Looking at Shen Yi who fainted, Shen Ling began to think in his heart, how can he wake up Shen Yi, let him return to normal and continue like this,

Thinking that using medicine can make Shen Yi regain his senses, he found the calm medicine before and gave Shen Yi a dose of it.

After Shen Yi woke up, he still looked the same at the beginning. Shen Ling didn't know what to do to resolve this matter.

Shen Ling had no choice but to use electric shocks, two wires touched Shen Yi's hands, and then fainted.

Looking at Shen Yi lying motionless on the ground, Shen "Jiu Qi Qi" made sure that his life was not in danger, and he was relieved.

Quietly stayed beside Shen Yi and stared at him. After a long time, Shen Yi opened his eyes.

Looking at himself lying on the ground, he didn't remember what happened at the beginning, and stared at Shen Ling beside him in a fog.

"Why did you suddenly fall asleep on the ground? What happened, why I don't remember at all, just tell me if you have anything to say."

Seeing that Shen Yi finally regained consciousness, Shen Ling was very happy and told Shen Yi what happened before.

"I don't know what happened to you. After you went out for a meal, you came back and asked me to give up going to that place, thinking it was too dangerous, and even did some strange things...

Hearing Shen Ling tell him the ins and outs of the matter, Shen Yi was shocked. He didn't expect that he would actually give up going to that place.

They have spent so much time doing research in that place, and now they can achieve great results with just a little effort.

"I can't make you give up going to that place, where we all spent too much effort.

Seeing Shen Yi's calm appearance, Shen Ling felt that there must be something wrong with this matter.

But in the end it was Liu Mingming, not just his own speculation, all the answers were in Shen Yi's heart.

"You suddenly lose control, have you ever thought about what happened, and you always have to find out the reason, otherwise, we can't bear it all the time. 35

Shen Yi thought for a long time and calmed down, but since he lost control, he can't remember.

Before losing that memory, Shen Yi was just having dinner with Liu Mingming, and then he didn't know what was going on. The most suspect was Liu Mingming.

"Actually, after I met Liu Mingming, I suddenly lost control, because he didn't want me to go to that place.

Seeing Shen Yi like this, he calmed down a little bit, and didn't let his heart have too big a wave.

"Do you know why you listen to Liu Mingming so much?"

Shen Ling wanted to know why Shen Yi suddenly listened to Liu Mingming's words, there was always some reason.

Thinking about it carefully, Shen Yi didn't know where the problem was, but he suddenly listened to his words.

There may be other ways to make himself obedient, what is it specifically, I can only ask Shen Ling to investigate this matter.

"I don't know what's going on in this matter, please investigate it carefully.  …

Shen Ling also felt that this matter should be carefully investigated, and it would not be possible to continue to be unclear, and it would have a greater impact on them in the future.

"Recently, you should not have too much contact with Liu Mingming, there may be some danger.

Looking at Shen Ling's kind reminder, Shen Yi knew that he was doing it for his own good.

After all, it seemed a little strange not to be close to Liu Mingming, so he could only keep his distance from the other party as much as possible.

"If I don't get close to Liu Mingming and keep a distance from him, I will only startle the snake, so you should investigate what Liu Mingming is capable of as soon as possible.

If Liu Mingming has such a powerful ability, why did he encounter difficulties in the first place.

Something must have gone wrong. Thinking about Shen Yi, this is extremely terrifying.

"Go back to your room and have a good rest, and leave the rest to me, just citing your discomfort as an excuse.

Shen Ling found a suitable reason for Shen Yi. 3.6 By blocking Liu Mingming from continuing to approach him, it was soon spread that Shen Yi was not feeling well.

Shen Er came to find Shen Ling, wanting to know what was going on, and whether to go to that place or not.

"Shen Yi, why are you suddenly feeling unwell? You said you were going to that place two days ago, but now you are suddenly recuperating in your room, not closing the door.

Shen Ling, who was planning to investigate Liu Mingming, did not expect that Shen Er would suddenly come to him at this time, and his heart was full of vigilance, but he still found a reason.

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