"This... this power is too terrifying!"

In the family chat group of the Li family, it took a long time for such a sentence to pop up.

These words were sent by one of Li Luoxi's younger sisters.

But it is also the voice of everyone at the moment.

The power of this C-class Type 1 combat robot is really scary!

"With such power, even in the face of the S-level threat at our current base level, it can definitely be easily swept away, right?"

Grandpa Li also said at this time: "This power is much stronger than the main battle tanks I have seen in the army before."

Grandpa Li used to be a veteran.

However, even the most exaggerated scenes he had ever seen were definitely not as shocking as they were at the moment.

Perhaps in terms of explosive power, he has seen weapons that are comparable to, or even surpass, this C-class Type 1 combat robot.

However, if the exaggerated rate of fire of this C-class Type-I combat robot is added.

That would be a bit too exaggerated.

Even a complete rocket brigade would probably be at this level!

But he can be sure that the continual capability of the Rocket Brigade is absolutely incomparable to this Type 1 combat robot.

"We really got a big bargain... This Mr. Shen Yi is really a good person!"

Li Luoxi's other sister also typed and said.

Other family members in the chat group also agreed.

"Yeah, the resources we gave are really too few, and I'm afraid it's not equal to the C-level things."

"This Mr. Shen Yi is really kind-hearted, and he sold it to us at a loss!"

"It's a pity that the number of the other party should not be many, only one shot."

"You stupid, this kind of thing must be very expensive. Even if Mr. Shen Yi has any way to build it, it will definitely cost a lot."

"Yes, there is no free lunch in the world, we owe Mr. Shen Yi a huge favor after all!"


Of course they didn't expect that Shen Yi had an unreasonable golden finger.

Only when Shen Yi was a C-class type-one combat robot that cost a lot of money to create.

Then, sell it to them at a super low price.

Do your best to help other players through the difficulty.

After all, with the little resources the other party wants, it is far from enough to build a tank.

What's more, it is such a powerful type of combat robot.

"Luoxi, we can't take such a big advantage from others in vain, and we must pay back what we owe."

At this time, Father Li, who had recovered, also typed and said.

Mr. Li also said at this time: "Yes, our family has no habit of taking advantage of others in vain. When we have enough money, we must return it."

This rigorous and upright family style is also the reason why the Li family can still look out for each other under such circumstances.

Li Luoxi's face was also a little serious at this moment, and he typed back seriously. "I know! Don't worry!"

At this moment, Li Ma has removed all threats above the B level within 30 kilometers around the base.

She recalled the C-class Type 1 combat robot immediately.

Then it was sent to Li's father to let Li's father solve the troubles around him.

After there is no threat of B-rank or higher.

The base is actually relatively safe.

At least, even if those creatures touched it, it would not be so easy to break through the base.

It can even be defended with an ordinary E-class Type 1 battle robot.

On the contrary, Father Li needs this C-class Type 1 combat robot even more.

And under the terrifying output of a type of combat robot, the crisis on Li's side was easily swept away.

The so-called B-level threats and A-level threats that their base is currently facing are really too vulnerable in front of Shen Yi's C-level Type-1 combat robots.

Moreover, Father Li also found out that after this C-level Type 1 combat robot was traded.

On the radar, these terrorist creatures were originally A-level and B-level threats.

The threat level instantly becomes an E or even an F threat rating.

This means that these terrifying creatures are completely vulnerable in front of this C-level Type-1 combat robot.

"Is this a C-class Type 1 combat robot? It's really terrifying!"

Father Li took screenshots of the information about those creatures at the moment and sent them to the group chat, and couldn't help sighing at the same time.

"It's a little scary! But since Mr. Shen Yi can sell it, he should have dozens of them!"

Mr. Li guessed.

Of course, he wasn't a robot that was jealous of Shen Yi.

He simply sighed at the horror of such a legion composed entirely of C-class Type 1 combat robots.

Except for being slightly shorter in range.

The firepower of a Type 1 combat robot is comparable to that of a complete rocket brigade.

And dozens of Type 1 combat robots add up, I am afraid that in terms of firepower, they can touch the Rocket Army!

"Girl Luoxi, you can concentrate the energy we harvest in a while, and pass 80% of it to this Mr. Shen Yi. The other party has a righteousness, and we can't hurt others' hearts. We can make up for it as much as possible."

Mr. Li spoke again.

Their existing 80% energy is about 8000, which is definitely a huge sum of money for the early players.

However, everyone in the group chat felt that there was no problem.

After all, in their opinion, they really took too much advantage of Shen Yi.

Especially the life-saving grace of Father Li and Mother Li, this is already a great kindness for them!

"Mmm Good!"

Li Luoxi nodded immediately and agreed.


On the other side, Shen Yi looked at Li Luoxi's message again with a hint of consternation on his face.

"You want to give me an extra 8,000 energy points to compensate me? What do you mean?"

He typed suspiciously.

In this world, is there still such a person who is rushing to give money?

Although 8000 energy points is not too much for him, it is definitely a lot.

This is enough to make 320 Type 1 combat robots, 400 Type 1 working robots, 533 Type 1 reconnaissance robots, and 800 high-level nutritional medicines!

Li Luoxi on the other end responded quickly.

Li Luoxi: "On the one hand, it's because of the grace of saving lives, and on the other hand, we don't want you to suffer."

Li Luoxi: "Mr. Shen is righteous and is willing to sell this C-class Type 1 combat robot to us at a low price, but we believe that a righteous person like Mr. Shen should not suffer this kind of loss in vain!"

Li Luoxi: "At least for us, we shouldn't suffer this kind of loss! Besides, you are still my parents' savior!"

Shen Yi's face was full of weirdness, why did his image suddenly grow taller?

Being so touted by Li Luoxi, he must think how noble he is...

However, he was a little emotional afterward.

What a good leek this is!

It would be great if all the leeks could be like this Li Luoxi!

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