Shen Yi, who got all the resources, felt satisfied, and Shen Ling followed. He has been following Shen Yi's back. Whether it was the reconciliation just now, or the two people walking together now, he has been accompanying Shen Yi all the time. , also watched Shen Yi from negotiating conditions to getting all the resources.

From head to toe, Shen Ling was almost a witness. He was satisfied when he saw Shen Yi now, but he couldn't help but sigh, but Shen Yi noticed it. He felt something was wrong with Shen Ling. Footsteps, Shen Ling really sighed.

It was not clear why he was sighing, so Shen Yi wanted to use his words: "A person, if he doesn't say anything but keeps sighing, then he is likely to be buried in the heart of a lot of things because of sighing. , commonly known as being suffocated to death, but if an artificial intelligence like you keeps sighing, although I created you, I can't guarantee that you will not blew yourself up to some extent because you keep sighing, I even Not sure if you can be fixed by me.

Hearing what Shen Yi said, Shen Ling immediately calmed down, so Shen Yi still didn't tell Shen Ling's words in the end, or did he not want to share it with Shen Yi at all? Then Shen Yi thought he might as well be direct Running on the topic, it saves even more time.

"I'll just ask you, what troubles you don't want to tell me? Do you just refuse to accept your master?"

Shen Ling laughed, and felt that Shen Yi was a little unreasonable, but he still agreed with what he said. Indeed, he didn't "accept" it a bit, but it was just a joke.

"No, it's just that I think you are very, and take advantage of others' danger~" When Shen Ling said these words, he didn't take Shen Yi as his master at all, and took him as his brother naturally.

But it seems that Shen Yi didn't care or he didn't notice, instead he explained to Shen Ling patiently, his so-called "taking advantage of others' danger" seemed to have infected Shen Ling, he didn't dare to Just kidding, just listen to Shen Yi.

"But in this way, isn't it a good thing that I can let them go? I just asked for a little resource, which is not enough, so... it has nothing to do with me, they are responsible for it, how can they ~I'm taking advantage of someone's danger?"

Shen Ling was frightened by Shen Yi's sudden question, what was he going to say?

From Shen Ling's artificial intelligence sensor, Shen Yi seems to have been a little angry just now, so Shen Ling has no reason to act rashly now, otherwise Shen Yi will probably solve him immediately.

"Yes, yes, it's true that they take their own faults, if it was me, I shouldn't let them pass so easily, or you are insidious world and I can't fit in.

0...·Ask for flowers·

Although it is artificial intelligence, the desire to survive is quite high.

The two of them also looked like brothers when they walked side by side. Shen Yi was also kind to Shen Ling, and even invited him: "I'm in a good mood today, would you consider going to have a meal with me? Have a good meal.""

"Artificial intelligence is not worthy of eating." Shen Ling was a little sluggish, and then said this sentence like a dumbfounded head, but it made Shen Yi feel a bit interesting.

"Okay, I'll eat by myself. After eating, you and I will come to Shengyao Empire again, I feel... this is a bit too smooth.

At first, Shen Ling couldn't understand what Shen Yi said, but after thinking about it, he agreed, because he believed in Shen Yi, his intuition would not be wrong, and the two returned to the cabin, not to eat at all, just simple After eating, Shen Yi began to study again.

On the other side, the monarch of Shengyao Empire met with the lord of Yaoxing Empire. It seemed that they had agreed early in the morning. The monarch of Shengyao Empire was furious: "It's all about Shen Yi, it's bad for me, Shengyao!" 5

Naturally, the two of them conspired together, and the Shining Star Empire didn't like Shen Yi either. They planned to unite the two countries to attack Shen Yi. Only after defeating Shen Yi would they find peace and work in peace.

However, Shen Yi's position can widen the perspective, his intuition is right, and there is indeed something wrong with the Holy Glory Empire.

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