"Master, the battle is over."

Inside the base, Shen Er walked over to Shen Yi, who was immersed in the holographic game, and said softly.

There was a hint of joy in her tone, obviously in a good mood.

"Is it over? How is the battle?

Shen Yi quit the game with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

Although this battle took more than a month.

However, he did not pay too much attention to these things.

Because, he knew that Shen Er could handle these things well.

Moreover, he had also read Shen Er's plan, and he didn't think that under the circumstance of having an absolute advantage, the two civilizations had the possibility of turning over.

"Except for some of the C-class (arm-swirl-class) battleships that were left behind by Storm Civilization to escape, others were left behind!"

At this time, Shen Ling added aside.

This information was obtained by Shen Ling from the wreckage of the battleship.

It's not that Shen Er didn't want to destroy the battleships of these Storm Civilizations.

Instead, I tried it, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Chen Wen is extremely cautious, these fleets that stay behind are only one step away from the natural wormhole leading to the small arm of Stormwind Civilization.

Although Shen Er directly used the artificial wormhole beacon ship to guide a stellar main gun to the past.

But unfortunately, the other party reacted too quickly and immediately shrank back.

So that although the other party was hit hard, it was not destroyed.

"It's not a big problem, you'll know it if you know it."

Shen Yi didn't care too much.

After accepting this wave of dismantled resources.

Both the D-level (arm-spinning) material and the C-class (arm-spinning) material under his hands will expand massively.

At that time, the basic level of the D-class (arm-spin class) and C-class (arm-spin class) warships, can be mass-produced.

The D-class (arm-spinning) warships and C-class (arm-spinning) warships, after being strengthened, can reach B-class (arm-spinning) and A-class (arm-swinging) respectively.

In other words, there are no civilizations that can pose a threat to him in the Horton River System today.

Even in the face of that advanced arm-spinning civilization.

Even if he can't fight for a while, the opponent will definitely not be able to pose too much threat to him.

Therefore, he was not worried at all about Storm Civilization telling their story.

"How long does it take to clean the battlefield?

Shen Yi asked Shen Ling.

In this regard, it is still Shen Ling's responsibility to do it.

Shen Er was not very interested in this aspect, and let her be very good at fighting, but not very good at cleaning the battlefield.

"It will take about ten days, Master, our harvest this time is very huge~"

Shen Ling's tone was also somewhat pleasant.

As the chief housekeeper under Shen Yi today, she likes to see the picture of skyrocketing resources.

Of course, when it comes to consumption, she will never be stingy.

"Ten days, it's not too long."

Shen Yi nodded.

It took more than a month to fight the war alone, and a mere ten days was really not too long for him.

And, now after having a long lifespan.

In fact, Shen Yi's 900 thoughts on the time concept have changed.

Not to mention ten days and one month, even ten years and a hundred years would make no difference to him.

However, if the development time is too long, he will wait until he is impatient.

"It's up to you next.

Shen Yi nodded.

Next, the Storm Civilization and the Chiyan Civilization were considered to be abolished.

The opponent's fleet is basically left here, even if there are some left in the country, it is not enough to be afraid of.

You only need to block the natural wormholes leading to the first and third forearm spirals.

There is no need to worry about the other party's killing.

However, Shen Yi felt a bit of a headache when he thought that it would take a long time to fully accept the second forearm rotation.

This is so special, an arm spin is really too big.

Even if it is just a small arm spin, there are billions of star systems in it!

Moreover, he must also receive the first and third forearm spins.

This will also be an extremely long time.

There are also the four major arms of the future Horton system.

Just thinking about it, Shen Yi felt a little tingling in his scalp.

Fortunately, these things were left to Shen Ling to deal with, so he didn't need to worry.

"By the way, Shen Ling, give priority to getting the blueprint back and see if there are any useful blueprints in it.

Shen Yi suddenly remembered something, patted his head and said.

A stellar blueprint, he may not look down on it.

However, the D-class (arm-spin) blueprint and the C-class (arm-spin) blueprint from the D-class (arm-spin) and C-class (arm-spin) battleships are still very useful to him.

After all, if these things are strengthened, they will become B-level (arm-spinning level) or A-level (arm-spinning level).

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

This problem is not difficult.

The glory-level sky-eye flagship of the C-level (arm-spinning level) level only needs to scan to find these blueprints.

Having said that, these blueprints are also very special.

If it is not the player, it is impossible to find their existence.

Moreover, through the battleship radar made by the player, these blueprints can be easily found out.

The same is true even if there is a lot of debris around.

This work only took about half a day to complete.

This time, the main fleet that destroyed the Storm Civilization and the Chiyan Civilization has brought Shen Yi a total of 17,500 blueprints.

Among them, 14,200 are stellar blueprints.

Most are A-class (stellar) blueprints, and a few are S-class (stellar) blueprints and B-class (arm-spinning) blueprints.

For today's Shen Yi, the level is already very low.

It made Shen Yi not even interested in taking a look.

However, these things can be sold to players in the future.

I believe that there are still many players will be interested.

As for the 3,300 blueprints at the arm-spin level, 3,167 are D-level (arm-spin) blueprints.

There are only 133 blueprints for the C-class (arm-spinning class).

If it weren't for the fact that the title has a 50% explosion rate bonus.

Absolutely not in such staggering numbers.

"This time, so many arm-spin blueprints have been exploded!

Even Shen Yi was a little surprised.

He thought it would be good to have half of this time.

After all, according to the previous explosion rate, it is almost half the level.

It seems that he still greatly underestimated the effect of the title!

However, these two titles are indeed abnormal now, one increases the explosion rate by 50%, and the other saves 50% of resources when making him produce.

You know, the blueprint determines the upper limit, and resources determine the lower limit.

With the help of these two titles, his upper and lower limits have been raised infinitely.

"Shen Ling, Shen Er, see if there is anything you need here.

Shen Yi glanced at the blueprint roughly, and then said.

Shen Ling was in charge of internal affairs and Shen Er was in charge of military affairs. The two of them definitely knew what they needed.

And he just needs to add something in the back.

"Am I going to choose!"

Shen Er's eyes moved slightly.

Although he couldn't see any emotional changes, Shen Yi still felt the expectation of the other party.

As a war madman, nothing can excite her more than a more powerful warship.

Of course, resources are bound to skyrocket today.

Therefore, Shen Yi does not intend to save resources.

"Well, choose."

Shen Yi nodded.

At this time, Shen Ling had already made a choice: "Master, I have made a choice!

As the chief steward of the base, when she collected these blueprints, she already grasped the information.

So, it's easy to pick out what you need.

Shen Yi glanced at it, and there were two C-level (arm-spinning) blueprints and a D-class (arm-spinning) blueprint.

【Teardrop-type interstellar shuttle】

[Grade Rating: D-level (arm rotation level)]

[Ability: Although the size is not large, it has a speed comparable to the C-class (arm rotation class), and the maximum speed can reach Mach 80,000]

[Consumption: The maximum flight speed needs to consume 5 million energy per day]

[Production requirements: 500,000 units of D-level (arm-spinning) materials, 200 trillion points of energy]

【Liquid super brain main body】

[Grade Rating: C-level (arm rotation level)]

[Ability: The super-brain main body with liquefaction ability, as long as it has data, it can be transformed into any object or even a battleship of the same level, and has its functions, and at the same time, the computing power can easily handle all affairs in the primary arm rotation level civilization]

[Consumption: Follow the transformation of objects to consume energy, daily consumption of 100 trillion energy]

[Production requirements: 3 million units of D-class (arm-spinning) materials, 400,000 C-class (arm-spinning) materials, 230 trillion points of energy]

【Nano Repair Robot (one time production, 10,000 units can be produced)】

[Grade Rating: C-level (arm rotation level)]

[Ability: The size is only one-tenth of a nanometer, but the effect is very powerful, ranging from repairing physical damage to repairing arm-spin battleships of the same level, as long as the number is sufficient, everything can be done]

[Consumption: 5 million energy per day]

[Production requirements: 800,000 units of D-level (arm-spinning) materials, 300,000 units of C-level (arm-spinning) materials, 200 trillion points of energy]

"These three blueprints!"

Shen Yi glanced at the blueprint with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, there are such good things in these blueprints.

Don't look at the first blueprint, it's just D-level (arm rotation level), which is the lowest level in the three blueprints.

But its abilities are terrifying.

Although the firepower system may be somewhat lacking, it is only barely up to the D-class (arm-spinning) standard.

But its speed is comparable to that of a C-class (arm-spinning) warship, reaching an astonishing Mach 80,000.

If this is strong (ahdg), it will inevitably become more exaggerated.

It can be used to quickly occupy the star system!

Moreover, the whole body of this drop-shaped interstellar shuttle is made of arm-spin grade materials.

The hardness is absolutely far beyond ordinary D-class (arm-spinning) warships.

Coupled with a certain weapon system, it can definitely easily solve all obstacles on the road of occupation.

And the second blueprint was obviously what Shen Ling needed.

However, the ability of this second blueprint is equally perverted.

What does it mean to copy directly as long as there is data.

This motherfucker is the Variety Star!

Although Shen Ling would not be able to leave the station in the future, but what kind of threat did Shen Yi encounter.

Then she will definitely become the most powerful guarantee.

More importantly, her ability will allow Shen Yi to have the technology on the blueprint in advance.

For example, the blueprint of the wormhole wave detector at the A-level (arm-spinning level) level...

This Shen Yi has been greedy for a long time, but he has no resources to produce, and can only produce low-level versions of powerful technology items.

Now Shen Ling can directly become an A-class (arm-spinning) wormhole wave detector!

Although in terms of performance, it may not be able to compare with the enhanced wormhole wave detector.

But it is also a wormhole wave detector at the A-level (arm-spinning level).

Of course, this is just an example.

After all, the enhanced low-profile version of the wormhole wave detector is also A-level (arm-spinning level).

In terms of function, it is even more powerful than the original version.

On the third blueprint, the Nano Repair Robot is even more exaggerated.

The function of repairing the flesh is not something Shen Yi likes.

After all, he wouldn't go to war.

But this function of repairing the same level of arm-spin battleships is a bit perverted!

This will greatly extend the life of the warship.

Even if the damage is serious, as long as it is not directly destroyed, or the core area is concentrated.

Then, it can continue to exert its combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

If it was in the war with Stormwind Civilization and Chiyan Civilization before.

He has this nanobot.

Then, under the same configuration, he can defeat three times or even five times more enemies.

"Well, look at the production."

Shen Yi nodded and agreed to Shen Ling's request.

He believes that Shen Ling will not waste resources casually, and the choice made must be the best option.

At this time, Shen Er also chose what he wanted.

"Master, I want these two kinds of battleships!"

She moved the blueprint she selected to Shen Yi.

[Hurricane-class guided missile destroyer]

[Grade Rating: C-level (arm rotation level)]

[Capacity: The maximum speed is Mach 70,000 per hour. It is equipped with hurricane-class armor-piercing missiles, world-class magnetic storm missiles and scorching sun-class high-explosive missiles. It can penetrate armor, kill enemies and consume energy barriers. It can launch 36 missiles at the same time. It is the ultimate killer in the primary arm rotation civilization]

[Consumption: consume 50 billion daily]

[Production requirements: 320 billion units of D-level (stellar) materials, 260 billion units of C-level (stellar) materials, 90 billion units of B-level (stellar) materials, 12 billion units of A-level (stellar) materials Materials, 4 billion units of S-level (star-level) materials, 20 million units of D-level (arm-spinning) materials, 3 million units of C-level (arm-spinning) materials, 200 trillion points of energy]

【Roar-class laser battleship】

[Grade Rating: C-level (arm rotation level)]

[Capability: Maximum speed of Mach 70,000, equipped with a laser main gun, fourteen laser phaser arrays, and thirty-six close-range laser phaser arrays]

[Consumption: consume 50 billion daily]

[Production requirements: 310 billion units of D-level (stellar) materials, 270 billion units of C-level (stellar) materials, 80 billion units of B-level (stellar) materials, 13 billion units of A-level (stellar) materials Materials, 3.7 billion units of S-level (star-level) materials, 21 million units of D-level (arm-spinning) materials, 2.8 million units of C-level (arm-spinning) materials, 200 trillion points of energy]

The two types of warships that Shen Er chose.

The performance is all in a very strong category.

The first Hurricane-class guided missile destroyer has the effects of killing enemies, sniping at fixed points and breaking shields.

It is a very versatile warship.

Although in the high-to-low strike, it is not as terrifying as the interstellar aircraft carrier.

But the resources it needs are only one-tenth of the interstellar aircraft carrier.

Moreover, after possessing the artificial wormhole generator ship and the artificial wormhole beacon ship, Shen Yi can dispatch fleet support at any time, and even carry out ultra-long-range artillery support.

Of course, the most important reason is that there is no interstellar aircraft carrier.

Even those D-class (arm-spinning) blueprints did not find the blueprint of the interstellar aircraft carrier.

Otherwise, Shen Er will be full of several ships.

And the second Roar-class laser battleship, it seems to be quite satisfactory.

Of course, this law-abiding is only equivalent to the Hurricane-class guided missile destroyer.

Its advantage lies in its fast strike speed. In the case of ambush or sneak attack, the advantage of the Roaring-class laser battleship is greater than that of the Hurricane-class guided missile destroyer.

"Okay, are there only these two types of warships? Do you need to supplement the others? We have no shortage of resources now."

Shen Yi asked again.

The number of battleships that Stormwind Civilization and Chiyan Civilization were defeated by him added up to a lot.

There are more than 800 C-class (arm-spinning) warships alone.

D-class (arm-spinning) battleships exceeded 30,000.

Even if the part is destroyed, it will be discounted when it is recycled.

There may be a title effect that reduces the manufacturing price by 50%.

He can still rely on these resources to complete 1:1 production.

That is to say, theoretically receiving these resources, he can produce 800 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships and 30,000 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

"Without the master, these are enough."

"However, as the flagship, I plan to use the Death Star Fortress! It is the Death Star Fortress after upgrading to the C-level (arm-spinning level)!

Shen Er's eyes flashed with light, and there was a look of anticipation in his tone.

The Death Star Fortress is definitely a very powerful weapon of war.

If it is strengthened to reach the A level (arm rotation level), the power is even more devastating.

Not to mention, the Death Star Fortress can also be loaded with a large number of weapons and defense equipment.

Plus the ability to move with the battleship inside the barrier.

It shows its hideous side to the fullest.

"Good guy, so you're waiting for me here."

Shen Yi shook his head helplessly.

He thought that Shen Er was helping him save resources, but he didn't expect that the resources Shen Er needed were simply massive.

The cost of the death star fortress is terrible, it is ten times that of the same level of interstellar aircraft carrier...

The cost of the interstellar aircraft carrier is ten times that of the Hurricane-class guided missile destroyer.

That is to say, with the resources of one Death Star Fortress, 100 Hurricane-class guided missile destroyers can be built. …

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