"Speak up quickly if you have any ideas. As long as it can resolve the current predicament, we are all willing to give it a try."

Some open-minded people think that no matter how dangerous it is, they must do it, as long as they meet the requirements of the other party, they will soon get a sum of money.

It will only be easier to do something next until they get the money they need, and backing off just because of these difficulties will make things more difficult for them.

People with ideas see that everyone has a completely different attitude towards this matter, and also know that some people are timid and timid.

Afraid of doing bad things, there is no response.

If you decide to do this, you shouldn't have any worries.

"Those who don't want to listen to me can leave this matter now, it is indeed dangerous, the other party is a very powerful person, and we are not his opponent at all.

983 soon dispersed a large part of the people, leaving only a few brave ones who were willing to give it a try no matter how dangerous it was.

"We can't get to that planet to catch a cloud-type person, but have you forgotten that Shen Yi has a cloud-type person in his hands, and we can make a lot of money with that."

After hearing that he was playing Shen Yi's idea, few people were afraid, this was their only chance.

Missing this opportunity to make money is not so easy at all.

The fear and greed in my heart overlapped, and soon disappeared.

Soon a large group of people surrounded himself, and Shen Yi was not surprised to see so many spaceships around.

He had heard that most of those who tried to get money had no success, with no results at all.

Even if a small part is close to that planet, there is no way to get the approval of cloud-type people.

I felt a little complacent in my heart, knowing that these people came here to take Shen San away.

Since he chose to let Shen San follow him, Shen Yi would not let others take it away.

Shen Er was called over soon, and Shen Er watched other spaceships approaching outside, and was full of alertness.

"Why are there so many spaceships surrounding us all of a sudden, is there something unknown happened?

Hearing these words, Shen Yi was very calm.

"They all came here to take Shen San away, and I hope you can stop them and let them beat them to pieces.

Shen Er was shocked when he heard the news. He didn't expect that the other party would have the courage to come to trouble Shen Yi.

In the past, a large number of people had come to Shen Yi specifically to get the cloud type person, and they were beaten and fled.

"It turned out to be like this, don't worry, I won't show mercy to (ahdg) them, and I won't let them think we are easy to bully."

Leaving this sentence, Shen Er jumped directly from the spaceship, looking at the small spaceships in front of him that did not pose any threat at all.

He also didn't want to hurt the lives of these people, but they hindered the normal driving of the spacecraft.

"If you retreat as soon as possible, don't think about Shen San's business in the future, I can let you go, or your spaceships will be shot down by me one by one. 39

Shen Er's words of deterrence did not greatly stimulate many people, but they were very calm.

"Stop joking, there is something for Shen Yi to say in front of us that you are just one of his subordinates..."

Those people didn't believe what Shen An said at all, and Shen Er no longer communicated with them and solved the problem by force.

Soon the spaceships were crippled and seemed to crash at any moment.

"Now you have to think clearly for yourself, whether you should stay here to continue the stalemate, or protect your life and leave here as soon as possible.

Shen Er also did what Shen Yi asked, knowing that Shen Yi didn't want to hurt the lives of these people, and didn't do it too much all of a sudden.

Many spaceships fled quickly, leaving only one or two scattered.

Seeing these two very stubborn people staying here, Shen Er knew that this place was probably the kind of desperation, and he was unwilling to leave unless he wanted to achieve his goals.

What should be done in the end, but it has become a headache, it seems at a loss, I don't know what to do.

Shen Yi paid attention to every move outside, and thought that Shen Er could solve it without much effort, but now it is completely different from what he thought.

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