Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 102: Huge mining area at the heart of the river\r

The main star system of the Storm Civilization.

A group of high-ranking people, who hold the entire first forearm rotation, are looking at the star map at the moment.

A rapidly darkening area along the way.

The faces were all ugly.

The speed of the other party's arrival is too fast.

The space city and fleet they had laid out on their side had absolutely no way to stop the opponent's advance.

After sacrificing a large number of fleets, they also gained some intelligence about each other.

A drop-shaped spaceship that can fly at a speed far exceeding that of a C-class (arm-spinning) warship...

This drop-shaped spaceship is terrifyingly powerful.

Even a C-class (arm-rotor-class) battleship would be easily smashed in front of the opponent.

There is absolutely no fighting back.

No, it should be said that there is no chance to react.

As far as the C-class (arm-spinning) battleship is at a speed of Mach 80,000, it cannot escape the collision of the opponent at all.

"What kind of monster is this... Could it be that some intermediate arm-spinning civilization has attacked us!"

A senior of Storm Civilization said tremblingly.

If that's the case, it's really a doomsday for them.

It is simply too easy for an intermediate arm-spinning civilization to deal with them.

Just like now....

And what is the difference between the opponent's current combat power and when facing the intermediate arm rotation level civilization.

"I can't wait anymore, I'll report the situation here to the Qingxiao Empire immediately! 99

"This is not an enemy we can deal with at all!"

Another high-level Storm Civilization spoke up.

He actually had some doubts that it was the Qianshuang civilization behind the Chiyan civilization.

Only the other party has the ability to handle them easily.

"But if Qingxiao civilization knows about it, are you willing to fight the last intermediate arm-spinning civilization for us..."

The leader of Stormwind Civilization hesitated for a moment and said slowly.

The Qingxiao Empire is among a group of intermediate arm-level civilizations in the Horton River System.

In fact, it is the lowest existence.

Compared with the Qianshuang civilization, which is also an ordinary intermediate-level arm-spinning civilization, it is weaker.

Not to mention compared to "Nine Zero Three", another Hunting and Warming civilization that has stepped into the old-fashioned intermediate arm-spinning civilization.

In fact, there is no harmony between these three middle-level arm-spin-level civilizations.

At least, Qingxiao Empire has a very bad relationship with Qianshuang Civilization.

However, the two sides at least still maintain the harmony on the bright side. God knows whether the Qingxiao Empire will tear its face for the Storm Civilization and Qianshuang Civilization.

And, even worse, what if the enemy is Hunting Wen civilization!

Does the Qingxiao Empire really dare to rip apart the old-fashioned mid-level arm-spinning civilization of Hunting Wen civilization on the bright side?

You know, these three parties can also be thinking about annexing each other.

"Leader, why don't we hide the information, say we were attacked, and ask for support!"

At this moment, a thin old man said.

On the old man's dry face, a pair of eyes flashed with wisdom.

No one dared to underestimate this old man.

Because, the other party is an old monster who has lived for six or seven thousand years.

It is almost watching the storm civilization grow from the star level to the existence of the arm rotation level.

Moreover, the suggestions put forward by the other party can always play a key role, and they are the greatest wise men of Stormwind Civilization.

Sure enough, his proposal immediately caught everyone's eyes, and they all praised.

"As expected of Mr. Yang, it really is a treasured sword that is not old!"

"This plan is worthy of Mr. Yang, it is not something we can think of at all."

"Old Yang is worthy of being the first wise man of Storm Civilization!"

However, the old man known as Yang Lao was not happy because of these people's praise.

He just shook his head a little helplessly.

Can these people really not think of these things?

Just don't want to say it.

After all, even if this matter is resolved in the future, the Qingxiao Empire will definitely vent the anger of being exploited.

And the person who proposed this plan is 100% dead.

The reason why these people, including the leaders of Stormwind Civilization, did not speak out was because they did not want to be this person.

This old man has lived for six or seven thousand years, although he has not lived enough.

But I don't want the Storm Civilization to really disappear into history because of these idiots who are afraid of death.

"Okay, the next thing is left to the leader, and the old man has gone back to rest."

Yang Lao glanced at the leader, and without waiting for the other party's reply, he turned and walked outside the hall.

Facing an enemy who is suspected of being an intermediate-level arm-spinning civilization.

Apart from escaping now, the only way they can go is to ask Qingxiao Empire for help.

Other than that, there is no other way.

No matter how much they discuss and what kind of tactics they use, they have no ability to resist when facing B-class (arm-swivel-class) warships.

That being the case, why continue the discussion.

After solving these problems, he is no longer willing to take care of these things.

The other senior officials of Stormwind Civilization did not care about Yang Lao's departure.

Instead, they discussed the issue of this harvest.

That's right, they don't think Qingxiao Empire will be able to solve the trouble this time.

After all, the enemy is just a B-class (armspin class) warship.

Moreover, it does not look like he is wearing a weapon of mass destruction.

Not even as big as a starfighter.

Such a strange warship is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of a warship of the same level.

However, they have already begun to consider how to get the B-level (arm-spinning) level of technology.

Storm Civilization has B-level (arm-spinning) materials.

However, they have been limited in technology, so that they have been unable to step into the intermediate arm rotation level civilization.

And if you want to rely on yourself to break through, it will take at least tens of thousands of years or even longer.

But if you can get the technology in this B-class (armspin class) warship.

Then they can greatly reduce this time.

I just don't know how much it will cost to let the Qingxiao Empire let go.

As for Storm Civilization's reaction, Shen Yi naturally wouldn't know.

Of course, even if you really know, you won't care.

For him, the advanced arm rotation level civilization is no longer a strong enemy.

After all, he also has the Death Star Fortress at the A-level (arm-spinning level).

At the same time, he also has a large number of A-class (arm-spinning) warships.

Once the war begins, with the perfect resource recovery function, as well as a hundredfold strengthening system.

As long as this advanced arm-spinning civilization allows Shen Yi to win a battlefield, it must be several times the number of battleships that greet the opponent.

This developmental model is actually more terrifying than the Zerg.

After all, the Zerg cannot use low-level materials to create high-level soldiers.

Half a month later, the fleet of the Qingxiao Empire came here before the drop-shaped interstellar shuttle arrived in the main star system of the Storm Civilization.

Qingxiao Civilization still attaches great importance to his adopted son's request for help.

This time, 3 B-class (arm-spinning) battleships, 200 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships, and 3,000 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships were dispatched.

Such a battleship, even in the mid-level arm-spin-class civilization, is very powerful.

Although not up to the level of the main fleet.

But it's definitely not that kind of casual handling.

Moreover, the person leading the team this time is the third prince of the Qingshuang Empire.

A powerful figure who is expected to inherit the throne of the next emperor.

Knowing that it was the arrival of the third prince of the Qingshuang Empire, it also caused quite a stir in Stormwind Civilization.

The leader of Stormwind Civilization personally led many high-level officials and personally received them at the port.

"His Royal Highness the Third Prince, why do you still need to come over to deal with such a small matter this time?"

The leader of Stormwind Civilization bowed and asked humbly with a face full of flattery.

In fact, as the leader of his junior arm-spin-level civilization, he does not need to be so courteous to an intermediate-level arm-spin-level civilization prince.

Although the status of the two sides is somewhat different, they are still at the same level.

But the Qingxiao Empire is different, this is their adoptive father!

Not to mention the real power faction like the third prince, even an ordinary prince, they all need to be respectful.

Of course, if it wasn't for an accident, the princes of the intermediate arm-spin-level civilization would not be willing to come to a rural place like them.

No, it should be said that even those civilians are not willing to come to them.

After all, in the eyes of those people, these small arms actually represent backwardness.

"Hmph, it's not that you are too rubbish, you can't even get a second forearm spin."

The third prince snorted with disdain.

He glanced at the surrounding eyes, full of deep disdain.

Sure enough, it is a place full of barbarism. It is said to be the best interstellar port of Stormwind Civilization.

It turned out to be so rough.

The degree of defense is probably not at the peak level in the primary arm rotation level civilization.

He wouldn't be here if it wasn't to add a bit of leverage to himself in that position.

Although the leaders of Stormwind Civilization and a group of high-level officials were a little embarrassed, they could only laugh embarrassingly.

However, they actually had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Chen Wen has not sent any news for a long time.

Plus the direction from which the B-class (arm-spinning) battleship came.

I'm afraid their fleet is completely doomed.

Not to mention subduing the second arm, their storm civilization has fallen into an unprecedented crisis.

If it wasn't for this time that the third prince Qingxiao wanted to help them subdue the second arm, they would probably still have to endure the attack of the Chiyan civilization.

Thinking of this consequence, they couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

At the same time, I am happy with my decision.

However, thinking of this, the leader of Stormwind Civilization hesitated a bit, and he leaned beside the third prince to test softly: "But His Royal Highness the third prince, the other party is likely to be a battleship sent by Qianshuang civilization, you... I mean Qingshuang Is the empire going to go to war with the other party? It is very likely to be targeted by Hunting Wen civilization..."

He still has some understanding of the current situation of the Horton River System.

Advanced arm-spin-level civilization is high above, no matter whether it is intermediate arm-spin-level civilization or primary arm-spin-level civilization.

I just want to break through the limitations of the advanced arm-spinning civilization and step into the ranks of the top arm-spinning civilization.

In fact, the other three intermediate arm rotation-level civilizations are not harmonious.

On the contrary, the three forces are trying to annex each other.

As for Qingxiao Empire and Qianshuang Civilization, it is precisely because of each other's offensive and defensive alliance that Hunting Wen Civilization dare not act rashly.

And once the Qingxiao Empire and Qianshuang Civilization are at war.

So, isn't Hunting Wen civilization going to take advantage of it?

In the face of an old-fashioned intermediate-level arm-spinning civilization, it is actually very difficult for an ordinary intermediate-level arm-spinning civilization to face.

The gap between the top battleships of the two sides is an unpleasant peak.

Of course, more importantly, after the Qingxiao Empire and Qianshuang Civilization went to war.

It is very likely that the hunting and Wen civilization will take advantage of the fisherman.

Although he wasn't particularly loyal to his adoptive father, he didn't want his adoptive father to fall just like that.

At least before the storm civilization steps into the intermediate arm rotation level civilization, don't fall down so quickly...

"Hunting civilization?"

The third prince let out a laugh, and then said: "They can't take care of themselves now. This group of idiots has provoked a group of monsters in the heart of the river. Now basically 80% of the fleet has been invested, whether they can stay or not is a question."

The leader of Stormwind Civilization and a group of high-level leaders suddenly froze in their hearts.

They seem to have heard something amazing!

They naturally knew about the heart of the river, and that was the central location of the Horton River System.

The distance between ordinary stars in the galaxy is generally around four light-years.

However, the distribution of these stars in the center of the river is less than six light days.

In this distance, the surviving planets will naturally experience the influence of various gravitational forces, gravity, heat, and radiation.

As a result, many rare ores were born.

In this area known as the mine, the most basic materials are stellar minerals.

Arm-spin grade minerals are even more densely populated.

There are even a large number of A-grade (arm-spinning) ore and even a lot of S-grade (arm-spinning) ores.

It's a pity that only the middle-level arm-spinning civilization in that place is eligible to enter the mining.

It's not like there's any intentional restrictions or anything like that.

Because, even that advanced arm-spinning civilization only occupies less than 10% of the area.

The other three intermediate-level arm-spin-level civilizations only accounted for less than 5%.

There are still plenty of places to mine this mining area.

However, the various high temperatures, radiation, gravity, and gravity at least require B-class (arm-spinning) warships to withstand.

Even, even if the B-class (arm-spinning) battleship is a careless one.

All are likely to be directly destroyed by these terrifying disasters.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing in this place is not just these natural disasters.

It's the monsters that live in it.

Although these monsters have little intelligence and do not form any civilization, they are at best a group of beasts.

However, the strength of this group of monsters is extremely terrifying.

There are even many that can tear apart B-class (arm-spinning) battleships by hand.

What is even more terrifying is that some king-level monsters can also fight against A-class (arm-spinning) warships.

Even that advanced arm-spinning civilization has to be careful.

Obviously, the third prince said this time about the crisis of hunting and warming civilization.

I am afraid that the other party provoked these monsters...

However, since that was the case, then their minds became active.

Maybe they can also get the opportunity to break through the intermediate arm rotation level civilization in this opportunity!

"His Royal Highness the Third Prince, if there is a war at that time, we will definitely rush to the front for you!"

The leader of Stormwind Civilization said immediately without hesitation.

However, what responded to him was the third prince's smirk: "It's just you? That battleship has already flown to your face, no surprise that the fleet that sent out has been completely destroyed, you still have the background. war?"

However, after a round of jeering, he immediately changed the subject: "But you are not completely useless, the task of investigating intelligence is left to you.

Spiritual PUA, this kind of method can be used by the royal family.

First devalue your worthless, and then assign you a task.

Naturally, there will be a hint of obedience.

However, this will only work if the status gap between the two sides is very large.

Otherwise, if you dare to belittle, other people are likely to come over with a big mouth.

Obviously, as the third prince of Qingxiao Empire, his status is still higher than the leader of Stormwind Civilization.


After all, he can also mobilize B-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

This alone is not comparable to the other side.

"Yes yes yes! We will definitely get it done!"

A smile appeared on the face of the leader of Stormwind Civilization.

He doesn't care about the third prince's PUA, as long as he can participate in this battlefield.

It was enough for him.

At that time, they will secretly hide some of the technology on the B-class (arm-spinning) warships for research.

It will definitely be of great help for them to step into the intermediate arm-spinning civilization.

And once they step into the intermediate arm-spinning civilization, the gap between them and the Qingxiao Empire is not that big...

Moreover, they can also participate in the exploitation of resources in the heart of the river.

"Well, now we are waiting for the so-called B-class (arm-spinning) battleship to arrive, but I want to see how much Qianshuang Civilization does not take us seriously.

"It's up to the owner to beat the dog, how dare you take the lead!

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the third prince.

In the previous confrontation, he suffered a lot in the hands of Qianshuang civilization.

Otherwise, it would not be necessary to win over a junior arm-level civilization and gain political capital for itself.

And this time, if he can shoot down the B-class (arm-swirl-class) battleship of the 'Thousand Frost Civilization'.

Then, it will definitely help him wash away the previous shame!

It is for this reason that he deliberately paid some price and borrowed three B-class (arm-spinning) warships.

Just to kill the opponent with a cannon!

The leaders of Stormwind Civilization and a group of high-level executives who followed behind had the same smile on their faces when they heard this.

However, there is no way to know what they think in their hearts.

This may not be known until their strength is comparable to or surpasses the Qingxiao Empire.

When you are weak, exposing your thoughts in your heart is no different from courting death.

Of course, after being targeted by Shen Yi, they no longer have this chance.

Maybe they can touch it in the underworld.

If there is an underworld in this world!

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