Shen Yi and Tang Jie walked into the woods after confirming the location of Songuo. They both felt uneasy, because they didn't know why Songuo kept coming back here, and what was there for him here? new attraction.

"I really don't understand, isn't I taking good care of him normally? Why does he have to return to this deep forest, I think I really can't think of anything good about this forest, Can you understand?"

While walking into the depths of the woods, Tang Jie complained about Pine Cone's choice. Although he said it to Shen Yi on the surface, he actually said it to himself. He was also reflecting on whether he did it himself. It's really not good enough to let Pinecone choose to escape.

"I don't know why Pinecone chose this way, but for the time being we can understand that there is something important to him in this forest, so don't think too much about it, maybe without the care of the two of us, he will still be Come back here, after all, this is where he was born.

Shen Yi and Tang Jie have been together for a long time. Shen Yi understands Tang Jie's personality. He doesn't want to add to his psychological burden, so he quickly explained to him that Tang Jie should not have a psychological burden. It's not that he takes care of the pine cones, but that the pine cones must have something to do with this forest that they don't know.

"But to be honest, I think the atmosphere in this wood is different from the last time we were here, it's more gloomy, and it always feels like something is about to happen. Anyway, be careful, It is best to be vigilant at all times.”

When Shen Yi said this, he hurriedly reminded Tang Jie, because this feeling in his heart was not false, but a very real state. He always felt that this forest was the same as the one they met Pine Cone last time. Times are different.

"You think so too, right? I've felt it from just now, but I've been delayed by the Pine Cone affair, and I haven't had time to tell you. I really think the depression in the woods here is real.

After listening to Shen Yi say this, Tang Jie also had the same idea, but just now he devoted himself to the pine cones and didn't have time to explain his feelings to Shen Yi.

"I have heard a sound, and new creatures can be discovered immediately. You pay attention, now the detector is sounding, which proves that there must be something around. It may not be able to encounter anything, so it must be Be vigilant.35

"Pine cones?"

When Shen Yi and Tang Jie had just finished explaining the precautions, suddenly there was movement around them, and the two of them were on the defensive. When the war was about to break out, the two of them looked down at what was making a noise and it was none other than Pine Cone. Shen Yi and Tang Jie never expected to meet Songguo again in this way.

"You little guy, you don't give us two peace of mind, do you know how much effort we two put in trying to find you? If you don't stay in the spaceship well, why do you think of sneaking out? Not good at all, did I teach you that?

After Tang Jie found Song Guo, he immediately squatted down and hugged him in his arms. Song Guo Xiao did not speak, but Tang Jie couldn't stop his mouth. It was the words of how pine cones were so unbehaved and sensible, and a few people were relieved at once, after all, it was a good thing to find pine cones.



Tang Jie never thought that Songguo could use simple human words to apologize to him. The three words of "I'm sorry" just pierced Tang Jie's heart. For a Tang who took good care of Songguo and slowly grew up. For Jie, this kind of nanny-like role made him feel tired, and at the same time, this apology warmed his heart.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you saying sorry to me? Omg.

After Tang Jie heard Songguo's words, his eyes were filled with tears. That feeling was a deep meaning that ordinary people couldn't understand. He didn't dare to speak when he was next to him. Looking at Songguo's state, Shen Yi kept analyzing what he said. Is it real. After seeing Tang Jie's reaction, Shen Yi felt that there was no point in trying to find out why.

Better yet, it's fine.

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