Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 171: The opponent can't figure out who it is\r

The high-level officials of Shengyao Empire will mistakenly think that it is the hand of War Weapon Civilization.

It's actually a very normal thing.

Because, they simply do not believe that there is any civilization that can cross the line of defense of their three-way forces.

This is their self-confidence, as well as their recognition of the other two civilizations.

The three civilizations have been at war with each other for millions of years.

It can be said that for each other's ability, - are very clear.

The only thing that makes them a little uncertain is whether there is a war beast civilization in this operation.

War beast civilization purely develops biological war beast technology.

In the field of biological beasts, it is far beyond the Holy Glory Empire.

The technology of Warcraft Civilization in terms of warships is also far beyond that of the Holy Glory Empire.

If the two parties are united, even if the two parties are jealous of each other.

But that is also much stronger than the Holy Glory Empire.

Although the strength of Shengyao Empire is stronger than the first line.

But there is no ability to fight two beings of the same size at all.

Of course, in the current situation, they are already in a passive situation.

No time to worry about others.

It's just that they didn't know that their actions had sent them to a dead end.

If they press all their forces to the Horton River system at this moment.

Then, it is very likely that they will meet with the War Weapon Civilization in the Horton River System.

In that case, when Shengyao Empire, Shen Yi, and War Weapon Civilization meet, they will naturally find something wrong.

However, at the moment made such an out.

It led to the misunderstanding of the Warcraft Civilization that the Holy Yao Empire had any ideas about the Horton River System.

Naturally they couldn't just sit back and watch this happen.

The Horton River System is not just a threat to the Holy Light Empire.

It can also radiate the territory of their war weapon civilization into it.

Although the scope of radiation is not as serious as the Holy Light Empire.

But who wants their territory to be under the deterrence of the enemy.

Therefore, it is impossible for the War Weapon Civilization to make the Shengyao Empire do as it wishes, and the fleet sent out is even larger.

For a time, the entire star cluster was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

It's a pity that this level of battle.

Those civilizations below the river system level do not even have the right to know.

I am afraid that the rulers on their heads have changed batch after batch, and they are completely unaware of it.

In the Horton River System, Shen Yi has already achieved some victories.

The number of warships destroyed has reached 300.

And this is just the first wave of attacks.

Don't look at it, it's not a lot, but this is a B-class (river-class) warship.

It is extremely difficult to destroy.

The technology at the river system level is already very different from before.

A ship is no different from a blood cow in the game.

It is extremely difficult to destroy.

If it weren't for the fact that Shen Yi's side had 15 times as many battleships as the other side.

Moreover, the attack was launched in the form of a siege.

He definitely did not cause casualties to the opponent so easily.

Of course, with such a result, Shen Yi is already very satisfied.

After all, these are true B-tier (river-class) ships.

And his B-level (River System) level battleships were only strengthened by D-level (River System-level) level battleships.

Even 10,000 D-class (river-class) battleships.

Nor can it be compared with a B-class (river-class) warship.

More importantly, if you can get the information of these B-level (river-level) warships.

Then, he can even directly produce S-class (river-class) warships.

Of course, this possibility is unlikely.

If it is a crushing situation, it is possible to leave a relatively complete battleship.

But now the number of opponents is not small.

Moreover, they are all defensive type warships.

If you want to keep the complete battleship, the difficulty is too high.

Shen Yi's biggest expectation right now, in addition to obtaining these battleship data.

It is the high-level blueprint that fell after defeating these warships.

Even some useless C-level (river-level) blueprints will do.

As long as he can activate the C-class (River-class) and even B-class (River-class) battleships in the machinery factory.

It was also very helpful to him.

At least, if you can have A-class (river-class) or even S-class (river-class) warships.

The three major river system-level civilizations in the current star cluster will all be easily crushed by him.

Time passed by, and the Holy Glory Empire started to counterattack.

However, because most of them are melee-type biological beasts.

0...・・ Flowers・

Therefore, the strength of the counterattack is not too large.

In addition, the fleet on Shen Yi's side can be regarded as a standard fleet.

The counterattack of Shengyao Empire did not play a big role, it only destroyed a few frigates.

Compared with the other party, this loss is not worth mentioning at all.

Shen Yi didn't feel distressed at all.

With the exchange of fire between the two sides, the casualties of the advance fleet of the Holy Glory Empire also gradually expanded.

Moreover, Shen Yi's encirclement has gradually formed, surrounding the advance fleet of Shengyao Empire.

However, it left an opening for the opponent to break through.

"Master, according to calculations, the opponent should choose to retreat after three waves of attacks. 99

Shen Er quickly calculated, and the overloaded calculation caused a little spark to appear on her body.

However, there was already a look of excitement on her face.

Of course, it was just that she followed Shen Yi's orders and deliberately showed her emotions on her face.

"Well, after three waves of offensive, go and search these wrecks!

Shen Yi stroked his palm and smiled.

Everything went more smoothly than he imagined.

If it weren't for the previous reconnaissance fleet, he would not have grown to this stage.

And Shengyao Empire seems to be cooperating with him.

Know that he is technologically flawed.

Directly sent an advance fleet of 10,000 battleships and 20,000 biological war beasts.

This is simply giving him vegetables for nothing.

Now maybe he won't be able to take down the opponent for a while.

But as long as he obtains B-level (river-level) or C-level (river-level) technology.

Then, everything will be completely rewritten...

"Yes, Master!

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

The search ships she was in charge of were all ready.

As long as the other party evacuates, she will rush to it as soon as possible to recover all the wreckage of the battleship.

Find the blueprint that pops out of it.

Everything went in the direction Shen Yi expected.

With a hundredfold strengthening system, as long as he has the slightest chance, he will soar into the sky, completely out of control.

However, no one knows this.

Even the Shengyao Empire doesn't even know what kind of enemy he is facing at this moment.

They even thought that this time, it was a conspiracy of the War Machine Civilization and War Beast Civilization.

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