It's a lot of trouble!

    There are not many fleshy females in the Insect Empire, about 80% of them are promising.

    General s-class females are like Tianwang Laozi in local or remote areas.

    ss-level females are the talents that the empire attaches great importance to. And how many years must you serve the country, lead troops on expeditions, and naturally occupy a high position after making great military exploits!


    ssss level bugs not to mention.

    Brandt is a ssss-level worm, because he is a partner of the worm emperor, he cannot leave the main star without permission! It is a death penalty! ! As soon as he left, he affected a lot of forces, led by Aobe, and dispatched many high-level female insects that night! This movement is too big, no one is a fool, if it is an ordinary worm, let alone go out, even if it dies, there will be no waves. Now that Brandt was sleeping in his room, Obescieling made a gamble to win, and the consequence of desperate bets was that he would not be successful, so he had to come up with a reasonable explanation immediately.

      The behavior is very similar to Brandt! This is a conspiracy, a plan thrown out for a long time at the critical moment when the timing is the tightest, so that those who are insatiable will voluntarily take the bait!

    Xi Ling is smart and Aobe is wise, how could it be so easy to be fooled?


    A very trustworthy bug betrayed, he swore that it was absolutely Brandt, and swore a poisonous oath so that Aubei could not miss the opportunity!

    From the time Aubey was fifteen, this guy was around.

    Obey's expression was exactly the same as usual, but Xi Ling knew that he was angry and in a bad mood. Even cold-blooded females must have something or something they care about. Aubei is forty-four years old, and he must have experienced a lot of such things. Xi Ling believes that he will be able to cheer up immediately.

    Usually this kind of difficult time is faced by Aubei himself, right?

    Xi Ling loves him very much, no one likes to betray, especially those who believe! What's more, they have been together for decades! Xi Ling took Aubei's hand, squeezed and rubbed it a little harder, pulled the female worm into her arms to comfort her, and rubbed her face gently with the palm of her hand.

    Obey said indifferently: "I'm fine, I'm just thinking about **** him."

    "Huh?" Xi Ling raised her eyebrows and raised the corners of her mouth: "Why did your subordinates betray? Is there any reason for the worm to fall into Brandt's hands?"

    "The family bug was kidnapped, he had to vote, he cried and knelt down and told me that he only did this once, and only this time, he was loyal to me, Oh... Sincerely? What a wonderful word, he can clearly tell me in advance that I am his master, and I will call the shots for him!"

    "Obey!" Xi Ling felt distressed and tightened her arms, wanting to give comfort and body temperature, as well as unlimited support.

    "I'm fine," Obey is actually really good, there will be one from time to time, but this time it is the highest level, and the loss is not small: "I will execute him, the reason is impossible When I make it public, I can only force a few crimes. He cried and cried when other subordinates were present... Why didn't he want to use public opinion to suppress me, as long as he left the main star, the sky was high and the birds flew, and he could bring a lot of money and wealth to his old age. "

    Xi Ling sneered: "If you want to be ignorant, you can't do anything unless you don't know what to do.

    Obey put one hand on Xi Ling's face and sighed slightly: "It's good to have you."

      I really want to be you now."

    "Then do it! Five times?"

    Yeah! In order to comfort his wife's emotions, Xi Ling intends to shoot him all the essence! o(n_n)o So happy.

    The atmosphere in the central area of ​​the Insect Empire is very tense, the wind and rain are about to come, the Insect Emperor is not too old to be demented, and Aubei did not say hello with such a big action, the end can be imagined.

    Xi Ling was very nervous. The more nervous she became, the more expressionless her face became. Aubei was originally an expressionless worm, and only showed her soft side when facing house worms.

    Xi Ling thought of a lot of excuses, all of which were well-founded and well-founded, all of which were denied by Aubei. Xi Ling also knew that no matter how many bugs stabbed the problem at the critical moment, it all depends on the bug emperor. mean.

    Insect Emperor said that you are wrong, even if you are right, you are wrong. →_→.

    On the contrary, the worm emperor thinks you are ok, then everything will be fine, and throwing a "secret mission" can seal all the mouths.

    One day has passed, two days have passed, five days have passed... Xi Ling and Aubei are honestly staying in the palace and working hard to love each other. It is rumored that this is the last madness, and there are also rumors of arrogance. of. But Xi Ling and Aubei were really mad with joy, and that's the truth of the so-called unintentional insertion of willows and willows. I used to look forward to it every day, and there was no movement at all~(≧▽≦)/~ Really excited!

    Obey has a child~(^_^)~

    This time it was said that triplets were born, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh what should I do if the three treasures haven't changed shape yet? No matter, the big deal is to sit on the bus!

    Xi Lingle was jumping up and down, and quickly sent a message to Heber!

    Aubei and Xi Ling are very low-key, they didn't tell the world, but they told the most important bugs, I have to say they are too cheap and bitch!

    A crisis just subsided? ? ?

    In order to catch Brandt, Aubei dispatched five sss, three ssss, and the commandos in the port! Hundreds of s-rank fighting females!

    Such a big thing will definitely not be over, many bugs believe it!

    Because Insect Emperor did not express his position at first, watching the public opinion, many people who knew the inside story believed that Insect Emperor was trying to kill or not.

    The queen was placed under house arrest, Brandt could sit back and relax, waiting for the king to decide! The Oak did not participate in the whole process and was picked clean.

    Ten days have passed, one month has passed, two months have passed...Obey's stomach seems to be a little swollen.

    Speaking of which, it’s all Aobe’s fault. I don’t even know if my therapeutic device is broken. I could find out the data of Dabao when I was pregnant before, but I didn’t know the existence of Erbao and Sanbao. This time it’s the same. right? I don't know how many Xi Lings Ao Bei is pregnant with. Before Aubei always said no, this greatly hit Xi Ling's self-esteem! We are healthy and vigorous worms, there is no reason!

    So I checked it secretly, it's been more than two months, okay? (vv)

    Obey...If I didn't love him too much, Xi Ling would want to chill him for a few days. The key is that now she is four months pregnant. When I was young, I laughed and messed up for a while, and Aubei couldn't stand it anymore.


    Check it out, there are three! Three cubs? I must be watching the wrong mode!

    Hebe is not calm, how is it possible? Maybe the therapy device is broken? The antique models that have been used for hundreds of years should be eliminated, ashamed~(⊙﹏⊙)

      What if there are really two or three in Aube's belly? Then there is no other way, but let them also be black households and take a bus. Sanbao has been a little lazy recently, sleeping more than half of the day, and seems to be accumulating strength.

    If Aubei gave birth to the Three Treasures and has not transformed, it doesn't matter, it is said that one of the congenital defects has disappeared. This situation is very common.

    Hebe sent a message to the Insect Emperor and asked the Insect Emperor to come and take a look, and bring him hundreds of healing instruments by the way!

    The Insect Emperor is really here, after all, it is called by Heber o(n_n)o The Insect Emperor came quite fast, holding Delan and checking it with the latest therapeutic device Three times, indeed three!

    Insect Emperor's eyes rounded for a moment and returned to normal.

    Heber thought so too, and there is no such case in history!

    Insect Emperor and Aobe had nothing to say, he wouldn't admit the fact that he was jealous again, he just explained a few words and took Xi Ling out to chat, but Xibo had a lot to talk about Baby, talk about life, talk about Brandt.

    In the garden, the Insect Emperor walked to the steps and stood still, commanding and shady.

    Xi Ling lowered her head and pretended to be afraid.

    Insect Emperor was relieved, he was also a male, why did Xi Ling win three? Not scientific!

    Well, the atmosphere around is not very good! Xi Ling deliberately grabbed the hem of the clothes with his hands, pretending to be pitiful.

    Insect Emperor put away his momentum and was willing to speak: "Stupid." Referring to Brandt.

    Xi Ling understood in seconds, and immediately echoed: "We know we were wrong."

    "It's early..."

    Insect Emperor chatted with Xi Ling, naturally the Insect Emperor was high, it turned out that the Insect Emperor did not take this matter to heart at all, because of the stupidity of Ao Bei and Xi Ling, he deliberately cooled him For two or two months, let them know that they should think twice about everything, and the impulse is the devil! Furthermore, Brandt is still doing well, always acting as a demon in the dark, and Eber is very concerned about it, for fear that the Insect Emperor will be interested in him! Even disturbed to the point of sleepless nights!

    Insect Emperor regrets handing over the task to the little insect cub. It is better to come by himself, and just click the knife in his hand, so his attitude towards Xi Ling is regarded as anger. After the insect emperor left, he knew what he was doing. What's going on, I found out the drug sales qualification that Xi Ling applied for a long time ago, and gave the permission.

    On the other hand, Fang Jian's female father is very good, Xi Ling just led the way and didn't give him all the evidence, but he followed the clues and actually took the one Fang Jian dated before. The matter of the little female bug was dug up, this bug has been killed long ago, so he caught his house bug and friends, coerced/coerced/baited, and the **** wrist scared these bugs to fart/roll/urine/flow, crying bitterly Tears will tell the truth.

    This is terrible, Fang Jian's female father did not discuss with Xi Ling, because the main star's network is not fully connected, it is regional, and it must be logged in internally. Therefore, Fang Jian's female father simply followed the practice of Xi Ling's marriage, and hung the video window with a floating car, and played it on a loop in a place with many insects.

    This kind of thing, you can see who did it! Got caught that day. Xi Lingcheng's palace was so deep and calm, he actually smashed the vase in anger. save! Can't be saved, it's easy to kill. This worm is very useful, and the Orc dog can't be killed by jumping off the wall.

    The main star is boiling, and even the temperature is high, Fang Jian actually has an affair with Oak? Omg! how can that be?

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