Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 73: Will there be war on the opposite side? Put the battlefield in your own star system?

Although this is only the S-class (stellar-class) warship that they have initially researched.

But they can be sure that their Star Destroyer Cannon's technology, even in the S grade (star grade), is definitely the top level.

"Well, that so-called civilization doesn't have much to care about. Our primary consideration now is to continue to develop that battleship."

Emperor Chiyang did not care about the issue of this expedition at all.

He didn't think Prince Chiyang could fail this time.

How can it fail under absolute force suppression?

His attention has long been on the other side: "After I decide to deal with the opponent, I will directly tighten the defense line and fully develop technology. As long as the technology can be stabilized, those stellar civilizations that bordered us before. , and it will definitely be our Chinese meal!"5

There are seven star systems in the Chiyang Empire.

Although one is now occupied by Shen Yi.

However, after so many years of exploration, the number of natural wormholes discovered by the Chiyang Empire in its own star system is not small.

Although some just lead to empty areas that don't make any sense.

However, there are still many that lead to other stellar civilizations.

Of course, it was possible to border them without being captured.

At least they are all old-fashioned advanced stellar civilizations.

Even if the Chiyang Empire wants to deal with it, it is not so easy.

Among them, there is even an existence that has initially entered the top stellar civilization.

If it weren't for the fact that this natural wormhole appeared near the host star system, they would have suffered a lot of losses.

It's just that the main star system has a large number of troops and various defense methods, and the other party does not dare to act rashly.

However, now they have also broken through the boundaries of the top stellar civilization.

It has a Twilight-class Star Destroyer, which is not weak in the S-class (stellar class).

Obviously has the ability to counterattack the opponent.

As long as they are researching some technology, researching the shield technology above, and creating some S-class (star-level) level frigates.

Even if the other party entered the top stellar civilization one step ahead of them.

They are also confident that they will directly press each other to death.

And when they swallow the other party's technology, they will definitely be able to upgrade to the arm rotation level civilization at the fastest speed, and become the overlord of the party in one fell swoop!

"Follow your orders! Your Majesty! The old minister will make proper arrangements!

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the ministers will definitely do their best!"

"Hahaha, I will be famous for eternity by then!""

A group of senior officials smiled.

Obviously, they also thought of the picture that Emperor Chiyang thought.

It was a grand occasion to expand the territory, and even to sublimate civilization. These people will surely exist in the history of the empire forever.

Moreover, after they step into the arm rotation level civilization.

Mastering a higher level of genetic technology, life expectancy is bound to be further extended.

In any case, they all have reasons to push the Chiyang Empire into the arm-spinning civilization.

However, they will never imagine what kind of existence they have provoked.

The pride of being a veteran high-level stellar civilization.

In addition, Shen Yi hadn't taken out an S-class (stellar-class) battleship before, so they thought that Shen Yi couldn't take it out at all.

At best, it is just an advanced stellar civilization.

Therefore, now that they have stepped into the ranks of the top stellar civilization, they have not put Shen Yi in their eyes at all.

But he didn't even know, the S-class (star-class) battleship in Shen Yi's hands.

The number was far beyond what they could have imagined.

Moreover, if it wasn't for the concern of attracting the attention of the Armor-class civilization, Shen Yi could even directly manufacture a battleship comparable to the Armor-class.

And the surprise in the intelligence is also doomed to their ending...

His gaze returned to Prince Chiyang.

At this moment, Prince Chiyang is rushing towards the sixth star system with 14 fleets in high spirits.

This time, their expedition team is far from being comparable to the last time.

The number of fleets that went on expedition alone reached an astonishing 15.

In addition to the rebuilt 11 fleets.

The 4 fleets that fled back last time are still among the expedition teams at this moment.

On the one hand, it is because these fleet commanders all want to retrieve the last time.

On the other hand, today's fleet needs some seasoned veterans.

The commanders-in-chief of the newly built fleets are basically promoted by some major generals.

Not only in military rank, but also one level worse.

At the same time, the combat experience is also a lot worse.

If they can get good results this time, it will be of great help to their future promotion.

Therefore, the morale of this group of people is exceptionally strong.

Prince Chiyang sat in the virtual command room and looked at the many generals who were full of fighting spirit, and couldn't help showing a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

If nothing else, these people will become his team.

This is much better than the last time when they were basically inaccessible.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little fortunate that the other party annihilated so many of his fleets.

"Since you've done me such a big favor, I'll give you a decent death! 35

Glancing at the huge triangular battleship in the distance, Prince Chiyang showed a little pride in his eyes.

This time, he brought out 13 S-class (stellar-class) battleships, 9,000 A-class (stellar-class) battleships, 150,000 B-class (stellar-class) battleships, and 1.2 million C-class (constant-class) battleships. star) battleship.

It can be said that this time, the Chiyang Empire has already drawn out its true heritage.

If you fail, it will definitely hurt your bones.

Of course, failure is impossible!

His current 15 fleets are all super-spec configurations.

Each fleet consists of 600 A-class (stellar) ships, 10,000 B-class (stellar) ships, and 80,000 C-class (stellar) ships.

The strength of a single fleet is more than 30% stronger than before.

Plus 13 S-class (stellar-class) ships at the core.

Even some civilizations that have initially stepped into the top star level, he is confident that they will be leveled directly.

The situation he encountered last time will definitely not continue to occur!

"All soldiers, we are about to arrive in the sixth star system, please prepare for the battle, this time... be sure to let them know what blood debt is paid for!

"When they know that the power of the empire cannot be humiliated!"

Prince Chiyang excitedly published his pre-war mobilization.

"The Empire will win!"

The expressions of all the generals suddenly became solemn, and at the same time they raised their left hands.

However, both the rookie fleet commander and the veteran fleet commander are full of expectations for this battle.

After all, this was their first time working together with an S-class (stellar-class) warship.

At the same time, this is also the first time they have seen the true power of S-class (stellar-class) warships.

Although they have also had friction with that top stellar civilization before.

However, the S-class (stellar-class) battleship is already the strongest weapon of the stellar-class civilization, and the cost of driving it once is very huge.

Therefore, the other party is not sure to take them down in one fell swoop.

It has not come up with S-class (star-class) battleships.

They really don't know what kind of power the S-class (stellar-class) warships have.

However, this time they can know how powerful the S-class (star-class) battleship, known as the ultimate star-class weapon, is.

At this moment, the space city between the fourth star system and the sixth star system.

It also opened the door early in the morning, waiting for the arrival of the army.

Looking at the incomparably huge triangular warships, Gilson's old eyes narrowed slightly.

"Is this an S-class (stellar-class) battleship! It really is extraordinary! Just this size makes people feel a huge sense of oppression!

He couldn't help but exclaimed.

At least, it was the first time he had seen such a huge battleship.

The natural wormhole between the fourth and sixth star systems can already be considered large.

At the same time, it can even accommodate 50 A-class (star-class) warships passing through at the same time.

However, if it is these triangular-shaped S-class (star-class) warships, I am afraid that at most three ships will pass at the same time.

"This big guy seems to be called the Dusk-class Star Destroyer, I hope it can bring Dusk to the other side. 99

Gilson gave his blessing.

At this moment, the fleet accompanying the Chiyang Empire passed through the natural wormhole between the fourth star system and the sixth star system.

Shen Yi stayed near the natural wormhole and was in charge of observing the Dawn-class magnetic rail battleship.

It was also the first time to find the other party's trace.

Looking at the perspective projected from the Dawn-class magnetic rail battleship, his brows rose slightly: "Is it finally here! I thought how calm I was! 35

If the other party can't come again, he will fight over.

The efficiency of mining star-level resources by yourself is too slow.

Even after strengthening, the technology level is comparable to the Type 7 interstellar mining ship that has reached the B-level (star level).

It is also impossible for him to collect all these stellar resources in a short period of time.

At least he also needs years or even decades of hard work to be able to do it.

This is totally a tricky job.

Where can he make a lot of money by directly invading those stellar civilizations and destroying a fleet of the other side.

Destroying a Dyson sphere is another bloody profit.

If you directly destroy the opponent's entire civilization, the reward is unimaginable.

After enjoying this way of making quick money, Shen Yi didn't have much energy to wait slowly.

He must accumulate the background as soon as possible, and become the overlord level existence in the arm rotation level civilization in one fell swoop.

"Master, a suspected S-class (stellar) level battleship has been detected. 99

At this time, Shen Ling reminded.

In fact, even without Shen Ling's reminder, he has already seen it.

Those behemoths with a body length of nearly 300 kilometers are difficult to even notice.

"There are already S-class (star-class) battleships, no wonder they have the confidence to find their way back."

Shen Yi let out a laugh, with a hint of disdain on his face.

It's just a stellar civilization, and he is no longer in his eyes.

Speaking of which, thank each other.

If it weren't for the other party, he would never have developed so fast.

"Withdraw the fleet of the sixth star system, we are here to give each other a big gift.

Shen Yi clasped his hands together, with a hint of coldness in his eyes: "Oh, by the way, put all the outer fleets into the Dyson sphere, and only 1,000 Dawn-class magnetic rail battleships and 1,000 Warden-class frigates are left outside. "5

This time, he still intends to fish.

However, this time his appetite is relatively large, and he intends to eat all the opponent's fleet.

These also include those S-class (stellar) level warships.

However, it is obviously difficult to do this in the sixth star system.

But if it's in the host star system, it's not that much trouble.

"Yes, Master!

Shen Ling replied softly.

The next moment, the 5,000 Dawn-class magnetic orbital battleships and 1,000 Watcher-class frigates located in the sixth star system immediately moved.

Without hesitation, he gave up the favorable terrain occupied before.

Drive directly towards the natural wormhole leading to the host star system.

Staying here can't beat S-class (stellar-class) warships on the one hand.

On the other hand, there is no way to kill the opponent in one go.

"As for the 6,500 soul-level ghost battleships, just go directly to the sixth star system and give them a surprise while waiting for the other party to retreat there.

Shen Yi followed.

A-class (star) level soul-class ghost battleship.

Without using energy barriers or launching attacks.

Even the Sky Eye-class command ship, which is an S-class (stellar-class), cannot see it.

In addition, the Chiyang Empire has never seen a soul-level ghost battleship.

Therefore, Shen Yi is not worried that they will be discovered by the other party.

Moreover, sending these soul-level ghost battleships to the sixth star system is definitely more cost-effective than joining the frontal battlefield.

After all, these soul-level ghost battleships can only be regarded as assassins.

Very professional in assassinating them.

But if you want them to participate in the frontal battlefield.

Well, their fragile defenses would make them indistinguishable from cannon fodder.

But if it was sent to the sixth star system and hidden near a natural wormhole, the situation would be completely different.

Just imagine, when the other party has not fought and intends to retreat.

This time, when their limited warships passed through natural wormholes.

As a result, 6,500 A-class (stellar-class) soul-class ghost battleships were targeted, what would happen, one could naturally imagine.

Even the S-class (stellar-class) battleship will never feel better under such a blow.

There is even the possibility of being directly destroyed.

That taste will definitely make the other party sour.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

The next moment, the battleship that was originally lurking near the natural wormhole and completely integrated with the surrounding starry sky.

Suddenly, it quietly drove towards the natural wormhole.

These warships do not want to actively expose themselves.

It is no longer detectable at stellar scale.

This is definitely the most terrifying assassin, and the best scout.

However, even if one looks at the entire universe, there are very few top-level stellar civilizations that have stealth battleships with excellent performance comparable to the soul-class ghost battleships.

The technology that can overcome this level will have a high probability of stepping into the arm rotation level in the future.

"The next step is to invite Jun into the urn. I don't know if the other party will be so stupid!"

Shen Yi touched his chin and said with great interest.

However, how to get the other party to take the bait completely depends on his arrangement.

Of course, it is impossible for him to lose, and no matter how bad his operation is, it is absolutely impossible to lose.

At the level of S-class (stellar-class) warships, he and the other party are in a ratio of 10:1.

What is the opponent fighting with him?

Just showing these phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers is enough to scare the other party into a frenzy.

Moreover, he also has a Sky Eye-class command ship and a battle command-type super-brain. No matter from which level, his strength has already crushed the opponent by a distance.

At this moment, the first batch of the Chiyang Empire, the three Dusk-class Star Destroyers, had already entered the sixth star system.

The Dawn-class magnetic rail battleship 300,000 kilometers away from the natural wormhole.

Naturally, it was caught by their radar for the first time.

Although the technology level of the Dawn-class magnetic orbit battleship is comparable to the A-class (star-class) battleship.

Even among the A-class (star-class) warships, it is considered to be at the top level.

But in front of the S-class (stellar-class) battleship, the gap is revealed.

It can be said to have no power to fight back at all.

Only S-class (star-class) battleships can compete with S-class (star-class) warships.

In the case of a huge gap in the level of technology.

There is no such thing as a leapfrog battle.

Just fighting beyond the visual range is enough to make low-level warships desperate.

As the first batch to log in, Prince Chiyang also noticed the warning from the radar for the first time.

However, when he saw that there was only one A-class (stellar-class) battleship on the opposite side, he couldn't help but raise his brows, and his expression was a little happy: "Have you already known that we are here? They should be very scared now!"

It's a pity that he couldn't see the expression of the commander of the opposing fleet.

Otherwise it will be very interesting.

"Destroy the other party and let them see their own dusk come!

Prince Chiyang ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, His Royal Highness!"

Inside the battleship, a soldier responded respectfully.

The next moment, a secondary gun on the Dusk-class Star Destroyer in the center directly lit up.

After just 5 seconds of charging, a light blue beam of light blasted out.

In an instant, it crossed a distance of 300,000 kilometers and hit the Dawn-class magnetic rail battleship.


The Dawn-class magnetic orbital battleship is obviously not weak in the A-class (stellar class).

But it was torn apart instantly by this beam of light.

There is no resistance at all.

This is the horror of S-class (stellar-class) warships, A-class (star-class) warships have no qualifications to face each other head-on.

"I wonder if this power scare you?"

There was a morbid sense of refreshment in Prince Chiyang's eyes.

The previous battle had left him with too much shadow.

He was beaten abruptly and had to abandon an entire star system.

This decision to give up seven or eight billion people in an instant made him feel too much psychological pressure.

He even felt himself closing his eyes.

You can see that seven or eight billion people are asking him why they should be abandoned.

This has caused him to be in a state of torment for the past half month, unable to sleep well.

At this moment, he just wanted to smash that civilization ruthlessly and let the other party feel what cruelty is.

It was for this reason that he appeared in the first batch of three Twilight-class Star Destroyers that entered the sixth star system.

At this time, a soldier's trembling voice interrupted Prince Chiyang's fantasy: "His Royal Highness... The sixth star system has not received any life response... Our people have been slaughtered..."

Prince Chiyang was stunned for a while, then fell silent for a while.

Although he had already guessed that this would be the result, he did not expect that the other party would really act so quickly.

This is the people of a whole star system...

It's all gone!

The hatred is too great!

Even when they were at their worst, they had never had such a huge loss.

"Give me full speed ahead! Kill them all! I want them to know what the fury of the Empire is!""

Prince Chiyang almost roared out.

Maybe he didn't care about the deaths of these people, but he couldn't tolerate the dignity of the Chiyang Empire being trampled on like this.

Although they did not do this kind of extinction of civilization.

"Yes, His Royal Highness!""

"Kill! Kill! Kill!

For a time, there were bursts of shouts in the Chiyang Empire fleet.

Under the pretext of revenge, their morale became abnormally high.

At this time, the fleet of the Chiyang Empire quickly began to report information.

"Report, found traces of the enemy, the other side is quickly withdrawing from the sixth star system!""

"The report found that the other party has 6,000 A-class (star-class) battleships!

"Report, no enemy ambush was found! The opponent is suspected of retreating across the board! 39

A piece of information was reported continuously.

Prince Chiyang and the commanders-in-chief of the fleet couldn't help showing smiles on their faces.

"They're scared! Let His Highness catch up at full speed!"

"I want their entire civilization to pay for the dead people of the sixth star system!

Prince Chiyang shouted loudly, and the voice instantly spread throughout the entire fleet.

At this moment, this huge fleet also began to move at full speed.

Although the distance between the two sides is not particularly close.

But it is expected that in ten hours, they will be able to reach the natural wormhole entrance to the enemy's star system.

On the other side, Shen Yi also clearly captured the movement of the other party through the soul-class ghost battleship lurking in the sixth star system.

Watching the other party enter the fleet that was advancing at full speed, he raised his brows and evoked a sneer: "It should be provoked, after all, I slaughtered the population of their entire star system.

He does not have any psychological burden for the death of seven or eighty billion people under his hands.

The struggle between civilizations is itself so cruel.

Either slave or kill.

There is simply no second way.

If there is, either the level of one party is too high, or the strength of the two parties is very close.

But obviously, the two of them now do not belong to this category.

At least, in the eyes of both of them, the other party does not belong to the column that can make them suffer.

Naturally, battles with the aim of exterminating each other will break out.

"According to the current situation, the probability of the other party's rage is 83.27%, but the other party's top management is probably not all angry enough to lose reason."5

"They should just simply trust their S-class (stellar-class) warships."

Shen Ling gave an analysis.

"No matter what, the other party has always taken the bait. After the other party has completely entered the main star system, we will start."

"In the past, passive defense was enough.

Shen Yi shrugged nonchalantly.

No matter what kind of mentality the other party holds, he doesn't care at all.

All he wants is results.

And the result he wants is to keep the other party as much as possible, preferably eat them all.

The scale of this wave of opponents is even larger than the last time.

After eating this huge wave of resources, he can also start plotting other star systems in the Chiyang Empire.

After all, judging from the data he parsed.

The other party has seven star systems.

Now winning the sixth star system, it is only to win the opponent's last star system.

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling respectfully responded.

Then, the fleet that returned to the main star system also returned to the vicinity of the Dyson Sphere in an instant.

However, not all of these battleships have returned this time.

Instead, it is woven together with 3,000 Dawn-class magnetic orbital battleships and 1,000 Warden-class frigates parked outside the Dyson Sphere.

Formed a large-scale and high-quality fleet.

After all, this is a fleet composed entirely of A-class (stellar-class) battleships.

The number of A-class (star-class) warships on the bright side has reached 10,000.

And the fleet hidden in the Dyson sphere is even more terrifying.

There are also a full 7,000 Dawn-class magnetic orbital battleships, 2,000 Watcher-class frigates, and 130 Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers.

In addition, there are 6,500 soul-class ghost battleships hidden in the sixth star system, ready to cut off the back road of the Chiyang Empire.

It can be said that Shen Yi's side is far inferior to the Chiyang Empire in terms of numbers.

But in terms of quality, even if the two Chiyang Empires were tied together, they were far inferior to Shen Yi.

And, in this battle between civilizations.

Quantity is often only useful if the level of technology is equal.

And if the top combat power is too poor, then the number is meaningless at all.

An A-class (star-class) warship can be killed in a group of B-class (star-class) warships.

And if it is replaced by an S-class (star-class) battleship.

Killing these warships that have not yet reached the S-level (star level) is not much more difficult than cutting leeks.

When the Chiyang Empire chose to go out, it was actually doomed to their failure.

However, the risk of war between civilizations is so great.

This is why, Shen Yi is very careful to suppress his own improvement.

He is not ready to face the upper-arm spin-level civilization.

He would never take a risky move easily until he knew the opponent's strength.

Ten hours later, the Chiyang Empire also came to the outside of the natural wormhole leading to the star system where Shen Yi was located.

Looking at this natural wormhole that is not very big.

A trace of disdain appeared on Prince Chiyang's face: "I don't even do symbolic defense, is this trying to pull the battlefield to my own star system! What a stupid decision! 35

"Or do you think you have what it takes to stop an S-class (stellar-class) battleship?'

The other party came to such a hand, which really surprised him.

After all, there should be no civilization that would introduce the battlefield to its own territory.

A battle of this scale would definitely cause a devastating blow to one's own territory.

Unless the other party has something to counter them.

S-class (stellar-class) battleship?

Prince Chiyang laughed disdainfully.

If the other party really has it, why not take it out now?

Have to wait until you transfer the battlefield to your own territory?

Is it true that the S-class (stellar-class) battleship is known as the strongest weapon of the star-class?

If it's not an S-class (stellar-class) battleship, can it still be an S-class (stellar-class) Dyson sphere?

That's even more impossible!

The technical content of the S-class (stellar-class) Dyson sphere is much higher than that of the S-class (stellar-class) battleship!

If the opponent really has an S-class (stellar) Dyson sphere.

Well, it's impossible not to have the technology to make S-class (stellar-class) battleships.

However, although he did not know what the opponent's hole card was.

However, none of this matters.

In front of 13 S-class (stellar) level Twilight-class Star Destroyers, all intrigues are rubbish!

Of course, Prince Chiyang wasn't so stupid that he knew there was a trap, but he really stepped into it.

"Leave two-thirds of the fleet, led by seven Twilight-class Star Destroyers, and pass the remaining one-third together!"

Prince Chiyang ordered.

Even if the other party really has any means, one-third of the fleet lost to him is still a loss.

Moreover, there are a full seven S-class (stellar-class) Dusk-class Star Destroyers.

He also didn't think that the other party could keep all the third of the fleet.

Even, he did not think that the other party had the ability to fight against this third of the fleet.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The five fleets drove directly out of the main force, heading towards the natural wormhole in a mighty manner.

However, because the entrance to the natural wormhole is not large.

Therefore, only one Dusk-class Star Destroyer can pass through at one time.

However, Prince Chiyang is not too worried.

Because, the Dusk-class Star Destroyer is the pinnacle of combat power of the stellar-class civilization.

Whether in attack, defense or speed, it can be called the top level.

At least in a short period of time, even a battleship of the same level would not be able to easily penetrate its defenses.

And it only takes more than ten seconds at most, other S-class (star-class) battleships can support.

So, he wasn't worried about what would go wrong.

Soon, the first Dusk-class Star Destroyer, after propping up a layer of orange-yellow barrier, drove directly into the natural wormhole.

Even if you don't think there will be something on the opposite side, it can threaten the Dusk-class Star Destroyer.

Prince Chiyang and the commander-in-chief of the entire fleet were still sweating.

Especially the veteran fleet commander who experienced the war last time.

They even stared at the communicator, waiting for the reply from the other side.

In such a close proximity, they can receive information through natural wormholes.

"Report, found an enemy star system... We are under attack! The source of the attack seems to be A-class (star-level) star destroyer... The number is about 1,000, which is within the acceptable range..."

"Found the enemy fleet... Good guy, is it really all A-level (star level)? Hiss... The other party has 10,000 ships, right? 35

"No S-class (stellar-class) warships have been found, and it seems a bit strange that the Dyson sphere does not pass the other party's 880!

"Ask for support... Our firepower is far inferior to the other side! There is a high probability of casualties.

Messages kept coming from the opposite side of the natural wormhole.

However, the information contained in it made Prince Chiyang and the commander-in-chief of the fleet greatly relieved.

"It turns out that there really isn't any, it's just a relatively powerful advanced stellar civilization!"

A trace of disdain appeared on Prince Chiyang's face.

Although the opponent's full A-level (star-level) fleet is indeed a bit exaggerated.

But, how can this be!

In front of the S-class (star-class) battleship, in front of the fleet of the Chiyang Empire!

The other party is just a bigger ant.

"However, the opponent's fleet should not be underestimated. In the past five fleets, the remaining five fleets and three Dusk-class Star Destroyers stayed here!"

Prince Chiyang calmly ordered.

Although he also wanted to send all the brains of the fleet.

However, he must be responsible for himself and the soldiers of the Chiyang Empire.

If they fail to defend the natural wormhole of the sixth star system, it means that they will lose their way of retreat.

Take the size of the natural wormhole here.

The other party doesn't even need too many fleets to block them.

If something really happened, they might not be able to run away.

Although the probability of this happening is very small.

However, 10 Twilight-class Star Destroyers and ten fleets must be enough to wipe out all the opponents...

Thinking of this possibility, Prince Chiyang's mood became extremely happy.

It seems that he can't wait to see the battlefield over there.

Unfortunately, the entrance to this natural wormhole is too small.

Although he is the second batch to enter.

But it also takes a lot of time to get his turn.

At this moment, Shen Yi's side has officially fought with the fleet of the Chiyang Empire.

No...or should I say unilaterally beaten.

Just after passing through the natural wormhole, these Dusk-class Star Destroyers launched an attack immediately.

One after another terrifying beams of light ripped apart the sky and shot towards the fleet on Shen Yi's side.

Although 2,000 Watcher-class frigates supported the energy shield in the first time.

However, under the fire of the Star Destroyer Cannon, it still became shaky.

The gap in technology is good enough to allow the Watcher-class frigate to block the opponent's attack.

"So it's so strong! It seems that I underestimated the attack of the S-class (star-class) battleship!"

Shen Yi sighed.

Then he said: "Shen Ling, transfer the fleet back, and then open 500 torch energy barrier arrays to block their attacks directly.

The three S-class (stellar-class) warships are a great threat to these warships under his command.

Although 2,000 Watcher-class frigates can indeed block the opponent's attack.

But if the opponent's firepower is more fierce.

There may be casualties on his side.

These were unnecessary casualties, and he didn't need to take such a risk.

The purpose of the other party's trip is definitely not for a few battleships, but to destroy his civilization.

Therefore, compared to these warships, Dyson Sphere is the target they most want to capture.

Shen Yi didn't need to use the battleship as bait.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling immediately controlled the fleet to retreat.

These fleets themselves are not far from Dyson Spheres.

It doesn't take much time to go back now.

At the same time, on the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere, some buildings that looked like torches also shot blue beams of light into the space in an instant.

There are exactly one hundred of these blue beams.

After shooting 500,000 kilometers from a Dyson sphere.

In an instant, it exploded in all directions, forming a honeycomb-shaped energy barrier.

At this moment, even if the status quo is maintained, they need to consume a full 15 million energy points per hour.

And if it is attacked, the energy consumption per hour will be as high as 25 million points, which is definitely a big money burner.

However, now after owning the Dyson Sphere.

Shen Yi didn't care about the energy consumption at all.

After all, the energy generated by the Dyson sphere every day is as high as 3 trillion.

The moment the Torch Energy Barrier Array opened, the three Twilight-class Star Destroyers in the distance obviously noticed the situation here.

A trace of disdain appeared on their faces.

"The mere layer of energy barrier also wants to block our attack, which is too despising for us!

A Dusk-class Star Destroyer captain laughed, and then ordered: "Since they think their turtle shells are useful, then break their extravagant hopes! The main guns are charged with maximum power! Smash it for me!

Although he knows that some energy barriers can be superimposed on each other.

Even, after stacking, it can resist higher-level attacks.

But, so what?

The opponent's energy shield always has an upper limit, and their Dusk-class Star Destroyer can crush the existence of stars!

"Yes, Captain!"

The soldier in charge of controlling the weapon system immediately responded respectfully.

The next moment, the triangular tip muzzle of the Dusk-class Star Destroyer suddenly flashed with blue rays of light.

At the same time, a stream of blue streamers also flashed on the sides of the triangle, converging into the tip of the muzzle.

Every time the energy is injected, the flashing light of the muzzle becomes more dazzling.

Even if you just observe it with the naked eye, you can feel a huge sense of oppression.

The other two Twilight-class Star Destroyers obviously made the same decision.

The three main guns were simultaneously charged with maximum power.

In just a few seconds, the three Dusk-class Star Destroyers seemed to have turned into three shining blue suns.


Even if sound cannot be transmitted in space.

However, everyone who saw this scene seemed to hear the huge roar in their hearts.

Because, when this beam of light was emitted, the void seemed to have traces of distortion.

At this moment, if there is a class A (star class) battleship located near the main gun laser.

Then, they will definitely be vaporized directly in an instant.

Attacks of this level may be slightly exaggerated with dimensionality reduction.

However, it's basically the same!

The three Dusk-class Star Destroyer captains seemed to have seen the scene where the opponent's energy shield was easily torn apart...

"This attack, but even the Dyson sphere of the main star system of the Chiyang Empire can't resist it!

A Dusk-class Star Destroyer captain murmured in a low voice.

His eyes were full of confidence in victory.

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