this defense but there is no possibility. The alien beasts have avoided the five mechas protruding from the chest. Weapon, but that is not the real point of attack, the terrifying strangulation device is above...

Xiao Muyuan drove the mecha and issued instructions quickly, levitation-fired high-energy particle cannons, descending to scatter high-energy particles, the twelve muzzles of the mecha on his body locked the alien beasts, all hits, and Alter arc stepped to harvest...just In five minutes, all the alien beasts that besieged them died on the ground, and the smelly blood covered the ground, following the flow of resistance from the heights.

Xiao Muyuan and the six of them put away their defensive positions and hurried to Bruno's direction. The strange beasts saw the dark blue mecha flying over and fled around like birds and beasts.

Xiao Muyuan looked at these strange beasts and gave orders to all the mechas: "Within three kilometers, chase!" It's time for a revenge. Since these strange beasts dare to provoke them, they must be conscious of being killed, Xiao Muyuan The mecha he was driving hovered in the sky, watching the situation. If the mecha wasn't enough to fight the beasts, he would fire a fire to help them.

These freshmen have just entered the school. After a very difficult guarding battle, they may be scared by the alien beasts, and even have an illusion that the alien beast is invincible. At this time, the victory of blood can help them win the victory. confidence.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Muyuan gathered the Zerg from the Bruner group and asked them to lighten the number.

Suddenly, a loud slogan broke out below.

"Your Highness!"

"Sure victory!"

"His Royal Highness Mu Yuan will win!"

"His Royal Highness Mu Yuan will win!"

The young Zerg came down to the mecha and looked at the blue mecha standing in the air, looking so stable and reliable, and infinite pride rose in their hearts. Look, this is their Royal Highness, let them kill one. The **** male son is like a god, who can lead them to defeat the beast and protect their highness. Such a highness is their favorite idol!

Xiao Muyuan rubbed his eyebrows, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, his nervous expression finally relaxed, he controlled the mecha and slowly landed. At this time, the display shows that the particle storm outside has passed, and the ray value has become normal.

When Xiao Muyuan walked down, even greater cheers erupted from the Zerg race. They were welcoming Xiao Muyuan and completely regarded him as the leader. Then, they knelt on one knee and performed a solemn etiquette. On a certain special festival, or if the insect king’s family is inscribed temporarily, the Zerg tribes will surrender. At this time, they all bowed their heads, and they were completely overwhelmed by Xiao Muyuan.

Xiao Muyuan solemnly looked at the Zerg on the ground for a second, and then let them all get up. The inspection work continued. According to the report, this time an alien beast struck and scrapped three mechas and three females were seriously injured. It's a very good ending. A group of military academies who have never experienced warfare, with perseverance, stood by and waited until their Royal Highness was rescued. His Royal Highness also led them to successfully besieged and killed the remaining Zerg. This feat can be done after they go back. It's been a long time to show off to your companions.

Xiao Muyuan asked the Zerg to take care of the three wounded. When the mechas were scrapped, they put them away, and the other mechas took them with them. Although the speed was a little slower, they could still move forward.

Xiao Muyuan led the Bruno team and reunited with his own players. Harimas told Xiao Muyuan that they had encountered a strange beast and almost fought. When I first discovered the alien beast, I almost thought that the alien beast was about to invade. Who knew that a few alien beasts flew away from here, without even looking at the road, another alien beast hit the wall.

Xiao Muyuan thoughtfully, the corners of his lips raised slightly.

"We followed His Highness to kill the alien beasts just now, but it's great. The appearance of those alien beasts panicking is just too funny, haha."

"Yes, it's too depressing, that is, a group of guys who can only win by relying on a large number of groups. If it is one-on-one, we have not been afraid!"

"But the alien beasts cannot exist alone. They all live together in groups. There shouldn't be only low-level alien beasts." A discordant whisper appeared.

A female of the Bruner team, Michael, has specially studied exotic animals. This creature does not have much IQ. It can be said that it is a few galaxies short of the Zerg IQ, but their ability to reproduce makes up for this shortcoming. Moreover, behind each group of alien beasts there is often a high-level alien beast in command. These low-level alien beasts are like engineers, only responsible for attacking and sending them to death. They try their best to feed the senior alien beasts behind it.

Xiao Muyuan was also thinking about this issue on his way back. If there is a high-level alien beast nearby, then other Zerg races will be in danger. The high-level alien beasts will often not leave the group. Pioneers who came out to find food.

In an urgent matter, Xiao Muyuan immediately arranged all the Zergs to learn the pentagonal formation and the PAC defensive surface. If there is really a group of alien animals nearby, there will be a tough battle to be fought.

Xiao Muyuan taught a few more powerful zergs, and then they taught the remaining zergs, one pass ten, ten pass hundreds of methods, it took an hour, all the formations were practiced, except for the injured zerg and no chance. A’s Zerg and other Zergs are in their posts. At this moment, they are united in an unprecedented way. As long as the pentagonal formation is well placed, the alien beasts can’t hurt them; if they can’t attack like your Highness, they will put two people in the sky. The location is responsible for the attack

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