Shen Yi and Tang Jie did not hesitate. After thinking about the way to go next, the two returned to the previous woods. To their shock, the area where the woods were located, although the magnetic field was disordered. , But there is not much difference from when they left, it can be said that no creature has attacked here.

"It's just that we are the only ones who have discovered this good place. From the time we discovered this place until now, it seems that there hasn't been much change. It's strange to think about it, but if it's appropriate for "Zero Sansan" to respond it's nothing."

After eating, Tang Jie had nothing to do. Looking out the window of the spaceship, Tang Jie always felt as if he didn't understand why there were no other alien creatures in this area.

And why does the pinecone make the human cry again, all kinds of questions are included, and he can't think of a suitable answer for a while, he wants to seek Shen Yi's answer, because there are only things that he can't figure out, but He believed that there was nothing Shen Yi could not figure out.

"What the hell are you doing? Are these things on your mind every day? What the hell am I telling you, your mission is to cultivate pinecone well, which is more important than anything else."

Every time he heard Tang Jie say this, Shen Yi always felt that Tang Jie should have nothing to do, so he would think wildly, and immediately put Songuo's need to learn human language on the agenda. After all, Tang Jie is now There must be pine cones for training, but they are the stars of hope afterward.

"Oh, even if you don't say it, I know it. Of course I will remember to train him. I am his guardian. I am still clear about this. I can clearly feel that he has made great progress recently. If I don't believe it, then I must I'll show you a hand." 5

Tang Jie felt a little embarrassed after hearing what Shen Yi said, because he didn't seem to have invested too much effort in the pinecone, but he also knew that these things could not be slow, so it would be better to hurry up and train, so he said from Going out of the spaceship, he wanted to demarcate an area within the protected area of ​​the spaceship, where he would train with Pinecone every day.

"It's good to know, it doesn't matter, I have a lot of things to deal with right now, but I don't have time to check your training results for a while, but you must be patient, don't yell at him at every turn, wait until If it really works, be sure to come and give me a look.

Shen Yi said this. He also knew Tang Jie's hard work, but he really couldn't get away from it. The information found in the spaceship last time also needed Shen Yi's cracking. After all, he is only one person, so he has no skills. Although Shen Yi was training Songguo, he couldn't help with the matter, but he always believed that as long as he could solve the problem of spar quickly, it would be of great help to them.  …

"Listen, I am your guardian, in fact, your master in the popular sense, so you must listen to me, and I will take you through this period of training, although it will be very hard, but as long as you If you can speak our human language, then we can communicate in the future, and if you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can use this language to fight back against me."

Tang Jie took Songuo outside, squatted down, and said some truth to Songuo in a slow and soft voice, hoping that Songuo would be hard-hearted to train the human language well, Songuo seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to understand. Understand, looked at Tang Jie with a confused look.

"Learning... Pine Cone Learning."

Song Guo spoke to Tang Jie in a very small language, and Tang Jie was very happy. He felt that at least Song Guo understood what he was talking about, and his efforts were not wasted.


"You little guy, yes, that's the way it is. From now on, you will work hard to learn this language. If you have anything you want to say to me or Shen Yi, you can say it directly."

"Tang Jie, bad guy."

Tang Jie said carefully to Songuo, he must master this language, and it is also to facilitate the communication between the several of them, but who thought that the first sentence Songguo learned was to refute Tang Jie and directly say that he was a badass. After this sentence, Tang Jie rolled his eyes in anger.

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