However, Bilson's idea is quite good.

But in Shen Er's calculation, the situation at this moment is also in the plan.

After the discovery of three fission missiles fired from three Death Star fortresses.

She immediately launched an action, and dozens of Death Star Fortress battle groups quickly blocked the signals around the Wright Civilization Death Star Fortress.

The Wright civilization itself is far behind them in terms of radar technology.

Coupled with the absolute crushing of numbers.

Not to mention the four Death Star fortresses of the Wright civilization.

As long as it doesn't reach the s-level (arm-spin level), it is even forty Death Star fortresses in this case.

There is also no way to get in touch with the Wright civilization, which is tens of thousands of light-years away.

And after doing this, Shen Er directly dispatched an S-class (arm-spinning) level Sacred Shield-class stand to interfere with the frigate.

"Nine-One-Three" was used to intercept these three world-annihilating fission missiles.

In other words, the purpose of blocking the signal is to allow this Sacred Shield-class stand-interference frigate to come on stage and experiment with its interception capability.

Although on paper, the stand-jamming frigate can intercept missiles below Mach 750,000 with a 95% efficiency.

But Shen Er never believed in the so-called paper data.

Everything takes time to test out the results.

In the face of the Wright Civilization, these three fission missiles whose power has reached the limit of A-level (arm rotation level).

The Aegis-class stand, which has been lurking in the Dyson sphere, interferes with the frigate!

Compared to them, they are only a-class (arm-spinning class).

The Aegis-class stance interference frigates, which specialize in intercepting no more than 750,000 Mach missile attacks, can be said to be their nemesis.

And Shen Yi also knew at this moment that the Aegis-level position interfered with the attack method of the frigate.


A large number of small pointed missiles dragging white smoke, like a goddess scattered flowers, blasted towards those world-destroying fission missiles.

However, these missiles have only just flown very far.

An artificial wormhole appeared in front of them, and then fell directly in front of those world-annihilating fission missiles less than 20 million kilometers away.

At the speed of the two sides at the moment, it only takes five seconds at most to encounter each other.

Although the actual distance between the two sides at this moment is more than 700 million kilometers.

Can be assisted by radar mounted inside the Dyson sphere.

The Aegis-class stand interferes with the frigate, and can still easily control the operation of the interceptor missile.

And that's the scary part of playing at home in a star system with Dyson spheres.

Radar can be of great help.

The Death Star Fortress is actually a weakened version of the Dyson sphere of the same level.

Perhaps in terms of energy, unlike the Dyson sphere, it can do almost endlessly.

But in terms of strategic value and combat effectiveness, it may be better than Dyson Sphere.

However, the artificial wormhole just closed the channel immediately after the interceptor missile was put in.

In order to prevent the other party from immediately detonating the World Extinction fission missile, which will cause the aftermath to rush through the artificial wormhole.

Shen Er, who has calculated everything in it, is simply impossible for this kind of thing to happen.

And this scene was also noticed by Bilson, who has been closely watching the fission missile of the world.

Although the Dyson sphere was quite far away from them, it was more than 700 million kilometers away.

But their radar was still able to detect the fluctuations over there.

Especially near the fission missile.

This is the product of the brainchild of their entire civilization, how could there be no artificial intervention.

Therefore, they can very clearly see the situation of 50 million kilometers around the world-annihilating fission missile.

When the man-made wormhole appeared 20 million kilometers away from the fission missile, they had already noticed the vision that appeared ahead.

Naturally know that this is the interception from the other side.

However, they are full of confidence in the fission missile, which is the pride of their Wright civilization!

"Once the World Destruction Fission Missile is launched, there is no chance to intercept it! What if you master the artificial wormhole technology!"

A sneer appeared on Bilson's face.

In order to avoid those monsters with strange functions to intercept their missiles.

They have made a lot of hard work in random maneuvering.

It is impossible to intercept them with interceptor missiles.

In terms of mobility, these world-destroying fission missiles even surpass many A-level (arm-spinning) level star fighters.

Unless the opponent has mastered the interception technology of the s-level (arm rotation level).

Technology 0 with a top-level arm-spinning civilization...

Otherwise, it is impossible to intercept the World Destruction Fission Missile.

But is this possible?

If the other party is really a top-level arm rotation-level civilization, what else are they pretending to be!

It is only necessary to dispatch warships of the s-class (arm-spinning) level.

They have no hope of winning at all, and the only option is to be destroyed by the other side or surrender.

But the next moment, his face changed instantly.

Because, on the system of the fission missile, the mad alarm is locked by an object close to the speed of light.

"How is this possible! 35

Bilson shouted in a panic, his tone full of disbelief.

Even the World Destruction Fission Missile is not close to the speed of light.

Because, the gap of hundreds of thousands of Mach is too huge.

And the speed close to the speed of light is a technology that only the top arm-spinning civilization can master.

That's a whole new, terrifying speed that's close to the fastest speed in the universe.

That level of speed can definitely easily intercept their world-destroying fission missiles.

"Is the other party a top-level arm-spinning civilization?"

Bilson felt that his brain was not enough.

But what is the other party planning?

In the previous battle, they caused a lot of losses to each other!

Doesn't the other party care about the casualties of the soldiers?

Bilson said that he was completely unable to understand the thinking of the top arm-spin civilization.

3.6 After all, at the level of the arm rotation level, a small level gap may already be a world of difference.

God knows how far the top-level arm-spin-level civilization has reached.

However, at this moment, they were only left with despair.

The other party's display of this hand that surpasses the speed of light is enough to make them powerless to resist.

The gap of hundreds of thousands of Machs is simply not what the so-called maneuver can make up for.

What's more, their radar technology is far inferior to each other.

These three world-annihilating fission missiles have no chance of hitting each other at all.

"Tired, destroy it early!

Bilson slumped on the chair in the command room and gave up resistance completely.

Facing the huge gap in civilization, their strongest weapons have become a joke, what's the point of such resistance?

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