Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 16: The Terrifying Type 1 Multipurpose Energy Harvesting Vehicle

"Huh? This time the improvement is not bad!"

There was a hint of satisfaction in Shen Yi's eyes.

He really has no shortage of attack methods, not to mention a type of combat robot.

It is the Holy Shield automatic defense system that will appear in the future, and it already has a strong attack capability.

However, the defense of the base itself has always been a big problem.

As far as the defense of the previous base was, even the horned dragon's attack could not be resisted, it was too insecure.

You must know that although the horned dragon is still powerful in the initial stage when the base has no defense force, in the final analysis, after the development of technology, it is not a powerful creature at all.

I am afraid that the firepower of the D-level level is enough to destroy the opponent.

But even such a creature can also cause devastating damage to his previous base.

Like the defensive power of the base itself before, any creature can break through his firepower network.

Then, his base will suffer an unprecedented crisis in an instant.

But now after the upgrade, the situation is completely different.

Even if the opponent is lucky enough to break through his firepower network, the base has enough defenses to hold the opponent for some time and give the firepower network enough time to react.

Take the base's current defense level.

As long as there is no attack similar to a small-yield tactical nuclear bomb, he doesn't need to worry about the problem that the defense will be broken!

The safety factor has been greatly increased directly!

After reading the data after the base upgrade.

Shen Yi opened up the three functions of the upgraded intermediate radar, intermediate machinery factory, and intermediate living factory, as well as the list of newly added primary energy mining equipment factories after the base was upgraded.

The information of the four facilities immediately unfolded before his eyes.

[Intermediate radar: The detection range is enhanced to 300 kilometers, and the biological life level can be detected at the same time (compared with the fixed level score of the robot)]

[Intermediate machinery factory: 1000 robots can be produced at the same time, and the production time of basic robots is shortened by half]

[Intermediate life factory: can produce any kind of food, and the food produced is harmless to the human body, and also can produce some basic entertainment facilities (such as game consoles, Jacuzzi, etc.)]

[Primary energy harvesting equipment factory: can manufacture a multi-functional energy harvesting vehicle that converts tidal energy, wind energy, solar energy, etc. into energy]


Looking at the introduction of the four facilities in front of him, a hint of surprise appeared in Shen Yi's eyes.

This wave of promotion has really helped him a lot.

The benefits of radar naturally needless to say.

It was also because of the radar before.

Only then can he achieve precise command and wipe out all creatures within a 30-kilometer radius.

And now the coverage of the radar is ten times longer! Reached a radius of 300 kilometers!

This is enough to be a smaller province in the Xia Kingdom.

This range is too big!

Moreover, the upgraded radar also has the ability to detect the life level of creatures.

This means that he can know exactly how powerful the detection creature is.

Instead of being the same as before, you can only guess what level the other party is probably at by the threat level.

This will undoubtedly make his subsequent battle arrangements more accurate.

There will be no unnecessary waste of power.

And the benefits of the upgrade of the intermediate machinery factory, of course, needless to say.

The production queue is directly increased tenfold, and the basic robot production time is shortened by half!

This means that the speed at which he can produce an army of steel will directly increase dozens of times!

If there are enough resources, he can even produce a full 960,000 C-class Type 1 combat robots in one day.

Of course, the energy required to produce so many types of combat robots is absolutely astronomical.

It is impossible for Shen Yi to devote so many resources to such a low-level robot.

That's right... For other players at the moment, it is a C-class robot like an artifact.

In Shen Yi's eyes, it is a low-level robot.

I don't know how other players would feel if they knew this fact.

And the mid-level living factory has nothing to say.

Although the features added after the upgrade are of little practical use.

But strong is strong in that it can enrich entertainment life.

Isn't he delicious for a gourmet meal?

Isn't the jacuzzi game console fragrant?

in a solitary environment.

If there is no such thing as a pastime, I am afraid that it will really be driven crazy after a long time!

As for the final primary energy mining equipment factory, it was also the facility that attracted Shen Yi the most.

It can be said that this is the biggest gain of the upgrade base this time.

When all the creatures on this planet are always killed, how will the energy be obtained at that time?

Naturally, we need to rely on this type of multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle!

Shen Yi clicked on the information panel of this type of multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle with great anticipation.

【Type 1 Multifunctional Energy Harvesting Vehicle】

[Production requirements: 20 energy points]

[Ability: In a suitable environment, it can generate 10 points of energy/day]

【Consumption: None】

[Grade Rating: E ​​Grade]

"This car is not bad!"

Shen Yi's eyes lit up.

Even from the perspective of the current panel, the effect of this type of multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle is not bad.

And if it is strengthened by a hundred times, the effect will definitely be even more heaven-defying.

This is equivalent to picking up a lot of energy every day!

He glanced at the energy that he had reached 100,000.

Shen Yi waved his hand directly: "Let's produce 1,000 Type 1 multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicles first!"

Energy is really important.

No matter what technology is to be developed, energy cannot be avoided in the end.

Therefore, 1,000 units are really not many, and it is only 20,000 energy sources.

For Shen Yi, it was a complete trifle.

"Ding, 20,000 energy points deducted successfully!"

On the gate of the primary energy harvesting equipment factory, a red light suddenly flashed.

At the same time, a full five-minute countdown appeared.

Judging from Shen Yi's previous observations, this type of multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle should be technologically higher than the Type 1 combat robot, which is also an E-class.

Although its price is 5 points less energy than a battle droid.

Five minutes went by in a blink of an eye.

The red light on the primary energy harvesting equipment factory also turned into a green light at this time.

At the same time, the system prompt in Shen Yi's mind sounded again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the multi-function energy harvesting vehicle X1000 you produced has been increased by a hundred times!"


Shen Yi rubbed his hands expectantly.

Then directly click on the data information of the increased multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle.

The data of the enhanced Type 1 multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicle immediately unfolded before his eyes.

【Type 1 Multifunctional Energy Harvesting Vehicle】

[Ability: Due to special reasons, it has been greatly enhanced. If you are in any environment, you can generate 100 energy points/day. If you are in a special environment, you can generate 300 energy points/day]

[Grading: Grade C]

【Consumption: None】

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