Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 64: Who are you Lao Tzu! Pull the boat over for me!

Two days later, all the primary genetic medicines were absorbed.

Shen Yi was also awakened by a maid robot in the shape of Rem.

Shen Yi felt refreshed and refreshed by the power that was constantly emerging in his body.

He had slept for several days, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

"This is a thousand times the power of ordinary people! It's really awesome!"

Shen Yi stretched and sat up from the bed, looking at his body curiously.

At this moment, after the optimization of genetic medicine.

His skin has also improved a lot. It can be described in a sentence that his skin is as thick as sebum, and his pores are almost indistinguishable.

The overall appearance has been directly improved by several grades.

Compared with him, those little white faces and little fresh meat are completely younger brothers.

Of course, the power under this body is not something that little white face and little fresh meat can match.

"Master, you don't have a thousand times the physique of an ordinary human now, you only have a hundred times the physique of an ordinary human.

At this moment, the maid robot in the shape of Rem, who was standing aside, spoke.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Shen Yi frowned slightly, did the genetic medicine fail?

Seemingly seeing Shen Yi's question, the maid robot in the shape of Rem said: "This is the order of Lord Shen Ling, she found something and needs you to deal with it, so she temporarily interrupted the use of genetic medicine. Only the primary genetic medicine has been absorbed, and only two days have passed.""

"Shen Ling found something that I need to deal with?

Shen Yi's frown deepened, and his face became a little dignified.

He had explained to Shen Ling before that even if the super S-level monster woke up, he didn't need to call him.

Now that Shen Ling will do this, there is no doubt that something more serious than the super S-level monster has happened.

Of course, things may not be particularly serious.

Otherwise, Shen Ling should wake him up immediately.

At this time, Shen Ling's voice also sounded in the room.

"Yes, master, I found a natural wormhole outside the planet's space, and detected that a spaceship with an alien civilization has come.

"Because I was worried about the high level of civilization of the other party, I decided to interrupt your reinforcement in advance. 35

Shen Ling replied.

"A spaceship of an alien civilization?

Shen Yi's expression became solemn, which was not good news.

"What level is the other party's spaceship?""

Shen Yi asked.

He has always maintained a high degree of vigilance against alien civilizations.

He originally thought that he would only be able to encounter alien civilizations after stepping out of this planet and entering the space age.

As a result, who would have thought that there was actually a natural wormhole outside his planet.

I don't know how far away the other party came from.

It came directly to his face through the wormhole.

"After testing, the level of the other spacecraft is only S-level, and it has a high probability of belonging to a civilian spacecraft.

"In addition, the opponent has a 97% probability of being a primary stellar civilization, 85% of being an intermediate stellar civilization, 73% of being an advanced stellar civilization, and 25% of being a top-level stellar civilization."

Shen Ling analyzed.

"Is that so..."

The solemnity between Shen Yi's eyebrows deepened a little.

A primary stellar civilization is a stellar civilization with D-level (star-level) to C-level (stellar-level) technology.

A mid-level stellar civilization is a stellar civilization with B-level (stellar) technology.

Later advanced stellar civilizations and top stellar civilizations, and so on, are stellar civilizations with A-level (stellar-level) and S-level (stellar-level) technologies.

With the probability given by Shen Ling, the opponent can basically be locked as a high-level stellar civilization.

After all, a civilian spaceship has reached the pinnacle of planetary technology.

This proves that the other party has come a long way in stellar technology.

Now, I just don't know what kind of reaction the other party will make after discovering him.

"Has the other party found us?"

Shen Yi asked.

Although he is not willing to hand over the planet to the other party.

But things have to be prepared.

Now that the air carrier has been upgraded to the third level, it is capable of conducting interstellar cruises.

If the other party is really too strong, then he can only escape.

But if the opponent's strength is not very good, it will be embarrassing.

He will lead his army to counterattack directly, turning the opponent into the cornerstone of his development.

There is no mercy in the war between civilizations.

At least a low-level civilization in the universe like them now will not have such emotions.

A fierce light flashed in Shen Yi's eyes.

"Master, the other party has not discovered our helicarrier, but other units should have been discovered. 99

Shen Ling explained.

Shen Yi raised his brows slightly, which was good news.

Afterwards, he went on to ask Shen Ling: "How is our situation now? 55

Before he fell asleep, he explained the development of Shen Ling.

I don't know what happened to Shen Ling in two days.

"Master, we currently have 101.3 billion energy points, 3.257 billion iron units, 2.849 billion copper units, 1.675 billion psionic crystals, 557 million super alloys, 327 million Heman alloys, 87.51 million Trellites, There are 27.53 million units of Berair alloy (S-grade material), and there are 57.36 billion units of iron, 51.12 billion units of copper, 32.75 billion units of psionic crystals, 37.72 billion units of aluminum, and 35.64 billion units of tungsten.

"In addition, the second type of solar energy harvesting ship has produced 500,000 units and can generate 1 billion points of energy every day."

"Before killing the S-rank monsters on this planet, we have harvested a total of 158 B-rank blueprints, 89 A-rank blueprints, and 3 S-rank blueprints. You only need to give an order to unlock the intermediate rail weapons, Intermediate weather weapons, advanced laser weapons, and other four or five types of weapons can also be unlocked."

Shen Ling replied.

After listening to Shen Ling's report, Shen Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Good guy, this wave he took off directly.

The three S-level blueprints alone are enough for him to obtain C-level (star-level) technological products.

Not to mention that there are other strategic weapons to unlock.

From the point of view of the giant whale-class magnetic rail destroyer.

Intermediate strategic weapons are likely to be strengthened to D-level (star level) and high-level strategic weapons may even be strengthened to C-level (star level).

However, it is not difficult to understand that there is such a harvest in just two days.

After all, he is equivalent to solving two top planetary civilizations.

"If that's the case, then unlock it! 35

Shen Yi said.

He is very much looking forward to this advanced laser weapon.

If nothing else, the new arms brought by the laser weapon will become the strongest combat force under his hands.

"Yes, Master!"

"The energy deduction of 1 million points was successful, and the intermediate magnetic rail weapon began to be upgraded, and the remaining time was 29:59.

"The energy deduction of 100,000 points was successful, and the primary weather weapon began to be upgraded, and the remaining time was 14:59.

"The energy deduction of 100,000 points was successful, and the primary laser weapon began to be upgraded. The remaining time is 14:59.

For a time, the three weapons began to strengthen at the same time.

The upgrade of these strategic weapons requires a lot of energy.

It takes 100,000 to unlock the primary level, 1 million for the primary level, and 10 million for the intermediate level.

However, Shen Yi now has more than 100 billion energy sources, so naturally he doesn't care about this consumption.

It takes a long time to unlock all these strategic weapons.

Moreover, it takes a certain amount of time to advance to the advanced level.

Therefore, Shen Yi did not pay too much attention to it.

Instead, he focused his attention on those three S-class blueprints.

As for the pile of A-level blueprints, to be honest, he was already a little disgusted.

Even after strengthening, it is only D-level (star level), and it is not worthy of his attention at all.

Perhaps before, D-class (stellar) was already very good.

But what he has to face now is the existence of a high-probability stellar civilization.

The mere D-level (star level) is not enough to see at all.

Only C-level and even B-level can pose a threat to the opponent.

At least let the other party not dare to touch him easily.

These three S-class blueprints are [Destroyer-class laser main gun], [Iron Wall-class frigate] and [Anti-reconnaissance stealth device].

And the advanced laser weapon was unlocked precisely because of the world-annihilating laser main gun.

To be honest, the three S-rank blueprints this time came very timely.

Their effects are very helpful to the current Shen Yi.

Although it is a pity that the last anti-reconnaissance stealth device is not the engine.

However, if it is strengthened, the engine is likely to be strengthened to the C-level (star level) level.

With the current S-class hull of the air carrier, it may not be able to withstand at least the thrust of the C-class (stellar-class) engine.

On the contrary, this anti-reconnaissance engine device can make him more stealthy.

At least, there is a way back.

Shen Yi clicked on the panel of three blueprints.

[Destroyer-class laser main gun]

[Grade Rating: S Grade]

[Ability: The strongest weapon of planetary-level civilization, it can easily turn hundreds of miles into scorched earth in an instant, and can also penetrate S-level armor, and the locked attack will definitely hit]

[Consumption: 5000 energy points are consumed for each shot fired]

[Production requirements: 5 million units of iron, 2 million units of copper, 1.2 million units of psionic crystals, 500,000 units of any grade C material, 280,000 units of any grade B material, 150,000 units of any grade A material, 80,000 units of any grade S Grade materials, 3 million points of energy]

【Iron Wall-class frigate】

[Performance: It can support an energy shield with a maximum coverage of 10 kilometers, and can be superimposed with other Iron Wall-class frigates to withstand attacks at the D-level (star level) level at most]

[Weapon Equipment: Honeycomb Missile Launcher]

[Engine configuration: particle engine, maximum speed of Mach 120, can be accelerated to Mach 75 in an instant]

[Consumption: 1000 energy points are consumed every day, and 300 energy points are consumed per second after the shield is turned on]

[Grade Rating: S Grade]

[Production requirements: 3 million units of iron, 1 million units of copper, 500,000 units of psionic crystals, 30,000 units of any C-grade material, 20,000 units of any B-grade material, 10,000 units of any A-grade material, 3,000 units of any S-grade material Materials, 2 million energy points]

【Anti-reconnaissance stealth device】

[Grade Rating: S Grade]

[Ability: The strongest anti-radar stealth device of planetary-level civilization, which can evade any reconnaissance method of planetary level, and at the same time can make the equipped warships enter a stealth state. Unless the technology surpasses the anti-reconnaissance stealth device, it is completely impossible to find the traces of the equipped warships]

[Consumption: consumes 300 energy points per second after opening]

[Production requirements: 4.5 million units of iron, 1.8 million units of copper, 1 million units of psionic crystals, 400,000 units of any grade C material, 230,000 units of any grade B material, 120,000 units of any grade A material, 50,000 units of any grade S Grade materials, 2.8 million energy points]

"As expected of an S-class blueprint!"

After reading the introduction of the three blueprints, Shen Yi's eyes showed a trace of satisfaction.

The power of the world-class laser main gun seems to be quite satisfactory.

But it is strong in that as long as the target is locked, the target must eat the laser.

After all, lasers are light, and the speed of light can also be avoided?

Even if there is that technology, it is not a technology that can be mastered at a mere star level.

And after his hundredfold enhancement system increase.

Even if a C-level (star-level) enemy eats such a main gun, it will definitely not feel good.

Moreover, he has ample confidence in the radar of the helicarrier.

The big deal is to upgrade a few more levels, if you don't believe it, you can't lock your opponent.

The Iron Wall-class frigate is undoubtedly more important.

Shen Yi would not naively think that a civilization that has stepped into a star level will not have laser weapons.

At this time, the energy shield is very important.

After strengthening, the iron wall-class frigate can be upgraded to C-class (stellar class) with a high probability.

At that time, the shields of multiple Iron Wall-class frigates were stacked.

It is even possible for him to block B-level (stellar) level attacks.

That is a weapon that only a mid-level stellar civilization can possess.

Presumably there is still hope to block the opponent's first wave of offensive.

He didn't think that the opponent's first wave of offensive would send combat power above B-level (star level).

After all, the planet where he is now is the highest-level monster on the bright side.

It's just the dozen or so D-level (star-level) monsters that are still frantically destroying.

It is unlikely that the other party will do the kind of anti-aircraft gun that hits mosquitoes.

And as long as you can block the opponent's first wave of offensive.

Or in other words, eat the opponent's first advance army.

Then, the level of his side will definitely improve rapidly.

Don't forget, the helicarrier can unlock technology through technology finished products!

This function has not been able to function due to the destruction of the civilization of this planet.

But that doesn't mean this feature isn't useful!

In theory, even if he gets S-class (star-level) finished technology.

He also has the ability to unlock it via the Helicarrier.

Thereby obtaining S-class (stellar) technology.

At that time, coupled with the 100-fold enhancement system he has, he will not be able to knock out the opponent's dog brain?

"So, the most important thing is actually to block the opponent's first wave of offensive!

Shen Yi's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

He must create his strongest combat power before the other party arrives, so as to better welcome the other party's arrival.

Two days have passed by now, and he doesn't have much time to waste.

And the last of these three S-class blueprints.

In fact, it is also the last hole card he has now.

It is a hole card that can make him retreat even if he fails to defend the planet.

If it is strengthened, the level of this anti-reconnaissance stealth device is likely to be upgraded to C-level (star level).

This also means that as long as the radar of the other party is not B-level (star level).

Then, it would be impossible to find him.

However, is it possible for the opponent to send a C-level (star-level) combat power?

Shen Yi felt that unless the opponent was crazy, he would send this level of combat power in the first wave.

Is it true that this level of combat power does not need to consume resources!

"Shen Ling, replace the main gun with a world-class laser cannon, and install the anti-reconnaissance stealth device. As for the Tiebi-class frigate, let's produce 100 first.""

Shen Yi said in a deep voice.

With his current resources, it is enough to supply him to complete a wave of replacement.

The only troublesome thing is the S-grade materials, which are relatively scarce.

Even though Shen Ling had already found a lot of places in the past two days.

But only got more than 20 million units.

It was simply not enough for him to expand his army too much.

What needs to be mentioned is that the size of the current air carrier has been expanded again after being upgraded to the third level.

It became a behemoth with a length of more than 5,000 meters and a width of more than 2,000 meters.

It's more than twice as big as before.

At the same time, the position of the main gun has also been doubled.

Now it can be equipped with 36 main guns, which is indeed not a small amount.

The other resources were fine, mainly S-grade materials, which required 2.88 million units, which really gave Shen Yi a headache.

"It is still necessary to find a way to refine these alloys, otherwise the supply of resources will not be able to keep up."

Shen Yi thought to himself.

"Yes, Master!

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

The next moment, the resources were automatically deducted successfully, and all these things entered the production queue.

Afterwards, Shen Yi asked Shen Ling to upgrade the mechanical technology laboratory.

Upgrade the Type 4 and even Type 5 robots.

As for himself, he didn't pay much attention to it.

If nothing else, the grades of these Type 4 robots and Type 5 robots will be A+ and S, respectively.

Maybe it was helpful to him before.

But for him, who is about to face a stellar civilization, it is not enough.

To put it badly, in the war with a stellar civilization.

The most powerful S-class warships in the planetary class are not qualified as cannon fodder.

After all, other people's civilian ships have reached S-class.

A battleship that is used for combat, can it be only S-class?

And the next step is to wait for a while.

However, Shen Yi is not short of patience.

He carefully observed the map of the planet under his feet, and discussed with Shen Ling how to develop resources at the fastest speed.

[Intermediate magnetic rail weapon unlocked]

[Intermediate weather weapons unlocked]

[Advanced laser weapon unlocked]

[The four-type Cold Rain frigate has been unlocked]

[The fifth type of rainstorm destroyer has been unlocked]

[The production of the Iron Wall-class frigate X100 has been completed]

[The production of the X36 laser main gun of the world-annihilation class has been completed]

[The production of the anti-reconnaissance stealth device X1 has been completed]

A series of prompts kept flashing, attracting Shen Yi's attention.

"Finally, all the upgrades have been completed!"

Shen Yi let out a long sigh of relief.

Now he is very short of time.

Because I don't know when the enemy will come.

Therefore, he must prepare as soon as possible so that he will not be in a hurry.

At this time, the voice of the hundredfold strengthening system also sounded in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the iron wall-class frigate X100 you produced has been increased by a hundred times.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the X36 laser main gun you produced has been increased by a hundred times.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the anti-reconnaissance stealth device X1 you produced has been increased by a hundred times. 99

This series of reminders can't help but make Shen Yi's eyes show a trace of anticipation.

This is the highest level thing under his hands now!

Hope you don't let him down!

After finishing these D-level (star-level) monsters, he had to take the time to find out where those large biological genetic research institutes were.

Get the manufacturing method of super S-class creatures from it.

If you get the manufacturing method of super S-level creatures, then he will take off in a wave!

These themselves are D-class (stellar) biological weapons.

If it goes through another wave of system strengthening, it will directly start at the B-level (stellar level).

Then he didn't hammer out the brains of those people?

At this moment, the three upgraded S-class technologies did not disappoint.

[Destroyer-class laser main gun]

[Grade Rating: Grade C (Stellar)]

[Ability: Due to special reasons, it has been greatly enhanced. It is the pride of a mid-level stellar civilization. It can easily turn thousands of kilometers into scorched earth in an instant, and it can also penetrate C-level (star-level) armor and attack after locking. must hit]

[Consumption: 500,000 energy points are consumed for each shot fired]

【Iron Wall-class frigate】

[Performance: It can support an energy shield with a maximum coverage of 500 kilometers, and can be superimposed with other Iron Wall-class frigates to withstand attacks at the B-level (star level) level at most]

[Weapon Equipment: Honeycomb Missile Launcher]

[Engine configuration: particle engine, maximum speed of Mach 500, can be accelerated to Mach 400 in an instant]

[Consumption: 100,000 energy points are consumed every day, and 3,000 energy points are consumed per second after the shield is turned on]

[Grade Rating: Grade C (Stellar)]

【Anti-reconnaissance stealth device】

[Grade Rating: Grade C (Stellar)]

[Ability: Due to special reasons, it has been greatly enhanced. It is the pride of intermediate star-level civilization. It can evade any detection methods below B-level (star-level), and at the same time, it can make equipped warships invisible, unless technology surpasses Reconnaissance stealth devices, otherwise it is completely impossible to find the traces of equipped warships]

[Consumption: consumes 5000 energy points per second after opening]

After these three things have been strengthened, they have reached the C-level (star level) level.

It seems that he has become the highest-level existence under his hands.

Even the Tiebi-class frigates are obviously just defensive frigates.

But at this moment, it has become the strongest fighting force under his hands.

Although its combat effectiveness is not very good, the attack method is only a honeycomb missile launcher.

However, under the pressure of the level.

It can still crush everything below the C-level (star level).

"Shen Ling, let the Tiebi-class frigate deal with those super S-class monsters.'"5

Shen Yi ordered.

These monsters have tossed for so long, and it is almost enough.

A mad plough, an extinct creature.

In just two days, this planet actually destroyed most of them.

Shen Yi didn't want these bastards to continue living.

Give them two days, and the entire planet will be destroyed by them.

Moreover, he also counted on these super S-level monsters to give him a stellar blueprint!

Even if he really broke out, he couldn't afford it.

But this is not something that will allow him to unlock the six-type robot and upgrade the basic arms to a star level!

"Yes, Master!

Shen Ling responded.

Thirteen ships are more than 3,000 meters in size, almost only one size smaller than the air carrier, and the appearance is similar to a behemoth of a rectangular box.

Break free from the fleet next to the helicarrier.

In just a blink of an eye, he disappeared directly in place.

The speed of up to Mach 500 has far exceeded the knowledge of the earth's civilization. This speed is simply terrifying to the extreme...

Even one second is enough to make it span a distance of 170 kilometers.

And, it's just for the sake of being defensive.

Therefore, the gap between civilizations is really too huge.

Even if it is only a level gap, it is enough to complete the easy hanging.

Shen Yi stared at the background of the Tiebi-class frigate receding away, his eyes gradually deepening.

In the face of an unknown stellar civilization, it is true that we cannot relax at all...

"Shen Ling, show me the three most advanced strategic weapons that you have unlocked.

After a while, Shen Yi retracted his gaze and said.

"Okay, master!

Shen Ling responded.

The next moment, three battleships appeared in front of Shen Yi.

【Kun-class magnetic rail destroyer】

[Production requirements: 800,000 energy points, 200,000 units of iron, 150,000 units of copper, 80,000 units of psionic crystals, 30,000 units of any grade C material, 10,000 units of any grade B material, 3000 units of any grade A material]

[Performance: Maximum speed of Mach 30, maximum range of 3000 kilometers]

[Weapon and equipment: Thirty-six 500mm caliber rail main guns, 72 350mm caliber rail sub-guns and four 130mm caliber honeycomb magnetic rail close-in cannons, which can easily destroy S-class defense armor]

[Engine configuration: high-end anti-gravity engine, maximum speed of Mach 30, can be accelerated to Mach 20 in an instant]

[Consumption: 1000 energy points are consumed every day]

【Grade Rating: A+ Level】

【Kun-class weather destroyer】

[Production requirements: 800,000 energy points, 200,000 units of iron, 150,000 units of copper, 80,000 units of psionic crystals, 30,000 units of any grade C material, 10,000 units of any grade B material, 3000 units of any grade A material]

[Performance: Maximum speed of Mach 30, maximum range of 5,000 kilometers]

[Weapon equipment: Lightning storm generator, only effective in the atmosphere, can create lightning storms within 5,000 kilometers]

[Engine configuration: high-end anti-gravity engine, maximum speed of Mach 30, can be accelerated to Mach 20 in an instant]

[Consumption: 1000 energy points are consumed every day]

【Grade Rating: A+ Level】

【Peng-class laser destroyer】

[Production requirements: 5 million energy points, 800,000 units of iron, 600,000 units of copper, 450,000 units of psionic crystals, 200,000 units of any grade C material, 150,000 units of any grade B material, 30,000 units of any grade A material, 5000 units of any S grade material]

[Performance: Maximum speed of Mach 120, maximum locking distance of 30,000 kilometers]

[Weapon and equipment: 12 heavy laser main guns, 36 light laser secondary guns, 160 automatic short-range laser guns]

[Engine configuration: particle engine, maximum speed of Mach 120, can be accelerated to Mach 55 in an instant]

[Consumption: 3000 energy points are consumed every day]

[Grade Rating: S Grade]

The mid-level strategic weapon corresponds to the A+ level, while the high-level strategic weapon corresponds to the S level.

I just don't know what level they will correspond to after being strengthened.

If it was before, Shen Yi can be very sure that after the A+ level is strengthened, it should be a C level (stellar level).

But after seeing that the S-level enhancement only corresponds to the C-level (star level), he is not so sure.

Even after the S-level was strengthened, it was only upgraded to the C-level (star level).

Why should A+ be upgraded to C (stellar)?

You know, the gap between A+ grade and S grade is no smaller than the gap between B grade and A grade.

"`"However, there is no need to produce this Kun-class weather destroyer."

Shen Yi said softly.

It is impossible for him to let the other party log in to the planet.

The battlefield must be placed in outer space, otherwise the planet will be over.

More than a dozen D-level (star-level) monsters have turned the planet upside down.

If a group of D-level (stellar) and even C-level (stellar) existences are wreaking havoc, then his planet will not be needed!

"As for the Kun-class magnetic rail destroyer and the Peng-class laser destroyer, they can be used as the main combat power in the future.

The Kun-class weather destroyer is suitable for logging in and wreaking havoc on other people's territory.

A lightning storm can definitely cause huge damage to the enemy.

However, if it is a space battle, the Kun-class magnetic orbital destroyer and the Peng-class laser destroyer are very suitable.

With the Peng-class laser destroyer as the main force, snipe the enemy's advanced warships.

Then, the Kun-class magnetic track destroyer will be used for annihilation operations.

One hundred Iron Wall-class frigates will block the damage in front.

As long as the opponent does not use B-level (star-level) level force, he will absolutely not be able to do anything to him.

And, if he had more time.

Let him unlock the manufacturing method of super S-class monsters.

Even if the opponent has a B-level (star level) combat power, it will not work!

All have to be left here for him!

Thinking of this, Shen Yi felt a little more confident in his heart.

In this way, even if he faces a stellar civilization, he is not powerless to resist!

As long as the other party is not a top star-level civilization, and then directly sends a bunch of A-level (star-level) and B-level (star-level) battleships, it doesn't matter.

"Then produce 8,000 Kun-class magnetic rail destroyers and 2,000 Peng-class laser destroyers first!""

"As for the Iron Wall-class frigates, add another 900.

Shen Yi ordered.

In this way, he has 10,000 star-class battleships under his hand, and he can be more confident.

Moreover, among these 10,000 stellar-class warships, there are 3,000 ships that have reached the C-class (stellar-class) level.

Presumably the opponent's advance army, no matter how powerful.

Shouldn't be more than that!

Of course, if it weren't for the S-grade material in his hands, only 27 million, he would have produced more.

It's just, in order to leave some resources for the super S-level biological beasts that may appear.

He did not use up all these S-grade materials.

After all, the resources he has on hand can be said to be using a little less.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling said respectfully.

The next moment, the production line of the air carrier immediately started to operate with full force.

A powerful battleship is gradually taking shape.

In just three hours, a huge fleet will appear on this planet.

And at this moment, at the other end of the wormhole.

Putting on a luxurious costume, the whole person became a lot of Jessica.

He was standing respectfully, even humbly, beside a sturdy middle-aged man in an iron-gray military uniform with burn marks on half of his face.

However, there was a high-spirited attitude in his eyes.

"Jessica, do you know what's going to happen to cheating on me?"

The strong middle-aged man with burn marks glanced at Jessica with bloodthirsty eyes, and said in a low voice.

It was just an ordinary sentence, but it made Jessica feel as if she smelled a disgusting smell of blood.

This made him tremble with fright, and the whole person became a little more humble.

"Of course... how dare I lie to you! Lord Cross, I am the most loyal servant of Lord Count!

"It's just another five-hour walk to get to that natural wormhole I mentioned earlier!"

Jessica's waist (Qian Zhao Zhao) is even deeper.

Although Lord Earl has promised him the title of Viscount.

As long as he can lead the fleet to find that new star system, he will definitely become a noble viscount after returning.

However, in front of such an evil spirit whose hands were covered in blood, he still did not dare to show the slightest presumptuousness.

After all, the other party may have killed more people than he has ever seen.

"Hopefully, but if it's not like you said, there are just some D-class (stellar) level creatures, then I'll turn your head off and kick it!

"You...get it?"

Clos's big hand directly pinched Jessica's head, brought the other party to the front, and said with a grim smile.

"Ming...understand! It must be what I said, it can't be wrong!""

Jessica said with a terrified face.

In the face of the earl's private army commander, he did not dare to be presumptuous at all.

The other party controls a huge fleet consisting of 100 C-class (stellar-class) starships and 3,000 D-class (stellar-class) starships.

This kind of terrifying power, even if you look at the counts, is already very amazing.

Such a terrifying fleet can easily destroy a top planetary civilization.

Even in the face of the primary stellar civilization, it can compete with it, and even destroy the opponent.

In the face of the existence of such a master of heavy soldiers, even if he really became a viscount, he would not dare to have any presumptuousness.

"Hmph, that's fine.

Cross looked at Jessica's performance that she was almost scared to wet her pants, and couldn't help but let out a disdainful laugh.

Then, the opponent fell heavily to the ground.

"The fleet is moving at full speed according to the predetermined position! I will reach the wormhole in four... no, three hours!

Cross's eyes were full of bloodthirsty, and he ordered coldly.

He couldn't wait to hear the desperate wailing of the inhabitants of that planet.

"Yes, General!"

The soldier in charge of driving the spaceship shuddered and responded immediately.

At the same time, Cross's orders were also passed to the entire fleet.

For a time, a fleet of 3,100 battleships suddenly accelerated in this asteroid belt.

Because there are 1000 C-class (stellar-class) frigates in front of the energy shield to open the way.

This fleet simply ignored the asteroid belt that was enough to make the S-class spacecraft desperate.

Quickly fly towards the target coordinates.

This time, for this star system where there is no stellar civilization.

The earl behind Jessica directly dispatched all his private army, and even dispatched his own capable men.

It can be seen that his ambition for this star system must be won.

And three hours later, the fleet also arrived at the location where Jessica had entered the wormhole.

Looking at the majestic vortex that seemed like a miracle, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on Clos' face: "Sure enough, there is a natural wormhole! The little ones rush for me!

The smell of gunpowder coming soon made his blood boil.

He seems to have seen the picture of the other party dying in mourning!

Under his orders, this fleet of 3,110 warships also plunged into the wormhole...

After a short shuttle, a brand new starry sky appeared in front of everyone.

A scorching star radiating orange light was directly opposite the crowd.

On their left side, is a huge planet of life.

This means that the information provided by Jessica is not wrong, they really found an 'unowned' star system!

However, there was no excitement on Cross's face.

Instead, he raised his eyebrows, with a bit of haze in his eyes: "Huh? Have we been discovered?"

Because, in front of the life planet, a huge fleet appeared.

The densely packed battleships are neatly arranged outside the space.

Judging from the number, I am afraid there are about 10,000 ships, which is three times as many as them...

"It shouldn't be, General Zhuan."

"According to the data in the information database, these warships are at most the technology of planetary civilization, and it is impossible for their technology to discover us."

"The only possibility is that the spaceship that came over was discovered by the other party, so the other party is waiting for us in advance.

The adjutant looked at the data in front of him and reported it.

"A swarm of planetary ants?

There was a sinister smile on Clos's face: "Who do you think Lao Tzu is!

"Put the boat over for me! I'm going to crush them from the front!

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