Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 6: D-Level Blueprint: Divine Shield Automatic Defense System

After some frantic command.

Shen Yi finally sent out this batch of Type 1 combat robots.

Avoided the fate of the base being burst.

Shen Yi, who was slumped on the chair, couldn't help but sighed. He who was still worrying about his life and death ten minutes ago would never have thought about it ten minutes later.

He was still bothered by the presence of too many robots.

But... he took another look at the machine shop.

Isn't this thing too amazing?

His command hall is not so big, and there is no upper limit on the space in this mechanical factory?

Of course, he didn't go too deep into it.

This game of technological ascension itself is very outrageous, and he was sent directly from the earth to which planet he did not know.

Now, the machinery factory is a bit outrageous, isn't it normal!

At best, it's technology that he can't understand.

I believe it will wait until his height is high enough.

These things are no longer a secret to him.

The Type 1 combat robot that was sent out to get the blueprints soon returned with the blueprints.

After all, a type of combat robot has been strengthened a hundred times.

The speed has been directly increased to 300km/h.

As long as the wings are inserted, it can take off directly.

Taking the blueprint from the Type 1 battle robot, Shen Yi glanced at it.

Its information is written on the front of the drawing.

[Sacred Shield Automatic Defense System]

【Grade Rating: D Level】

[Ability: The exclusive blueprint of the base can make your base no longer have no defense ability. After the blueprint is completed, your base will have sixteen 20mm caliber automatic cannons and four 45mm caliber automatic artillery, although on this planet It's not too strong, but at least it can give you some defensive means]

[Consumption: 50 energy points are consumed every day]

[Production requirements: iron 0/300, copper 0/180, psionic crystal 0/50, energy 7514/5000]

In just four or five minutes, three Type 1 combat robots have harvested more than 7,500 energy points for him.

This efficiency is really amazing.

Of course, this is also because the base is now surrounded by horned dragons.

Otherwise, the harvesting speed is not so fast.

When all nearby monsters like horned dragons are killed, the harvesting speed will definitely slow down.

However, this is only true when there are only three Type 1 battle droids.

Reinforced by an ever-increasing army of Type 1 battle droids.

His harvest speed will only get faster.

Even after these hundred Type 1 combat robots joined the harvesting queue.

His energy skyrocketing speed has begun to skyrocket rapidly.

Ignoring the rising energy on the drawing, Shen Yi quickly read the information on the drawing.

After reading the introduction on the drawing, Shen Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Good thing! With this automatic defense system of the Holy Shield, the security of the base can also be guaranteed!"

This thing seems useless now.

For Shen Yi, who has a hundred times stronger system.

It definitely relieved his current urgent needs to a great extent!

After having a powerful Iron Legion that has reached the C-level level.

The only thing he lacks now is the protection of the base.

After all, his background is really bad.

The strength was forcibly raised by the hundredfold strengthening system.

But it's just a false boom that bursts like a bubble.

The Type 1 combat robot under his command is indeed very strong, and its rating has reached C rank.

But who knows what the future enemy will be like?

What if they happened to let an enemy come over?

At that time, the base could only be slaughtered by others!

It's not that Shen Yi is scaring himself, it's entirely possible.

Shen Yi couldn't bet on this possibility with his own life.

And with this holy shield automatic defense system is different!

After being strengthened by the 100-fold strengthening system, at least it will not be lower than Grade C!

At that time, even if an enemy really broke in.

He is not completely without any resistance.

"This iron, copper and psionic crystal must be obtained as soon as possible!"

Shen Yi clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

It's not just about upgrading a survival base that requires this thing.

The various technologies of the base and the automatic defense system of the Holy Shield are also required.

And there is a lot of need!

"Wait until the Type 1 combat robot clears the surroundings, and then start producing the Type 1 working robot!"

Shen Yi made a decision after thinking for a while.

He couldn't believe that the vicinity of the base could be so poor!

Anyway, there is a hundred-fold strengthening system, and there is a high probability that the Type-I operation robot will be strengthened to D-level.

A reconnaissance robot that is also a D-class can fly at supersonic speed.

Is it possible that the D-class Type 1 working robot can still be worse?

With such a foundation, he would not be afraid even if he digs three thousand feet in the ground!

He opened a huge distance from the other players from the beginning.

However, didn't the previous tips say that players can trade with each other?

Why hasn't he discovered this feature yet?

Did he ignore it?

Shen Yi quickly started working on the console.

Sure enough, not long after, he saw the two functions of chat and transaction in the corner of the base display.

"It turned out to be here."

Shen Yi murmured in a low voice, and then directly opened the chat bar.

Suddenly, a huge chat bar appeared on the screen in front of him.

The top of the chat bar is subdivided into the overall channel, the river channel, the arm channel and the private chat.

Looking at the sub-columns of this chat column, Shen Yi's mouth twitched.

Good guy, he straight up good guy!

This also means that the selected players are also sent to other river systems?

And, maybe he's one of them...

This handwriting is a bit too big!

He didn't rush to look at the player messages in the chat bar.

Instead, he carefully studied the information in the chat bar.

On the one hand, because he brushed too fast, he couldn't see it at all.

On the other hand, sharpening knives does not make chopping firewood by mistake.

What's more, he didn't feel that these players who were just starting out had something to attract him.

Soon, Shen Yi figured out how to operate the chat bar.

This chat bar is not much different from the chat function on earth.

However, there are certain limitations.

For example, the entire channel can only send three messages per day, and if you want to send more, you need 100 energy points.

The Hexian channel is better, it can send thirty messages a day.

However, if you want to send it after sending it, you can only pay 50 energy points for one piece.

The arm rotation channel has fewer restrictions.

Not only can you send five hundred messages a day.

Moreover, after 500 messages are sent out, you only need to pay 1 point of energy to send a message.

Of course, unless it's the Dragon King.

Otherwise, not many people can brag like that.

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Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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