After Shen Er thought of this, he began to use his abilities to detect the surrounding situation.

It didn't take long for Shen Er to discover that there were traces of life in this area recently.

Shen Er first probed the surrounding situation and found that there was no danger at all, and there was no sign of life.

Now there are suddenly more traces of life, and I understand that something must have happened that I don't know.

After discovering these strange things, Shen Er felt that he should notify Shen Yi in time so that Shen Yi could prepare for the next step.

"Shen Yi, I suddenly realized that something is wrong. It wasn't that there were no traces of life around here at first, but now I don't know why suddenly there is a place with traces of life."

Shen Er was all excited, as if he was facing a big difficulty.

Shen Yi looked at Shen Er and thought that there might be a problem.

After tangled in my heart for a long time, I decided to let Shen Er check the surrounding situation.

"Could it be that something happened nearby that made you suddenly feel traces of life, or someone on the spacecraft left secretly, so it's better to sense the surrounding situation again."

Seeing Shen Yi let him do this thing, Shen Er agreed without hesitation.


Shen Er once again detected the surrounding situation and found that the traces of life still existed there, which was definitely not a coincidence.

"I'm sure there are still traces of life there, and it wasn't caused by someone leaving the spacecraft."

Seeing Shen Er so determined, Shen Yi didn't know how to answer for a while.

But I also felt that something was wrong. At first, there was no sign of life in the vicinity.

Now that it has suddenly turned into this result, my heart is up and down, and I have been unable to calm down for a long time.

I always felt that all this was caused by that spaceship, but why it became like this became a big doubt in Shen Yi's heart.

This matter must be investigated clearly, Shen Yi suddenly remembered Shen Ling.

You can let Shen Ling investigate the spaceship and see what the origin of the abandoned spaceship is.

At that time, there will be a satisfactory answer to find out what is going on in this matter.

"Did you see what Shen Ling was doing on the way here, let's go find him, just to ask him to investigate the origin of the spaceship.

Shen Er was in a hurry along the way, and did not pay attention to the surrounding situation at all, and did not know where Shen Ling was.

"On the way here, I couldn't wait to tell you about this, and I didn't notice the situation around me."

Seeing that Shen Er was not paying attention, Shen Yi left the room without hesitation without saying a word.

It didn't take long for Shen Ling to be found. Shen Ling also had a headache because of this matter and didn't know what to do.

"Have you figured out what I should do to resolve this matter."

Shen Ling spoke first, which caught Shen Yi by surprise, but he reacted quickly.

"I want you to investigate the origin of that abandoned spaceship, and just noticed something was wrong around me. 995

Shen Yi asked himself to investigate the spaceship, and Shen Ling was stunned, thinking that this matter was a piece of cake.

"`"It turned out to be coming to me because of this matter, don't worry, I will be able to handle this matter soon.

Shen Ling readily agreed, Shen Yi breathed a sigh of relief and left.

Liu Mingming in the dark heard their conversation and knew that they were going to investigate the spaceship, thinking that he could not be allowed to continue the investigation.

Deliberately sabotaging and distracting Shen Ling's attention, there were some brows that had no hesitation, but suddenly disappeared.

Several times in a row, Shen Ling realized that something was completely wrong, thinking that someone must have deliberately stopped him, and did not want (Nuo Wang Zhao) to let himself continue to understand the origin of the spaceship.

Thinking of this, he made a plan, deliberately pretended to have gained a lot, and was ready to run to inform Shen Yi.

Ambushed in the corner and saw that Liu Mingming actually destroyed his forged information there.

I couldn't help but feel a little anger in my heart, and I was full of Liu Mingming.

Now that I saw this scene, I don't understand even more, I don't understand why Liu Mingming is dragging their speed.

Thinking that there is something strange, I decided to discuss it with Shen Yi.

Quickly ran to Shen Yi's room and wanted to tell Shen Yi about this.

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