Shen Yi knew what Shen Er was afraid of, but he wanted to know what the other party was thinking.

"Don't worry, no matter what, we can't just take a look at Liu Mingming regardless.

Liu Mingming watched the two of them keep discussing about this matter, and hurriedly pretended to be in pain.

"Look now, what's wrong with my eyes, it hurts.

Shen Yi stopped the discussion and quickly approached Liu Mingming.

Liu Mingming controlled Shen Yi, Shen Yi stopped and sighed.

"I don't see anything "nine eight seven", how can it hurt, Shen Er, you have a look. 99

Liu Mingming was not going to hypnotize Shen Er, but he and Shen Yi were together, and neither of them could let go.

Seeing him like this, he was stunned for a moment, not letting his heart fluctuate too much.

"Shen Yi, I have other things to do. Let's go first."

Shen Er felt that he was strange and could not stay here.

"You can't leave, how can you ignore Liu Mingming?

Shen Er was forced to be helpless, looked into Liu Mingming's eyes and was also hypnotized.

The two stood there without saying a word, and Liu Mingming looked at the two of them.

"The two of you must be very worried about what the league will do to you. It's better to attack and fill up in advance, so that they have no chance to respond. 39

Shen Yi and Shen Er remained indifferent to every word he said, not saying a word, just nodding their heads obediently.

Seeing the two of them being so obedient, his heart blossomed, and Liu Mingming then asked them to take the initiative to approach in the spaceship.

When Shen Ling found out that a small spaceship was missing, he was ready to tell Shen Yi about it.

But Shen Yi was empty in the room, without any figure, just happened to meet Shen San on the aisle.

I want to see where Shen Er is, and by the way, find out who is on the spaceship.

"Why did you come here suddenly, is there something to look for Shen Yi, or is there another reason.

In fact, I went to find Shen Er, and wanted to chat to relieve the depression in my heart.

But when he went to find Shen Er, the room was empty, and he couldn't help feeling that Shen Yi had something to do with him.

"I was actually looking for Shen Er, but he was gone, so I thought he might be here with Shen Yi, and wanted to see what happened."

Shen Ling remembered Liu Mingming's strange actions and thought that maybe he did something.

"Come on, sit down quickly, I'm going to drive the spaceship to chase after them, Shen Yi has already gone to find those allies, maybe he will do something.

Shen San didn't know what was going on at all, why Shen Yi suddenly went to find those allies, he wasn't that impulsive character at all.

"Did something happen? With Shen Yi's character, he won't bother those people at all."

Shen Ling's mind was completely gone, he didn't answer his question at all, and only hoped to catch up with Shen Yi as soon as possible.

Shen Yi was driving the airship, and soon reached the 0 near the alliance.......

The people of the alliance saw a strange airship approaching and did not understand who would come to trouble them at this time.

"How could an airship suddenly approach us? Could it come to trouble us, but isn't our current target Shen Yi..."

Just when everyone was talking about this matter and didn't understand what was going on, Shen Yi suddenly connected with them.

"You are not dissatisfied with my ability, and now I come to you to give it a try, who is more powerful. 99

The people in the alliance did not expect that the other party would come looking for him so quickly. They were shocked but calmed down, realizing that they had to deal with him now.

"Everyone, don't panic, no matter how powerful he is, he is the only one who still drives the airship..."

Airship's energy is limited and cannot always be available.

Before they could think of a solution, Shen Yi had already launched an attack, and the Alliance spaceship was instantly broken in half.

In the blink of an eye, the 3.6 spaceship was destroyed in half, and some members of the alliance were also eliminated. The remaining people were even more afraid when they saw this situation.

Seeing this situation, Liu Mingming controlled the two of them back to the spaceship.

Seeing them coming back, Shen Ling was a little angry and deliberately targeted Shen Yi.

"What the hell is going on with you, this matter is a long-term plan, why did you suddenly attack them?

Shen Yi just glanced at Shen Ling indifferently and didn't reply, Shen Ling realized that he was hypnotized again.

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