Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 11: Five-Fold Increase In Physique, Increase The Fatness Of Leeks!

Accompanied by this advanced nutrient solution into the abdomen.

Shen Yi suddenly felt his body start to heat up.

However, the process is not painful.

On the contrary, he also felt unusually comfortable, as if he was immersed in a hot spring.

There is absolutely no painful feeling when relying on medicinal pills to enhance strength as described in Xianxia fantasy novels.

In this respect, the technology side is still very strong.

This strengthening process lasted for about half an hour, and Shen Yi almost fell asleep comfortably.

And when the potency wears off, he even feels a hint of dissatisfaction and longing.

His body seemed to be addicted to that feeling...

However, Shen Yi had no plans to drink another bottle, but forcibly suppressed this feeling.

Since the introduction has said that you can only drink one bottle for at least a month.

He wouldn't kill himself trying to drink two bottles.

Shen Yi moved his body a little, and after probably getting used to the strength in his body, he swung a jab in an instant.

call out!

A lingering sound of breaking wind, accompanied by his fist, exploded in the room!

His fist was exaggerated to the point of bringing a fist style!

"Fuck! This is too fierce!"

Shen Yi's face was full of surprise.

He felt that his fist at the moment could even blow people's heads directly.

And it's not just power that he's building.

There are also various aspects of speed and endurance.

Even if the US team in the movie is compared with him, it is not a small part.

Moreover, this is only the first reinforcement.

After ten months, he will take all ten high-level nutrient solutions, and his physique will be increased by a full fifty times!

At that time, tearing Gundam by hand was really not a dream!

Of course, even if he can really do it, he will never die.

The enhancement of his physique would at best give him more energy to develop his power.

A gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger!

Although he is not a gentleman.

But never put yourself in danger.

The next time, Shen Yi was doing sit-ups, push-ups and other exercises.

In order to adapt to their sudden surge in strength.

It's your own power after all.

So, he adapts very quickly.

In less than three hours, he had already controlled his own power.

At least, there will be no more situations where the power cannot be held back.

It is estimated that in two or three days of exercise, he will be able to completely master this power.

However, at this moment, a rapid alarm sounded in the base, and he had to stop.

This was the three-hour timer he had set earlier.

After all, this transaction is still quite important.

It's about his first comprehensive upgrade.

"This advanced nutrient solution is quite good, and you can consider putting it on the sale list in the future!"

Shen Yi muttered in his head as he walked towards the chair.

Advanced nutritional supplements cost only 10 points, but the effect is surprisingly amazing.

This is bound to make those players rush for it.

He didn't worry about the lack of a market at all.

Even if it sells for a price that is more expensive than a fighting robot.

Those players will definitely rush to buy it!

Because the improvement of physical fitness means the improvement of one's own energy.

After taking the enhanced nutritional supplements, Shen Yi even felt that she could stay awake for seven days and seven nights!

This is obviously very important for players in the early stages of development.

Because this extra time allows them to deal with too many affairs!

Of course, after knowing that players and small groups of families share resources.

He didn't intend to sell it as cheaply as a combat robot.

"Let's start with 100,000 energy! Such a strong thing, it's not too much to turn 10,000 times! Or use rare blueprints for it."

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Shen Yi's mouth.

This is a good thing for C-level!

It's not too much for him to sell it at this price!

Moreover, there are also primary nutritional supplements and intermediate nutritional supplements that can also be considered to capture all consumer groups.

After mass production of a combat robot.

Only then did he realize the scarcity of his own energy.

Even if all 370,000 energy is put into the production of a combat robot.

He also has less than 15,000 Type 1 combat robots.

How much is this?

No, that's not much at all!

Now the hunting range is small.

There are 3,000 Type 1 combat robots in the hunting ground with a radius of 30 kilometers, which is barely enough.

But what if the hunting ground expands to 300 kilometers, or even 3,000 kilometers in the future?

The required type of combat robot will definitely increase exponentially.

In addition to developing other technologies...

He really has too many places to put resources into.

If he develops slowly like a normal player, then there is no such urgent need.

However, how could he, who has a golden finger, allow himself to develop slowly like an ordinary player!

Also, he's not worried that other players will grow quickly because of what he has to offer.

When the other party has the ability to leave the planet, space and interstellar, and can find him.

He is afraid that he has already had the strength to annihilate a galaxy with one shot!

Has a hundred times strengthening system.

Even if he has the same developmental progress as other players, he will walk ahead of all players.

What's more, his development progress is absolutely impossible to be the same as other players.

With a lot of resources poured in, his improvement will only get faster and faster.

However, it is too early to think about these things.

After Shen Yi sat down on the chair, he quickly shook off the thoughts in his mind.

Click on the chat bar, all channels are discussing his affairs at the moment.

Either kneeling or licking, or wondering how he got his stuff.

Shen Yi ignored these people, and he didn't intend to communicate too much with these leeks.

After clicking on the private chat interface with Li Luoxi, Shen Yi showed a hint of anticipation.

The other party has gathered what he wants.

"Boss, I've gathered everything you want!"

"Are you still there, sir?"

"Return to my message, boss!"

"Big guy..."

This Li Luoxi is obviously very anxious, it seems that the other party should be himself or the situation around his family is not very good.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to be in such a hurry.

After all, he couldn't have imagined in such a snowballing mode.

Li Luoxi would have such an urgent need for the enhanced Type I combat robot.

However, the mining efficiency of the other party is a bit fast...

Presumably the surrounding resources are indeed very rich.

Would you like to consider selling a type of operation robot to the other party to increase the fatness of this leek?

All kinds of thoughts were flying in Shen Yi's mind, and at the same time he typed back: "I'm here, so let's trade directly."

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