"In terms of pricing..."

Shen Yi thought for a while and then gave his price.

[Sales: Type 1 Battle Robot X1]

【Seller: Shen Yi】

[Item Rating: Grade C]

[Seller requirements: 5000 units of iron, 3000 units of copper and 500 units of psionic crystals, and there are special types of blueprints for private chat]


That's right, Shen Yi's price is so exaggerated!

5,000 units of iron, 3,000 units of copper, and 500 units of psionic crystals, or some blueprints that would catch his attention.

Although these resources are definitely not worth mentioning for C-class robots.

Even if the resources are increased tenfold, the two sides are not equal.

For Shen Yi, however, things were quite different.

He can directly rely on these resources to give himself a wave of blood changes and upgrade all technologies to a level.

Coupled with a wave of strengthening of the hundredfold strengthening system...

I believe as long as you don't encounter those top planetary civilizations.

He can walk sideways on this planet directly.

Even the top powers on the earth will definitely not be able to help him!

Of course, the most important thing is that this is the limit that he has estimated that these players can currently bear.

If there is more, he is afraid that he will have to wait for several days.

He doesn't have that much time to waste.

After putting the item on the trading line, Shen Yi directly spent 500 energy to advertise on all channels.

And at the moment when he chose to hang out the advertisement.

I saw a chat box shining with golden light on the top of all the channels on the side, appearing at the top of all the channels.

That dazzling golden light can definitely instantly attract everyone's attention.

Shen Yi's eyes were a little weird: "Isn't this what those live broadcast platforms do?"

Unexpectedly, this technology soaring game has also been learned.

However, he also had to admit that although this method was crude, it was very effective.

At least, people who look at the entire chat column will definitely be attracted.

After slowing down the refresh rate of the chat bar, Shen Yi also looked at the chat bar.

"Damn it, is there really a big guy who spends 500 energy points to advertise? I'll point to so many energy points!"

"Nima's! You just pay attention to energy! Look at what the boss is up to! It's actually a C-class type-one combat robot!"

"My Nima! Looking at the E-class Type-1 combat robot beside me, I went straight up and kicked both of my feet. Brothers, did I do the right thing!"

"But this price is too expensive. 5,000 units of iron, 3,000 units of copper, and 500 units of psionic crystals. Who can afford this? The blueprints are a little hopeful, right?"

"Wori, do you still think it's expensive? This is C-class! This Nima is directly targeting small-yield tactical nuclear bombs! The boss is obviously selling at a low price to help us! Although I still can't afford it. .."

"This person named Shen Yi must have mastered some kind of special technology. Otherwise, why is he also a fighting robot, and he is a C-class? I suggest that he hand over this technology for the benefit of all mankind!"

"Sabi upstairs doesn't have a brain when he goes out? Why should he hand over the technology he has mastered? So much moral kidnapping?"


He glanced at the player's reaction roughly.

There is shock, there is funny, and there is moral kidnapping.

None of this was beyond Shen Yi's expectations.

The only thing that surprised him was that some people thought he was a good person and helped players by selling at a low price.

And, that's what most people think.

"It seems that after the player's situation improves, increasing the price as appropriate will not cause the market to rebound!"

Shen Yi couldn't help sighing.

What a bunch of good leeks!

He wants to give a thumbs up to these lovely players!

Moreover, his C-level Type 1 combat robot, and D-level Type 1 operation robot and Type 1 reconnaissance robot will definitely have a long market.

For ordinary players... no, even for those European Emperor players.

C-level technology is definitely not that easy to get hold of.

First of all, you have to have the blueprint to make a C-class robot, and secondly, you have to have enough resources to build it.

if both conditions are met.

Then comes the most important part!

The primary machinery factory can only build primary robots of two levels, E and F.

Only intermediate machinery factories can build intermediate robots of three levels: D, C, and B...

So, light relies on these three robots.

Shen Yi is enough to pick up a lot of wool in the early game.

And his contribution is only less than 25 points of energy.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

A large number of private messages poured in instantly.

His private message suddenly became 999+.

And, that number is growing wildly in the millions per second...

Seeing this growth, Shen Yi's scalp felt numb.

As expected of an entire channel advertisement that cost 500 energy, the price is so worth it!

Fortunately, the processor at the base is powerful enough.

If the computers on Earth were impacted by such a large torrent of data, they would be able to open a barbecue stall on the spot.

However, with so much news, Shen Yi naturally couldn't read them one by one.

And he also knew that there must be a lot of people here who want to come over to kneel, lick, and hug their thighs.

Even, there are many people who want to get the production method of the C-class Type-1 combat robot from him.

Therefore, he directly turned on the keyword blocking of the chat function.

He blocked all keywords such as "help", "give" and "how to make" that he felt might be problematic.

Sure enough, as soon as these keywords were blocked, most of the private messages disappeared instantly.

However, there are still tens of millions, and they are still skyrocketing.

After all, there are still quite a few people who have a B number in their hearts.

"Forget it, we are blocking people from other countries, leaving only the people of Xia."

It is always better to be cheaper for people from your own country than for foreigners.

When the domestic wool is finished and the leeks in foreign countries are fattened, it will not be too late to harvest.

Shen Yi set the block again.

The number of private chats plummeted again, leaving just over a million.

Still too much.

"Then let's be precise!"

Shen Yi narrowed the scope again to his own province.

There are really too many people with trading intentions, and he has completely willful capital.

This time, there are tens of thousands left, still so many that his scalp tingles.

"This is too troublesome. If there is something similar to a brain, it would be great to help me deal with these things!"

Shen Yi frowned slightly, it seems that he needs to pay attention to the drawings in this area in the future.

Even the most basic artificial intelligence will do.

There is a hundred times stronger system, even for artificial mental retardation like Siri and Xiao Ai.

It will definitely be strengthened to a very terrifying level.

Otherwise, it would be exhausting to choose a suitable trading partner.

Celebrating the 7-day National Day holiday and reading books! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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