Shen Yi saw that she had promised herself that she would not stay here for a long time, and she would tell Shen Er about this.

"Since the two of us have made an agreement, I will leave first and prepare to tell Shen Er about this so that he can also prepare."

Only by notifying Shen Er in advance can Shen Yi go out of control and go to Shen Er and cause unnecessary trouble.

With Shen Er's character, as long as what Shen Yi said, he would keep it in his heart, which could save a lot of trouble.

Seeing that Shen Yi was going to find Shen Er, Shen Ling became worried instead.


I was afraid that Shen Er didn't understand the meaning of Shen Yi's words at all, which would increase the trouble.

"You really have to tell Shen Er about this, in case something goes out of control..."

Although Shen Er is very powerful, Shen Yi is not very relieved about some things.

Shen Yi knew what Shen Ling was worried about. Although Shen Er had a carefree personality, he would not betray himself and put himself in danger.

"Don't worry, telling him about this matter will allow him to help us next. It's a little difficult to do it with the strength of the two of us alone.

Shen Yi said a lot of things, so that Shen Ling couldn't find any fault at all, and in the end, he just nodded his head silently, and agreed with Shen Yi's proposal without saying a word.

He quickly ran to find Shen Er, Shen Er was surprised to see Shen Yi's appearance,

I thought that he had a lot of things to do recently, and he wouldn't come to him at all.

"Why did you come to me suddenly, is there any difficulty, every time you have any difficulty, you should just call me directly, you don't need to come over in person.

Shen Yi did not answer Shen Er's question, but instead observed the surrounding situation, appearing cautiously, afraid that someone would discover his existence.

"Let me tell you, Liu Mingming is not like us, but a cloud-type person.

When Shen Er heard the news, he was shocked and felt unbelievable.

"No, these things you said don't sound like the truth at all, why they give you two is meaningless, and one of them has to be secretly arranged by your side.

Seeing that Shen Er didn't believe what he said at all, Shen Yi was not surprised.

No matter who this matter is put on, there is no way, I believe he is true.

"Every word I said is true, and Shen Ling has collected sufficient evidence to prove his identity.

Shen Yi put a lot of evidence in front of Shen Er, and Shen Er completely believed it.

Suddenly I remembered that Shen San was also a cloud type person, so maybe it would bring some danger to Shen Yi.

"It's better, I'll pay attention to Shen San's every move and see if the two of them will cooperate."

Some were afraid that Shen San would do something bad and hurt Shen Yi, but he calmly believed that Shen San was not in any danger at all.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about him, his memory has been emptied and he won't remember the previous things at all, let alone pose a threat to us..."

Thinking about it carefully, Shen San and Liu Mingming had conflicts before, and it can be seen that Shen San didn't know Liu Mingming's identity at all.

Seeing that Shen Yi didn't think Shen San would bring them any danger at all, Shen Er sighed, he always felt that it was good for Shen Yi to be careful and pay more attention to some people.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Shen Er knew that no matter what he said, he would not get the results he wanted, so he simply stopped clinging to this matter.

"There's nothing else, anyway, if I look weird in the future, don't talk to me or talk to me. 35

After Shen Yi finished saying what he should say, Lian didn't intend to stay here, and left without hesitation.

Seeing Shen Yi finally, Shen Er left with a sigh of relief, he was going to secretly observe 3.6 to observe Shen San for a while, and then he could rest assured that he would not pose a threat to Shen Yi.

When he came to Shen San's room, Shen San, who was absorbing energy, was surprised when he saw Shen Er's appearance.

Usually Shen Er would not take the initiative to look for his clothes at all, as if he was afraid that he would take his place, making Shen San very helpless.

"Why did you come to me suddenly, is there something you can't do, and you want me to help you secretly share it, I'm absorbing energy now, and I can't leave in a short time.

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