Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 150: A terrifying monster comparable to the S-class arm spin class\r

Under Shen Yi's orders, a large number of Death Star Fortress battle groups.

Under the leadership of the S-class (arm-swirl-class) Death Star Fortress battle group, they drove towards the surrounding area of ​​the Hexin mining area.

Each of these squads consisted of one S-rank (Spin-class) Death Star Fortress battle group, and five A-class (Spin-class) Death Star Fortress battle groups.

Coupled with the title and the configuration that can be called luxury.

In terms of combat power, they are even comparable to ordinary Death Star Fortress battle groups twice as much as themselves.

Such a force, even if it is placed in the old top arm rotation level civilization.

It is definitely a very high-level war force, and it is even enough to launch a medium-sized interstellar war.

With such a lineup, to explore the surrounding areas of the Hexin mining area, there can be some security guarantees.

At least, it will not be destroyed by the enemy in an instant, and there is a chance to support the support of other battle groups.

Thirty formations of the Death Star Fortress battle group entered Shen Yi's territory and headed for the unknown territory.

The first half of the month went very smoothly.

In just half a month, a range of 3,000 light-years was captured by Shen Yi.

However, the resistance he encountered was indeed much stronger than before.

The density of A-level (arm-swirl-level) monsters in this 920 area is even more terrifying than when he faced the orientation meeting held by these monsters in the Hexin mining area.

Basically, every time you encounter monsters that are comparable to A-level (arm-spinning) level, the number will reach more than 30,000.

Such specifications have actually surpassed the configuration of ten Death Star Fortress battle groups.

If it weren't for Shen Yi's fleet, the fleet was indeed strong.

It's absolutely impossible to walk in this place.

What's even more terrifying is that these monsters are too sensitive to energy fluctuations.

Attack fluctuations from several light-years away are often captured by the opponent, and then rushed over like crazy.

So that these fleets basically experience a high-intensity battle every once in a while.

If it is a human-controlled fleet, under this level of attack, it will definitely fall into a very tired situation.

Not to mention that you want to continue exploring, even if you want to stabilize the existing site, it is very difficult.

However, these fleets under Shen Yi's command, which rely solely on intelligence and Shen Er's control, would not have these burdens.

Robots don't get tired.

As long as the main body is not damaged and the energy is sufficient, they can continue to work.

Although the intensity of these battles is not low, it is far from the upper limit of Shen Er, whose level has reached D level (River System level).

However, after half a month, Shen Yi gradually advanced to the depths of the Hexin mining area.

The troubles he encountered began to gradually increase.

On the one hand, the constant improvement of the quality and quantity of monsters is a problem.

On the other hand, the environment deep in the Hexin mining area is really bad.

The strange magnetic field makes signal transmission extremely difficult.

Although this does not affect Shen Er's control of these fleets.

But it will greatly affect radar and artificial wormhole technology.

This means that between these Death Star Fortress battle group squads, there may be no way to support them in time...

However, Shen Yi had expected this situation.

So not too panicked.

Moreover, with the configuration of his Death Star Fortress battle group squad.

The current monster still poses no threat to him.

After all, that S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group is not a decoration.

A large number of S-class (arm-spinning) level warships are enough to easily crush any A-class (arm-spinning) level monsters.

In other words, there is absolutely no comparison between the two.

Of course, where the S-class (armspin class) Death Star Bastion battle group really perverts.

In fact, it still lies in the all-round offensive and defensive integrated system that it can form.

The S-class (arm-swirl-class) Death Star Fortress can actually be called a well-deserved cosmic fortress.

It is the highest crystallization of the arm (ahdg) spin-level civilization.

Not only can it have a powerful firepower and defense system.

At the same time, it can also move with surrounding warships.

The speed of the S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress has reached an astonishing speed of light.

Unless you develop a curvature engine or master the jump technology.

Otherwise, the speed of light is already the fastest speed in the universe.

At the speed of light, any non-light-speed attack method cannot attack objects flying at the speed of light.

Under this sky-defying state, even if it is the same S-level (arm rotation level).

It is difficult to keep the S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group.

Of course, if you want to do this kind of thing, the energy you need to consume will be very terrifying.

I am afraid that the energy generated by Shen Yi's tens of thousands of Dyson spheres will be exhausted in an instant.

The ordinary S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress would not dare to use it indiscriminately, and it would easily lead to the exhaustion of energy.

However, this was no problem for Shen Yi.

The most important thing he has on hand now is energy.

Destroying the monsters in the Hexin mining area has already allowed him to obtain a large amount of energy.

Not to mention, the seven billion stars in the second small arm, the energy provided to him every day is also an astronomical number.

Under such circumstances, Shen Yi's speed of advancement was a little slower.

But definitely not too slow.

But just three days later, the first really tricky trouble hit the door....

"Master, a fleet encountered an S-class (arm-spinning) monster attack and lost hundreds of A-class (arm-spinning) level warships.

In the command room, Shen Er reported with a dignified expression.

While sitting on the main seat, Shen Yi, who was doing nothing, immediately sat up with a shudder.

"S-class (arm-spinning) monster appeared?"

There was a glint of interest in his eyes.

I have to say that this is one of his few interests in the Hexin mining area.

After these days of collecting resources, he no longer had as much enthusiasm for the resources in the Hexin mining area as before.

On the contrary, these monsters made him very interested.

Because, Shen Ling has already researched something through the corpses of these monsters.

There has been considerable progress in biotechnology.

It has even been able to create a lot of biological war beasts at the C-level (arm rotation level).

It's just that the biological war beasts at the C-level (arm-spinning level) level are not very helpful to him today.

Even after strengthening, it is only A-level (arm-spinning level) level.

At this stage of research, Shen Ling has basically entered a bottleneck.

If the corpses of S-level (arm-spinning) monsters can be obtained, Shen Ling is likely to break the bottleneck and develop B-level (arm-spinning) level and even A-level (arm-spinning) level biological beasts.

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