Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 36: B-Level Artificial Intelligence Sinks To Zero

Moreover, even if other players are in better conditions, the surrounding threats are not so great.

That also requires a lot of energy to make robots.

Especially since they can't just make robots casually.

Otherwise, it is easy to be unable to support the situation.

Although ordinary Type 1 combat robots and Type 1 working robots only need to consume 3 energy and 1 energy per day, respectively.

However, if the number increases, this is not a small sum.

Those players can't wait to split one energy into two for use.

How could it be possible to use hard-earned energy to upgrade some hedonic things.

Probably for a long time to come.

Shen Yi will be the only one who can eat whatever he wants.

Other players can only drink the nutritional supplements that do not taste very good to maintain their lives.

Thinking of this, Shen Yi's food tasted even better.

After all, everyone was suffering, and he was the only one who escaped.

Just over half a day had passed, and he had already begun to enjoy it.

Halfway through the hot pot, the primary artificial intelligence production is completed.

Because the base computer was successfully upgraded to a holographic computer.

Therefore, the screen appeared directly in front of Shen Yi's eyes.

"Huh? It's ready, so just take it out!"

Shen Yi clicked the OK button.

The main body of the primary artificial intelligence is not too big, only the size of a suitcase.

It was placed directly in the base hall.

And as Shen Yi clicked OK, the familiar voice of the system also sounded in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the primary artificial intelligence X1 you made has been increased by a hundred times!"

The next moment, a rather magnetic male voice rang in his ear.

"Hello master, I'm your AI steward, please name me."

Shen Yi frowned slightly: "Let's change the voice of Yujie. I've been lonely for too long, and I always hear the big gentlemen talking. What if I get sloppy!"

This is not alarmist!

After being alone for a long time, even if you look at a pig, you will feel good-looking.

What's more, the voice of this AI butler, even from the perspective of a man, sounds very nice.

"Yes, Master."

This time, the voice that came from my ears was replaced by a slightly deserted voice of Yujie.

As soon as people hear it, a cold big sister wearing an OL suit will automatically appear in their minds.

"It's so much more comfortable."

There was a hint of satisfaction on Shen Yi's face, as expected of the enhanced AI, this level of intelligence made him very satisfied!

"As for the name..."

Shen Yi thought for a while: "Just call it Zero, Shen Ling."

After all, it is the first artificial intelligence under his hands.

As for why he didn't meet Shen Yi, of course he had the same name as him, and it would be strange to shout.

"Yes, Master."

Shen Ling had no opinion on his new name.

"Since I have you now, the task of directing the robot to perform the task will be handed over to you. Can you do it?"

Shen Yi asked aloud.

The processing speed of artificial intelligence is much stronger than him.

It can coordinate the robot well, but he can't.

After all, he was just an ordinary person before he was selected to participate in this game.

There is no command experience at all, even playing Red Police is rushing up, relying on the advantage of the number of people to crush it.

"Don't worry, Master."

Shen Ling's voice that seemed to have a reassuring power rang out.

The satisfaction in Shen Yi's eyes is even stronger, and he can paddle the water next, he just needs to do a good job of planning the general direction.

At this time, Shen Ling suddenly said: "Master, it has been detected that the Type 1 multifunctional energy harvesting vehicles under your command are not in the optimal distribution, and many Type 1 multifunctional energy harvesting vehicles are not working. Would you like to optimize the layout?"

Shen Yi's original action of sandwiching the beef suddenly stopped, and the chopsticks holding the beef stopped in the air.

"Is there a multifunctional energy harvester that doesn't work?"

Shen Yi frowned slightly: "What's the reason?"

He hadn't discovered this at all before.

After all, his focus was all on the institute's side.

The arrangement of the Type 1 multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicle was just swarmed to the wild.

"Master, the Type 1 Multifunctional Energy Harvesting Vehicle can only accommodate up to 30 vehicles within one kilometer. If this number is exceeded, the energy harvesting will interfere with each other, resulting in a significant drop in the efficiency of the Type 1 Multifunctional Energy Harvesting Vehicle or even stop working. "

Shen Ling explained.

"Is that so... Fortunately, it was discovered in time! Otherwise, it will be a big loss!"

Shen Yi couldn't help feeling a little fortunate.

Wait until he finds out that something is not right.

That's at least until he finds out that the amount of energy is wrong.

But now there are nearly 10,000 robots out hunting.

His energy was rising like crazy every second.

God knows when he'll find out.

Moreover, even if it is discovered, it will take a while to solve it by trying to solve it by yourself.

This wave of Shen Ling at least helped him make up for the loss of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of energy!

"Then do as you say!"

Shen Yi said, and then he sighed jokingly: "My dear, if you don't have a physical body, I have to give you a chicken leg!"

As a result, he didn't expect Shen Ling to take over: "Master, you can create a body for me after you have enough technology, so that you can add a chicken leg to me!"

Shen Yi: "!!!"

Good guy, he straight up good guy!

The level of intelligence of this artificial intelligence is too high!

You can joke with him!

However, thinking that this is an artificial intelligence that has reached B-level after strengthening, he can understand again.

【Primary Artificial Intelligence】

[Grade Rating: Grade B]

[Ability: With a very high level of intelligence, in addition to a slightly weaker learning ability, it is your best helper in handling affairs! 】

[Consumption: 200 energy points are consumed every day]

Class B is not low anymore.

After all, the most peak technology on earth, it is estimated that it can only barely reach A-level.

This is almost the pinnacle of what Earth technology can achieve.

It is also the only B-level technology product under his hands.

However, if a type of multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicle has limitations.

Then his fantasies of creating unlimited energy collection will be shattered!

One kilometer can only accommodate 30 units, even if he takes all the 300 kilometers.

But only 9000 units can be arranged.

Of course, even if there are only 9,000 units, his daily output value will reach 2.7 million energy.

However, these have to be slowly figured out, take your time.

After all, it is impossible for him to put so much energy into a multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle.

Moreover, it will take a certain amount of time to take down the 300-kilometer site.

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