As soon as this news came out, it really became a hot spot in the entire universe. It was like a bomb, and it exploded. No one knew about it, and no one knew it.

However, the gold content is too high, and there will always be people who use the reward given by Shen Yi to measure the value of the opal. Not only these people, but Shen Ling admires Shen Yi. Although he is an artificial intelligence, he can still see it.

As for Yaoxing, Shen Yi did not embarrass him. After all, he also truthfully told Shen Yi the location of the opal, and the location was also very accurate, so he couldn't find it. Is there any other reason to let Yaoxing lead the way?

In short, Shen Yi is not very willing to embarrass the stars, but this news was put on the public screen of the universe. Anyone who has never been close to a black hole but signed up because they have a lot of courage can be said to be very Actively sign up.

"Shen Ling, how is the outside world?" In space, the most important thing to pay attention to is the voice of the outside world. Maybe all your sources of information come from outer space, but Shen Ling's news happens to be very well-informed.

"The response from the outside world has been very great. It can be said that it has become a hot topic in outer space recently, but they are very concerned that if they take the opal, is there anything else besides the reward...? This is also the most curious, and I want you to answer."

Shen Yi didn't seem to want to cover up everything, on the contrary, he was more open-minded and willing to share with everyone how he arranged it. He curled his lips into a smile, and then snorted coldly: "What do they want?"

After a long while, Shen Yi stopped Shen Ling again, and reminded again: "Tell them what I just said, intact, and you can go to other matters. I recently had to deal with the opal stone. It's a little underwhelming.

Shen Yi has been really tired recently. It can be said that the overtime work for the opal stone has even completely exceeded the expected schedule. The working hours are already very long, and Shen Yi has shortened his rest time. , It was really not able to squeeze out any rest time before he was satisfied to continue working.

He thought that the response was very good anyway. If someone really had the courage to look for the opal, he could also sleep well. After Shen Yi tossed for so long, the good response was indeed worthy of his own efforts.

Behind this, he gave everything, and almost the whole person had to give his life. He had to let Yaoxing know about this. He was very pleasantly surprised when he found out. Don't worry anymore.

Don't worry anymore that Shen Yi will force himself to look for the opal, this is finally the end of the matter. But this is only for Yaoxing, for Shen Yi, there are too many unknown things.

This time, he had to be more ruthless to himself, but because he worked overtime all night, he couldn't find time to inquire about the outside world. Even these situations came from Shen Ling. Shen Ling told Shen Yi: "Those Wouldn't people just run away overnight because the price you offered was too low?"

In fact, Shen Yi has also thought about this problem, but now there is a shortage of funds on hand. However, according to Shen Ling's statistics, there are not many people joining in. Besides, these daring people don't know if they will take the opal after they find it. Go for it, after all, the entire interstellar people probably know 0..

How important is an opal, is it something that the interstellar nation wants to have urgently? They can also sell it at a high price. The price of this opal is expensive, and it is very unfortunate that the price given by Shen Yi is very high, but also very expensive. It is exciting, and at the same time, it also allows people from various countries to dare to explore and not afraid of death to join.

But the price of opal is directly 3.6 higher than the price given by Shen Yi, so it is difficult not to be attracted by this opal, and the hidden danger of this problem is also the most serious. Shen Yi still told Shen Ling to wait, after all now It has not been implemented yet, you can temporarily take a step by step and see it step by step.

The next day, Shen Yi uploaded it on the platform, threatening that whoever found the opal would pay him three times the price of the opal. Once this statement was released, it caused another wave of surging, and more people joined. Among them, just because the conditions offered by Shen Yi are too tempting.

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