At this moment, Att is located in the flagship of the fleet of the Holy Glory Empire.

Looking at the transparent light screen in front of him, his eyes flickered.

"There is actually a threat to this river system. I guess it should be the War Machine Civilization, but it is also possible that the War Machine Civilization and the War Beast Civilization have joined forces!""

He carried his hands on his back, and his tone was slightly solemn.

War Weapon Civilization and War Beast Civilization have actually long thought of Shengyao Empire.

After all, the comprehensive national strength of Shengyao Empire.

It is stronger than the war beast civilization that simply develops biotechnology, and the war weapon civilization that simply develops mechanical technology.

Moreover, if the Holy Glory Empire is destroyed.

There are very huge gains for both civilizations.

If it is true that these two civilizations attack the Shengyao Empire at the same time.

Then, the Holden River system is likely to be a trap left for them...

"Looks like you have to be careful!

A dignified look appeared in Art's eyes.

This time, if he can successfully complete the task.

Then in the future, he can take a big step closer to the position of marshal.

No matter how bad the position of the three five-star generals of the Holy Glory Empire is in the future, there will be a place for him.

But if this mission fails.

Not to mention the position of marshal and five-star general.

Whether or not he can stay where he is now is uncertain.

"Commander, the advance fleet has arrived outside the Horton River system, may I ask them to enter it now!"

At this time, the adjutant on the side said.

"Offensive! But let them pay attention, and get in!

"The task of the advance fleet is to test the opponent's strength and delay the opponent's progress. Don't think about annihilating the opponent, just wait for the big troops to come!"

Art's eyes flashed with wisdom, and he said in a deep voice.

He also did not expect the advance fleet to achieve what kind of results.

He had already guessed in his mind that the conspiracy this time came from the war beast civilization and the war weapon civilization.

Therefore, he naturally hoped that the advance fleet would not be impulsive.

Waiting for the support of the large army.

Once the large force arrived, Art did not think that the other party had any room for resistance.

After all, they had never heard of the large-scale deployment of troops in the War Beast Civilization and War Weapon Civilization before.

If the other side really mobilized a large number of troops.

Then their intelligence services must have access to the information.

This is his trust in his own intelligence services.

What's more, the large-scale deployment of troops cannot be concealed from any civilization at all.

"Yes, Lord Commander"!"

The adjutant saluted respectfully, and then gave the order.

Soon, the fleet that had already jumped to the outside of the Horton River system began to act.

Hundreds of thousands of warships have been biological beasts, forming a propulsion formation.

Head towards the area where the Hexin mining area is located.

After all, according to the previous news, the reconnaissance fleet did not find anything unusual in the periphery.

Only in the Hexin mining area was attacked.

Of course, no one dared to take such a dangerous task lightly.

At this moment, it is located in the huge base in the Hexin mining area.

Shen Ling immediately caught the movement of the advance fleet of the Holy Glory Empire through the Huiyue-class reconnaissance battleship lurking in the river system.

"Master, the enemy is here, and the target is about 30,000, including 10,000 B-class (river-class) warships and 20,000 B-class (river-class) biological war beasts."

"According to the information obtained before, most of these warships are defensive warships, and the biological war beasts are mainly of the type of strong attack, suitable for breaking through the enemy!"5

She quickly reported to Shen Yi.

"Is 30,000 units of B-level (river-level) combat power? You really look up to me! 39

Shen Yi let out a laugh, he guessed that this should be the other party's advance fleet.

After all, under normal circumstances.

How can there be a civilized fleet that does not have a large number of C-class (river-class) warships.

What's more, this is not the standard fleet of the Holy Glory Empire.

If it was the previous one, he would probably encounter some troubles.

After all, the B-level (river system-level) combat power under his hands is not too much.

But things are different now.

Under the mass production of Shen Ling.

The number of B-class (river-class) warships under his command has reached 150,000.

Moreover, it is the most standard fleet lineup.

Combat power is considerable.

He really didn't pay attention to the opponent's mere 30,000 assault fleet.

Although it may not be possible to eat all the opponents before their support arrives.

However, it is not difficult for him to devour each other's flesh fiercely!

"Shen Er, lead the opponent into the ambush circle and start!"

"This wave will eat at least one-tenth of the opponent!

Shen Yi instructed Shen Er who was eager to try beside him.

Now it's just Shen Er of the C-level (River System Class), to command a battle that is not a small battle in the intermediate River System class.

It was definitely a huge challenge for Shen Er.

But with the help of Shen Linghe base, it is not impossible to complete.

What's more, the absolute advantage in quantity has already made them invincible.

More importantly, Shen Yi is not afraid of sacrifice at all.

Even if the battleship is destroyed, at best it will only lose a small amount of resources.

Just recover the wreckage of the battleship.

Basically, a new one can be produced directly.

On the other hand, once the opponent is destroyed, it is basically not that easy to regenerate.

The fleet is still a trivial matter, and those pilots are not so easy to train.

"`"Yes, Master!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Shen Er responded with excitement.

Although this time to deal with these B-level (river-level) levels of combat power, she was a little bit struggling.

It is simply impossible to count all possibilities.

However, under the utmost authority that Shen Yi is not afraid of sacrifice.

It's not difficult for her to just eat one-tenth of the opponent.

And soon Shen Yi dispatched 150,000 warships.

In the form of fifteen squads, they surrounded the opponent's 10,000 warships and 20,000 biological beasts.

Moreover, even in long distances, the leap technology is indeed incomparably powerful.

Artificial wormhole technology cannot be predicted and compared at all, but if it is only a short-distance battle, it is still the world of artificial wormholes!

With the opening of the wormholes, all the battleships were already in place.

War is about to break out!

Shen Er took the lead in attacking the opponent.

Intensive firepower poured towards those battleships for the first time.

Although it is impossible to make full use of these firepower.

However, at least 70% of the firepower of these warships was exerted by Shen Er.

The coverage target is only less than 5,000 B-class (river-class) warships.

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