Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 28: The Next Plan, The Holy Shield Automatic Defense System Is Built

"Forget it, those things have nothing to do with me for the time being."

Shen Yi shook his head.

Now even A-level war beasts are to him.

It's all a huge trouble, not to mention the beasts that surpassed the S rank.

Instead of thinking about so much, there is nothing.

It is better to think about how to get this primary biological genetic research laboratory out.

If these biological war beasts can be used by him, it will be of great help!

The perfect fusion of biotechnology and mechanical technology is definitely the most terrifying existence in this world!

Moreover, this information did not just help him.

There is also a lot of information about this world in mind.

Like a complete world map...

"This planet is so much bigger than Earth..."

Looking at the huge planet model in front of him, Shen Yi was speechless for a long time.

The volume of this planet is five times larger than that of the earth!

What is this concept?

The three hundred kilometers that his radar can cover now.

On the entire planet, it's the size of a small particle on a basketball and a basketball.

"This comparison is too exaggerated."

Shen Yi couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

He thought that his current radar range was quite large, and it was almost comparable to a smaller province on Earth.

As a result, looking at the entire planet, what does this count!

But being a big planet isn't all bad.

At least there are enough resources on this planet.

Of course, this is actually not a good thing.

Because there are only two countries on this planet, the Federation and the Alliance, they both hate each other and want to get rid of the other.

Therefore, it has always been almost crazy to climb technology and build weapons.

Extensive military expansion and arms competition.

This means that the number of powerful war beasts in this world will be an immeasurable number.

If he wants to take down this planet, these powerful war beasts are an unavoidable barrier.

"It's a bit difficult, but that's the challenge!"

Shen Yi sighed.

What if he surpassed the S-level, as long as he could raise the base level.

Even if it is an A-level technological creation, after it has been strengthened a hundred times.

It is not necessarily impossible to compete with the beasts beyond the S rank.

Moreover, even if the A-level is not enough, then he will go directly to the S-level!

The existence of this technology beyond the peak of planetary civilization may be an insurmountable peak for other players.

But, for Shen Yi, that's actually all there is to it.

The hundredfold strengthening system will always drop God!

Today, there are about seven biological genetic research institutes that he can roughly identify.

Among them, six are small biological genetic research institutes, which are equivalent to the biological genetic research institute he has discovered now.

Like these monsters running around in this huge desert where Shen Yi is.

Basically, they all ran out of the institute of Professor Ryan Bliss.

Black Eclipse Dragon is just one of their research projects.

These small biological genetic research institutes are limited in size and cannot study higher war beasts.

Because they are not far from each other, it is about seven or eight hundred kilometers.

So, there is still a lot of communication between them.

Professor Ryan Brees obviously wants to leave a place for the latecomer, so that the latecomer can find as much information as possible to rebuild civilization.

It's a pity that the latecomers didn't wait, but Shen Yi was cheaper.

There is also a place left, which is a medium-sized biological genetic research institute.

According to the records, this is the place where Professor Ryan Brees once visited and studied.

Therefore, he will have a position in a medium-sized biological genetic research institute that can be regarded as a secret place in the Federation.

The level of war beasts developed by medium-sized biological genetic research institutes far exceeds that of small biological genetic research institutes.

Among them, there are dozens of B-level war beasts under research.

Even the number of A-level war beasts is as high as five.

If Shen Yi wanted to go to this medium-sized biological genetic research institute, he might have to face at least five A-level war beasts and dozens of B-grade war beasts.

Note that it's a species and not just!

Exactly how many there are, even Ryan Bliss is not sure.

But Shen Yi estimates the number will not be less than double digits.

In other words, with his current strength, going to the medium-sized biological genetic research institute is basically no different from courting death.

A-level war beasts are not something he can currently deal with.

With the advantage of firepower, he can easily kill B-level war beasts.

But in the face of A-level war beasts, he didn't think he could deal with it so easily.

It's like the difference between a fourth-generation fighter and a fifth-generation fighter.

That's not an order of magnitude existence at all.

If the two sides fight, the former will not even find the trace of the latter, and will be killed directly.

Moreover, war beasts are compared to mechanical weapons such as tanks and planes.

The most terrifying thing is their special abilities.

Just like the phosphorus powder that the black eclipse dragon can make creatures crazy, the ability of the ceratopsian to move freely in the sand.

These are all abilities unique to the beasts of war.

Without knowing it, even Shen Yi could not guarantee that he would not suffer if he really encountered these beasts.

Therefore, improving their basic strength is still a top priority now.

As long as he can make C-level, or even B-level robots.

After a wave of strengthening of the 100-fold strengthening system, that is at least the start of A-level.

No matter what special means these war beasts have, he can directly crush them in one wave.

"The next target is these biological genetic research institutes..."

Shen Yi stroked the red dot on the planet in front of him with his fingers, his eyes full of heat.

If he can have the ability to produce B-rank or above war beasts.

That is equivalent to him having an army composed entirely of S-rank!

This is much more reliable than waiting for other players to explode high-level blueprints.

"Ding, the automatic defense system of the Holy Shield has been completed, may I ask whether to start the construction!"

At this time, a prompt suddenly appeared in front of Shen Yi.

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed: "Has half an hour passed! Then let me see how the automatic defense system of the Holy Shield works!"

"Start building!"

As his voice fell, the entire base shook slightly.

The appearance of the base displayed through the holographic computer.

Shen Yi could see around the base, just like a Transformer, many forts were growing.

The scene was so magical that Shen Yi even felt like he was watching a movie.

Soon, the automatic defense system of the Holy Shield was completed.

A full sixteen 20mm caliber automatic cannons appeared around the base.

The four 45mm caliber automatic guns appeared on the top of the base, shining with a black sheen.

Today's base is finally out of a situation where there is no defense capability.

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