When the collected things were restored, Shen Ling quickly began to investigate what kind of creatures this series of footprints belonged to.

No need to wait for a long time without seeing him come out, always worried that their collection is not complete enough, so there is no clue.

Instead, Shen Yi sat there leisurely, as if determined that Shen Ling would not let them down.

I don't know how long it took, Shen Ling ran out happily.

"I already know who left those footprints, and some information. Years

A few people sitting far away quickly came over, their eyes full of anticipation.

"Shen Ling, what kind of creature is that, hurry up and tell us, by the way, if you know the other side, there is a chance of winning.

Shen Er was full of curiosity about the other party, and the stronger the thing, the more interested he was.

After Shen Ling focused on Shen Yi, he could only introduce it with his permission, otherwise he would have to tell him all the clues he had learned in private.

"Just tell us what kind of clues you find. We are all one now, and we need to get the opal."

Shen Yi only wants opals, and letting them know will bring him a lot of help.

"This powerful creature is actually a cloud-shaped man."

Hearing what he said, Shen Yi was slightly stunned, not letting his heart fluctuate too much.

It was a completely unfamiliar creature, and all of them had never heard of it, nor did they know what the characteristics of this creature really were.

Shen Er clearly remembered that he had dispersed them, but left no trace.

"What kind of strange creature is that? I scattered them before without leaving any traces, but disappeared out of thin air."

Shen Ling listened to Shen Er's inquiry and determined that there was nothing wrong with his investigation.

"That's great, there's no problem, because only they can change their body shape at will, even if you hurt them, they can heal again.

Cloud-shaped people can change their form at will, and ordinary attacks have no effect on them at all.

It was meaningless to hear Shen Ling describe the horror of this unknown creature, and was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, there are such creatures in this space, but the more powerful the creature is, it is a huge challenge for them.

It's simply a problem to make them accept themselves, and it's meaningless to think that he shouldn't be like this.

Shen Erhe Wuwei listened to Shen Ling's explanation and became more and more worried.

Shen Yi's reaction was very different from theirs, as if this matter could not have much impact on him at all.

I don't know how long it took, everyone's anxiety gradually dissipated.

Waiting there to see what Shen Yi thinks about this matter, after all, in the face of such a powerful creature.

The opal can only be taken away with the permission of the other party, and I don't know how much obstacle it will give them.

"No matter how powerful these creatures are, we must try to communicate with them!"

Wu Wei looked at Shen Yi's firm appearance, and also supported Shen Yi very much, understanding that he should not change his attitude in anything.

"Why don't you just let me go there and take a good look, too many people might scare them in the past.

After all, following Shen Yi, Wu Wei has not helped a little so far, and wants to take this opportunity to help Shen Yi share the pressure.

Seeing that there is no need to get off the spacecraft and explore the situation around, Shen Er also wanted to seize this opportunity.

Seeing how they were fighting for each other, Shen Yi knew that Shen Er had done so many things by his side, and it was time to take a good rest.

"Shen Er, take a rest and let Wu Wu go. If you have any trouble, you must contact me in time."

Wuwei took the communication device and left quickly, watching Wuwei leave, Shen Yi could see everything outside (Nuo Lihao).

Along the way, Wuwei was full of vigilance, very cautious, for fear that something dangerous suddenly jumped out, even so.

Suddenly I heard a crackling sound coming from there, and then I couldn't see the meaningless, and I didn't know where to go.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yi was worried.

"Shen Ling, where did Wuwei go, do you have his position?"

In order to avoid any accident in the middle, Shen Yi specially installed a positioning target on the communication equipment.


Shen Ling didn't know what was going on, and couldn't detect his location at all.

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