"Don't worry, I won't come to trouble you when I become stronger.

Seeing that he was going to misunderstand himself first, Shen Yi stopped him, not because he was afraid that the Yaoxing Empire would come to find trouble for him.

It's just too dangerous to go there and it takes a lot of time.

I want to do other more important things, so I don't want to go with him.

If it is to get opals, they are naturally willing to give some shining stars.

"If it's for the opal, I can give you some, but for other purposes, I'm afraid I can't help you."

Seeing him like this, Shen Yi didn't know what to do for a while, so he calmed down.

The focus of Yaoxing is not the opal at all, he wants to get to know the cloud type person.

"07 I just want to see what that kind of powerful creature is like and how to live in such a harsh environment."

I don't have any other thoughts, I just want to meet that kind of powerful creature, and see that he has actually reached the goal of the cloud type person.

Shen Yi was powerless in this matter, and knew that he was in great danger. Even if he helped the other party himself, he would not be able to solve the fundamental problem.

"Sorry, I can't help you with this matter, I have other things to do.

Yaoxing had abolished the power of nine bulls and two tigers, and did not get Shen Yi's consent.

Seeing that Shen Yi was unwilling to take him with him, Yaoxing became more determined, there must be some unknown secret.

Otherwise, why did he exclude himself from going to that planet so much, and it wouldn't bring any trouble to Shen Yi.

There was some resentment in my heart, and I began to organize my subordinates.

A lot of people want to go there and see, no matter how dangerous it is.

"This time when we go there, it's a near-death experience. I don't know what the outcome will be."

Looking at where Yaoxing told them, they were mentally prepared.

Soon the group set off in the spaceship, and it didn't take long for them to come to the vicinity of the planet.

Looking at so many black holes nearby, they must first start worrying about whether their spacecraft can withstand the suction of the black holes.

A distracted spacecraft was almost sucked into a black hole, but fortunately avoided it in time, but did not expect to enter another black hole again.

Yao Xing watched the spacecraft completely fall into the black hole, knowing that this time he was really gone forever, and it was impossible to go back.

Thinking of how Shen Yi tried to stop him at the time, he immediately regretted why he didn't listen to Shen Yi's advice and insisted on coming here.

Even if you don't see that powerful creature, even the chance to go back alive has disappeared.

Soon this matter spread, and Shen Yi also knew about it.

Not only did Shen Ling have no sympathy for Yao Xing, but he thought it was his own fault and did not listen to Shen Yi's advice at first.

"It's fortunate that Shen Yi rejected him at the beginning, but why didn't he listen to your advice, otherwise he wouldn't end up like this.

Shen Yi didn't mean to watch the show, he understood that Yaoxing knew how dangerous this matter was.

The reason for this was to make their empire even stronger, but they never thought that it would never return.

Seeing Yaoxing like this, Shen Yi also sympathized with him.

"Okay, everyone, stop talking about this matter, after all, they have disappeared from our world forever, and they will never come back. If you continue to talk like this, it will bring unnecessary influence to the other party.

Others who had been planning how to go to that planet, when they learned that the Yaoxing Empire was gone forever because of going there, many people began to fear.

No matter how powerful you are to 983, it is impossible to ignore your own life.

Losing life without gaining strength is meaningless.

Shen Er also felt that because of this incident, I am afraid that no one will pass.

"There were so many people who yearned for that place before. I'm afraid that after hearing about this, many people will be afraid and don't want to go there again."

Cloud-type people make them feel very annoying, but after all, it is also Shen San's hometown.

If the hometown becomes dilapidated because of too many people approaching, Shen Er will feel sorry for it.

Shen Yi naturally knew what Shen Er was worried about, but those people cherished their lives very much.

In addition to wanting to become stronger, it is to survive well in this interstellar space, and only by surviving can there be a chance to become stronger and stronger.

"Don't worry, no one will go anywhere. After a long time, they will be forgotten."

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