Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 153: Traces of civilization, preparation with both hands\r

With so many powerful biological beasts.

It can be said that the strength of Shen Yi's side has also improved a lot.

At least in the face of those S-level (arm-spinning) monsters, it seems to be at ease.

With the cooperation of Void Squid and Purgatory Tyrant King.

Basically no S-rank (arm-spinning) monsters can stop their attacks.

In just one day, Shen Yi's fleet directly advanced a distance of 2,000 light-years, a little faster than before.

Moreover, the red blood fortresses also appeared in the surrounding area of ​​the Hexin mining area.

Because the magnetic field here has too much influence.

Therefore, basically a red blood fortress will appear within 500 light-years.

Once any place is attacked by a powerful monster.

The fleet under his command can rush over as soon as possible.

With the cooperation of Shen Ling and Shen Er, Shen Yi is developing steadily and steadily.

Basically, there won't be any big difference.

Half a month later, Shen Yi almost completely penetrated the Hexin mining area.

At this moment, the S-rank (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group under his command has expanded to 80.

The number of A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups has reached 100,007.

The number of biological warfare beast assassination teams has also reached 300.

Such a force can definitely easily crush any top-level arm-spinning civilization.

Unless the opponent uses a devastating super weapon.

Otherwise, this fleet alone is enough to easily crush the opponent.

However, the pressure he encountered in the Hexin mining area was also not small.

At the last place near the core area, he actually encountered thousands of S-class (arm-spinning) monsters.

The high quality makes Shen Yi feel outrageous.

Although the environment in the Hexin mining area is harsh, so many powerful monsters will not be born!

This also made him more convinced that this place was a testing ground for a certain civilization.

It may even be similar to the situation on the planet he was on.

After all, with the deepening of Shen Ling's research, he gradually discovered something different from the genes of these monsters.

Those are not traces of normal evolution or mutation that can occur.

"Master, there seems to be something wrong with the core area of ​​this place. 55

At this time, Shen Ling suddenly said.

Shen Yi glanced at Shen Ling, saw the solemn expression on the other's face, and was suddenly curious: "What happened to the core area? 99

"Master, where you enter the core area, there is a huge vacuum zone with a range of 5 light-years, in which no monsters, stars or planets exist!

Shen Ling explained that at the same time, she also showed the data sent back by the radar to Shen Yi.

A full 5 light-years is definitely a very long distance.

Even light would take five years to fly.

That is to say, Shen Yi's fastest flying S-class (arm-spinning class) warship, if not passing through the wormhole.

It also takes five years to cross such a distance.

Looking at it with the naked eye, this area is completely silent and dark, and it is so empty that it is suffocating.

What Shen Yi was most afraid of was that there were no monsters in this place.

In other words, those monsters are very afraid of this place.

Don't want to be around at all.

Although this place also has a certain relationship with no stars or planets.

However, Shen Yi doesn't think that's why these monsters don't come...

After all, these terrifying existences without any rationality at all, but after sensing the energy fluctuations.

Straight across light-years away to dry your terrifying existence.

Completely an enhanced version of the flat-headed brother.

If there was nothing odd about this place, he wouldn't believe it.

"Shen Ling, are there any special energy fluctuations here?

Shen Yi asked aloud.

"No traces of energy fluctuations have been detected for the time being, but judging from the surrounding electromagnetic responses, there should have been large-scale energy fluctuations here."

Shen Ling replied.

Then, she continued: "Furthermore, it is a very large fluctuation trace that is almost a spherical shape, this kind of reaction is very abnormal.

This spherical energy reaction is like some kind of defense.

However, no energy fluctuations have been detected now, and she can't judge what the specific situation is.

Moreover, there is no information related to He Xin in her database.

It is impossible to analyze whether Hexin is like this.

"Spherical energy fluctuations? How could it be such a coincidence?"

Shen Yi frowned slightly.

Now he can basically have a very powerful civilization in this place.

From these S-rank (arm-spinning) monsters, it is actually possible to hammer this point.

However, now it's just more confirmation of his idea.

Today, the only uncertainty is how strong this civilization really is.

"Shen Ling, can our wormhole technology directly cross this area?"

Shen Yi asked.

This place must be taken seriously.

He was unable to determine whether the civilization in the core area at the moment existed or not.

If the other party exists, he has a high probability of being exposed now.

And, even if he didn't expose it, he didn't intend to risk crossing such a large distance.

Not to mention the time it takes to not pass through the wormhole.

The possible danger alone was enough to make him give up the idea.

"You can try it, but if there really is a 920 civilization, I'm a little worried that it will touch the defense mechanism of the other party..."

Shen Ling looked a little worried.

If it really touched the opponent's defense mechanism, it would not be so simple.

If the opponent's civilization is of a high level, even if it is just an ordinary counterattack, the lethality will probably be very terrifying.

Even sent those incomparably powerful river-class warships to clear all the enemies around.

If they want to take risks, they must be prepared for a blow.

"So... withdraw the fleet first, and then try again."

Shen Yi's expression was slightly condensed, and then he added: "If the situation is not right, choose to evacuate the Horton River system directly. 55

With the military power he has now, even if he left the Horton River system.

It can also easily lay down any river system controlled by any arm-spinning civilization.

Even if a mere Houghton River system is abandoned, it will not have much impact on him.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling and Shen Er responded respectfully at the same time.

The next moment, the fleet on Shen Yi's side moved again.

Those fleets that were originally distributed in various places on the periphery of the core area.

The time quickly shrank, approaching the direction of the base, ready to retreat at any time.

And after doing all this, Shen Yi's attempt also began.

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