"You are sure that you will never forgive Liu Ming. You can answer me after thinking about this matter."

Shen Yi didn't show any softness towards the cloud type person, instead, there was some anger, as if giving the cloud type person a last chance to consider.

Cloud-type people didn't notice Shen Yi's abnormality at all, and insisted on letting Liu Mingming leave.

Shen Yi left the room in a fit of anger, the cloud type thought that Shen Yi was ready to compromise, and looked at Liu Mingming with a bit of schadenfreude.

"It looks like Shen Yi is ready to compromise, he's still more afraid of all the cloud types."

Liu Mingming always felt that things would not be like this, and Shen Yi did not compromise.

Shen Ling saw Shen Yi coming to him and thought that something important had happened.

"Has our ship been attacked? I was just a little lazy just now.

"Can you still find the planet where the Cloud Man is?"

Shen Ling didn't know what Shen Yi was going to do, and he was full of doubts.

"Why are you suddenly looking for a cloud type person, didn't you already bring one.""

"You don't have to meddle with other things, just do as I ask.

Shen Yi said this, very indifferent, and then sat there.

Shen Ling could only follow Shen Yi's request and not let his heart fluctuate too much.

Soon the spaceship stopped on the planet where the Cloud-type people lived again, and the Cloud-type people rushed over to meet Shen Yi.

The attitude towards him was very compliment, as if Shen Yi had made a great contribution to them.

At this time, the leader of the cloud-type people also suddenly appeared to warmly welcome Shen Yi, thinking that there must be something wrong with him coming to this planet again.

"I don't know if you suddenly came to this planet and found something, we can provide you with whatever you need.

Seeing the cloud-type leader's attitude towards him being so good, Shen Yi's anger faded a little.

"The cloud type person you gave us insisted on driving Liu Mingming away. The two of them just had some conflicts, and Liu Mingming has already apologized..."

Shen Yi told the head of the cloud-type person about what happened, and his face became very solemn when he heard this.

Some looked angrily at the cloud-type people standing beside Shen Yi, thinking that he had embarrassed the cloud-type people.

Such a cloud type person shouldn't be allowed to go to Shen Yi's side.

"I don't know what you want me to do when you tell me this?"

Even though the leader had some doubts in his heart, he did not dare to ask Shen Yi.

"I told you the matter, I just hope you can decide how to resolve this matter.

At this time, the arrogant cloud-shaped person on the spaceship lowered his head, said nothing, and no longer had the momentum he had just now.

Knowing that the leader treats Shen Yi like this, and even threatening him, it is completely self-indulgent.

Things have developed into what they are now, and there is absolutely no way out.

The leader looked at Shen Yi like this, and naturally knew that he had to choose the result that made him happy.

"You must not get angry with your body because of this little thing. You sent him there because he was relatively young and easy to train, but you didn't expect such a thing to happen."5

........for flowers»

If these things could have been anticipated earlier, the leader would not have given it to Shen Yi anyway.

Seeing the leader being so respected, the anger in his heart also decreased.

Shen Yi just hoped that the leader could solve the problem of his disobedience, so as to avoid more unpleasantness in the future.

"You said so, I naturally won't blame you, but you always have to find a way to solve this matter.


Seeing that Shen Yi didn't hold onto this matter, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, I will help you solve this matter right away, you just need to watch and don't get angry again.

Liu Mingming was also worried that the leader of the cloud type people would reprimand Shen Yi, thinking that Shen Yi did not take good care of their fellows.

But seeing such a big reversal, I couldn't help but have some doubts in my heart.

Want to know what happened between them before, to make the cloud type person so powerful and the creature so respectful to Shen Yi.

He calmed down a little, and looked at the cloud-shaped person who was following Shen Yi.

"What are you doing hiding there, do you know that what you have done is too much, and you are afraid of being blamed, so you don't want to show your head.

The cloud-type person who had been hiding behind Shen Yi knew that there was no way to escape this matter, and it was his unspoken words at first that caused all these oolong incidents.

He lowered his head with some shame in his heart, and slowly approached the leader Wan.

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