This news made everyone in the Frost Demon Civilization feel a little desperate at this moment.

A full 15 times their S-class (stellar-class) warships, this number is too desperate.

As for those 900 S-class (star-class) star destroyers...

Don't be funny, that thing is just for suppressing starfighters.

They hadn't thought about what this thing could do to a starship from the start.

The power of these S-class (star-class) star destroyers is not bad though.

But that can't be compared with S-class (star-class) battleships!

Adding 900 doors together, the firepower is probably only equivalent to 30 S-class (stellar-class) star destroyers.

But even adding 30 S-class (stellar-class) star destroyers, can it change the current situation?

That's 4.4 million S-class (stellar-class) starfighters, which is more than the number of B-class (stellar-class) warships on their side.

However, the combat power between the two is vastly different.

S-class (stellar-class) interstellar fighters can easily solve A-class (star-class) warships, even if it is a huge threat to S-class (star-class) warships.

And the B-class (star-class) battleship is placed on the battlefield of this specification, that is, a slightly larger cannon fodder.

Facing such a terrifying army, they have no chance of winning at all.

And at this moment, the counterattack from Shen Yi's fleet has also arrived.

The top 120 Dawning-class frigates launched Dawning Shock immediately after all the battleships were in place.

Rush straight ahead.

In the dark night sky, they were like a golden blade, slashing heavily towards the fleet of Frost Demon Civilization.

Although the fleet of Frost Demon Civilization has maintained a sufficient distance.

But, what is the use of this?

Dawn Shock does not have the problem of limited distance...

Moreover, the plan between the frost demon civilization is only to face 30 dawn-class frigates.

And in the face of 120 Dawn-class frigates at the S-class (stellar-class) level...they took their heads to block them?

Not to mention 900 S-class (star-class) star destroyers plus 10 fleets.

Even if this number is doubled, facing 120 Dawning-class frigates, they have absolutely nothing to do.


This time, because there is no need to worry about protecting the battleships in the rear.

The Dawn-class frigate rushes very deep.

Under the full impact of the Dawn Impact they launched, it could even be comparable to a D-level (arm-swirl-level) attack.

How could it just smash an S-class (stellar-class) frigate and stop, it would be too underestimated.

If not under the control of the Sky Eye-class command ship.

These Dawning-class frigates could easily pierce the fleet of Frost Demon Civilization last time.

Just like now...

120 Dawning-class frigates turned into golden light blades, without any scruples.

Directly cut through the battleship group surrounded by the frost demon civilization.

At least 30 S-class (stellar-class) battleships were affected and destroyed in an instant.

As for the warships below the S class (star class), there are countless casualties.

If it weren't for the Frost Demon Civilization, in order to maximize the attack, the fleet was scattered.

This wave can at least directly take away one-tenth of the opponent's warships...

Don't underestimate this number, Frost Demon Civilization has a total of ten fleets.

A wave of attacks directly destroyed a fleet.

Such a terrifying attack is simply unimaginable for a star-level civilization.

At least, at this moment, all the top officials of the Frost Demon civilization, as well as those Frost Demon warriors who have killed countless people, were deeply shocked.

Behind the golden streamer blade, there are still battleships constantly bursting.

The firelight bloomed briefly in the universe, and then disappeared because of the loss of oxygen, short and bright.

But what it represents is the fall of a battleship.

Even the commander-in-chief of the fleet who has slaughtered several civilizations has a feeling of numbness at the moment.

What kind of monster civilization are they facing!

Can the old top stellar civilization really be so outrageous?

They feel that they may be a fake "897" top stellar civilization...

"Hurry up and ask your Majesty for help, this is not an opponent we can deal with! 99

A fleet commander exclaimed in surprise.

His voice became extremely shrill because of panic.

This was the first time in his life that he had been so rude.

But at the moment he didn't care about that at all.

Because, his heart has been shrouded in deep fear.

The abilities displayed by these strange frigates seem to be enough to destroy them all.

It only takes a few more rounds of this light-blade-like brutal attack.

How could they possibly resist!

In front of each other, they are just as embarrassed as clowns!

They even have serious doubts now that they can hold out until support arrives...

At this moment, in the main star of the Frost Demon civilization.

The Frost Demon King also received a call for help from the front.

However, the information that came from it made him feel a little unbelievable.

"1500 S-class (stellar-class) warships? And 300 of them are interstellar aircraft carriers... What a terrible power, is this really a stellar-class civilization? 99

The Frost Demon King frowned and fell into deep thought.

For some reason, he suddenly had an ominous feeling.

Let's not talk about the strength of the other side.

The combat power displayed by the other party does not seem to be possessed by a stellar civilization.

Although it is also an S-class (stellar-class) battleship.

But you have seen that the S-class (frigate) of that top stellar civilization is more powerful than his mother's capital ship.

Just relying on the collision, it directly collided with the entire fleet?

And, if not the distribution of battleships is somewhat scattered.

He estimated that the other side's results would be even more terrifying.

Although it is said that this power is far less than the power exerted by the Frost Demon King.

But the problem is, the other party is not an arm-spin-class battleship!

This is simply a group of S-class (stellar-class) battleships!

But the effect they exerted has gone beyond the stellar level...

This gave him the feeling that it was a gadget made by the arm-spinning civilization.

Moreover, after compressing the size of the battleship, the power has become greater.

This undoubtedly proves that the other party is not simple.

"Is it really an arm rotation-level civilization..."

The Frost Demon King frowned deeply.

As a civilization master that has developed for hundreds of years in the ranks of top stellar civilizations.

He still has a certain understanding of the current situation of the arm rotation.

Although it is said that in the second smallest cantilever of the Horton River System where they are located, the former arm-level civilization has long been destroyed.

There is no new arm-spinning civilization today.

But this does not mean that there is no arm-spinning civilization around to peep at this site.

Perhaps those intermediate-level arm-spin civilizations that occupy the four big arm spins do not despise the second small arm spin.

But the problem is, the primary arm-spin-level civilization with the other two forearms twisted will definitely be moved here!

At the beginning, it was the war launched by these two primary arm-spinning civilizations.

Destroyed the primary arm-spin civilization of the second arm.

If it weren't for the uneven interests in the later stage, which led to a big fight between the two sides, no one would end well in the end.

I am afraid that the second arm has already changed hands.

However, what is certain is that the two primary arm rotation-level civilizations are still staring at the second arm rotation.

Now, the other party is very likely to not want to see the emergence of a new arm-spinning civilization.

Therefore, a fleet was specially sent to target him...

"If it is really an arm-spinning civilization, what should we do?"

Frost Demon King's face couldn't help showing a trace of sadness.

That's arm-spinning civilization!

A terrifying existence with a fleet of Armor-class battleships.

He has only repaired the wreckage of an arm-spin-class battleship now.

And the strength is not as good as 1% of the peak, so why take the head to fight the opponent?

Now maybe the opponent is just holding some S-class (stellar-class) warships to hit him.

God knows that after the opponent finds out that they can't fight.

Will he take out a bunch of arm-spin-level warships with his backhand?

Although the arm-spin-class battleship he repaired was probably a C-class (arm-spin-class) battleship.

But the problem is, there are also other warships of this level!

It is even very likely that this battleship was scrapped by these two arm-spinning civilizations in the first place.

Just for some reason.

So the battleship was preserved.

"No, you mustn't give up before things are confirmed! If it's a big deal, I'll just drive this arm-spin-class battleship! 39

Frost Demon King's eyes showed a trace of cruelty.

At that time, if the other party is really the two primary arm rotation level civilizations.

He directly took a group of the most elite Frost Demon Warriors and Frost Demon Scholars and drove away in the arm-spin battleship.

Anyway, as long as there is this arm-spin-class battleship.

Their frost demon civilization will definitely have a high probability of stepping into the ranks of arm-spinning civilization in the future.

At that time, it was not too late for them to turn back and revive the Frost Demon civilization!

"Pass my order to summon all the most elite frost demon warriors and top scholars, and then bring all the cherished materials and sufficient reserves of the frost demon civilization, and we are ready to board the ship!"

The Frost Demon King clenched his teeth fiercely and ordered in a deep voice.

He didn't think that if he really lost, the other party would give him time to prepare.

Therefore, he must be prepared in advance to run away at any time.

He bet that the other party would never send the strongest C-class (arm-spinning) warships.

And as long as the opponent is not a C-class (arm-spinning) battleship dispatched.

He believed that with the current ability of the Frost Demon, there must be a way to escape!

On the other hand, the battlefield of Frost Demon Civilization has completely collapsed.

Faced with a top-level fleet that is 15 times their number.

Frost Demon Civilization has no resistance at all.

Before the interstellar fighters in the interstellar aircraft carrier took off, the space city used to guard against the interstellar fighters was directly smashed by the dawn-class frigate.

Facing the charge of the second batch of 120 Dawn-class frigates.

Frost Demon Civilization really has nothing to do.

Unless the Frost Demon Civilization is now five times the size of Shen Yi's fleet of S-class (stellar-class) battleships.

Otherwise, it is impossible to resist the charge of the dawn-class frigate.

And this is where Shen Yi's warships perverted.

In itself, it has formed a situation of crushing.

At this moment, with the addition of various special characteristics, the degree of difficulty has skyrocketed.

Of course, there is also a hundred times the credit for strengthening the system.

If it is a normal Dawning-class frigate, their Dawning Charge is definitely not so strong.

However, the 100-fold enhancement system strengthens all the abilities that can be enhanced.

Therefore, Dawning Charge will become so perverted.

Even S-class (stellar-class) battleships can't stop the effect of this dawn charge.

If it is a normal situation, even if the dawn-class frigate has reached the S-class (stellar-class) level.

However, it is good that they can smash the enemy's energy barrier.

It is impossible to directly destroy the hull of the S-class (stellar-class) battleship.

And when some potential threats were resolved and the overwhelming space fighters took off, the frost demon civilization fell into a desperate situation.

The number of these starfighters is simply too many.

Not even less than their mid-tier ships.

How can they fight this?

Moreover, starfighters actually have energy barriers.

Although the effect may not be particularly strong, it is far from comparable to the S-class (stellar-class) warships of the same level.

But the problem is that it is also S-class (stellar) level!

It is a dream to rely on low-level warships to deal with S-class (stellar-class) space battleships!

Moreover, even A-class (stellar-class) warships are difficult to threaten S-class (stellar-class) starfighters.

Unless it's an S-class (stellar-class) starfighter, it's pretty much besieged by a group of A-class (stellar-class) warships.

But at this moment, the sky is covered with interstellar fighters, and it is not realistic to want to focus fire.

If it weren't for the Frost Demon Civilization, it grew up in the slaughter since childhood.

Killing has basically become their instinct, and even in panic, they can still fight back.

I am afraid that the other party has already given up resistance at this moment.

There is no way to fight this battle!

This suffocating sense of oppression is like a group of ants facing a fire-breathing dragon.

The opponent only needs a dragon breath to bring them huge damage.

But in just ten minutes, a full ten Frost Demon civilization fleets, plus a heavily defended space city.

All that have been destroyed are scattered, and only a few scattered battleships are left to survive.

However, they were stared at by the star fighters and had no chance of escaping at all.

If it weren't for the battle lines being drawn too far.

I'm afraid this battle is already over.

It doesn't take ten minutes at all.

"Is it over!"

Shen Yi, who had been following this battle the whole time, also withdrew his gaze at this moment.

It has to be said that although Frost Demon Civilization is extremely fragile and powerless in the face of him.

But the blood of the other party is indeed worthy of recognition.

Even in such a desperate situation, he was still able to fight back desperately.

This deserves his respect and affirmation.

Therefore, he will go all out to completely exterminate the other party.

"Shen Ling, first withdraw all the remaining fleets, and do our best to destroy the frost demon civilization."

Shen Yi said in a deep voice.

Those other civilizations, to be honest, are not a big threat to him.

You can get it anytime you want.

But this frost demon civilization, he does not want to stay, this is the greatest respect he gives his opponent.

"Huh? But there are many star systems that have been taken down..."

Shen Ling did not understand.

After all, she didn't think that the Frost Demon Civilization would have any resistance after the fleet was completely removed.

"It doesn't matter, those star systems can't escape if they are placed there, Frost Demon Civilization is a very powerful opponent, of course, we must give them some respect.

Shen Yi looked at the picture in front of him, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

Compared with the previous Chiyang Empire, the Frost Demon civilization obviously made him more serious.

Although there are technical differences between the two.

But he wasn't that strong before.

It can only be said that the temperaments of the two civilizations are different, and the way they treat them is also different.

This kind of civilization that can still choose to fight back in a desperate situation, Shen Yi didn't want to give them the slightest chance.

God knows if the other party will have a bad luck, encounter a wave of adventures, and the level of technology will skyrocket?

It was impossible for Shen Yi to let himself take the risk anyway.

Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, he will not tolerate it.

"Yes, Master!"

After Shen Yi's reminder, Shen Ling obviously also thought of this question.

The fleet that was attacking the major star systems was immediately ordered to withdraw at the same time.

The one left behind is ready to be wiped out.

Even the face of civilization that has fallen into despair is stunned.

And just when one person and one intelligence just finished all this.

A piercing alarm sounded suddenly.

"Ultra-high energy strike detected! Incoming ultra-high energy strike detected!

Shen Yi's heart suddenly froze, this was the first time he had encountered such an alarm.

Is there an arm-spinning civilization who found him and will sanction him?

But he soon discovered that the alarm did not seem to come from the base.

It's... the Sky Eye-class command ship on the other side of the screen!

"Master, it is detected that the Tianyan-class command ship has scanned a level at the arm-spinning level and the strike is about to arrive, and the countdown of the strike is 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds..."

Shen Yi's brows twitched: "An arm-spin-level attack?

This made him a little surprised.

How did he provoke the civilization of the arm rotation level.

He didn't show anything more than a stellar civilization, did he!

Could it be that the Dawning Charge of the Dawning-class frigates caused the fear of those Arm-spinning-class civilizations?

Don't be so exaggerated!

Countless thoughts flashed through Shen Yi's mind.

However, although Shen Yi was distracted on this side, he didn't need to direct him on the other side.

The battle command-type ultra-brain was the first to perceive the arrival of the attack than Shen Ling.

The reaction started immediately.

The 360 ​​Dawning-class frigates quickly shrunk.

It's a pity that the response time of only five seconds is a little too fast, although the formations of those battleships are still quite compact.

But there were some deep space fighters that were chasing, but they didn't come back in time.

In this case, the battle-commanding super-brain can only keep them as far away as possible.

However, the energy fluctuation of the arm-spin-level attack in the distance is extremely terrifying.

Obviously not a small attack.

The chances of these starfighters being able to escape are very small.

And Shen Yi was also on the screen at the moment, and saw the attack from the arm-spin level.

It was a thick, blood-colored beam of light.

In the process of flying, it almost dyed the dark universe into a scarlet.

Just looking at it, you can feel the suffocating breath.

"As expected of an arm-spin-level attack...'

Shen Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered.

In fact, the appearance of the arm-spinning civilization is not a bad thing for him.

As long as it doesn't appear directly in front of him, it doesn't matter to him.

He is not a battleship that is incapable of dealing with the arm-spin level.

Apocalypse-level Dyson spheres at the C-level (arm-spin level) level are also capable of blasting out the terrifying C-level (arm-spin level) level attacks.

Moreover, because it is the main cannon of stellar energy.

The range will also be unusually thick, even more terrifying than the muzzle of the Death Star Fortress.

Although the destruction level is still C-level (arm rotation level).

But the killing range will be extremely terrifying.

It's really urgent, even if it is a primary arm rotation level civilization, he is sure to do it all at once.

And once he mastered the information of other arm-spin-level civilizations, then he would have nothing to be afraid of.

Now it is only because of the unknown, so he will be afraid.

And at this moment, that sturdy, blood-colored beam of light finally crossed the distance of unknown number of kilometers and flew down.

Passing all the S-class (stellar-class) starfighters on the way, there is no resistance at all.

It exploded in this blood-colored beam of light in an instant.

There is no chance of resistance at all.

This is the arm-spin-level attack, even if it is a powerful S-class (star-class) battleship.

In the face of this level of attack, they are all vulnerable.


The blood-colored beam of light heavily bombarded the golden energy barrier composed of the Dawn-class frigate.

The terrifying attack instantly caused ripples in the energy barrier composed of 360 Dawning-class frigates.

Moreover, the light of this energy barrier quickly dimmed.

This is the first time that this kind of situation has occurred in the dawn-class frigate after so many wars...

In the past, even in the face of the bombardment of the Chiyang Empire or the Frost Demon civilization fleet.

They never made any waves.

If it weren't for the black technology-like characteristics of these Dawn-class frigates.

I'm afraid this golden energy barrier can't be said to resist.

Even at the moment of contact, it will explode on the spot.

"Is it blocked?"

Shen Yi frowned slightly, he didn't think that the arm-spin-level attack was nothing more than that.

Although the energy barrier of 360 Dawning-class frigates is staggering.

But it doesn't seem to be strong enough to easily block such a huge arm-spin-level attack...

Sure enough, at the next moment, this blood-colored beam of light exploded.

In an instant, a blood-colored sun rose slowly in the starry sky.

Silent but shocking.

Even across the screen, Shen Yi still felt a chill go straight to the top of his head.

A star-level attack is exaggerated enough.

S-class (stellar) level attacks can even shatter the moon in one hit.

And at this moment, compared with this arm-spin-level attack, it was only the gap between Xingchen and Haoyue.

"Master, the level of this attack is very close to the C-level (arm rotation level), but according to the analysis of the energy level, it should be the bombardment of the main gun level."5

Shen Ling's slightly solemn voice sounded in Shen Yi's ear.

Obviously, she was also shocked by this attack.

Although Shen Yi has even stronger attack methods.

But after all, I have never used it, and it is completely different from seeing it with my own eyes.

"Oh? Haven't reached the C-class (armspin class) yet?"

Shen Yi's heart skipped a beat, because the opponent only had D rank (arm rotation rank), or because the opponent didn't make a full effort?

If it is the former, then he may be anti-hunting each other.

Of course, the premise is that the other party is only himself.

And if it was the latter, he would have to let the fleet run away.

An opponent of this level is not so easy to deal with.

At least, even if all of his battleships have black technology, they can't deal with it.

"Shen Ling, can you calculate the approximate distance of these attacks?"

Shen Yi asked.

Now this bloody sun has not disappeared.

However, he was no longer particularly worried.

Because, according to the feedback given by the battle command super brain over there.

Today's Dawning-class frigates are a little difficult to block.

But for the time being it's ok.

As long as the opponent does not come with another D-level (arm-spinning) attack, their energy barrier is unlikely to be broken.

This is what these Dawn-class frigates can do.

If it was another S-class (stellar-class) frigate, under this level of attack, it would have long since turned into a pile of garbage in the universe.

"Yes, according to the energy loss of the opponent's attack, it can be inferred that the opponent is 300 million kilometers away from us.

Shen Ling quickly gave the answer.

If the other party didn't fire, she still couldn't determine the other party's position.

But since the opponent has attacked, it is still very simple to calculate the opponent's position.

Of course, other stellar civilizations can't do this kind of thing.

It's just that Shen Yi is different.

Not only did Shen Ling reach the C level (arm rotation level) on the body level.

At the same time, he also has a C-level (arm-spinning) level of attack...

Therefore, they can judge the location of each other through the problem of energy loss.

At this moment, the bloody sun in the starry sky slowly disappeared.

A dry battleship at the center of the bombing was revealed.

Although the golden energy barrier of the dawn-class frigate, only a thin layer is left.

But they still exist sturdily, protecting a whole bunch of battleships at the rear.

Moreover, with the end of the attack, this layer of energy barrier has also regained its brilliance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is where Shen Yi's warships are unreasonable.

Change to the warships of other civilizations, even if you are lucky enough to block this wave of attacks.

They also consume almost the same amount of energy.

However, Shen Yi's side can remotely power these warships.

As long as his total energy is not used up, then these warships can achieve unlimited energy.

There are only two ways for the enemy to break through the barriers of these Dawning-class frigates.

Or rely on the intensive and powerful attack to directly break through the upper limit of the defense of the dawn-class frigate.

Either by means of an absolute attack, directly smashing the energy barrier of the Dawning-class frigate.

Other than that, there is absolutely no other way.

Fighting a war of attrition would have no effect on Shen Yi's fleet.

However, although these battleships are preserved.

But those starfighters that didn't come back in time were completely destroyed.

More than 400,000 star fighters were directly destroyed and became a pile of ruins...

Of course, Shen Yi didn't feel bad about it.

There is no need to feel distressed about something that can be replenished with a little energy.

This is just a way of attacking an interstellar aircraft carrier.

Just like the rail shells of the rail warship and the star destroyer of the star destroyer, if you shoot it, you will shoot it out.

"Shen Ling, let the fleet catch up and try to kill this Jisuan-class battleship!"

Glancing at the almost unscathed fleet, Shen Yi's eyes flashed a gleam of brilliance.

Although this thing is very exaggerated.

After all, the fact that a group of stellar-class warships counteracted the jib-spin-class warship, even if the entire universe has never happened.

However, this is not entirely without chance.

Interstellar carriers and magnetic rail heavy and light cruisers may be of little use against an adversary of this caliber.

However, the Dawning-class frigates can achieve some effects by virtue of the Dawning collision.

After all, Dawning Clash is an attack that can reach the D-level (arm-spinning level) level...

He is just relying on the collision, and he has to leave the other party behind!

Moreover, the Gale-class Star Destroyer and the Magnetic Rail Heavy Cruiser, which are S-class (stellar-class), cannot actually attack the Boom-class.

But their attack has a very strong impact, which can effectively prevent the enemy's charge formation.

That's why, Shen Yi chose them to join the fleet.

There are interstellar aircraft carriers responsible for scanning maps, Dawn-class frigates responsible for charging in defense, plus Gale-class star destroyers and magnetic rail heavy cruisers for counter-charge.

The function of this fleet is basically perfect.

However, at this moment, the role of these Gale-class Star Destroyers and Magnetic Rail Heavy Cruisers is obviously not a counter-charge.

Instead, it was used to interrupt the opponent to escape.

Although it is not known how many arm-spin-class battleships exist on the other side.

But just before the other side only launched an attack, Shen Yi wanted to bet that the other side came with one...

The information at the arm-spin level is too important to him.

Security had reason to let him take such a big risk.

"Yes, Master!

Shen Ling also quickly gave an order, and the remaining seven fleets also quickly entered the full speed cruise.

Anyway, they are not afraid of the loss of energy.

So, no time to waste at all.

At the same time, the fleet left here also began to sprint at full speed.

A full 1,506 battleships rushed towards the enemy 300 million kilometers away.

At this moment, the Frost Demon King on the other side of the Frost Demon King and a group of senior officials of the Frost Demon civilization, looking at that can be said to be still intact.

Even the fleet that was rushing towards them couldn't help being a little confused.

Although their previous one shot completely wiped out hundreds of thousands of each other's space fighters.

However, no one was too happy.

Because, they were full of confident blows, but they were actually blocked by the other party?

"Even if the opponent is 360 S-class (star-class) frigates, it won't be so outrageous! This is the attack of the arm-spin-class battleship!"

A Frost Demon Civilization high-level trembling said.

This level of defense is a bit outrageous!

This is as outrageous as a primitive man holding a stone spear, blocking the 99A main battle tank shells with the stone spear in his hand.

At the same time, this made them even more suspicious that they were being targeted by the arm-spinning civilization.

"It seems that this is the means of the arm rotation-level civilization, hum! It is too much to ignore the frost demon civilization if you want to deal with me with a group of S-level (star-level) warships! 35

The Frost Demon King's tone was somewhat solemn.

What if the opponent blocked his attack.

He now owns a genuine Armspin class warship.

Since the other party looked down on him so much, he wanted to deal with him with a pile of broken S-class (star-class) warships.

Then he rudely ate all these battleships!

Although these battleships may not care about each other.

Those who can drive the battleship, the other party will always feel distressed!

"Pass my order! Quickly approach the past and wipe them out for me!

Frost Demon King's eyes were fierce.

Now he can be sure that the other party is indeed a fleet sent by the arm rotation-level civilization.

Otherwise, it is impossible to block the attack of the main gun of the Frost Demon with a group of S-class (star-class) frigates.

Therefore, he is ready to escape with the Frost Demon King and the Frost Demon civilization... No, preparations for a tactical retreat.

However, before the tactical retreat, he also had to teach this arrogant arm-spinning civilization a hard lesson.

Let the other party know that their frost demon civilization is not easy to mess with.

Sooner or later, they will find this place back!

At that time, he would step on the head of the opponent's master and let everyone on the opponent kneel and sing conquest for him!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The minister below is waking up like a dream at this moment.

That's right, they are now rider arm-spin-class battleships, so that's scary!

For a time, everyone's faces showed a frenzy.

Even those scientific researchers are the same.

Frost Demon Civilization... A terrifying civilization that climbed up on the corpses of many civilizations.

Which Frost Demon who could successfully reach adulthood did not grow up on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

There is cruelty and blood in their bones.

Even those scientific researchers do the same.

The Frost Demon King also moved at this moment.

It has reached a speed of Mach 20,000, which makes all the people of the Frost Demon civilization on the Frost Demon King a little excited.

It was the first time they had seen such a terrifying speed.

Of course, they don't know that such a speed is actually very common in D-level (arm rotation level) 3.6.

Even a behemoth like Shen Yi's Death Star Fortress can travel at full speed at Mach 30,000.

One can imagine how slow the Frost Demon King is.

Of course, this does not mean that the battleship itself is bad.

If this battleship is intact, it must be at the C-class (arm-spinning) level.

Unfortunately, this battleship is not complete.

The trauma he suffered at the beginning even tore apart most of the hull of the battleship.

Even if Frost Demon Civilization is fully repaired, it is only barely repaired.

If it is not because the repairing process is too poor, the repairing materials are not strong.

The speed that this battleship can exert will definitely be several times faster than it is now.

And in the process of the two sides approaching quickly.

The main battery of the Frost Demon also recharged.

With a large amount of energy from the Frost Demon civilization, the Frost Demon King does not worry about energy problems at all.

With their reserves of energy, enough to supply the Frost Demon for decades...

Five minutes later, when the two sides approached 200 million kilometers, the second antimatter main artillery bombed over.

The terrifying blood-colored beam of light reappeared in the dark starry sky.

It must be said that the power of this attack is indeed powerful and terrifying.

Even if there are 360 ​​Dawning-class frigates in existence, they still feel enormous pressure.

And, this time, because of the full speed of the road.

Although the attack was still blocked, the aftermath still shattered more than forty Fire Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers.

Even the Dawning-class frigates suffered serious injuries.

However, in the case of hurrying on the road, facing the arm-spin-class battleship, only such a loss occurs, which is already very good.

At least, Shen Yi is very satisfied.

Moreover, according to Shen Ling's calculations, the distance between the two sides is getting closer.

This shows that the other party is also approaching them, which is a good thing.

Shen Yi was also afraid that the other party would just slip away!

And this wave of attacks caused Shen Yi to suffer losses, which obviously made everyone on the Frost Demon King feel overjoyed.

Although this time the harvest is somewhat unsatisfactory.

But they don't care at all!

They rushed over with the idea of ​​​​destroying this 'Arms-class civilization' fleet!

So, they don't care about a little energy loss at all.

As long as they can teach this 'arm-spin' civilization some lessons, they are very happy.

Moreover, they are full of confidence in the defense of the Frost Demon.

This is an arm-spin-level warship.

and stellar level are almost two dimensions of existence.

They don't think the other side can break through their defenses.

When the two sides approached 100 million kilometers, the third wave of attacks from the Frost Demon King came.

This time, Shen Yi's losses were slightly larger.

The loss of the Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier reached 70, and the loss of the Dawn-class frigate reached 20.

As for Gale-class Star Destroyers and Magnetic Rail Heavy Cruisers, 5 and 7 were lost, respectively.

It has to be said that the arm-spin-level attack is indeed terrifying.

Moreover, that terrifying range is also very perverted.

If it wasn't for the other party being too confident, instead of pulling the distance, he would take the initiative to move closer to them.

I'm afraid they don't even have the chance to get close, and they will be killed by the other party's kite.

Of course, if they stay still, the other party may not be able to move them.

And when the fourth wave of the other party's attack arrived... The Frost Demon King had already arrogantly drove directly to their faces.

The other party didn't seem to have any intention of looking down on them at all.

Even Shen Yi was stunned by the other party's actions.

"What's so special, there are such good people?"

Shen Yi stared at the screen in a stunned manner, and rushed directly to the arm-spin battleship less than 500,000 kilometers in front of the fleet, wondering.

This distance may seem long.

But in fact, for S-class (stellar-class) warships, it is nothing at all.

It's only a few minutes away!

Moreover, the other party has not stopped, and is still approaching his fleet.

Seems like... wanting to ram straight towards his fleet!.

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