Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 60: B+ Tier Strategic Weapon - Magnetic Rail Destroyer

There were no setbacks along the way.

After all, the thorny enemy has been cleared.

The only thing left is to push it all the way.

In front of millions of steel torrents, these monsters who are not even A-rank are not even qualified to stop Shen Yi from stopping.

And Shen Yi did not continue to pay attention to the situation outside.

Instead, it turned its attention to the emerging three-type robot.

【Three types of war machines】

[Production requirements: 3000 energy points, 3000 iron units, 2000 copper units, 500 psionic crystals]

[Capacity: Equipped with two 130mm caliber main guns, four 55mm caliber anti-aircraft cannons, four cellular rocket launchers, the maximum speed can reach 380km/h, the maximum range is 35 kilometers, and the maximum flight altitude is 7000 meters]

[Consumption: 30 energy points are consumed every day]

[Grade Rating: Grade C]

【Three types of infrastructure robots】

[Production requirements: 1000 energy points, 800 units of iron, 500 units of copper, 100 units of psionic crystals]

[Capacity: The highest power can lift 100 tons of heavy objects, the maximum load is 1000 tons, the maximum speed is 300km/h, the work efficiency is extremely high, a 100-meter high building can be built in three days, and 5,000 units can be collected in one day. mineral】

[Consumption: 15 energy points are consumed every day]

【Grade Rating: D Level】

【Three types of strategic drones】

[Production requirements: 1000 energy points, 800 units of iron, 500 units of copper, 100 units of psionic crystals]

[Ability: With strong optical stealth and radar stealth ability, it can shield all perceptions below C-level, equipped with two 35mm six-barreled cannons, with a maximum flight altitude of 3,000 meters, a maximum flight distance of 500 kilometers, and a maximum flight speed of Mach 0.8 , At the same time, it can carry out suicide attacks, and the self-destruction power can threaten the C-level armor]

[Consumption: 15 energy points are consumed every day]

【Grade Rating: D Level】

This is the ability of the current three types of arms.

If nothing else, after being strengthened by a hundredfold strengthening system.

Their rank will step into the A and B ranks respectively.

Not to mention the three-type strategic UAV for the time being, this kind of thing is not very powerful.

Although the power of self-destruction will increase its threat level by a notch.

But it was of no use to him at all.

He also has no shortage of powerful units, and producing this kind of thing is a waste of resources.

With the resources to gather a few more to produce battle maids, isn't it fragrant?

Unless the self-destruction of this thing can threaten the S-class monster.

Of course, according to the current introduction, even after being strengthened, the self-destruction power of this drone is A-level.

On the contrary, the Type 3 war machine and Type 3 infrastructure robots made him very interested.

From the point of view of firepower configuration, the Type 3 war machine is far more than Type 1 Fighting Robot and Type 2 Killing Robot.

Two 130mm main guns would fit even on destroyers.

Plus four 55mm anti-aircraft cannons and four cellular rocket launchers.

Whether it's against the ground, against the air, or in the mid-to-long range, this is a well-deserved killer.

Definitely worthy of its title of war robot.

Moreover, after being strengthened, its abilities in all aspects must be greatly increased.

Especially when the firepower is increased to A-level.

The ability of that artillery shell to wash the ground is definitely a metamorphosis.

The so-called monster army could not even stand firm in the face of such firepower.

I am afraid that even those A-level monsters will cry in front of this kind of war weapon.

This is also the place where mechanical technology is terrifying.

Maybe they are not as weird as biotechnology, and have all kinds of peculiar abilities.

But as long as the technology level is upgraded.

In terms of fire coverage, mechanical technology has not been afraid of anyone.

And the Type 3 infrastructure robot, although it is a little worse than the Type 3 war machine.

However, what Shen Yi values ​​most is its terrifying mining ability.

Before being enhanced, 5000 units of minerals can be collected in one day.

And if it is strengthened, the efficiency will be even more astonishing.

This will greatly speed up the rate at which he mines minerals.

This is very helpful to him.

After all, if he wants to develop, he needs a lot of mineral support.

And the minerals of the planet under his feet can undoubtedly quickly support his growth.

"The three-type robot this time has helped me a lot!"

Shen Yi sighed.

He glanced at the resources he currently had.

[Currently possessed energy: 1.375 billion points]

[Currently owns iron: 135 million units]

[Currently owns copper: 122 million units]

[Currently owns psionic crystals: 73 million units]

【Currently owns super alloy....】

Because of the killing of a large wave of A-level monsters before.

Therefore, the energy he has now has once again exceeded one billion.

It must be said that killing these high-level enemies is indeed the best way to earn energy.

"Forget about the Type 3 infrastructure robots, you can wait until the industrial zone is taken over before making plans, but the Type 3 war machines can produce 10,000 units. 35

Shen Yi squeezed his chin and pondered.

10,000 is almost enough.

After all, this level of combat power, even if it is placed on this planet, is definitely considered a high-end combat power.

Even the number of military bases placed by the Federation on the border is only about 5,000.

Although he as a whole can't compare with the size of the Federation and the Alliance.

But if it is only compared with a single large military base, his size is still 873, which is far more than the other.

"Yes, Master."

Shen Ling responded and sent 10,000 Type III war machines into the production queue.

The next moment, the prompt flashed.

"30 million units of iron, 20 million units of copper, 5 million units of psionic crystals, and 30 million energy points have been successfully deducted. The production countdown is 4:59."9

The production time of the C-class Type III war machine is only five minutes.

This speed is really very fast.

Five minutes later, the production of 10,000 Type III war machines was completed.

The system prompt also sounded in Shen Yi's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the three-type war machine X10000 you produced has been increased by a hundred times.""

The next moment, the data of the enhanced three-type war machine appeared in front of Shen Yi.

【Three types of war machines】

[Capability: Equipped with two 130mm caliber main guns, four 55mm caliber anti-aircraft cannons, four cellular rocket launchers, the maximum speed can reach Mach 13, the maximum precision range can reach 500 kilometers, and the maximum flight altitude is 22,000 Meter】

[Consumption: 500 energy points are consumed every day]

【Grade Rating: A Level】

[Evaluation: When it appears on the battlefield, then it will be a well-deserved god of death, with a radius of 500 kilometers, it will turn into a piece of scorched earth]

"Huh? Why is the evaluation so high?

Shen Yi couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

This is the first time the base has given such an evaluation.

This undoubtedly made him look forward to the actual combat effect of the three-type war machine.

Beside the information, Shen Yi also saw the appearance of the Type III War Machine.

Different from Type 1 Fighting Robot and Type 2 Killing Robot.

The three-type war machine has completely separated from the category of ground units, but is an air unit.

However, this is also normal.

In order to meet the needs of warfare, air units are obviously able to adapt to more environmental operations.

The appearance of the three-type war machine is similar to the dish-shaped UFO in the imagination of human beings on Earth.

Its diameter is about 23 meters, and the base is 7 meters high.

At the top and center position are two 130mm caliber main guns.

Four 55mm anti-aircraft cannons, located above the turret.

Once an enemy tries to get close, they will definitely be greeted by a dense hail of bullets.

As for the four-door cellular rocket launcher, it is located in the belly compartment below.

If you want to fire, it will stick out from the belly compartment.

Destroy ground units.

This ferocious firepower is absolutely worthy of its title of war robot.

As for its flight method, it uses anti-gravity technology.

Only, compared to the anti-gravity engine.

Its anti-gravity technology is relatively shallow.

It can only be regarded as a prototype.

However, this technology is also enough to make it levitate in mid-air and deal a devastating blow to the enemy.

Much more powerful than the fighter jets on Earth.

"These three types of war machines really gave me an unexpected joy... If that's the case, then there's no waiting."

"Shen Ling, let the army and the iron-clad back-beating dragon continue to advance, and the air carrier, the three-type war machine, the black eclipse dragon, and the sonic king bat are the first to head towards the industrial zone."5

He couldn't wait to see the Type 3 war machine perform on the battlefield.

And, go out with elite troops.

He didn't need to worry about any danger either.

Under the protection of 10,000 A-level three-type war machines and 3,000 A+-level biological war beasts, he would encounter a crisis.

Then, even adding these millions of troops will not help.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling responded.

Following Shen Yi's order, the army immediately began to move...

The air carrier lowered its height and came to an altitude of 17,000 meters.

And ten thousand three-type war machines were quickly scattered around the air carrier.

The outermost layer is the black eclipse dragon and the sonic king bat guard, and the defense can be said to be extremely tight.

The next moment, the 10,000-strong army, including the air carrier and the three-type war machine, directly entered the supersonic cruise and disappeared into the sky.

With speeds as high as Mach 13, making them ridiculously fast.

After all, this is a terrifying speed of up to 4400 m/s...

40 minutes later, the air carrier Shen Yi was in descended over the military base near the industrial zone.

At this moment, there is still chaos here.

Those monsters are roaring wildly, roaring towards the surroundings to vent their anger.

But one thing has to be said, these monsters did not fight together because of out of control.

Even Shen Yi was puzzled by this.

Obviously, after these monsters are out of control, they are a group of beasts with powerful power.

But they seem to remember their former comrades in arms, and even if they want to hunt, they just hunt and kill ordinary creatures on this planet.

So, even after so long.

The number of monsters on this planet is still very high.

"Go ahead and clear this piece out."

Shen Yi glanced at the approximate area covered by the industrial area and the mining area.

Good guy, he actually has more than 2,000 kilometers, almost catching up with the territory he occupied before.

However, it is precisely for this reason that this industrial zone can become one of the largest industrial zones in the Federation.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling responded.

The next moment, the 10,003-type war machine spread directly.

In the lower belly compartment, four rocket launchers, like square boxes, covered with dense black holes stretched out.

Aiming at the monsters who are roaring in the sky below and roaring at them constantly.

The strength of these monsters is not lower than C rank, there are a total of 300,000, plus tens of thousands of B-rank monsters.

And the hundreds of A-rank monsters that were killed by the battle maid before.

This is definitely a very powerful force.

Even if it is placed in each state within the Federation, it definitely belongs to the top ranks.

However, at this moment, when the S-Class is out, it is not even possible for Shen Yi to feel the pressure.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless rockets spewed out from the rocket launcher with hot flames, covering the monsters below.

A Type III war machine alone can fire 80 rockets per second.

And 10,000 three types of war machines, the number of rockets that can be fired in one second is as high as 800,000.

What is this concept?

The scene below this moment says it all.

A-class three-type war machines, the power of each rocket is no less than a tactical nuclear bomb.

The hot mushroom cloud can even rush directly into the sky for thousands of meters, and it can be clearly seen from far away.

And 800,000 tactical nuclear bombs exploded at the same time.... That scene is unimaginable.

At this moment, the bottom has turned into a spark.

The dazzling light made Shen Yi unable to even see the picture below clearly.

However, even across the screen, he seemed to be able to smell the burnt smell in the air.

"This is too scary...Is this the charm of mechanical technology?"

Shen Yi felt some scalp tingling.

At this moment, at least a 50-kilometer area was completely shrouded in flames.

He couldn't even imagine what kind of creature could survive such an attack.

In terms of killing speed, mechanical technology is definitely ahead of biological technology.

That's just 10,000 Type 3 war machines.

If this were 100,000 units... 1 million units, what a horrible scene would it be?

I am afraid that even if there are more monsters, as long as there are no S-rank monsters, they will definitely not be able to kill them.

I am afraid that even A+ grade monsters will definitely be wiped out in an instant under such intensive firepower...

Under radar detection, the red dot belonging to the monster quickly disappeared.

Those monsters didn't even have a chance to react, they were turned into ashes by the dense rockets.

The entire battle took less than five minutes in total.

The 300,000 monster army that was enough to destroy a country on Earth just vanished into nothing.

"Now that these three types of war machines are so powerful, how amazing is the primary magnetic rail weapon, which can be called a planetary-level civilization strategic weapon?"

Shen Yi glanced at the countdown and couldn't help but look forward to it.

The power of the magnetic rail weapon can be seen from the ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun.

The power is really amazing, the A+-level ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun can even threaten the S-level.

However, what is the power of ordinary rail weapons.

Then Shen Yi really didn't know.

But he believes that the other party will definitely be able to afford the words strategic weapon, even if it is only a primary strategic weapon.

When the ten thousand three-type war machines ceased fire, the scene below was also revealed at the moment.

The lush forest before, and the superstructure of the military base.

It has completely disappeared from the ground.

Even, except for the lower part of the solid military base.

The surrounding soil was sunk by dozens of meters.

The ground has been replaced by hot lava.

Under that terrifying high temperature, whether it was rock or sand, it all turned into a scalding liquid.

As for the corpses of those monsters, they were directly gasified and turned into slag, and they didn't survive at all.

"This firepower is really exaggerated... Although there is no radiation, the damage to the environment is equally terrifying!"

Shen Yi shook his head helplessly.

Fortunately, the underground building of this military base is strong enough, otherwise he would not know what to find in this wave.

However, this is worthy of being an A-level super weapon.

Normally, even the top-level planetary-level civilization, A-level is already a very high level.

"Shen Ling, produce some three-type infrastructure robots, let's go and see what valuable things are down there.""

Shen Yi ordered.

At least, part of this military base still survives.

You might find a lot of good stuff in there.

If you can find some high-level blueprints or complete technical products, that would be great.

"Yes, Master!

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

Then, the 1300-type infrastructure robot entered the production queue.

A moment later, the production of a thousand infrastructure robots was completed.

And the data of a thousand infrastructure robots also appeared in front of Shen Yi.

【Three types of infrastructure robots】

[Capacity: The highest power can lift 1,000 tons of heavy objects, the maximum load is 30,000 tons, the maximum speed is Mach 0.5 per hour, and 100,000 units of minerals can be collected in one day]

[Consumption: 300 energy points are consumed every day]

【Grade Rating: Grade B】

Shen Yi: "???"

Shen Yi: "This ability is a bit outrageous! 35

In other respects, it is better to say, what the hell is the collection of 100,000 units of minerals in one day!

This is simply an ore harvester!

One thousand three-type infrastructure robots can mine 100 million ore a day alone.

"As expected of a B-level robot... With it, there is no need to worry about the slow mining speed of ore!

Shen Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, the price of these three types of infrastructure robots is not cheap.

Compared with the cheap Type II engineering robot, its price is dozens of times higher.

One thousand three-type infrastructure robots cost him 1 million energy, 800,000 iron, 500,000 copper, and 100,000 psionic crystals.

Although this resource is no big deal to him now.

But in fact, it is a huge number.

However, the existence of the three-type infrastructure robot helped him solve the problem of too slow ore collection.

Next, he only needs to develop the army with all his strength and conquer the Quartet.

Throwing away the distracting thoughts, Shen Yi called up the map of the industrial area.

At this moment, after the military base stationed next to the industrial zone is settled.

There is basically no threat here.

The most powerful monsters are just some scattered B-level monsters.

The vast majority are also C-rank and below monsters.

"Shen Ling, be careful to clean up the industrial area, and try your best to ensure that the things that can be used here are not damaged."

Shen Yi ordered.

Although this possibility is very slim.

After all, after so many years, and there are active monsters everywhere.

There is little chance of something good.

But there is an emergency if it is not guaranteed.

What if there are still good ones?

He also wanted to get a way to make superalloys, Heman alloys, and even Trellites from here.

Although the medium-sized biological genetic research institute, can obtain these materials.

But, that is a drop in the bucket after all, and there will always be an end to the day.

At that time, he can't expect to change it out of thin air.

"Please rest assured, Master, I will be very careful.

Shen Ling gave a positive answer.

This made Shen Yi relax a lot. As an artificial intelligence, Shen Ling can't talk big.

And after Shen Yi's order was given.

The air carrier also hovered above this military base, protecting the ruins of the military base under the development of the three-type infrastructure robot.

The black eclipse dragon and the sonic king bat each divided 500 points and flew towards the industrial area quickly.

Obviously, Shen Ling planned to use these two A+ grade biological war beasts to perform such delicate work.

However, with the strength of these A+ grade biological beasts.

Even without their own special abilities.

But just the physical strength, they are enough to easily crush those monsters that are no higher than Grade B.

What happened next, it didn't have any twists and turns.

(ahdg) When the subsequent army of millions arrived, 500 black eclipse dragons and 500 sonic king bats also swept away the monsters in the industrial zone.

Under the action of top radar, they don't even have the chance to hide.

And Shen Yi easily occupied this industrial area.

I have to say, the location of this place is pretty good.

It is basically located in the hinterland of the Federation, more than 10,000 kilometers away from the border.

In this respect, it is very safe.

The probability of encountering S-rank monsters is not high.

As for monsters beyond S-rank, Shen Yi is not clear.

He didn't even know if the top radar could detect monsters beyond the S-class.

After all, normally speaking, monsters that surpassed the S-level were already beyond the existence of a planetary-level civilization.

In the face of such an existence, it is hard to say whether the top radar can detect the other party.

However, this position is very suitable as the focus of his next development.

Whether you want to go to the border to win those large military bases, or go to other states to win those medium or even large biological genetic research institutes, it will be very convenient.

So, after settling down, hovering the helicarrier above the industrial zone.

Shen Yi immediately spread his army to the surrounding area and began to clean up all the monsters around the industrial area.

With the fastest speed, the state under your feet will be occupied.

As for the battle maid, she is still active outside, responsible for eliminating those A-level monsters.

And then, Shen Yi basically entered a stable developmental stage.

Expand your site, lay out your utility vehicle, and dig for the ore below.

Everything is going smoothly....

Twelve hours later, Shen Yi looked expectantly at the countdown of the primary railgun, entering the last three seconds of the countdown.




"Finally done!"

There was a hint of surprise in Shen Yi's eyes.

The twelve hours of waiting was definitely a torment.

After all, he was very much looking forward to this strategic weapon, which brought him a surprise.

And after the countdown returned to zero, a prompt flashed in front of his eyes.

[The primary railgun technology has been unlocked, congratulations on obtaining the B+-level strategic weapon - the giant whale-class rail destroyer! 】

The next moment, a data panel appeared in front of Shen Yi.

【Whale-class Magnetic Track Destroyer】

[Production requirements: 300,000 energy points, 50,000 units of iron, 30,000 units of copper, 10,000 units of psionic crystals, 5,000 units of any grade C material, 3,000 units of any grade B material]

[Performance: Maximum speed of Mach 5, maximum flight altitude of 30,000 meters, maximum range of 800 kilometers]

[Weapon and equipment: sixteen 350mm caliber rail main guns, thirty-six 220mm caliber rail sub-guns and four 55mm caliber honeycomb magnetic rail close-in cannons, which can easily destroy A-level defense armor and are top-notch. Standard strategic weapon of planetary civilization]

[Engine configuration: low-profile version of the anti-gravity engine, the maximum speed is Mach 5, and it can be accelerated to Mach 3 in an instant]

[Consumption: 200 energy points are consumed every day]

[Grade Rating: B+ Grade]

Then, a picture appeared on the side.

It was a huge spaceship that looked like a sperm whale.

The overall shape of the spaceship is like the head of a sperm whale, broad and slender.

However, on the rear sides, there are two movable square protrusions.

The spacecraft has a total length of 380 meters and a width of 120 meters.

The two movable square protruding parts at the rear are about 80 meters long and protrude about 60 meters from the hull.

And the sixteen magnetic rail main guns are distributed on the two protruding sides of the square.

The angle can be adjusted with the protruding position.

As for the thirty-six rail secondary guns, they were located at the whale's mouth below the bow.

The muzzles of the thirty-six black holes pointed obliquely in front of them, and they seemed unusually infiltrating.

And the four honeycomb-type magnetic rail close-up guns are directly in front of the protruding position.

It is neatly distributed in the upper and lower positions directly in front of the protruding position.

With the densely packed holes, it is not difficult to imagine the scene where the close-in defense artillery fires.

The shells fired would definitely be denser than raindrops.

Those who try to get close will definitely be instantly torn into a hornet's nest.

"This is terrifying... How perverted would this be if it were put on the battlefield? 39

Shen Yi took a deep breath and felt his scalp go numb.

But then, a happy smile appeared on his face.

He could feel the horror of this giant whale-class magnetic track destroyer just from the pictures.

And, more importantly, the B-rank Black Eclipse Dragons have all reached the A+ rank after being strengthened.

Then, the giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyer whose basic level has reached the B+ level, after being strengthened, isn't it...

"Shen Ling, produce 100 giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyers!

Shen Yi hurriedly ordered.

He wanted to test his ideas.

If it is as he thought, then the planet under his feet has nothing to fear!

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling responded.

The next moment, the resource deduction prompt flashed.

"30 million energy units, 5 million units of iron, 3 million units of copper, 1 million units of psionic crystals, 500,000 units of C-level metal materials, 300,000 units of B-level metal materials were successfully deducted, and 100 giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyers entered production. Queue, production remaining 14:59.35

Although there are too many words, he can't afford to produce.

But if there are only 100 units, he can still bear it.

Moreover, the giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyer only needs fifteen minutes of production time, which is also within a completely acceptable range.

Everything will be known in 15 minutes!

Shen Yi clenched his fist nervously, his eyes full of anticipation.

Fifteen minutes is actually not too long. It is almost the time to go to the toilet and eat a meal.

However, at this moment Shen Yi felt that the fifteen minutes had passed by incomparably long.

It even feels like fifteen years have passed.

Fortunately, wait and wait, these fifteen minutes are finally over.

"Hope you don't let me down!"

Shen Yi subconsciously clenched his fists and stared at him.

At this moment, the countdown was also attributed to the last second, and the system prompt sounded in his mind in an instant.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyer X100 you produced has been increased by a hundred times.

At the same time, Shen Ling also opened the attribute panel of the enhanced giant whale-class magnetic track destroyer to Shen Yi for the first time.

【Whale-class Magnetic Track Destroyer】

[Performance: Maximum speed of Mach 80, maximum flight altitude of 100,000 meters, maximum range of 8,000 kilometers]

[Weapon and equipment: sixteen 350mm caliber rail main guns, thirty-six 220mm caliber rail sub-cannons and four 55mm caliber honeycomb magnetic rail close-up guns, which can easily destroy all planetary civilizations with armor , is the top strategic weapon of the top planetary civilization]

[Engine configuration: top version anti-gravity engine, maximum speed of Mach 80, can be accelerated to Mach 45 in an instant]

[Consumption: 1000 energy points are consumed every day]

[Grade Rating: S Grade]

Shen Yi didn't look at anything, just looked at the rating of the last item.

When he saw the bright S-class, a huge sense of surprise rushed to his mind.

He immediately stood up excitedly!

"Good guy, you really didn't let me down! Hahaha! 35

Shen Yi couldn't stop laughing.

This is the second time he has laughed so much since he came to this planet.

The first time he was so happy was because the system was activated.

But when he learned that there were two terrifying civilizations on this planet, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because even if he has the system, he is still very weak.

Those powerful monsters still have the ability to easily crush him.

However, with the appearance of the S-class giant whale-class magnetic track destroyer, he finally got rid of that feeling of powerlessness.

It can be said that he is no longer the existence that can be manipulated at will.

How about facing those S-rank monsters?

The giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyer he used was also an S-class!

Even if the two sides meet head-on, so what? Who is afraid of whom?

Moreover, he can increase the production scale at any time, and directly produce hundreds or thousands of units.

Now, the only thing that can pose a threat to him is the existence beyond the S-rank.

For the existence of that level, Shen Yi didn't know how strong the opponent was.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you can unlock intermediate strategic weapons.

Then, he is bound to touch the field above the S-rank.

At that time, even monsters that surpassed the S rank would be nothing more than turkeys in front of him!

"Shen Ling, release the giant whale-class magnetic track destroyer, let me take a good look at its strength!"

With a relaxed smile on Shen Yi's face, he ordered Shen Ling.

It has to be said that the appearance of the giant whale-class magnetic track destroyer has made the pressure in his heart a lot lighter.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

The next moment, the position of the front-end belly of the air carrier immediately opened to both sides.

A huge build cabin is revealed.

Then, the giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyer, which was more than 300 meters long and nearly one-tenth the length of the aerospace carrier, drove out of the huge belly of the aerospace carrier in turn.

That is to say, the air carrier contains unimaginable space technology.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to install five or six giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyers, let alone a hundred ships.

It didn't take long for the 100 giant whale-class magnetic orbital destroyers to leave the cabin.

Silently suspended around the air carrier.

Although it didn't start, Shen Yi still seemed to feel a fierce aura coming towards his face.

The dark oil-filled shell and the shiny muzzle made him feel the mourning of the enemy and the strong smoke of gunpowder.

"My dear, is this the power of the S-class? It feels very fierce even before the experiment!"

Shen Yi's tone was a little excited at the moment, and he spoke a lot more than usual.

The pressure that had been pressing on his heart before was too heavy.

Facing the threat right in front of him, he couldn't help but be nervous.

Even if you have an A+-level biological beast, or even an ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun, the same is true.

After all, A+ has surpassed A-level though.

But it's still below the S-class level.

It can only be said that he has the ability to hurt S-rank, not that he can fight against S-rank.

Moreover, after seeing the giant whale-class magnetic track destroyer, he realized how outrageous his previous thoughts were.

As far as the terrifying speed of S-rank is concerned, it is simply not something that can be locked below S-rank!

Just the effect of instant acceleration can far exceed half of the fastest sonic king bat flying under his hands now, and the two sides are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

No wonder there is still an A+ grade between the A grade and the S grade.

The gap between the two sides is really huge!

"If you really used A+-level monsters to deal with S-level monsters at that time, the end would definitely be very miserable..."

Shen Yi couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

Fortunately, he is not the kind of reckless character.

If he swelled a little at that time, his losses would probably be very heavy.

"As for now..."

Shen Yi glanced at the hundred giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyers parked outside.

Then, he turned his attention to the map, a large military base on the border...

Now he owns a hundred S-class giant whale-class magnetic track destroyers.

But the other party only has thirty S-rank monsters.

Moreover, half of them are ground units, and most of their special attacks are also aimed at creatures.

He can use this to test the power of the giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyer!

"Shen Ling, the target is this large military base on the border, let these 100 giant whale-class magnetic track destroyers perform well!

Shen Yi ordered.

I want to show the power of the giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyer.

A-level monsters are obviously not qualified.

Even if an A+-level battle maid can easily slaughter A-level monsters, it simply does not reflect the power of an S-class giant whale-class magnetic track destroyer.

And the monsters that are also in the S rank are undoubtedly good targets.

More importantly, there are only thirty S-rank monsters in these large military bases.

The number of giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyers on his side is three times that of the other side.

No matter how you think about it, you won't lose!

"By the way, it's good to attack 5,000 kilometers away! Don't get too close, it's mainly aimed at S-level monsters! 99

Shen Yi specially warned again.

What these S-rank monsters are best at is close combat.

There is absolutely no need for him to give up his advantages and fight face to face with the opponent.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling responded.

The next moment, one hundred giant whale-class magnetic track destroyers took off at the same time.

How scary is it to accelerate to Mach 45 in just a split second?

At this moment Shen Yi knew.


With a loud explosion, one hundred giant whale-class magnetic track destroyers, wrapped in light blue streamers, instantly disappeared in place.

where they were before.

There's even a slight twist due to their terrifying speed.

And in less than three seconds, their speed has increased to the limit speed of Mach 100.

This means that their speed has reached as high as 122,400 km/h. …

This has even reached the speed of an ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main battery shell.

And this is the horror of the S-class.

This speed alone is enough to make S-rank and below feel despair.

Unless they stand still and be beaten, the shells of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main guns will not threaten them.

"What will happen to the battle... I hope you don't let me down!"

Shen Yi's eyes were full of anticipation, and he kept guessing about what would happen next.

Next, it will be the most peak battle for him to come to this planet.

Even in the history of this planet, it is almost the top battle.

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