Soon, the collection fleet sent by Shen Ling got feedback.

"Master, a total of 112 D-level (river-level) blueprints and 15 C-level (river-level) blueprints were found, as for the B-level (river-level) blueprints, none were found.

"It may be necessary to annihilate the entire fleet of the opponent before it can explode!

Shen Ling said with a little regret.

Shen Yi is very satisfied with this harvest.

Although there is no B-level (river-level) blueprint.

But the C-level (river-level) blueprints are a lot, there are 15 blueprints, and the explosion rate is close to 66 to 1.

This is already a terrifying explosion rate.

If he can wipe out all the 30,000 B-level (river-level) combat power, then he can at least release four or five hundred C-level (river-level) blueprints.

And these C-level (river-level) blueprints can directly reach A-level (river-level) after being strengthened.

This will greatly fill the technological gap from Shen Yi to advanced river system-level civilizations.

If not because the enemy's span is too large.

The top-level arm-spin civilization and the primary river system-level civilization were directly skipped.

There will not be such a huge blank period on Shen Yi's side.

Of course, even without these things, the impact on Shen Yi is not particularly big.

With a hundredfold strengthening system, as long as he has the slightest chance, he will rapidly expand his military power to an unbelievable level.

"Anything in these blueprints that would help us?"

Shen Yi asked.

He was too lazy to look at so many blueprints.

Moreover, he believed in Shen Ling's ability.

"Master, there are a total of 17 blueprints that are helpful to us, including 12 D-level (river-level) blueprints and 5 C-level (river-level) blueprints, covering missiles, radars, transition gates, and artificial wormholes. A series of uses such as facilities and warships.

Shen Ling replied.

Shen Yi's eyes suddenly lit up: "There are also missiles?"

At this level, missiles are basically linked to super weapons.

Even if it's not a super weapon.

It will definitely not be particularly difficult to deal with battleships of the same level.

"Yes, master! It's a D-class (river-class) blueprint-level missile."

"The main function is to break the armor, and then detonate it from the inside of the enemy, which can ignore the defense of the energy barrier of the same level."

Shen Ling explained.

Shen Yi's eyes gleamed even more.

If it is for other civilizations, it is necessary to consider whether it is worth it.

After all, missiles of the same class are not cheap at all.

If only to deal with a battleship of the same level.

That is undoubtedly a bit of a disadvantage.

But it's different for him!

A D-level (river-level) missile can be exchanged for a B-level (river-level) warship. Isn't he fragrant!

In terms of value, it would be 100,000 D-level (river-level) missiles.

It may not be comparable to a B-class (river-class) level warship.

Even if it's a rubbish battleship.

If the target is the flagship of the B-level (river system) level, then he will earn even more.

This is completely a bloody business.

That's why Shen Yi is so sensitive to missiles.

"Let me see the information on this missile blueprint!

Shen Yi said with great interest.

If he can, then he intends to mass-produce it.

First, deal with these enemies in front of you.

The value of those biological war beasts may not be very big, after all, flesh and blood have no value that can be recovered.

At best, it is to provide Shen Ling with some research materials.

However, the meaning of the 10,000 B-class (river-class) warships is different.

That represents a huge amount of river system-level resources.

Even if it is a B-class (river-class) battleship of the same level, after removing the loss.

It is enough for him to produce seven or eight thousand ships.

What's more, what he wants to produce is only some D-level (river-level) and C-level (river-level) levels.

Those resources can produce even less stuff.

"Yes, Master! 9

After Shen Ling responded, he adjusted the missile blueprint.

【Dark Star Penetrating Bullet】

[Grade Rating: D Grade (River System Grade)]

[Ability: It can penetrate all defenses of the same level, the maximum speed is 8 times the speed of light, and the maximum explosion range is 5 million kilometers, but it can destroy all targets of the same level within the explosion range]

[Production requirements: 2 million units of S-level (arm-spinning) materials, 150,000 units of D-level (river-level) materials]

The material required for this dark star penetrating bomb is not much.

Of course, compared to the D-class (river-class) warships of the same level.

In fact, there are still quite a few, and three dark star penetrating bombs can be used as an ordinary D-class (river-class) battleship.

Moreover, the explosion range is not particularly large.

If a normal civilization produces missiles of this level, it will basically be at a loss.

But for Shen Yi, the meaning is completely different.

After production enhancement, this dark star penetrator can easily destroy even B-class (river-class) warships.

And the resources he needs.

But it is only one-third of an ordinary D-class (river-class) warship.

How to choose.

As long as there is no problem with the brain, it is impossible to choose the wrong one.

"How many dark star penetrators can we produce with our current resources?"

Shen Yi asked.

"Master, our current resources can produce about 500,000 pieces, and this is not counting the resources of the nearly 1,000 B-class (river-class) warships that have not yet been recovered.

Shen Linghui reports.

927 "500,000..."

Shen Yi touched his chin, which was quite a lot.

However, it is impossible for him to devote all his resources to this missile.

"Then let's produce 100,000 pieces first, do you have any other blueprints that you can use?

Shen Yi followed suit.

This is what he is more concerned about.

Shen Ling and Shen Er accompanied him all the way, and they played a huge role.

The improvement of the two will be of great help to him.

What's more, it is about to face three intermediate river system-level civilizations.

If they don't escalate, his situation will be very passive.

"Master, just in the C-class (river system) blueprint, we have what we need! 35

Shen Linghao and Shen Er glanced at each other and replied happily.

This time, luck was really good.

It is only the first 15 C-level (river-level) blueprints that have been released.

Just what they both needed.

If they can upgrade, they will also reach the A-level (river system level) level.

Such a level, even if it is placed in an advanced river system-level civilization, belongs to the top existence.

They can even have the ability to fight against advanced river system-level civilizations.

"Huh? Then finish the upgrade for you first!

Shen Yi chuckled lightly.

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